Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void logUserAccess()
            NameValueCollection values = Configurator.GetConfig("globals");
            string APIServiceActive    = values["APIServiceActive"] ?? "False";

            if (APIServiceActive != "True")
                //don't do anything

            //log the user, client, institution, machine name, ip address, etc. to the Registration Server database
            //by doing a RESTful POST with all relevant info
            string APIPostUserLogURL = values["APIPostUserLogURL"] ?? "None";

            if (APIPostUserLogURL == "None")

                using (TimedWebClient client = new TimedWebClient(5000))  //wait at most 5 seconds for a response
                    System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection reqparm = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection();
                    RiskApps3.Model.MetaData.User u = RiskApps3.Controllers.SessionManager.Instance.ActiveUser;
                    reqparm.Add("user_login", u.User_userLogin);
                    reqparm.Add("user_fullname", u.User_userFullName);
                    reqparm.Add("ntUser", getNTUser());
                    reqparm.Add("machine_name", Environment.MachineName);
                    reqparm.Add("os_version", Environment.OSVersion.ToString());
                    //Add other desired params here
                    //  even something like this works:
                    //    reqparm.Add("param1", "<any> kinds & of = ? strings");
                    //params must be compatible with node service code (currently 'hello.js'), sp_3_Insert_UserLog, and tblUserLog

                    byte[] responsebytes = client.UploadValues(APIPostUserLogURL, "POST", reqparm);
                    string responsebody  = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(responsebytes);

                    //TODO: Verify response is as expected
                    if (!responsebody.Contains("HRA registration server got your data!"))
                        Logger.Instance.WriteToLog("[RegistrationService] at URL " + APIPostUserLogURL + " did not send the standard expected response.");
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.Instance.WriteToLog("[RegistrationService] could not connect to URL " + APIPostUserLogURL + ":\n\t" + e.Message);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void logUserAccess()
            NameValueCollection values = Configurator.GetConfig("globals");
            string APIServiceActive = values["APIServiceActive"] ?? "False";

            if (APIServiceActive != "True")
                //don't do anything

            //log the user, client, institution, machine name, ip address, etc. to the Registration Server database
            //by doing a RESTful POST with all relevant info
            string APIPostUserLogURL = values["APIPostUserLogURL"] ?? "None";
            if (APIPostUserLogURL == "None") return;

                using (TimedWebClient client = new TimedWebClient(5000))  //wait at most 5 seconds for a response
                    System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection reqparm = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection();
                    RiskApps3.Model.MetaData.User u = RiskApps3.Controllers.SessionManager.Instance.ActiveUser;
                    reqparm.Add("user_login", u.User_userLogin);
                    reqparm.Add("user_fullname", u.User_userFullName);
                    reqparm.Add("ntUser", getNTUser());
                    reqparm.Add("machine_name", Environment.MachineName);
                    reqparm.Add("os_version", Environment.OSVersion.ToString());
                    //Add other desired params here
                    //  even something like this works:
                    //    reqparm.Add("param1", "<any> kinds & of = ? strings");
                    //params must be compatible with node service code (currently 'hello.js'), sp_3_Insert_UserLog, and tblUserLog

                    byte[] responsebytes = client.UploadValues(APIPostUserLogURL, "POST", reqparm);
                    string responsebody = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(responsebytes);

                    //TODO: Verify response is as expected
                    if (!responsebody.Contains("HRA registration server got your data!"))
                        Logger.Instance.WriteToLog("[RegistrationService] at URL " + APIPostUserLogURL + " did not send the standard expected response.");
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.Instance.WriteToLog("[RegistrationService] could not connect to URL " + APIPostUserLogURL + ":\n\t" + e.Message);
Exemplo n.º 3
        // if force is true, update tables no matter what the dates are for the last update or the dates of tables on the server
        public static void updateTables(Boolean bForce)
            NameValueCollection values = Configurator.GetConfig("globals");
            string APIServiceActive = values["APIServiceActive"] ?? "False";

            if (APIServiceActive != "True")
                //don't overwrite any tables and simply return

            if (!bForce)
                //get the local script date of the most recent script run
                string localDBDate = (string)BCDB2.Instance.ExecuteScalarQuery(@"
                    SELECT TOP (1) scriptDate
                    FROM tblScriptsRun
                    ORDER BY dateRun DESC, scriptDate DESC");

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(localDBDate))
                    //test to see if the local DB needs freshening
                    //by comparing the result of the similar script run on the Server
                    string APIGetScriptsRunDateURL = values["APIGetScriptsRunDateURL"] ?? "None";
                    if (APIGetScriptsRunDateURL == "None") return;

                    //var jsonScriptsRunDate = new WebClient().DownloadString(APIGetScriptsRunDateURL);
                    //new way: get response w/in 5 seconds or exception out
                        var jsonScriptsRunDate = new TimedWebClient(5000).DownloadString(APIGetScriptsRunDateURL);

                        var jObjScriptsRunDate = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonScriptsRunDate);
                        string scriptsRunDate = jObjScriptsRunDate.SelectToken("scriptsRunDate").ToObject<string>();
                        //since both dates are char strings in YYYY-MM-DD format, which go from highest to least significant digits,
                        //we can use direct string comparison without bothering to convert to dates
                        if (String.Compare(localDBDate, scriptsRunDate) >= 0)  //local DB is already more recently updated or same as the Service's date
                    catch (WebException wex)
                        Logger.Instance.WriteToLog("[RefreshTables] could not connect to URL " + APIGetScriptsRunDateURL + ":\n\t" + wex.Message);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Logger.Instance.WriteToLog("[RefreshTables] could not process response from " + APIGetScriptsRunDateURL + ":\n\t" + ex.Message);

            string APIGetGenTablesURL = values["APIGetGenTablesURL"] ?? "None";
            if (APIGetGenTablesURL == "None") return;
            var json = ""; //old way didn't handle firewall issue properly: new WebClient().DownloadString(APIGetGenTablesURL);
            //new way: get response w/in 10 seconds or exception out
                json = new TimedWebClient(10000).DownloadString(APIGetGenTablesURL);
            catch (WebException wex)
                Logger.Instance.WriteToLog("[RefreshTables] could not connect to URL " + APIGetGenTablesURL + ":\n\t" + wex.Message);

            var jArr = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);

            var tableList = jArr.ToObject<object[]>().ToList();

            foreach (JObject jObj in tableList)
                string tableName = jObj.SelectToken("tableName").ToObject<string>();

                var colNamesList = jObj.SelectToken("colNames").ToObject<string[]>().ToList();
                string colNames = String.Join(",", colNamesList.ToArray());

                var dataList = jObj.SelectToken("data").ToObject<object[][]>().ToList();
                var dataRows = dataList.ToArray<object[]>();

                DataTable dt = new DataTable(tableName);
                foreach (var c in colNamesList)
                    DataColumn col = new DataColumn();

                // add all rows to DataRowCollection.
                foreach (var r in dataRows)
                    DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
                    dr.ItemArray = r;

                //remove existing records in table
                BCDB2.Instance.ExecuteNonQuery("TRUNCATE TABLE " + tableName);

                //insert new data drom Service into table
                using (SqlBulkCopy bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(BCDB2.Instance.getConnectionString()))
                    bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = tableName;
                        // Write from the source to the destination.
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Logger.Instance.WriteToLog("[RefreshTables] could not do SQL bulk copy of table " + tableName + ":\n\t" + ex.Message);
                Logger.Instance.WriteToLog("RefreshTables successfully updated table " + tableName + " from the Server.");
Exemplo n.º 4
        // if force is true, update tables no matter what the dates are for the last update or the dates of tables on the server
        public static void updateTables(Boolean bForce)
            NameValueCollection values = Configurator.GetConfig("globals");
            string APIServiceActive    = values["APIServiceActive"] ?? "False";

            if (APIServiceActive != "True")
                //don't overwrite any tables and simply return

            if (!bForce)
                //get the local script date of the most recent script run
                string localDBDate = (string)BCDB2.Instance.ExecuteScalarQuery(@"
                    SELECT TOP (1) scriptDate
	                FROM tblScriptsRun
	                ORDER BY dateRun DESC, scriptDate DESC"    );

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(localDBDate))
                    //test to see if the local DB needs freshening
                    //by comparing the result of the similar script run on the Server
                    string APIGetScriptsRunDateURL = values["APIGetScriptsRunDateURL"] ?? "None";
                    if (APIGetScriptsRunDateURL == "None")

                    //var jsonScriptsRunDate = new WebClient().DownloadString(APIGetScriptsRunDateURL);
                    //new way: get response w/in 5 seconds or exception out
                        var jsonScriptsRunDate = new TimedWebClient(5000).DownloadString(APIGetScriptsRunDateURL);

                        var    jObjScriptsRunDate = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonScriptsRunDate);
                        string scriptsRunDate     = jObjScriptsRunDate.SelectToken("scriptsRunDate").ToObject <string>();
                        //since both dates are char strings in YYYY-MM-DD format, which go from highest to least significant digits,
                        //we can use direct string comparison without bothering to convert to dates
                        if (String.Compare(localDBDate, scriptsRunDate) >= 0)  //local DB is already more recently updated or same as the Service's date
                    catch (WebException wex)
                        Logger.Instance.WriteToLog("[RefreshTables] could not connect to URL " + APIGetScriptsRunDateURL + ":\n\t" + wex.Message);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Logger.Instance.WriteToLog("[RefreshTables] could not process response from " + APIGetScriptsRunDateURL + ":\n\t" + ex.Message);

            string APIGetGenTablesURL = values["APIGetGenTablesURL"] ?? "None";

            if (APIGetGenTablesURL == "None")
            var json = ""; //old way didn't handle firewall issue properly: new WebClient().DownloadString(APIGetGenTablesURL);

            //new way: get response w/in 10 seconds or exception out
                json = new TimedWebClient(10000).DownloadString(APIGetGenTablesURL);
            catch (WebException wex)
                Logger.Instance.WriteToLog("[RefreshTables] could not connect to URL " + APIGetGenTablesURL + ":\n\t" + wex.Message);

            var jArr = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);

            var tableList = jArr.ToObject <object[]>().ToList();

            foreach (JObject jObj in tableList)
                string tableName = jObj.SelectToken("tableName").ToObject <string>();

                var    colNamesList = jObj.SelectToken("colNames").ToObject <string[]>().ToList();
                string colNames     = String.Join(",", colNamesList.ToArray());

                var dataList = jObj.SelectToken("data").ToObject <object[][]>().ToList();
                var dataRows = dataList.ToArray <object[]>();

                DataTable dt = new DataTable(tableName);
                foreach (var c in colNamesList)
                    DataColumn col = new DataColumn();

                // add all rows to DataRowCollection.
                foreach (var r in dataRows)
                    DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
                    dr.ItemArray = r;

                //remove existing records in table
                BCDB2.Instance.ExecuteNonQuery("TRUNCATE TABLE " + tableName);

                //insert new data drom Service into table
                using (SqlBulkCopy bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(BCDB2.Instance.getConnectionString()))
                    bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = tableName;
                        // Write from the source to the destination.
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Logger.Instance.WriteToLog("[RefreshTables] could not do SQL bulk copy of table " + tableName + ":\n\t" + ex.Message);
                Logger.Instance.WriteToLog("RefreshTables successfully updated table " + tableName + " from the Server.");