Exemplo n.º 1
        public List <string> GetActiveCodeletNames()
            List <string> names = new List <string>();

            foreach (Assembly asm in assemblies)
                foreach (Type t in asm.GetExportedTypes())
                    foreach (Attribute a in t.GetCustomAttributes(false))
                        CodeletAttribute ca = a as CodeletAttribute;
                        if (ca != null)
                            if (ca.Active)
                                Codelet c = (Codelet)asm.CreateInstance(t.FullName, false, BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null,
                                                                        new object[] { ca.DefaultUrgency, null, this, workspace, slipnet },
                                                                        null, null);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Populate()

            if (Constants.SHOW_CODERACK_URGENCIES_CONSOLE)
                Log("Coderack size: " + codelets.Count.ToString());

                // Show % of each type.
                SortedDictionary <string, double> urgencies = new SortedDictionary <string, double>();
                double total = 0;
                foreach (Codelet c in codelets)
                    if (urgencies.ContainsKey(c.Name))
                        urgencies[c.Name] += c.Urgency;
                        urgencies[c.Name] = c.Urgency;
                    total += c.Urgency;

                Log("\nCoderack state:");

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double> p in urgencies)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0:0.0}%:\t{1}", 100.0 * p.Value / total, p.Key);


            // Initialize Coderack with the codelets we find via reflection.
            // TODO: Do this at compile-time, with PostSharp
            int numAdded = 0;

            foreach (Assembly asm in assemblies)
                foreach (Type t in asm.GetExportedTypes())
                    foreach (Attribute a in t.GetCustomAttributes(false))
                        CodeletAttribute ca = a as CodeletAttribute;
                        if (ca != null)
                            if (ca.Active)
                                // Add 1 copy of each codelet.
                                for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                                    lock (CodeletsLock) {
                                        Codelet c = (Codelet)asm.CreateInstance(t.FullName, false, BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null,
                                                                                new object[] { ca.DefaultUrgency, null, this, workspace, slipnet },
                                                                                null, null);
                                        c.PostTime = workspace.CurrentTime;
                                //throw new Exception("Deprecated: Codelet disabled in attribute: " + t.FullName);
            Log("Number of codelets added in populate: " + numAdded.ToString());
