Exemplo n.º 1
        public PageDrawing(Pages pgs)
            // Set up the tooltip
            _tt = new ToolTip();
            _tt.Active = false;
            _tt.ShowAlways = true;

            _HitList = new List<HitListEntry>();
            _SelectList = new List<PageItem>();
            _LastZoom = 1;

            _pgs = pgs;

            // Get our graphics DPI
            Graphics ga = null;
                ga = this.CreateGraphics();
                DpiX = ga.DpiX;
                DpiY = ga.DpiY;
                DpiX = DpiY = 96;
                if (ga != null)
            // force to double buffering for smoother drawing
            //this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer |
            //    ControlStyles.UserPaint |
            //    ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint,
            //    true);

            this.DoubleBuffered = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
        internal float HeightOfRows(Pages pgs, Row r)
            if (this.Visibility != null && Visibility.IsHidden(pgs.Report, r))
                return 0;

            return _TableRows.HeightOfRows(pgs, r);
Exemplo n.º 3
        internal void RunPage(Pages pgs, Row row)
            WorkClass wc = this.GetValue(pgs.Report);

            if (wc.OutputRow == row && wc.OutputPage == pgs.CurrentPage)

            Page p = pgs.CurrentPage;

            //we need to run through all parent  groupings to see if there are groups that we are to repeat on new page
            float height = p.YOffset + HeightOfRows(pgs, row);
            if (height > pgs.BottomOfPage)
                bool bRepeatedParent = this.RepeatOnNewPage;
                Table t = OwnerTable;
                if (Parent.GetType() == typeof(TableGroup))
                    TableGroup tg = (TableGroup)Parent;
                    TableGroups tmp = (TableGroups)tg.Parent;

                    for (int i = 0; i < tmp.Items.Count; i++)
                        if (tmp.Items[i] == tg) //if we reached current header - break(no need to look at child groups)
                        if (tmp.Items[i].Header._RepeatOnNewPage)
                            bRepeatedParent = true;
                //if we have repeated parent group - we call RunPageHeader to repeat them
                //if current header is repeating too - we return(as we already put it)
                //if no - we put it to new page
                p = t.RunPageNew(pgs, p);
                if (bRepeatedParent)
                    t.RunPageHeader(pgs, row, false, null);
                    if (this.RepeatOnNewPage)
            //this will add current header
            _TableRows.RunPage(pgs, row);
            wc.OutputRow = row;
            wc.OutputPage = pgs.CurrentPage;
Exemplo n.º 4
        internal void RunPage(Pages pgs)
            if (OwnerReport.Subreport != null)
                return;		// don't process page footers for sub-reports
            if (_ReportItems == null)
            Report rpt = pgs.Report;

            rpt.TotalPages = pgs.PageCount;
            foreach (Page p in pgs)
                rpt.CurrentPage = p;		// needs to know for page header/footer expr processing
                p.YOffset = OwnerReport.PageHeight.Points
                                    - OwnerReport.BottomMargin.Points
                                    - this._Height.Points;
                p.XOffset = 0;
                pgs.CurrentPage = p;
                rpt.PageNumber = p.PageNumber;
                if (p.PageNumber == 1 && pgs.Count > 1 && !_PrintOnFirstPage)
                    continue;		// Don't put footer on the first page
                if (p.PageNumber == pgs.Count && !_PrintOnLastPage)
                    continue;		// Don't put footer on the last page
                _ReportItems.RunPage(pgs, null, OwnerReport.LeftMargin.Points);
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the current page and location based on the ReportItems 
        /// that are above it in the report.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pgs"></param>
        internal void SetPagePositionBegin(Pages pgs)
            // Update the current page
            if (this._YParents != null)
                ReportItem saveri=GetReportItemAbove(pgs.Report);
                if (saveri != null)
                    WorkClass wc = saveri.GetWC(pgs.Report);
                    pgs.CurrentPage = wc.CurrentPage;
                    pgs.CurrentPage.YOffset = wc.BottomPosition;
            else if (this.Parent.Parent is PageHeader)
                pgs.CurrentPage.YOffset = OwnerReport.TopMargin.Points;

            else if (this.Parent.Parent is PageFooter)
                pgs.CurrentPage.YOffset = OwnerReport.PageHeight.Points
                    - OwnerReport.BottomMargin.Points
                    - OwnerReport.PageFooter.Height.Points;
            else if (!(this.Parent.Parent is Body))
            {	// if not body then we don't need to do anything
            else if (this.OwnerReport.Subreport != null)
                //				pgs.CurrentPage = this.OwnerReport.Subreport.FirstPage;
                //				pgs.CurrentPage.YOffset = top;
                pgs.CurrentPage =  pgs.FirstPage;	// if nothing above it (in body) then it goes on first page
                pgs.CurrentPage.YOffset = OwnerReport.TopOfPage;

Exemplo n.º 6
 internal virtual void RunPage(Pages pgs, Row row)
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void RunPageGroups(Pages pgs, WorkClass wc, List<GroupEntry> groupEntries)
            Report rpt = pgs.Report;
            Page p = pgs.CurrentPage;
            float pagebottom = OwnerReport.BottomOfPage;
            //			p.YOffset += (Top == null? 0: this.Top.Points);
            p.YOffset += this.RelativeY(rpt);
            float listoffset = GetOffsetCalc(pgs.Report) + LeftCalc(pgs.Report);

            float height;
            Row row;

            foreach (GroupEntry ge in groupEntries)
                // set the group entry value
                int index;
                if (ge.Group != null)	// groups?
                    ge.Group.ResetHideDuplicates(rpt);	// reset duplicate checking
                    index = ge.Group.GetIndex(rpt);	// yes
                else					// no; must be main dataset
                    index = 0;
                wc.Data.CurrentGroups[index] = ge;
                if (ge.NestedGroup.Count > 0)
                    RunGroupsSetGroups(rpt, wc, ge.NestedGroup);

                if (ge.Group == null)
                {	// need to run all the rows since no group defined
                    for (int r=ge.StartRow; r <= ge.EndRow; r++)
                        row = wc.Data.Data[r];
                        height = HeightOfList(rpt, pgs.G, row);

                        if (p.YOffset + height > pagebottom && !p.IsEmpty())		// need another page for this row?
                            p = RunPageNew(pgs, p);					// yes; if at end this page is empty

                        float saveYoffset = p.YOffset;              // this can be affected by other page items

                        if (_ReportItems != null)
                            _ReportItems.RunPage(pgs, row, listoffset);

                        if (p == pgs.CurrentPage)       // did subitems force new page?
                        {   // no use the height of the list
                            p.YOffset = saveYoffset + height;
                        {   // got forced to new page; just add the padding on
                            p = pgs.CurrentPage;        // set to new page
                            if (this.Style != null)
                                p.YOffset += this.Style.EvalPaddingBottom(rpt, row);
                {	// need to process just whole group as a List entry
                    if (ge.Group.PageBreakAtStart && !p.IsEmpty())
                        p = RunPageNew(pgs, p);

                    // pass the first row of the group
                    row = wc.Data.Data[ge.StartRow];
                    height = HeightOfList(rpt, pgs.G, row);

                    if (p.YOffset + height > pagebottom && !p.IsEmpty())		// need another page for this row?
                        p = RunPageNew(pgs, p);					// yes; if at end this page is empty
                    float saveYoffset = p.YOffset;              // this can be affected by other page items

                    if (_ReportItems != null)
                        _ReportItems.RunPage(pgs, row, listoffset);

                    if (p == pgs.CurrentPage)       // did subitems force new page?
                    {   // no use the height of the list
                        p.YOffset = saveYoffset + height;
                    {   // got forced to new page; just add the padding on
                        p = pgs.CurrentPage;        // set to new page
                        if (this.Style != null)
                            p.YOffset += this.Style.EvalPaddingBottom(rpt, row);

                    if (ge.Group.PageBreakAtEnd ||					// need another page for next group?
                        p.YOffset + height > pagebottom)
                        p = RunPageNew(pgs, p);						// yes; if at end empty page will be cleaned up later
Exemplo n.º 8
 internal float HeightOfRows(Pages pgs, Row r)
     return(_TableRows.HeightOfRows(pgs, r));
Exemplo n.º 9
 internal void RunPage(Pages pgs, Row row, float xOffset)
     SetXOffset(pgs.Report, xOffset);
     foreach (ReportItem ri in _Items)
         ri.RunPage(pgs, row);
Exemplo n.º 10
 // we don't have paging turned on for xml
 public void RunPages(Pages pgs)
Exemplo n.º 11
 internal virtual void RunPage(Pages pgs, Row row)
Exemplo n.º 12
        internal override void RunPage(Pages pgs, Row row)
            Report r = pgs.Report;
            bool bHidden = IsHidden(r, row);


            // Handle page breaking at start
            if (this.PageBreakAtStart && !IsTableOrMatrixCell(r) && !pgs.CurrentPage.IsEmpty() && !bHidden)
            {	// force page break at beginning of dataregion
                pgs.CurrentPage.YOffset = OwnerReport.TopOfPage;

            PageRectangle pr = new PageRectangle();
            SetPagePositionAndStyle(r, pr, row);
            if (pr.SI.BackgroundImage != null)
                pr.SI.BackgroundImage.H = pr.H;		//   and in the background image

            if (!bHidden)
                Page p = pgs.CurrentPage;

                if (_ReportItems != null)
                    float saveY = p.YOffset;
               //             p.YOffset += (Top == null ? 0 : this.Top.Points);
                    p.YOffset = pr.Y;       // top of rectangle is base for contained report items
                    _ReportItems.RunPage(pgs, row, GetOffsetCalc(pgs.Report) + LeftCalc(r));
                    p.YOffset = saveY;

                // Handle page breaking at end
                if (this.PageBreakAtEnd && !IsTableOrMatrixCell(r) && !pgs.CurrentPage.IsEmpty())
                {	// force page break at beginning of dataregion
                    pgs.CurrentPage.YOffset = OwnerReport.TopOfPage;
            //			SetPagePositionEnd(pgs, pgs.CurrentPage.YOffset);
            SetPagePositionEnd(pgs, pr.Y + pr.H);
Exemplo n.º 13
        internal override void RunPage(Pages pgs, Row row)
            Report r = pgs.Report;
            if (IsHidden(r, row))

            base.RunPage(pgs, row);

            // need to save the owner report and nest in this defintion
            ReportDefn saveReport = r.ReportDefinition;
            NeedPassword np = r.GetDataSourceReferencePassword;   // get current password

            r.Folder = _ReportDefn.ParseFolder;		// folder needs to get set since the id of the report is used by the cache
            r.GetDataSourceReferencePassword = np;

            DataSourcesDefn saveDS = r.ParentConnections;
            if (this.MergeTransactions)
                r.ParentConnections = saveReport.DataSourcesDefn;
                r.ParentConnections = null;


            bool bRows = true;
            if (_Parameters == null)
            {	// When no parameters we only retrieve data once
                SubreportWorkClass wc = r.Cache.Get(this, "report") as SubreportWorkClass;

                if (wc == null)
                {   // run report first time;
                    bRows = r.RunGetData(null);
                    if (!r.IsSubreportDataRetrievalDefined)       // if use has defined subreportdataretrieval they might set data
                        r.Cache.Add(this, "report", new SubreportWorkClass(bRows));	    // so we can't cache
                    bRows = wc.bRows;
                SetSubreportParameters(r, row);		// apply the parameters
                bRows = r.RunGetData(null);

            SetPageLeft(r);				// Set the Left attribute since this will be the margin for this report


            float yOffset;

            if (bRows)  // Only run subreport if have a row in some Dataset
                // Run the subreport -- this is the major effort in creating the display objects in the page
                r.ReportDefinition.Body.RunPage(pgs);		// create a the subreport items
                yOffset = pgs.CurrentPage.YOffset;
            {   // Handle NoRows message
                string msg;
                if (this.NoRows != null)
                    msg = this.NoRows.EvaluateString(pgs.Report, null);
                    msg = null;

                if (msg != null)
                    PageText pt = new PageText(msg);
                    SetPagePositionAndStyle(pgs.Report, pt, null);

                    if (pt.SI.BackgroundImage != null)
                        pt.SI.BackgroundImage.H = pt.H;		//   and in the background image


                    yOffset = pt.Y + pt.H;
                    yOffset = pgs.CurrentPage.YOffset;

            r.SetReportDefinition(saveReport);			// restore the current report
            r.ParentConnections = saveDS;				// restore the data connnections

            SetPagePositionEnd(pgs, yOffset);
Exemplo n.º 14
 internal void RunPage(Pages pgs, Row row)
     RunPage(pgs, row, false);
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void RunPages(Pages pages)
            //loop thru the pages
            foreach (Page page in pages)
                //set the page height
                pageHeight = (int)report.ReportDefinition.PageHeight.Points;

                //set the page size in the document and create a new document page
                document.SetPageSize(new iTextSharp.text.Rectangle(report.ReportDefinition.PageWidth.Points, report.ReportDefinition.PageHeight.Points));

                //process the page
                processPage(pages, page);
Exemplo n.º 16
        internal override void RunPage(Pages pgs, Row row)
            Report rpt = pgs.Report;

            if (IsHidden(pgs.Report, row))


            // Build the Chart bitmap, along with data regions
            Page p = pgs.CurrentPage;
            ICustomReportItem cri = null;
            Bitmap bm = null;
                cri = EngineConfig.CreateCustomReportItem(_Type);
                SetProperties(pgs.Report, row, cri);

                int width = WidthCalc(rpt, pgs.G) -
                    (Style == null? 0 :
                        (Style.EvalPaddingLeftPx(rpt, row) + Style.EvalPaddingRightPx(rpt, row)));
                int height = RSize.PixelsFromPoints(this.HeightOrOwnerHeight) -
                    (Style == null? 0 :
                        (Style.EvalPaddingTopPx(rpt, row) + Style.EvalPaddingBottomPx(rpt, row)));
                bm = new Bitmap(width, height);

                MemoryStream ostrm = new MemoryStream();
                // 06122007AJM Changed to use high quality JPEG encoding
                //bm.Save(ostrm, IMAGEFORMAT);	// generate a jpeg   TODO: get png to work with pdf
                System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageCodecInfo[] info;
                info = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders();
                EncoderParameters encoderParameters;
                encoderParameters = new EncoderParameters(1);
                // 20022008 AJM GJL - Using centralised image quality
                encoderParameters.Param[0] = new EncoderParameter(Encoder.Quality, ImageQualityManager.CustomImageQuality);
                System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageCodecInfo codec = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < info.Length; i++)
                    if (info[i].FormatDescription == "JPEG")
                        codec = info[i];
                bm.Save(ostrm, codec, encoderParameters);

                byte[] ba = ostrm.ToArray();
                PageImage pi = new PageImage(IMAGEFORMAT, ba, width, height);	// Create an image
                pi.Sizing = ImageSizingEnum.Clip;
            //                RunPageRegionBegin(pgs);

                SetPagePositionAndStyle(rpt, pi, row);

                if (pgs.CurrentPage.YOffset + pi.Y + pi.H >= pgs.BottomOfPage && !pgs.CurrentPage.IsEmpty())
                {	// force page break if it doesn't fit on the page
                    pgs.CurrentPage.YOffset = OwnerReport.TopOfPage;
                    if (this.YParents != null)
                        pi.Y = 0;

                p = pgs.CurrentPage;

                p.AddObject(pi);	// Put image onto the current page

              //              RunPageRegionEnd(pgs);

                if (!this.PageBreakAtEnd && !IsTableOrMatrixCell(rpt))
                    float newY = pi.Y + pi.H;
                    p.YOffset += newY;	// bump the y location
                SetPagePositionEnd(pgs, pi.Y + pi.H);
            catch (Exception ex)
                rpt.rl.LogError(8, string.Format("Exception in CustomReportItem handling: {0}", ex.Message));
                if (cri != null)

Exemplo n.º 17
        internal void RunPage(Pages pgs, Row row)
            // todo: visibility on the column should really only be evaluated once at the beginning
            //   of the table processing;  also this doesn't account for the affect of colspan correctly
            //   where if any of the spanned columns are visible the value would show??
            TableColumn tc = _OwnerTable.TableColumns[_ColIndex];
            if (tc.Visibility != null && tc.Visibility.IsHidden(pgs.Report, row))	// column visible?
                return;													//  no nothing to do

            _ReportItems.Items[0].RunPage(pgs, row);
Exemplo n.º 18
        internal override void RunPage(Pages pgs, Row row)
            Report r = pgs.Report;
            if (IsHidden(r, row))

            WorkClass wc = GetValue(r);
            wc.Data = GetFilteredData(r, row);


            if (!AnyRowsPage(pgs, wc.Data))		// if no rows return
                return;						//   nothing left to do


            RunSetGrouping(pgs.Report, wc);

            RunPageGroups(pgs, wc, wc.Groups);

            SetPagePositionEnd(pgs, pgs.CurrentPage.YOffset);
Exemplo n.º 19
 public void RunPages(Pages pgs)         // we don't have paging turned on for xml
Exemplo n.º 20
 // we don't have paging turned on for html
 public void RunPages(Pages pgs)
Exemplo n.º 21
        internal void RunPage(Pages pgs, Row row)
            Page p = pgs.CurrentPage;
            if (p.YOffset + HeightOfRows(pgs, row) > pgs.BottomOfPage)
                p = OwnerTable.RunPageNew(pgs, p);
                OwnerTable.RunPageHeader(pgs, row, false, null);
            _TableRows.RunPage(pgs, row);

Exemplo n.º 22
        internal Page RunPageNew(Pages pgs, Page p)
            if (p.IsEmpty())			// if the page is empty it won't help to create another one
                return p;

            // Do we need a new page or have should we fill out more body columns
            Body b = OwnerReport.Body;
            int ccol = b.IncrCurrentColumn(pgs.Report);	// bump to next column

            float top = OwnerReport.TopOfPage;	// calc top of page

            if (ccol < b.Columns)
            {		// Stay on same page but move to new column
                p.XOffset =
                    ((OwnerReport.Width.Points + b.ColumnSpacing.Points) * ccol);
                p.YOffset = top;
                p.SetEmpty();			// consider this page empty
            {		// Go to new page
                b.SetCurrentColumn(pgs.Report, 0);
                p = pgs.CurrentPage;
                p.YOffset = top;
                p.XOffset = 0;

            return p;
Exemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Call LoadPageIfNeeded when a routine requires the report to be loaded in order
        /// to fulfill the request.
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadPageIfNeeded()
            if (_pgs == null)
                Cursor savec=null;
                System.Threading.Thread t=null;
                    // 15052008 AJM - Updating Render notification window - This could be improved to show current action in the future
                    if (_ShowWaitDialog)
                        t = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(showWait));
                    _InLoading = true;
                    savec = this.Cursor;				// this could take a while so put up wait cursor
                    this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                    _pgs = GetPages();
                    _DrawPanel.Pgs = _pgs;
                    CalcZoom();							// this could affect zoom
                    _InLoading = false;
                    if (savec != null)
                        this.Cursor = savec;
                    if (t != null)
                        int i = 0;
                        while ((t.ThreadState & System.Threading.ThreadState.AbortRequested) != System.Threading.ThreadState.AbortRequested &&
                            (t.ThreadState & System.Threading.ThreadState.Aborted) != System.Threading.ThreadState.Aborted &&
                            (t.ThreadState & System.Threading.ThreadState.Stopped) != System.Threading.ThreadState.Stopped &&
                            (t.ThreadState & System.Threading.ThreadState.StopRequested) != System.Threading.ThreadState.StopRequested)
                            catch //(Exception e) PJR don't declare variable as we aren't using it anyway.

                RdlViewer_Layout(this, null);				// re layout based on new report
Exemplo n.º 24
 internal void SetPagePositionEnd(Pages pgs, float pos)
     if (_TC != null || _InMatrix)			// don't mess with page if part of a table or in a matrix
     WorkClass wc = GetWC(pgs.Report);
     wc.CurrentPage = pgs.CurrentPage;
     wc.BottomPosition = pos;
Exemplo n.º 25
        public Viewer()
            _Parameters=null;				// parameters to run the report
            _pgs=null;						// the pages of the report to view
            _zoom=-1;						// force zoom to be calculated

            // Get our graphics DPI
            Graphics g = null;
                g = this.CreateGraphics();
                DpiX = g.DpiX;
                DpiY = g.DpiY;
                DpiX = DpiY = 96;
                if (g != null)

            _ScrollMode = ScrollModeEnum.Continuous;

            // Handle the controls
            _vScroll = new VScrollBar();
            _vScroll.Scroll += new ScrollEventHandler(this.VerticalScroll);
            _vScroll.Enabled = false;

            // tooltip
            _vScrollToolTip = new ToolTip();
            _vScrollToolTip.AutomaticDelay = 100;	// .1 seconds
            _vScrollToolTip.AutoPopDelay = 1000;	// 1 second
            _vScrollToolTip.ReshowDelay = 100;		// .1 seconds
            _vScrollToolTip.InitialDelay = 10;		// .01 seconds
            _vScrollToolTip.ShowAlways = false;
            _vScrollToolTip.SetToolTip(_vScroll, "");

            _hScroll = new HScrollBar();
            _hScroll.Scroll += new ScrollEventHandler(this.HorizontalScroll);
            _hScroll.Enabled = false;

            _DrawPanel = new PageDrawing(null);
            _DrawPanel.Parent = this;
            _DrawPanel.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(this.DrawPanelPaint);
            _DrawPanel.Resize += new EventHandler(this.DrawPanelResize);
            _DrawPanel.MouseWheel +=new MouseEventHandler(DrawPanelMouseWheel);
            _DrawPanel.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(DrawPanelKeyDown);

            _RunButton = new Button();
            _RunButton.Parent = this;
            _RunButton.Text = "Run Report";
            _RunButton.Width = 90;
            _RunButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat;
            _RunButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(ParametersViewClick);

            _WarningButton = new PictureBox();
            _WarningButton.Parent = this;
            _WarningButton.Width = 15;
            _WarningButton.Height = 15;
            _WarningButton.Paint +=new PaintEventHandler(_WarningButton_Paint);
            _WarningButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(WarningClick);
            ToolTip tip = new ToolTip();
            tip.AutomaticDelay = 500;
            tip.ShowAlways = true;
            tip.SetToolTip(_WarningButton, "Click to see Report Warnings");

            _ParameterPanel = new ScrollableControl();

            _FindCtl = new ViewerFind();
            _FindCtl.Height = 27;
            _FindCtl.Parent = this;
            _FindCtl.Viewer = this;
            _FindCtl.Visible = false;

            this.Layout +=new LayoutEventHandler(RdlViewer_Layout);

            // Must be added in this order for DockStyle to work correctly

Exemplo n.º 26
 internal float HeightOfRows(Pages pgs, Row r)
     return _TableRows.HeightOfRows(pgs, r);
Exemplo n.º 27
        private void ParametersViewClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            System.Threading.Thread t = null;
                _RunButton.Enabled = false;
                _errorMsgs = null;			// reset the error message
                if (this._Report == null)

                // Force parameters to get built
                foreach (Control ctl in _ParameterPanel.Controls)
                    if (ctl.Tag is UserReportParameter)
                        if (ctl is TextBox)
                            this.ParametersTextValidated(ctl, new EventArgs());
                        else if (ctl is ComboBox)
                            this.ParametersLeave(ctl, new EventArgs());

                bool bFail = false;
                foreach (UserReportParameter rp in _Report.UserReportParameters)
                    if (rp.Prompt == null)
                    if (rp.Value == null && !rp.Nullable)
                        MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Parameter '{0}' is required but not provided.", rp.Prompt), "Report Parameter Missing");
                        bFail = true;
                if (bFail)

                if (_ShowWaitDialog)
                    t = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(showWait));
                _pgs = GetPages(this._Report);
                _DrawPanel.Pgs = _pgs;
                _vScroll.Value = 0;
                _WarningButton.Visible = WarningVisible();
                // don't fail out;  occasionally get thread abort exception
                _RunButton.Enabled = true;
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
                if (t != null)
                    int i = 0;
                    while (t.ThreadState != System.Threading.ThreadState.AbortRequested && t.ThreadState != System.Threading.ThreadState.Aborted && t.ThreadState != System.Threading.ThreadState.Stopped && t.ThreadState != System.Threading.ThreadState.StopRequested)
                    { t.Abort();
                        i++; }
Exemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Forces the report to get rebuilt especially after changing parameters or data.
        /// </summary>
        public void Rebuild()
            // Aulofee customization - start. Code added (2 lines) to avoid to execute twice GetPages and so the SQL query (custo end).
            if (_pgs == null)

                if (_Report == null)
                    throw new Exception("Report must be loaded prior to Rebuild being called.");
                // Aulofee customization - start. Code added (2 lines) to avoid to execute twice GetPages and so the SQL query (custo end).
                _pgs = GetPages(this._Report);
            _DrawPanel.Pgs = _pgs;
            _vScroll.Value = 0;
Exemplo n.º 29
        internal bool AnyRowsPage(Pages pgs, Rows data)
            if (data != null && data.Data != null &&
                data.Data.Count > 0)
                return true;

            string msg;
            if (this.NoRows != null)
                msg = this.NoRows.EvaluateString(pgs.Report, null);
                msg = null;

            if (msg == null)
                return false;

            // OK we have a message we need to put out
            RunPageRegionBegin(pgs);				// still perform page break if needed

            PageText pt = new PageText(msg);
            SetPagePositionAndStyle(pgs.Report, pt, null);

            if (pt.SI.BackgroundImage != null)
                pt.SI.BackgroundImage.H = pt.H;		//   and in the background image


            RunPageRegionEnd(pgs);					// perform end page break if needed

            SetPagePositionEnd(pgs, pt.Y + pt.H);

            return false;
Exemplo n.º 30
        internal void RunPage(Pages pgs, Rows rs, int start, int end, float footerHeight)
            // if no rows output or rows just leave
            if (rs == null || rs.Data == null)

            if (this.Visibility != null && Visibility.IsHidden(pgs.Report, rs.Data[start]))
                return;                 // not visible

            Page p;

            Row row;
            for (int r=start; r <= end; r++)
                p = pgs.CurrentPage;			// this can change after running a row
                row = rs.Data[r];
                float hrows = HeightOfRows(pgs, row);	// height of all the rows in the details
                float height = p.YOffset + hrows;
                if (r == end)
                    height += footerHeight;		// on last row; may need additional room for footer
                if (height > pgs.BottomOfPage)
                    p = OwnerTable.RunPageNew(pgs, p);
                    OwnerTable.RunPageHeader(pgs, row, false, null);
                    _TableRows.RunPage(pgs, row, true);   // force checking since header + hrows might be > BottomOfPage
                    _TableRows.RunPage(pgs, row, hrows > pgs.BottomOfPage);
Exemplo n.º 31
 internal void RunPageRegionEnd(Pages pgs)
     if (this.TC == null && this.PageBreakAtEnd && !pgs.CurrentPage.IsEmpty())
     {	// force page break at beginning of dataregion
         pgs.CurrentPage.YOffset = OwnerReport.TopOfPage;
Exemplo n.º 32
        /// <summary>
        /// Render all the objects in a page
        /// </summary>
        private void processPage(Pages pages, IEnumerable page)
            //loop thru the items in the page
            foreach (PageItem pageItem in page)
                if (pageItem.SI.BackgroundImage != null)
                    //put out any background image
                    PageImage backgroundImage = pageItem.SI.BackgroundImage;

                    float imageWidth = RSize.PointsFromPixels(pages.G, backgroundImage.SamplesW);
                    float imageHeight = RSize.PointsFromPixels(pages.G, backgroundImage.SamplesH);
                    int repeatX = 0;
                    int repeatY = 0;
                    float itemWidth = pageItem.W - (pageItem.SI.PaddingLeft + pageItem.SI.PaddingRight);
                    float itemHeight = pageItem.H - (pageItem.SI.PaddingTop + pageItem.SI.PaddingBottom);

                    switch (backgroundImage.Repeat)
                        case ImageRepeat.Repeat:
                            repeatX = (int)Math.Floor(itemWidth / imageWidth);
                            repeatY = (int)Math.Floor(itemHeight / imageHeight);

                        case ImageRepeat.RepeatX:
                            repeatX = (int)Math.Floor(itemWidth / imageWidth);
                            repeatY = 1;

                        case ImageRepeat.RepeatY:
                            repeatY = (int)Math.Floor(itemHeight / imageHeight);
                            repeatX = 1;

                        case ImageRepeat.NoRepeat:
                            repeatX = repeatY = 1;

                    //make sure the image is drawn at least 1 times
                    repeatX = Math.Max(repeatX, 1);
                    repeatY = Math.Max(repeatY, 1);

                    float currX = pageItem.X + pageItem.SI.PaddingLeft;
                    float currY = pageItem.Y + pageItem.SI.PaddingTop;
                    float startX = currX;
                    float startY = currY;
                    for (int i = 0; i < repeatX; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < repeatY; j++)
                            currX = startX + i * imageWidth;
                            currY = startY + j * imageHeight;

                            addImage(backgroundImage.SI, currX, currY, imageWidth, imageHeight, RectangleF.Empty,
                                backgroundImage.ImageData, null, pageItem.Tooltip);
                else if (pageItem is PageTextHtml)
                    PageTextHtml pageTextHtml = pageItem as PageTextHtml;
                    processPage(pages, pageTextHtml);
                else if (pageItem is PageText)
                    PageText pageText = pageItem as PageText;
                    float[] textwidth;
                    string[] measureStrings = RenderUtility.MeasureString(pageText, pages.G, out textwidth);
                    addText(pageText.X, pageText.Y, pageText.W, pageText.H, measureStrings, pageText.SI, textwidth, pageText.CanGrow, pageText.HyperLink, pageText.NoClip, pageText.Tooltip);
                else if (pageItem is PageLine)
                    PageLine pageLine = pageItem as PageLine;
                    addLine(pageLine.X, pageLine.Y, pageLine.X2, pageLine.Y2, pageLine.SI);
                else if (pageItem is PageEllipse)
                    PageEllipse pageEllipse = pageItem as PageEllipse;
                    addEllipse(pageEllipse.X, pageEllipse.Y, pageEllipse.W, pageEllipse.H, pageEllipse.SI, pageEllipse.HyperLink);
                else if (pageItem is PageImage)
                    PageImage pageImage = pageItem as PageImage;

                    //Duc Phan added 20 Dec, 2007 to support sized image
                    RectangleF r2 = new RectangleF(pageImage.X + pageImage.SI.PaddingLeft, pageImage.Y + pageImage.SI.PaddingTop,
                        pageImage.W - pageImage.SI.PaddingLeft - pageImage.SI.PaddingRight, pageImage.H - pageImage.SI.PaddingTop - pageImage.SI.PaddingBottom);

                    //work rectangle
                    RectangleF adjustedRect;
                    RectangleF clipRect = RectangleF.Empty;
                    switch (pageImage.Sizing)
                        case ImageSizingEnum.AutoSize:
                            adjustedRect = new RectangleF(r2.Left, r2.Top, r2.Width, r2.Height);

                        case ImageSizingEnum.Clip:
                            adjustedRect = new RectangleF(r2.Left, r2.Top, RSize.PointsFromPixels(pages.G, pageImage.SamplesW),
                                RSize.PointsFromPixels(pages.G, pageImage.SamplesH));
                            clipRect = new RectangleF(r2.Left, r2.Top, r2.Width, r2.Height);

                        case ImageSizingEnum.FitProportional:
                            float height;
                            float width;
                            float ratioIm = (float)pageImage.SamplesH / pageImage.SamplesW;
                            float ratioR = r2.Height / r2.Width;
                            height = r2.Height;
                            width = r2.Width;
                            if (ratioIm > ratioR)
                                //this means the rectangle width must be corrected
                                width = height * (1 / ratioIm);
                            else if (ratioIm < ratioR)
                                //this means the rectangle height must be corrected
                                height = width * ratioIm;
                            adjustedRect = new RectangleF(r2.X, r2.Y, width, height);

                        case ImageSizingEnum.Fit:
                            adjustedRect = r2;

                    if (pageImage.ImgFormat != System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Wmf && pageImage.ImgFormat != System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Emf)
                        addImage(pageImage.SI, adjustedRect.X, adjustedRect.Y, adjustedRect.Width, adjustedRect.Height,
                            clipRect, pageImage.ImageData, pageImage.HyperLink, pageImage.Tooltip);
                else if (pageItem is PageRectangle)
                    PageRectangle pageRectangle = pageItem as PageRectangle;
                    addRectangle(pageRectangle.X, pageRectangle.Y, pageRectangle.W, pageRectangle.H, pageItem.SI, pageItem.HyperLink, pageItem.Tooltip);
                else if (pageItem is PagePie)
                    PagePie pagePie = pageItem as PagePie;
                    addPie(pagePie.X, pagePie.Y, pagePie.W, pagePie.H, pageItem.SI, pageItem.HyperLink, pageItem.Tooltip);
                else if (pageItem is PagePolygon)
                    PagePolygon pagePolygon = pageItem as PagePolygon;
                    addPolygon(pagePolygon.Points, pageItem.SI, pageItem.HyperLink);
                else if (pageItem is PageCurve)
                    PageCurve pageCurve = pageItem as PageCurve;
                    addCurve(pageCurve.Points, pageItem.SI);
Exemplo n.º 33
        internal override void RunPage(Pages pgs, Row row)
            Report rpt = pgs.Report;

            if (IsHidden(pgs.Report, row))

            Rows _Data = GetFilteredData(rpt, row);
            SetMyData(rpt, _Data);


            if (!AnyRowsPage(pgs, _Data))		// if no rows return
                return;						//   nothing left to do

            // Build the Chart bitmap, along with data regions
            Page p = pgs.CurrentPage;
            ChartBase cb=null;
                cb = RunChartBuild(rpt, row);					// Build the chart
                if (!_isHYNEsWonderfulVector.EvaluateBoolean(rpt,row)) //AJM GJL 14082008 'Classic' Rendering
                    System.Drawing.Image im = cb.Image(rpt);	// Grab the image
                    int height = im.Height;							// save height and width
                    int width = im.Width;

                    MemoryStream ostrm = new MemoryStream();
                    /* The following is a new image saving logic which will allow for higher
                     * quality images using JPEG with 100% quality
                     * 06122007AJM */
                    System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageCodecInfo[] info;
                    info = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders();
                    EncoderParameters encoderParameters;
                    encoderParameters = new EncoderParameters(1);
                    // 20022008 AJM GJL - Centralised class with global encoder settings
                    encoderParameters.Param[0] = new EncoderParameter(Encoder.Quality, ImageQualityManager.ChartImageQuality);
                    System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageCodecInfo codec = null;
                    for (int i = 0; i < info.Length; i++)
                        if (info[i].FormatDescription == "JPEG")
                            codec = info[i];
                    im.Save(ostrm, codec, encoderParameters);
                    // 06122007AJM The follow has been replaced with the code above
                    //im.Save(ostrm, info);	// generate a jpeg   TODO: get png to work with pdf

                    byte[] ba = ostrm.ToArray();
                    PageImage pi = new PageImage(IMAGEFORMAT, ba, width, height);	// Create an image


                    SetPagePositionAndStyle(rpt, pi, row);
                    pi.SI.BackgroundImage = null;	// chart already has the background image

                    if (pgs.CurrentPage.YOffset + pi.Y + pi.H >= pgs.BottomOfPage && !pgs.CurrentPage.IsEmpty())
                    {	// force page break if it doesn't fit on the page
                        pgs.CurrentPage.YOffset = OwnerReport.TopOfPage;
                        if (this.YParents != null)
                            pi.Y = 0;

                    p = pgs.CurrentPage;

                    p.AddObject(pi);	// Put image onto the current page


                    if (!this.PageBreakAtEnd && !IsTableOrMatrixCell(rpt))
                        float newY = pi.Y + pi.H;
                        p.YOffset += newY;	// bump the y location
                    SetPagePositionEnd(pgs, pi.Y + pi.H);
                else //Ultimate Rendering - Vector //AJM GJL 14082008
                    System.Drawing.Imaging.Metafile im = cb.Image(rpt);	// Grab the image
                    //im could still be saved to a bitmap at this point
                    //if we were to offer a choice of raster or vector, it would probably
                    //be easiest to draw the chart to the EMF and then save as bitmap if needed
                    int height = im.Height;							// save height and width
                    int width = im.Width;
                    byte[] ba = cb._aStream.ToArray();

                    PageImage pi = new PageImage(ImageFormat.Wmf, ba, width, height);

                    SetPagePositionAndStyle(rpt, pi, row);
                    pi.SI.BackgroundImage = null;	// chart already has the background image

                    if (pgs.CurrentPage.YOffset + pi.Y + pi.H >= pgs.BottomOfPage && !pgs.CurrentPage.IsEmpty())
                    {	// force page break if it doesn't fit on the page
                        pgs.CurrentPage.YOffset = OwnerReport.TopOfPage;
                        if (this.YParents != null)
                            pi.Y = 0;

                    p = pgs.CurrentPage;

                    //GJL 25072008 - Charts now draw in EMFplus format and not in bitmap. Still using the "PageImage" for the positioning
                    //paging etc, but we don't add it to the page.
                    // ******************************************************************************************************************
                    // New EMF Processing... we want to add the EMF Components to the page and not the actual EMF...
                    EMF emf = new EMF(pi.X, pi.Y, width, height);
                    emf.ProcessEMF(ba); //Process takes the bytearray of EMFplus data and breaks it down into lines,ellipses,text,rectangles
                    //etc... There are still a lot of GDI+ functions I haven't got to (and some I have no intention of getting to!).
                    foreach (PageItem emfItem in emf.PageItems)

                    // ******************************************************************************************************************

                    pi.Y += p.YOffset;
                    if (!this.PageBreakAtEnd && !IsTableOrMatrixCell(rpt))
                        float newY = pi.Y + pi.H;
                        p.YOffset += newY;	// bump the y location
                    SetPagePositionEnd(pgs, pi.Y + pi.H); //our emf size seems to be bigger than the jpeg...

            catch (Exception ex)
                rpt.rl.LogError(8, string.Format("Exception in Chart handling.\n{0}\n{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace));
                if (cb != null)

Exemplo n.º 34
        internal void RunPage(Pages pgs, Row row)
            // Start each row in the same location
            //   e.g. if there are two embedded tables in cells they both start at same location
            Page savepg = pgs.CurrentPage;
            float savey = savepg.YOffset;
            Page maxpg = savepg;
            float maxy = savey;

            foreach (TableCell tc in _Items)
                tc.RunPage(pgs, row);
                if (maxpg != pgs.CurrentPage)
                {	// a page break
                    if (maxpg.PageNumber < pgs.CurrentPage.PageNumber)
                        maxpg = pgs.CurrentPage;
                        maxy = maxpg.YOffset;
                else if (maxy > pgs.CurrentPage.YOffset)
                    // maxy = maxy;      TODO what was this meant to do
                // restore the beginning start of the row
                pgs.CurrentPage = savepg;
                savepg.YOffset = savey;
            pgs.CurrentPage = maxpg;
            savepg.YOffset = maxy;
            return ;
Exemplo n.º 35
 public void RunPages(Pages pgs)