Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an item used to populate the class _cart.  This method does not add items to the database.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="_item_number">Item Number</param>
 /// <param name="_cartId">Cart Id from the table cart</param>
 /// <param name="_price">Price of the item in the cart</param>
 /// <param name="_qty">Quantity of this line item</param>
 /// <param name="_addressId">Address Id of the Address to ship to</param>
 /// <param name="addTime">The add time.</param>
 /// <param name="session">_session to attach this item to</param>
 public CartItem( string _item_number, Guid _cartId, decimal _price, int _qty, Guid _addressId, DateTime addTime, Session session )
     if(Inputs == null) {
         Inputs = new List<Input>();
     Item = Main.Site.Item( _item_number );
     CartId = _cartId;
     Price = _price;
     Qty = _qty;
     AddressId = _addressId;
     XMLId = _cartId.EncodeXMLId();
     XMLAddressId = _addressId.EncodeXMLId();
     AddedOn = addTime;
Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// logs the current session off
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>{error:0,desc:""}.</returns>
 public static Dictionary<string, object> LogOff( Dictionary<string, object> args )
     /* user is trying to log off */
     Dictionary<string, object> j = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     Session session = null;
     if( args.ContainsKey( "sessionId" ) ) {
         session = new Session( Main.Site, new Guid( ( string )args[ "sessionId" ] ) );
     } else {
         session = Main.GetCurrentSession();
     ( "REQUEST:Log off" ).Debug( 9 );
     using(SqlConnection cn = Site.CreateConnection(true, true)) {
         using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("dbo.logoff @sessionId", cn)) {
             cmd.Parameters.Add("@sessionId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = new Guid(session.Id.ToString());
     Main.GetCurrentSession().Refresh( false );
     j.Add( "error", 0 );
     j.Add( "description", "Logoff successful" );
     return j;
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Executes the AJAX responders.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="current">The current HttpContext.</param>
 /// <param name="session">The session.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 static bool executeResponders(HttpContext current, Session session)
     string executionFilePath = current.Request.AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath;
     try {
         /* if this is a request for the Admin responder page */
         if(executionFilePath.Contains(Main.AdminResponder)) {
             if(session.Administrator) {
                 /* check if the user is trying to upload a file */
                 if(current.Request.ContentType.Contains("multipart/form-data")) {
                     /* full trust/iis6 upload */
                     return true;
                 } else {
                     if(current.Response.ContentType == "text/html") {
                         current.Response.ContentType = "application/json";
                     return true;
             } else {
                 /* user tried to access admin responder without admin access */
                 setStatusCode(current, 403);
                 return true;
         } else if(executionFilePath.Contains(Main.Responder)) {
             if(current.Response.ContentType == "text/html") {
                 current.Response.ContentType = "application/json";
             return true;
         return false;
     } catch(Exception ex) {
         ("EVENT -> BeginRequest -> responder -> Exception: " + ex.Message).Debug(3);
         return false;
Exemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a _cart_item AND adds the selected item to the user's cart within a transaction
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item_number">Number of the item you want to add to the user's cart</param>
 /// <param name="item_qty">Quantity of the item you want to add</param>
 /// <param name="session">session</param>
 /// <param name="args">The args.</param>
 /// <param name="price">The price.</param>
 /// <param name="allowPreorder">if set to <c>true</c> [allow preorder].</param>
 /// <param name="allow_price_override">if set to <c>true</c> [allow_price_override].</param>
 /// <param name="cn">The connection being used.</param>
 /// <param name="trans">The transaction being used.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// Returns an empty string rather than a null from the Request[] object.
 /// </returns>
 internal static Commerce.CartItem addToCartProc(string item_number, int item_qty, Session session,
 Dictionary<string, object> args, object price, bool allowPreorder, bool allow_price_override, SqlConnection cn, SqlTransaction trans)
     ("FUNCTION /w SP:Add to cart").Debug(10);
     Guid cartId = Guid.Empty;
     int error = -1;
     string itemNumber = "";
     decimal r_price = 0;
     int qty = 0;
     Guid r_addressId = Guid.Empty;
     string errorDesc = "";
     Commerce.Item item = Main.Site.Item(item_number);
     if(Site.AbortDefaultEvent == true) {
         Site.AbortDefaultEvent = false;
         return null;
     /* if the item exists in the database */
     if(!(item != null)) { return null; };
     string addressId = Guid.Empty.ToString();
     if(args.ContainsKey("addressId")) {
         if(args["addressId"] != null) {
             if(Utilities.GuidPattern.IsMatch(args["addressId"].ToString())) {
                 addressId = args["addressId"].ToString();
     string commandText = @"dbo.addToCart @itemnumber, @qty, @sessionid, @userid, @wholesale,
     @allow_Preorders, @unique_siteId, @new_price, @override_Price,
     @overrideAddressId, @override_allow_preorder";
     SqlCommand cmd;
     if(cn == null) {
         cmd = new SqlCommand(commandText, Site.SqlConnection);
     } else {
         cmd = new SqlCommand(commandText, cn, trans);
     /* don't let people put items with zero qty in their cart */
     if(qty == 0) { qty = 1; }
     cmd.Parameters.Add("@itemnumber", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = item_number;
     cmd.Parameters.Add("@qty", SqlDbType.Int).Value = item_qty;
     cmd.Parameters.Add("@sessionid", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = new Guid(session.Id.ToString());
     cmd.Parameters.Add("@userid", SqlDbType.Int).Value = session.UserId;
     cmd.Parameters.Add("@wholesale", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = session.Wholesale;
     cmd.Parameters.Add("@allow_Preorders", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = session.AllowPreorders;
     cmd.Parameters.Add("@unique_siteId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = new Guid(Site.Id.ToString());
     cmd.Parameters.Add("@new_price", SqlDbType.Money).Value = price;
     cmd.Parameters.Add("@override_Price", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = allow_price_override;
     cmd.Parameters.Add("@overrideAddressId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = new Guid(addressId);
     cmd.Parameters.Add("@override_allow_preorder", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = allowPreorder;
     using(SqlDataReader d = cmd.ExecuteReader()) {
         cartId = d.GetGuid(1);
         error = d.GetInt32(2);
         errorDesc = d.GetString(3);
         itemNumber = d.GetString(4);
         qty = d.GetInt32(5);
         r_addressId = d.GetGuid(6);
         r_price = d.GetDecimal(7);
     if(error != 0) {
         Commerce.CartItem i = new Commerce.CartItem(item_number, Guid.Empty, 0, 0, Guid.Empty, DateTime.Now, Main.GetCurrentSession());
         i.Error_Description = errorDesc;
         i.Error_Id = error;
         return i;
     } else {
         List<Commerce.Input> formInputs = null;
         if(item.Form != null) {
             formInputs = item.Form.Inputs;
             String.Format("Add to Cart > Using form {0} for item {1}.", item.Form.Name, item.Number).Debug(8);
         } else {
             String.Format("Add to Cart > No form found for item {0}.", item.Number).Debug(8);
         /* add item to cart */
         Commerce.CartItem citm = new Commerce.CartItem(itemNumber, cartId, r_price, qty, r_addressId, DateTime.Now, session);
         /* save forms */
         if(args.ContainsKey("orderId")) {
             if(item.Form != null) {
                 /* add forms that may end up on order to the line forms table now */
                 commandText = "dbo.insertOrderLineForm @cartId,@sourceCode,@formName";
                 if(cn == null) {
                     cmd = new SqlCommand(commandText, Site.SqlConnection);
                 } else {
                     cmd = new SqlCommand(commandText, cn, trans);
                 cmd.Parameters.Add("@cartId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = new Guid(citm.CartId.ToString());
                 cmd.Parameters.Add("@sourceCode", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = item.Form.SourceCode;
                 cmd.Parameters.Add("@formName", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = item.Form.Name;
         try {
             if(formInputs != null) {
                 /* add form inputs if any to _cart_item we're returning as well as the database */
                 Guid newCartId = new Guid(cartId.ToString());
                 for(int x = 0; formInputs.Count > x; x++) {
                     Commerce.Input i = formInputs[x];
                     if(args.ContainsKey(i.Name)) {
                         i.Value = Convert.ToString(args[i.Name]);
                     } else {
                         i.Value = "";
                     citm.Item.Form.Inputs.Find(delegate(Commerce.Input inp) { return inp.Name.l() == i.Name.l(); }).Value = i.Value;
                     String.Format("Add to Cart > Adding input {0}, value {1}", i.Name, i.Value).Debug(8);
                     commandText = "dbo.insertCartDetail @cartDetailId,@cartId,@inputName,@value,@sessionId;";
                     if(cn == null) {
                         cmd = new SqlCommand(commandText, Site.SqlConnection);
                     } else {
                         cmd = new SqlCommand(commandText, cn, trans);
                     Guid newCartDetailId = Guid.NewGuid();
                     i.Id = newCartDetailId;
                     cmd.Parameters.Add("@cartId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = new Guid(newCartId.ToString());
                     cmd.Parameters.Add("@sessionId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = new Guid(session.Id.ToString());
                     cmd.Parameters.Add("@cartDetailId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = new Guid(newCartDetailId.ToString());
                     cmd.Parameters.Add("@inputName", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = i.Name;
                     cmd.Parameters.Add("@value", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = i.Value;
             } else {
                 ("Add to Cart > No form inputs found.").Debug(8);
         } catch(Exception ex) {
             String.Format("Add to Cart > An exception occured {0}", ex.Message).Debug(0);
         return citm;
Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Cancels or backorders the items in an existing order.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="args">The args.</param>
 /// <param name="cancel">if set to <c>true</c> [cancel] else backorder</param>
 /// <returns>{error:0,desc:""}</returns>
 private static Dictionary<string, object> CancelBackorderItems(List<object> args, bool cancel)
     /*TODO: backorder procedure has uncertain payment stuff going on here
      * cancel works, backorder works, but changing
     Dictionary<string, object> j = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     using(SqlConnection cn = Site.CreateConnection(true, true)) {
         using(SqlTransaction cancelBackorderTransaction = cn.BeginTransaction("Backorder or Cancel")) {
             bool rollback = true;
             try {
                 foreach(object line in args) {
                     Dictionary<string, object> fields = (Dictionary<string, object>)line;
                     // never used -->Dictionary<string,object> flag;
                     if(!fields.ContainsKey("serialId") || !fields.ContainsKey("qty")) {
                         Exception e = new Exception("key serialId or qty is missing");
                         throw e;
                     int serialId = Convert.ToInt32(fields["serialId"].ToString());
                     int qty = Convert.ToInt32(fields["qty"].ToString());
                     /* update the cart table with the number of items to be backordered.   */
                     using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("update cart set returnToStock = @return where serialId = @serialId", cn, cancelBackorderTransaction)) {
                         cmd.Parameters.Add("@serialId", SqlDbType.Int).Value = serialId;
                         cmd.Parameters.Add("@return", SqlDbType.Int).Value = qty;
                     /* now add the flag that will trigger serial_line.TR_LINE_DEPLETE_INVENTORY*/
                     /* flag -11 is backorder, flag -12 is cancel */
                     using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("dbo.backorderCancel @serialId,@cancel,@backorder", cn, cancelBackorderTransaction)) {
                         cmd.Parameters.Add("@serialId", SqlDbType.Int).Value = serialId;
                         cmd.Parameters.Add("@cancel", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = cancel;
                         cmd.Parameters.Add("@backorder", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = !cancel;
                     /* if this is a cancelation don't create a new order or add to an existing order */
                     if(cancel) {
                         AddFlagWithTransaction("0", "line", serialId.ToString(), "Quantity of " + qty + " canceled", cn, cancelBackorderTransaction);
                     } else {
                         /* first check to see if an order is already the child of this order
                             * if so, then just add this item to the child order (backorder)
                             * if there is no child order than create the child order now.
                         Commerce.Order childOrder;
                         List<Commerce.Order> childOrders = Commerce.Order.GetChildOrdersBySerialId(serialId, cn, cancelBackorderTransaction);
                         if(childOrders.Count == 0) {
                             childOrder = null;
                         } else {
                             childOrder = childOrders[0];
                         Commerce.Order order = Commerce.Order.GetOrderBySerialId(serialId, cn, cancelBackorderTransaction);
                         if(childOrder == null) {
                             /* create a new order and add the item's qty to the new order */
                             /* get the line that will be added to the backorder */
                             List<Commerce.Line> sourceLines = order.Lines.FindAll(delegate(Commerce.Line ln) {
                                 return ln.SerialId == serialId && ln.KitAllocationCartId == ln.CartId;
                             /* sort the items by int kitAllocationId */
                             sourceLines.Sort(delegate(Commerce.Line l1, Commerce.Line l2) {
                                 return l1.KitAllocationId.CompareTo(l2.KitAllocationId);
                             /* when there is more than one source line, always pick the one with the larget id
                                 * this will be the parent/virtual item that needs to be added to the backorder */
                             Commerce.Line sourceLine = sourceLines[sourceLines.Count - 1];
                             /* create a new session for the new order */
                             Session session = new Session(Main.Site, cn, cancelBackorderTransaction);
                             Site.LogOn(order.UserId, session, cn, cancelBackorderTransaction);
                             session.Refresh(false, cn, cancelBackorderTransaction);
                             AddToCartArguments addTocartArgs = new AddToCartArguments();
                             addTocartArgs["itemNumber"] = sourceLine.ItemNumber;
                             addTocartArgs["qty"] = fields["qty"].ToString();
                             addTocartArgs["customerLineNumber"] = sourceLine.CustomLineNumber;
                             addTocartArgs["sessionId"] = session.Id.ToString();
                             addTocartArgs["price"] = sourceLine.Price;
                             addTocartArgs["allowPreorder"] = true;
                             /* add all of the inputs as arguments */
                             Dictionary<string, object> addToCartArgs = Cart.AddToCart(addTocartArgs, cn, cancelBackorderTransaction);
                             if(Convert.ToInt32(addToCartArgs["error"]) != 0) {
                                 Exception e = new Exception(addToCartArgs["description"].ToString());
                                 throw e;
                             Guid newCartId = new Guid(addToCartArgs["cartId"].ToString());
                             /* copy all of the order header data into the new order */
                             using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("dbo.duplicateCartDetail @sourceCartId,@targetCartId", cn, cancelBackorderTransaction)) {
                                 cmd.Parameters.Add("@sourceCartId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = new Guid(sourceLine.CartId.ToString());
                                 cmd.Parameters.Add("@targetCartId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = new Guid(newCartId.ToString());
                             OrderArguments newOrderArgs = new OrderArguments();
                             newOrderArgs["billToFirstName"] = order.BillToAddress.FirstName;
                             newOrderArgs["billToLastName"] = order.BillToAddress.LastName;
                             newOrderArgs["billToAddress1"] = order.BillToAddress.Address1;
                             newOrderArgs["billToAddress2"] = order.BillToAddress.Address2;
                             newOrderArgs["billToCity"] = order.BillToAddress.City;
                             newOrderArgs["billToState"] = order.BillToAddress.State;
                             newOrderArgs["billToZip"] = order.BillToAddress.Zip;
                             newOrderArgs["billToCountry"] = order.BillToAddress.Country;
                             newOrderArgs["billToHomePhone"] = order.BillToAddress.HomePhone;
                             newOrderArgs["billToWorkPhone"] = order.BillToAddress.WorkPhone;
                             newOrderArgs["billToCompany"] = order.BillToAddress.Company;
                             newOrderArgs["billToComments"] = order.BillToAddress.Comments;
                             newOrderArgs["billToSpecialInstructions"] = order.BillToAddress.SpecialInstructions;
                             newOrderArgs["billToSendShipmentUpdates"] = order.BillToAddress.SendShipmentUpdates;
                             newOrderArgs["FOB"] = order.FOB;
                             newOrderArgs["termId"] = order.TermId;
                             newOrderArgs["userId"] = session.User.UserId;
                             newOrderArgs["manifestNumber"] = order.Manifest;
                             newOrderArgs["purchaseOrder"] = Utilities.Iif(order.PurchaseOrder.Length > 0, order.PurchaseOrder + ">" + order.OrderNumber, "");
                             newOrderArgs["sessionId"] = session.Id.ToString();
                             newOrderArgs["shipToRateId"] = -1;/* never put a shipping method on backorders */
                             newOrderArgs["billToRateId"] = -1;
                             newOrderArgs["shipToEmailAds"] = false;
                             newOrderArgs["billToEmailAds"] = false;
                             newOrderArgs["billToSendShipmentUpdates"] = false;
                             newOrderArgs["shipToFirstName"] = order.ShipToAddress.FirstName;
                             newOrderArgs["shipToLastName"] = order.ShipToAddress.LastName;
                             newOrderArgs["shipToAddress1"] = order.ShipToAddress.Address1;
                             newOrderArgs["shipToAddress2"] = order.ShipToAddress.Address2;
                             newOrderArgs["shipToCity"] = order.ShipToAddress.City;
                             newOrderArgs["shipToState"] = order.ShipToAddress.State;
                             newOrderArgs["shipToZip"] = order.ShipToAddress.Zip;
                             newOrderArgs["shipToCountry"] = order.ShipToAddress.Country;
                             newOrderArgs["shipToHomePhone"] = order.ShipToAddress.HomePhone;
                             newOrderArgs["shipToWorkPhone"] = order.ShipToAddress.WorkPhone;
                             newOrderArgs["shipToCompany"] = order.ShipToAddress.Company;
                             newOrderArgs["shipToComments"] = order.ShipToAddress.Comments;
                             newOrderArgs["shipToSpecialInstructions"] = order.ShipToAddress.SpecialInstructions;
                             newOrderArgs["shipToSendShipmentUpdates"] = order.ShipToAddress.SendShipmentUpdates;
                             newOrderArgs["parentOrderId"] = order.OrderId;
                             newOrderArgs["comments"] = "This order is a backorder from Order " + order.OrderNumber;
                             newOrderArgs.Add("backorder", true);
                             /* place the new backorder */
                             Dictionary<string, object> newOrder = Commerce.Order.PlaceOrderWithTransaction(newOrderArgs, cn, cancelBackorderTransaction);
                             if(Convert.ToInt32(newOrder["error"]) != 0) {
                                 Exception e = new Exception(newOrder["description"].ToString());
                                 throw e;
                             childOrder = Commerce.Order.GetOrderByOrderNumber((string)newOrder["orderNumber"], cn, cancelBackorderTransaction);
                             j.Add("childOrder", childOrder.GetOrderJson());
                         } else {
                             /* the child order (backorder) already existed, so add the item to the backorder */
                             Commerce.Line sourceLine = order.Lines.Find(delegate(Commerce.Line ln) {
                                 return ln.SerialId == serialId;
                             /* create a new session for the new order */
                             Session session = new Session(Main.Site, cn, cancelBackorderTransaction);
                             Site.LogOn(childOrder.UserId, session, cn, cancelBackorderTransaction);
                             session.Refresh(false, cn, cancelBackorderTransaction);
                             AddToCartArguments addTocartArgs = new AddToCartArguments();
                             addTocartArgs["itemNumber"] = sourceLine.ItemNumber;
                             addTocartArgs["qty"] = fields["qty"].ToString();
                             addTocartArgs["customerLineNumber"] = sourceLine.CustomLineNumber;
                             addTocartArgs["sessionId"] = session.Id.ToString();
                             addTocartArgs["addressId"] = sourceLine.AddressId.ToString();
                             addTocartArgs["price"] = sourceLine.Price;
                             addTocartArgs["allowPreorder"] = true;
                             /* add all of the inputs as arguments */
                             Dictionary<string, object> addToCartArgs = Cart.AddToCart(addTocartArgs, cn, cancelBackorderTransaction);
                             if(Convert.ToInt32(addToCartArgs["error"]) != 0) {
                                 Exception e = new Exception(addToCartArgs["description"].ToString());
                                 throw e;
                             Guid newCartId = new Guid(addToCartArgs["cartId"].ToString());
                             /* copy all of the order header data into the new order */
                             using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("dbo.duplicateCartDetail @sourceCartId,@targetCartId", cn, cancelBackorderTransaction)) {
                                 cmd.Parameters.Add("@sourceCartId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = new Guid(sourceLine.CartId.ToString());
                                 cmd.Parameters.Add("@targetCartId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = new Guid(newCartId.ToString());
                             Dictionary<string, object> recalculateArgs = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                             recalculateArgs.Add("userId", childOrder.UserId);
                             recalculateArgs.Add("orderSessionId", childOrder.SessionId.ToString());
                             recalculateArgs.Add("cartSessionId", session.Id.ToString());
                             recalculateArgs.Add("cardType", "");
                             recalculateArgs.Add("cardNumber", "");
                             recalculateArgs.Add("expMonth", "");
                             recalculateArgs.Add("expYear", "");
                             recalculateArgs.Add("secNumber", "");
                             recalculateArgs.Add("nameOnCard", "");
                             recalculateArgs.Add("billToAddressId", childOrder.BillToAddress.Id.ToString());
                             recalculateArgs.Add("shipToAddressId", childOrder.ShipToAddress.Id.ToString());
                             recalculateArgs.Add("preview", false);
                             recalculateArgs.Add("purchaseOrder", childOrder.PurchaseOrder);
                             recalculateArgs.Add("backorder", true);
                             Dictionary<string, object> recalculatedOrder = RecalculateOrder(recalculateArgs, cn, cancelBackorderTransaction);
                             if((int)recalculatedOrder["error"] != 0) {
                                 Exception e = new Exception(recalculatedOrder["description"].ToString());
                                 throw e;
                             Commerce.Order _order = Commerce.Order.GetOrderByOrderNumber((string)recalculatedOrder["orderNumber"], cn, cancelBackorderTransaction);
                             j.Add("childOrder", _order.GetOrderJson());
                         AddFlagWithTransaction("0", "line", serialId.ToString(), "Quantity of " + qty + " added to backorder " + childOrder.OrderNumber, cn, cancelBackorderTransaction);
                 rollback = false;
                 j.Add("error", 0);
                 j.Add("description", "");
             } catch(Exception e) {
                 rollback = true;
                 j.Add("error", -1);
                 j.Add("description", e.Message);
             } finally {
                 if(rollback) {
     return j;
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Recalculates the selected cart by its SessionId
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="args">The args.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// {error:int,errorDescription:string,subTotal:float,taxTotal:float,estShipTotal:float,discountTotal:float,grandTotal:float}.
 /// </returns>
 public static Dictionary<string, object> Recalculate(Dictionary<string, object> args)
     ("FUNCTION recalculate (cart)").Debug(10);
     Dictionary<string, object> j = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     Session session;
     if(args.ContainsKey("sessionId")) {
         session = new Session(Main.Site, new Guid(args["sessionId"].ToString()));
     } else {
         session = Main.GetCurrentSession();
     if(args.ContainsKey("billToContactId") || args.ContainsKey("shipToContactId")) {
         /* gather bill to and ship to data, if any, from the request */
         Dictionary<string, object> btAddr = new Dictionary<string, object>();
         Dictionary<string, object> stAddr = new Dictionary<string, object>();
         foreach(KeyValuePair<string, object> field in args as Dictionary<string, object>) {
             if(field.Key.StartsWith("shipTo")) {
                 stAddr.Add(field.Key.Replace("shipTo", ""), field.Value);
             } else if(field.Key.StartsWith("billTo")) {
                 btAddr.Add(field.Key.Replace("billTo", ""), field.Value);
         if(args.ContainsKey("shipToContactId")) {
             stAddr.Add("contactId", stAddr["ContactId"].ToString());
         if(args.ContainsKey("billToContactId")) {
             btAddr.Add("contactId", btAddr["ContactId"].ToString());
         /* update the bill to and ship to addresses in the database
          * if the Address does not exist, validate it and insert it.
         if(stAddr.Count > 0) {
             stAddr.Add("sessionId", session.Id.ToString());
             stAddr.Add("userId", session.UserId.ToString());
         if(btAddr.Count > 0) {
             btAddr.Add("sessionId", session.Id.ToString());
             btAddr.Add("userId", session.UserId.ToString());
     /* if the cart isn't populated, do that now */
     if(session.Cart.Items.Count == 0) {
     /* execute recalculateCart events */
     RecalculateCartEventArgs ev = new RecalculateCartEventArgs(session.Cart,
     session, HttpContext.Current, args);
     /* refresh again to reflect changes in the addresses */
     j.Add("error", 0);
     j.Add("description", "");
     j.Add("subTotal", (float)session.Cart.SubTotal);
     j.Add("taxTotal", (float)session.Cart.TaxTotal);
     j.Add("estShipTotal", (float)session.Cart.EstShipTotal);
     j.Add("discountTotal", (float)session.Cart.DiscountTotal);
     j.Add("grandTotal", (float)session.Cart.GrandTotal);
     j.Add("addresses", session.Cart.Addresses);
     return j;
Exemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// updates an item or items in the selected sessions cart
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="args">Dictionary Object containing sessionId, cartId, qty, and form inputs {key/value...}</param>
 /// <returns>Json Item Description with cart totals.</returns>
 public static Dictionary<string, object> UpdateCartItem(Dictionary<string, object> args)
     ("FUNCTION /w SP updateCartItem").Debug(10);
     Dictionary<string, object> j = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     Session session = null;
     if(args.ContainsKey("sessionId")) {
         session = new Session(Main.Site, new Guid((string)args["sessionId"]));
     } else {
         session = Main.GetCurrentSession();
     Guid cartId;
     if(args.ContainsKey("cartId")) {
         if(args["cartId"].ToString().Contains("_")) {
             cartId = Convert.ToString(args["cartId"]).DecodeXMLId();
         } else {
             cartId = new Guid(args["cartId"].ToString());
         if(cartId == Guid.Empty) {
             cartId = new Guid(Convert.ToString(args["cartId"]));
     } else {
         /* cartId not found */
         j.Add("error", -6);
         j.Add("description", "cartId key not found");
         return j;
     Commerce.CartItem ci = session.Cart.GetItemById(cartId);
     if(ci == null) {
         /* item not found */
         j.Add("error", -5);
         j.Add("description", "cartId " + cartId.ToString() + "not found");
         return j;
     } else {
         int qty = ci.Qty;
         decimal price = ci.Price;
         if(args.ContainsKey(ci.XMLId)) {
             if(!int.TryParse(args[ci.XMLId].ToString(), out qty)) {
                 qty = ci.Qty;
         } else if(args.ContainsKey("qty")) {
             if(!int.TryParse(args["qty"].ToString(), out qty)) {
                 qty = ci.Qty;
         bool setPrice = false;
         /* allow changing prices when the user is an administrator or when the site is a POS */
         if(session.Administrator || Main.Site.Defaults.SiteUrl == "POS") {
             if(args.ContainsKey("price")) {
                 price = Convert.ToDecimal(args["price"]);
                 setPrice = true;
         Guid addressId = Guid.Empty;
         if(args.ContainsKey("addressId")) {
             addressId = new Guid(args["addressId"].ToString());
         /* update quantity */
         SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(Cart.UPDATE_CART_QUERY, Site.SqlConnection);
         cmd.Parameters.Add("@qty", SqlDbType.Int).Value = qty;
         cmd.Parameters.Add("@price", SqlDbType.Money).Value = price;
         cmd.Parameters.Add("@cartId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = new Guid(ci.CartId.ToString());
         cmd.Parameters.Add("@setPrice", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = setPrice;
         cmd.Parameters.Add("@addressId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = addressId;
         if(ci.Item.Form != null) {
             UpdateCartDetail(ci, args);
         ci = session.Cart.GetItemById(cartId);
         j.Add("error", 0);
         j.Add("description", "");
         j.Add("subTotal", (float)session.Cart.SubTotal);
         j.Add("taxTotal", (float)session.Cart.TaxTotal);
         j.Add("estShipTotal", (float)session.Cart.EstShipTotal);
         j.Add("discountTotal", (float)session.Cart.DiscountTotal);
         j.Add("grandTotal", (float)session.Cart.GrandTotal);
         j.Add("addresses", session.Cart.Addresses);
         if(ci != null) {
             j.Add("itemNumber", ci.Item.Number);
             j.Add("price", (float)ci.Price);
             j.Add("qty", ci.Qty);
             j.Add("cartId", ci.CartId.ToString());
             j.Add("addressId", ci.Item.Number);
             j.Add("sessionId", session.Id.ToString());
             j.Add("packingSlipImage", ci.Item.PackingSlipImage);
             j.Add("auxillaryImage", ci.Item.AuxillaryImage);
             j.Add("cartImage", ci.Item.CartImage);
             j.Add("detailImage", ci.Item.DetailImage);
             j.Add("fullSizeImage", ci.Item.FullSizeImage);
             j.Add("listingImage", ci.Item.ListingImage);
             j.Add("listing2Image", ci.Item.Listing2Image);
             j.Add("item_description", ci.Item.Description);
             j.Add("form", ci.Item.FormName);
         return j;
Exemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an account and returns the new userId and error state
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="args">The args.</param>
 /// <returns>{success:true,userId:userId}.</returns>
 public static Dictionary<string, object> CreateAccount( Dictionary<string, object> args )
     ( "FUNCTION /w SP createAccount" ).Debug( 10 );
     /*user is trying to create an account */
     Dictionary<string, object> j = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     Session session = null;
     string password = "";
     int userId = -1;
     if( args.ContainsKey( "sessionId" ) ) {
         session = new Session( Main.Site, new Guid( ( string )args[ "sessionId" ] ) );
     } else {
         session = Main.GetCurrentSession();
     if( args.ContainsKey( "logon" ) ) {
         userId = Convert.ToInt32( args[ "logon" ] );
     if( args.ContainsKey( "password" ) ) {
         password = GetHash( args[ "password" ] );
     using(SqlConnection cn = Site.CreateConnection(true, true)) {
         using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("dbo.logon @email,@password,@sessionid,@createaccount,@unique_siteID,@userId,@referenceSessionId", cn)) {
             cmd.Parameters.Add("@email", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = Convert.ToString(args["email"]);
             cmd.Parameters.Add("@password", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = password;
             cmd.Parameters.Add("@sessionid", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = new Guid(session.Id.ToString());
             cmd.Parameters.Add("@createaccount", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = true;
             cmd.Parameters.Add("@unique_siteID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = new Guid(Site.Id);
             cmd.Parameters.Add("@userId", SqlDbType.Int).Value = userId;
             if(System.Web.HttpContext.Current != null) {
                 cmd.Parameters.Add("@referenceSessionId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = new Guid(Main.GetCurrentSession().Id.ToString());
             } else {
                 cmd.Parameters.Add("@referenceSessionId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = Guid.Empty;
             using(SqlDataReader d = cmd.ExecuteReader()) {
                 if(d.GetInt32(0) == -1) {
                     /* Logon error -1 account already exists */
                     j.Add("error", -10);
                     j.Add("description", "Account already exists");
                     return j;
                 } else {
                     /* user logged on - new information is avaliable to the session - requery the session */
                     int newUserId = d.GetInt32(0);
                     j.Add("error", 0);
                     j.Add("description", "Create account successful");
                     j.Add("userId", newUserId);
                     /* ... becuase an account was created the local cache must be refreshed */
                     if(System.Web.HttpContext.Current != null) {
                         Main.GetCurrentSession().Refresh(false);/* don't reprocess requests */
                     if(args.ContainsKey("showSessionData")) {
                         if(Convert.ToBoolean(args["showSessionData"])) {
                             j.Add("session", session);
                     if(args.ContainsKey("showUserData")) {
                         if(Convert.ToBoolean(args["showUserData"])) {
                             j.Add("user", session.User);
     return j;
Exemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the form info.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="args">The args.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Dictionary<string, object> GetFormInfo( Dictionary<string, object> args )
     ( "FUNCTION /w SP,fileSystem getFormInfo" ).Debug( 10 );
     Dictionary<string, object> j = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     Commerce.Item item = null;
     string formName = "";
     if( args.ContainsKey( "formName" ) ) { /* lookup using the form name */
         formName = Convert.ToString( args[ "formName" ] );
     } else if( args.ContainsKey( "cartId" ) ) { /* if this order has been placed lookup using the stored form */
         formName = null;
     } else if( args.ContainsKey( "itemNumber" ) ) { /* lookup using the items form */
         item = Main.Site.Items.List.Find( delegate( Commerce.Item b ) {
             if( Convert.ToString( args[ "itemNumber" ] ).ToLower() == b.ItemNumber.ToLower() ) {
                 return true;
             return false;
         } );
         formName = item.FormName;
     if( formName != null ) {
         Commerce.Form form = new Commerce.Form( item, Main.PhysicalApplicationPath + "forms\\" + formName.Trim().ToLower() );
         if( form != null ) {
             j.Add( "name", form.Name );
             j.Add( "inputs", form.Inputs );
             j.Add( "HTML", form.Html );
             j.Add( "error", 0 );
             j.Add( "description", "" );
         } else {
             ( "getFormInfo error -1 ==> form not found:" + formName.Trim() ).Debug( 2 );
             j.Add( "error", -1 );
             j.Add( "description", "Form not found" );
     } else if( args.ContainsKey( "cartId" ) ) {
         string sourceCode = "";
         Guid cartId = new Guid( Convert.ToString( args[ "cartId" ] ) );
         Guid sessionId = Guid.Empty;
         if(args.ContainsKey("sessionId")) {
             sessionId = new Guid(Convert.ToString(args["sessionId"]));
         using(SqlConnection cn = Site.CreateConnection(true, true)) {
             /* check if this is an order or a cart item */
             bool existingOrder = false;
             using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(@"select 0 from cart with (nolock) where cartId = @cartId and not orderId = -1", cn)) {
                 cmd.Parameters.Add("@cartId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = cartId;
                 using(SqlDataReader d = cmd.ExecuteReader()) {
                     existingOrder = d.HasRows;
             if(!existingOrder && sessionId != Guid.Empty) {
                 Session session = new Session(Main.Site, sessionId, cn, null);
                 /* find the selected id */
                 Commerce.CartItem cartItem = session.Cart.Items.Find(delegate(Commerce.CartItem it) {
                     return it.CartId == cartId;
                 if(cartItem == null) {
                     j.Add("error", -1);
                     j.Add("description", "No data for cartId " + args["cartId"].ToString());
                     return j;
                 if(cartItem.Form == null) {
                     j.Add("error", 0);/* this isn't really an error becuase items might contain no form data */
                     j.Add("description", "No form data for cartId " + args["cartId"].ToString());
                 } else {
                     j.Add("name", cartItem.Form.Name);
                     j.Add("inputs", cartItem.Inputs);
                     j.Add("HTML", cartItem.HtmlWithValues);
                     j.Add("emptyHTML", cartItem.Item.Form.Html);
                     j.Add("error", 0);
                     j.Add("description", "");
                 return j;
                 using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("dbo.getOrderForm @cartId", cn)) {
                     cmd.Parameters.Add("@cartId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = cartId;
                     formName = "";
                     string itemNumber = "";
                     using(SqlDataReader d = cmd.ExecuteReader()) {
                         if(d.HasRows) {
                             sourceCode = d.GetValue(0).ToString();
                             formName = d.GetValue(1).ToString();
                             itemNumber = d.GetValue(2).ToString();
                 /* find the order */
                 Commerce.Order order = Commerce.Order.GetOrderByCartId(cartId, cn, null);
                 /* find the line */
                 Commerce.Line line = order.Lines.Find(delegate(Commerce.Line l) {
                     return l.CartId == cartId;
                 /* return the data */
                 if(line.Form != null) {
                     j.Add("name", line.Form.Name);
                     j.Add("inputs", line.Form.Inputs);
                     j.Add("HTML", line.Form.HtmlWithValues());
                     j.Add("emptyHTML", line.Form.Html);
                     j.Add("error", 0);
                     j.Add("description", "");
                 } else {
                     j.Add("error", 0);/* this isn't really an error becuase items might contain no form data */
                     j.Add("description", "No form data for cartId " + args["cartId"].ToString());
     return j;
Exemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// log a session onto an account without using a password
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="userId">The user id.</param>
 /// <param name="session">The session.</param>
 /// <param name="cn">The sql connection.</param>
 /// <param name="trns">The sql transaction.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool LogOn( int userId, Session session, SqlConnection cn, SqlTransaction trns )
     return LogOn( userId, session.Id, cn, trns );
Exemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Logs off the specified session.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="session">The session.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public int LogOff(Session session)
     Dictionary<string, object> j = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     Dictionary<string, object> r = LogOff(j);
     return (int)r["error"];
Exemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// log a session onto an account without using a password
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="userId">The user id.</param>
 /// <param name="session">The session.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool LogOn( int userId, Session session )
     return LogOn( userId, session.Id, null, null );
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// logs the current session on
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">The arguments (sessionid, hostSessionId, userId, email, password).</param>
        /// <param name="cn">The cn.</param>
        /// <param name="trns">The TRNS.</param>
        /// <returns>{error:0,desc:""}.</returns>
        public static Dictionary<string, object> LogOn( Dictionary<string, object> args, SqlConnection cn, SqlTransaction trns )
            int userId = -1;
            string login = "";
            string password = "";
            string hostSessionId = "";
            ( "REQUEST:Log on try >" ).Debug( 9 );
            Dictionary<string, object> j = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            Session session = null;
            if( args.ContainsKey( "sessionId" ) ) {
                if( cn == null ) {
                    session = new Session( Main.Site, new Guid( ( string )args[ "sessionId" ] ) );
                } else {
                    session = new Session( Main.Site, new Guid( ( string )args[ "sessionId" ] ), cn, trns );
            } else {
                session = Main.GetCurrentSession();
            if( args.ContainsKey( "hostSessionId" ) ) {
                hostSessionId = args[ "hostSessionId" ].ToString();
            } else {
                hostSessionId = Main.GetCurrentSession().Id.ToString();
            if( args.ContainsKey( "userId" ) ) {
                try {
                    userId = Convert.ToInt32( args[ "userId" ] );
                } catch( Exception e ) {
                    e.Message.Debug( 5 );
                    ( "logon failure > userId key is in the incorrect format > ip:" + session.Ip +
                    ",sessionId:" + session.Id.ToString() ).Debug( 5 );
                    /* Logon error -4 incorrect userId format */
                    j.Add( "error", -40 );
                    j.Add( "description", "userId key is in the incorrect format." );
                    return j;
            if( args.ContainsKey( "logon" ) ) {
                if( !int.TryParse( args[ "logon" ].ToString(), out userId ) ) {
                    userId = -1;
            if( args.ContainsKey( "email" ) ) {
                login = Convert.ToString( args[ "email" ] );
            if( args.ContainsKey( "password" ) ) {
                password = GetHash( args[ "password" ] );
            /* execute SP logon */
            string commandText = "dbo.logon @email,@password,@sessionid,@createaccount,@unique_siteID,@userId,@referenceSessionId";
            SqlCommand cmd;
            if( cn == null ) {
                cmd = new SqlCommand( commandText, Site.SqlConnection );
            } else {
                cmd = new SqlCommand( commandText, cn, trns );
            cmd.Parameters.Add( "@email", SqlDbType.VarChar ).Value = login;
            cmd.Parameters.Add( "@password", SqlDbType.VarChar ).Value = password;
            cmd.Parameters.Add( "@sessionid", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ).Value = new Guid( session.Id.ToString() );
            cmd.Parameters.Add( "@createaccount", SqlDbType.Bit ).Value = false;
            cmd.Parameters.Add( "@unique_siteID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ).Value = new Guid( Site.Id.ToString() );
            cmd.Parameters.Add( "@userId", SqlDbType.Int ).Value = userId;
            cmd.Parameters.Add( "@referenceSessionId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ).Value = new Guid( hostSessionId );
            int logonError = -1;/* there is an error if there is no recordset  returned */
            using( SqlDataReader d = cmd.ExecuteReader() ) {
                logonError = d.GetInt32( 0 );
            if( logonError != -1 ) {
                j.Add( "error", 0 );
                j.Add( "description", "Logon successful" );
                if( cn == null ) {
                    session.Refresh( false );
                } else {
                    session.Refresh( false, cn, trns );
                string _msg = String.Format( "logon success > user:{0}, ip:{1}, sessionId:{2}.",
                session.UserId, session.Ip, session.Id );
                _msg.Debug( 5 );
                if( args.ContainsKey( "showSessionData" ) ) {
                    if( Convert.ToBoolean( args[ "showSessionData" ] ) ) {
                        j.Add( "session", session );
                if( args.ContainsKey( "showUserData" ) ) {
                    if( Convert.ToBoolean( args[ "showUserData" ] ) ) {
                        j.Add( "user", session.User );
            } else {
                string _msg = String.Format( "logon failure > user:{0}, ip:{1}, sessionId:{2}.",
                session.UserId, session.Ip, session.Id );
                _msg.Debug( 5 );
                /* Logon error -2 incorrect password */
                j.Add( "error", -20 );
                j.Add( "description", "incorrect name/password" );

            return j;
Exemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Logons the specified user.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="userName">User name.</param>
 /// <param name="password">The password.</param>
 /// <param name="session">Session to logon.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static int LogOn(string userName, string password, Session session )
     Dictionary<string, object> j = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     j.Add( "sessionId", session.Id.ToString() );
     j.Add( "email", userName );
     j.Add( "password", password );
     Dictionary<string, object> r = LogOn(j,null,null);
     return (int)r["error"];
Exemplo n.º 15
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds an item to the selected sessions cart with transactions
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="args">{itemnumber:string,qty:int,sessionid:Guid,other misc item form inputs}</param>
 /// <param name="cn">The connection being used.</param>
 /// <param name="trans">The transaction being used.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// {itemNumber:string,price:float,qty:int,cartId:Guid,addressId:Guid
 /// sessionId:Guid,packingSlipImage:string,auxillaryImage:string,cartImage:string,detailImage:string,
 /// fullSizeImage:string,listingImage:string,listing2Image:string,description:string,
 /// form:string,error_id:int,error_desc:string,inputs:Dictionary}.
 /// </returns>
 public static Dictionary<string, object> AddToCart(Dictionary<string, object> args, SqlConnection cn, SqlTransaction trans)
     ("FUNCTION:Add to Cart > Result object to JSON").Debug(10);
     Dictionary<string, object> j = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     Session session = null;
     if(args.ContainsKey("sessionId")) {
         if(cn == null) {
             session = new Session(Main.Site, new Guid((string)args["sessionId"]));
         } else {
             session = new Session(Main.Site, new Guid((string)args["sessionId"]), cn, trans);
     } else {
         session = Main.GetCurrentSession();
     Commerce.Item item = Main.Site.Items.List.Find(delegate(Commerce.Item itm) {
         return itm.ItemNumber.ToLower() == ((string)args["itemNumber"]).ToLower();
     if(item == null) {
         j.Add("error", -1);
         string passedItem = ((string)args["itemNumber"]).MaxLength(50, true);
         j.Add("description", "Item number " + passedItem + " (itemNumber argument length:" +
         passedItem.Length.ToString() + ") does not exist.");
         return j;
     if(!args.ContainsKey("itemNumber")) {
         j.Add("error", -2);
         j.Add("description", "the key itemNumber is missing from the collection.");
         return j;
     int qty = 1;
     if(args.ContainsKey("qty")) {
         if(!int.TryParse(args["qty"].ToString(), out qty)) {
             qty = 1;
     /* figure out the price that should be set.   The user can override the price if:
      * They are an administrator (session.administrator)
      * An administrator is entering the order (instatitationSession.administrator)
      * The order is entered via EDI transmission (HttpContext.Current==null)
     decimal price = (decimal)0.00;
     bool allowPreorder = false;
     bool allowPriceOverride = false;
     bool allowPreorderOverride = false;
     bool overridePrice = false;
     if(session.Wholesale == 1) {
         price = item.WholeSalePrice;
     } else if(item.IsOnSale) {
         price = item.SalePrice;
     /* check if the user is an administrator or  */
     if(session.Administrator || HttpContext.Current == null) {
         allowPriceOverride = true;
     /* check if this item is being added by someone else */
     if(HttpContext.Current != null) {
         Session instatitationSession = Main.GetCurrentSession();
         if(instatitationSession != null) {
             /* are they an administrator (What else would they be?  But what the hell.) */
             if(instatitationSession.Administrator) {
                 allowPriceOverride = true;
     if(allowPriceOverride) {
         if(args.ContainsKey("price")) {
             /* if the key is present, try and convert it into a decimal,
              * if that doesn't work enter price 0 to throw an exception */
             if(!decimal.TryParse(args["price"].ToString(), out price)) {
                 price = 0;
             } else {
                 /* only override the price if a valid price was provided */
                 overridePrice = true;
     if(allowPreorderOverride) {
         if(args.ContainsKey("allowPreorder")) {
             /* check if somthing silly was put in the key, if not allow the user to change allowPreorder */
             if(!bool.TryParse(args["allowPreorder"].ToString(), out allowPreorder)) {
                 allowPreorder = false;
     BeforeAddToCartEventArgs e = new BeforeAddToCartEventArgs(item, session, cn, trans, HttpContext.Current);
     Commerce.CartItem i = addToCartProc(
     string form = "";
     if(i.Item.Form == null) {
         form = "";
     } else {
         form = i.Item.Form.Html;
     /* spit a json object out to the console that initiated the request */
     j.Add("itemNumber", i.Item.Number);
     j.Add("price", (double)i.Price);
     j.Add("qty", i.Qty);
     j.Add("cartId", i.CartId.ToString());
     j.Add("addressId", i.AddressId.ToString());
     j.Add("sessionId", session.Id.ToString());
     j.Add("packingSlipImage", i.Item.PackingSlipImage);
     j.Add("auxillaryImage", i.Item.AuxillaryImage);
     j.Add("cartImage", i.Item.CartImage);
     j.Add("detailImage", i.Item.FullSizeImage);
     j.Add("fullSizeImage", i.Item.FullSizeImage);
     j.Add("listingImage", i.Item.ListingImage);
     j.Add("listing2Image", i.Item.Listing2Image);
     j.Add("item_description", i.Item.Description);
     j.Add("formName", i.Item.FormName);
     j.Add("error_id", i.Error_Id);
     j.Add("error_desc", i.Error_Description);
     j.Add("error", i.Error_Id);
     j.Add("description", i.Error_Description);
     if(i.Item.Form != null) {
         Dictionary<string, object> k = new Dictionary<string, object>();
         for(var x = 0; i.Inputs.Count > x; x++) {
             if(!k.ContainsKey(i.Inputs[x].Name)) {
                 k.Add(i.Inputs[x].Name, i.Inputs[x].Value);
         j.Add("inputs", k);
         j.Add("formHTML", form);
     } else {
         j.Add("inputs", false);
     AddToCartEventArgs f = new AddToCartEventArgs(i, session.Cart, cn, trans, session, HttpContext.Current);
     return j;
Exemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>
 /// creates a review for a hash match object accessable later thru _site._reviews
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="args">JSON Object containging
 /// <returns>{reviewId:Guid,userId:Int,rating:Int,value:string,archive:bool
 /// addDate:date,refType:string,refId:string,error:int,errorDesc:string}.</returns>
 public static Dictionary<string, object> AddReview(Dictionary<string, object> args)
     ("FUNCTION /w SP addReview").Debug(10);
     Dictionary<string, object> j = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     Session session = null;
     if(args.ContainsKey("sessionId")) {
         session = new Session(Main.Site, new Guid((string)args["sessionId"]));
     } else {
         session = Main.GetCurrentSession();
     Guid reviewId = Guid.NewGuid();
     SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("dbo.insertReview @reviewId,@userId,@rating,@message,@refId,@archive,@addDate,@refType", Site.SqlConnection);
     cmd.Parameters.Add("@reviewId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = new Guid(reviewId.ToString());
     cmd.Parameters.Add("@userId", SqlDbType.Int).Value = session.UserId;
     cmd.Parameters.Add("@rating", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Convert.ToInt32(args["rating"]);
     cmd.Parameters.Add("@message", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = Convert.ToString(args["message"]);
     cmd.Parameters.Add("@refId", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = Convert.ToString(args["objId"]);
     cmd.Parameters.Add("@archive", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = false;
     cmd.Parameters.Add("@addDate", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = DateTime.Now;
     cmd.Parameters.Add("@refType", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = Convert.ToString(args["objType"]);
     /* add to review list in memory */
     Commerce.Review rev = new Commerce.Review(reviewId, Main.GetCurrentSession().UserId, (float)Convert.ToInt32(args["rating"]),
     Convert.ToString(args["message"]), false, DateTime.Now, Convert.ToString(args["objId"]), Convert.ToString(args["objType"]), Main.Site);
     if(Convert.ToString(args["objType"]).l() == "itemnumber") {
         Commerce.Item i = Main.Site.Items.List.Find(delegate(Commerce.Item itm) {
             return itm.ItemNumber.l() == Convert.ToString(args["objId"]).l();
         /* refresh item item in-memory as well*/
         if(i != null) {
     j.Add("reviewId", rev.Id.ToString());
     j.Add("userId", rev.UserId);
     j.Add("rating", rev.Rating);
     j.Add("message", rev.Value);
     j.Add("archive", rev.Archive);
     j.Add("addDate", rev.Date);
     j.Add("refType", rev.RefType);
     j.Add("refId", rev.RefId);
     j.Add("error", 0);
     j.Add("errorDesc", "");
     return j;
Exemplo n.º 17
 /// <summary>
 /// empty the selected cart
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sessionId">Guid sessionId.</param>
 /// <returns>{success:bool}.</returns>
 public static Dictionary<string, object> EmptyCart(string sessionId)
     ("FUNCTION /w SP emptyCart").Debug(10);
     Dictionary<string, object> j = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     Session session = null;
     if(sessionId.IsGuid()) {
         session = new Session(Main.Site, new Guid(sessionId));
     } else {
         session = Main.GetCurrentSession();
     SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("dbo.emptyCart @sessionId", Site.SqlConnection);
     cmd.Parameters.Add("@sessionId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = session.Id;
     j.Add("error", 0);
     j.Add("description", "");
     return j;
Exemplo n.º 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Saves the Address.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="session">The session.</param>
 public void Save( Session session )
     Save( session, null, null );
Exemplo n.º 19
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates the cart based on the dictionary provided.
 /// Pass the quantity of the item as qty+jguid(cartId) or as the jguid(cartId)
 /// All other form variables should be passed using their cartDetailId.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="args">The args.</param>
 /// <returns>{error:0,desc:"error description",items:item Collection,subTotal:x,taxTotal:x,estShipTotal:x,discountTotal:x,grandTotal:x,addresses:addressCollection}.</returns>
 public static Dictionary<string, object> UpdateCart(Dictionary<string, object> args)
     ("FUNCTION /w SP updateCart").Debug(10);
     Dictionary<string, object> j = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     Session session = null;
     if(args.ContainsKey("sessionId")) {
         session = new Session(Main.Site, new Guid((string)args["sessionId"]));
     } else {
         session = Main.GetCurrentSession();
     if(session.Cart.Items.Count == 0) {
     foreach(Commerce.CartItem i in session.Cart.Items) {
         /* check for each QTY key, if the key exists then update this item. */
         if(args.ContainsKey(i.CartId.EncodeXMLId())) {
             string formId = i.CartId.EncodeXMLId();
             int qty = 0;/* if a qty was passed, and it turns out not to be numeric, then you loose the item */
             if(!int.TryParse(args[formId].ToString(), out qty)) {
                 qty = 0;
             Guid addressId = Guid.Empty;
             if(args.ContainsKey("addressId")) {
                 addressId = new Guid(args["addressId"].ToString());
             SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(Cart.UPDATE_CART_QUERY, Site.SqlConnection);
             cmd.Parameters.Add("@qty", SqlDbType.Int).Value = args[i.CartId.EncodeXMLId()];
             cmd.Parameters.Add("@price", SqlDbType.Money).Value = 0;
             cmd.Parameters.Add("@cartId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = new Guid(i.CartId.ToString());
             cmd.Parameters.Add("@setPrice", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = false;
             cmd.Parameters.Add("@addressId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = addressId;
             UpdateCartDetail(i, args);
     List<object> items = new List<object>();
     foreach(Commerce.CartItem i in session.Cart.Items) {
         Dictionary<string, object> jt = new Dictionary<string, object>();
         jt.Add("cartId", i.CartId);
         jt.Add("price", i.Price);
         jt.Add("qty", i.Qty);
         jt.Add("addressId", i.AddressId);
         jt.Add("inputs", i.Inputs);
     j.Add("items", items);
     j.Add("subTotal", (float)session.Cart.SubTotal);
     j.Add("taxTotal", (float)session.Cart.TaxTotal);
     j.Add("estShipTotal", (float)session.Cart.EstShipTotal);
     j.Add("discountTotal", (float)session.Cart.DiscountTotal);
     j.Add("grandTotal", (float)session.Cart.GrandTotal);
     j.Add("addresses", session.Cart.Addresses);
     j.Add("error", 0);
     j.Add("description", "");
     return j;
Exemplo n.º 20
 /// <summary>
 /// Saves the Address.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="session">The session.</param>
 /// <param name="cn">The cn.</param>
 /// <param name="trans">The trans.</param>
 private void Save( Session session, SqlConnection cn, SqlTransaction trans )
     Dictionary<string, object> args = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     args.Add( "sessionId", session.Id.ToString() );
     args.Add( "contactId", Id.ToString() );
     args.Add( "userId", session.UserId );
     args.Add( "FirstName", FirstName );
     args.Add( "LastName", LastName );
     args.Add( "Address1", Address1 );
     args.Add( "Address2", Address2 );
     args.Add( "City", City );
     args.Add( "State", State );
     args.Add( "Zip", Zip );
     args.Add( "Country", Country );
     args.Add( "HomePhone", HomePhone );
     args.Add( "WorkPhone", WorkPhone );
     args.Add( "Email", Email );
     args.Add( "SpecialInstructions", SpecialInstructions );
     args.Add( "Comments", Comments );
     args.Add( "SendShipmentUpdates", SendShipmentUpdates );
     args.Add( "EmailAds", EmailAds );
     args.Add( "Rate", Rate );
     args.Add( "DateCreated", DateCreated );
     args.Add( "Company", Company );
     UpdateContactWithTransaction( args, cn, trans );
Exemplo n.º 21
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a _cart_item AND adds the selected item to the user's cart
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item_number">Number of the item you want to add to the user's cart</param>
 /// <param name="item_qty">Quantity of the item you want to add</param>
 /// <param name="session">session</param>
 /// <param name="args">The args.</param>
 /// <param name="price">The price.</param>
 /// <param name="allowPreorder">if set to <c>true</c> [allow preorder].</param>
 /// <param name="allow_priceOverride">if set to <c>true</c> [allow_price override].</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// Returns an empty string rather than a null from the Request[] object.
 /// </returns>
 internal static Commerce.CartItem AddToCartProc(string item_number, int item_qty, Session session,
 Dictionary<string, object> args, object price, bool allowPreorder, bool allow_priceOverride)
     return addToCartProc(item_number, item_qty, session, args, price, allowPreorder, allow_priceOverride, null, null);
Exemplo n.º 22
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a reply to the reply or Blog matching the replyId key.
 /// Uses a SQL transaction to roll back changes if the boolean key "preview"
 /// is true, but still shows what would have happened.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="args">The argument dictionary {
 ///		replyId
 ///		email
 ///		subject
 ///		rating
 ///		userId
 ///		comment
 ///		addedOn
 ///		parentId
 ///		reference
 ///		disabled
 ///		approves
 ///		disapproves
 ///		flaggedInappropriate
 ///		message
 /// }</param>
 /// <returns>Dictionary containing {error:0,desc:"",subject:"blah",message:"blah"} when successfull or the error. </returns>
 public static Dictionary<string, object> AddReply(Dictionary<string, object> args)
     ("FUNCTION /w SP addReply").Debug(10);
     Dictionary<string, object> j = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     Session session = null;
     bool preview = false;
     if(args.ContainsKey("sessionId")) {
         session = new Session(Main.Site, new Guid((string)args["sessionId"]));
     } else {
         session = Main.GetCurrentSession();
     using(SqlConnection cn = Site.CreateConnection(true, true)) {
         using(SqlTransaction trans = cn.BeginTransaction("reply")) {
             if(args.ContainsKey("preview")) {
                 preview = (bool)args["preview"];
             string replyId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
             Guid parentId;
             if(args.ContainsKey("replyId")) {
                 replyId = args["replyId"].ToString();
             if(args.ContainsKey("parentId")) {
                 parentId = new Guid(args["parentId"].ToString());
             } else {
                 j.Add("error", 2);
                 j.Add("description", "Key parentId is not present.");
                 return j;
             /* email the Blog to which this reply belongs, if they like that sort of thing. */
             //int nestCount = 0;
             BlogEntry entry = null;
             while(entry == null) {
                 entry = Main.Site.Blogs.AllEntries.Find(delegate(BlogEntry be) {
                     return be.Id == parentId;
                 if(entry == null) {
                     Reply reply = Main.Site.Replies.List.Find(delegate(Commerce.Reply rp) {
                         return rp.Id == parentId;
                     if(reply == null) {
                         j.Add("error", 4);
                         j.Add("description", "Could not find parent..");
                         return j;
                     // step up until the parent is a Blog
                     parentId = reply.ParentId;
             if(!entry.AllowComments) {
                 j.Add("error", 5);
                 j.Add("description", "This Blog does not allow comments.");
                 return j;
             string email = args.KeyOrDefault("email", "").ToString();
             string subject = args.KeyOrDefault("subject", "").ToString();
             string rating = args.KeyOrDefault("rating", "").ToString();
             string comment = args.KeyOrDefault("message", "").ToString();
             string addedOn = args.KeyOrDefault("addedOn", DateTime.Now.ToString()).ToString();
             string reference = args.KeyOrDefault("reference", "").ToString();
             /* accept all messages instantly in test mode */
             string disabled = args.KeyOrDefault("disabled", false).ToString();
             string approves = args.KeyOrDefault("approves", 0).ToString();
             string disapproves = args.KeyOrDefault("disapproves", 0).ToString();
             string flaggedInappropriate = args.KeyOrDefault("flaggedInappropriate", false).ToString();
             string commandText = @"dbo.insertReply @replyId, @email,
         @subject, @rating, @userId, @comment, @addedOn, @parentId,
         @reference, @disabled, @approves, @disapproves, @flaggedInappropriate";
             using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(commandText, cn, trans)) {
                 cmd.Parameters.Add("@replyId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = new Guid(replyId);
                 cmd.Parameters.Add("@email", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = email;
                 cmd.Parameters.Add("@subject", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = subject;
                 cmd.Parameters.Add("@rating", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = rating;
                 cmd.Parameters.Add("@userId", SqlDbType.Int).Value = session.UserId;
                 cmd.Parameters.Add("@comment", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = comment;
                 cmd.Parameters.Add("@addedOn", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = Convert.ToDateTime(addedOn);
                 cmd.Parameters.Add("@parentId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = new Guid(parentId.ToString());
                 cmd.Parameters.Add("@reference", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = reference;
                 cmd.Parameters.Add("@disabled", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = Convert.ToBoolean(disabled);
                 cmd.Parameters.Add("@approves", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Convert.ToInt32(approves);
                 cmd.Parameters.Add("@disapproves", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Convert.ToInt32(disapproves);
                 cmd.Parameters.Add("@flaggedInappropriate", SqlDbType.Int).Value = 0;
                 j.Add("subject", args["subject"].ToString());
                 j.Add("message", args["message"].ToString());
                 j.Add("replyId", replyId);
                 if(preview) {
                 } else {
             if(!preview) {
                 Main.Site.Replies = new Commerce.Replies(Main.Site);
                 Main.Site.Blogs = new Commerce.Blogs(Main.Site);
                 Guid gReplyId = new Guid(replyId);
                 Commerce.Reply newReply = Main.Site.Replies.List.Find(delegate(Commerce.Reply rp) {
                     return rp.Id == gReplyId;
                 if(entry.EmailUpdates) {
                     CreateEmailEventArgs emailArgs =
                     new CreateEmailEventArgs("commentAdded",
                     entry.Author.Email, Main.Site.site_log_email,
                     entry.Author, session, newReply, entry);
                     DefaultEmails.CommentAdded(ref emailArgs);
                     SendEmailArgResult(emailArgs, cn, null);
             j.Add("blogEntryId", parentId);
             j.Add("error", 0);
             j.Add("description", "");
     return j;
Exemplo n.º 23
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Cart"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="f_session">The f_session.</param>
 /// <param name="f_site">The f_site.</param>
 public Cart( Session f_session, Site f_site )
     EstShippingCost = 0;
     EstShipTotal = 0;
     SubTotal = 0;
     GrandTotal = 0;
     TaxTotal = 0;
     DiscountTotal = 0;
     Items = new List<CartItem>();
     Addresses = new List<Address>();
     Session = f_session;
     Site = f_site;
Exemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Process JSON messages.
        /// Map some messages to methods.
        /// Map some messages to embedded resources.
        /// Secondary HTTP Pipeline.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="httpApp">The Http app.</param>
        /// <returns>When true, a AJAX responder was called</returns>
        private static bool processHTTPRequest(HttpApplication httpApp)
            /* get the current http context */
            bool _JSONResponse = false;
            HttpContext current = HttpContext.Current;
            /* start a Timer */
            DateTime startHTTPRequest = DateTime.Now;
            current.Items.Add("startHTTPRequest", startHTTPRequest);
            /* create a reference to the session object */
            Session session = null;
            string executionFilePath = current.Request.AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath;
            bool _isVirtualResourcePath = IsVirtualResourcePath(executionFilePath);
            /* ***1*** make sure user's don't request an invalid file resource by redirecting */
            if(Main.AdminDirectory == executionFilePath) {
                current.Response.Redirect(Main.AdminDirectory + "/", false);
                goto End;
            /* ***2*** if this is not a request for a /Admin or /responder directory
             * implement the rewriter directives */
            if(!_isVirtualResourcePath) {
                /* try to redirect the URL */
                if(redirectUrl(current)) { goto End; };
                /* try to rewrite the URL */
                if(RewriteUrl(current)) { goto End; };
                /* site section rewrites */
                if(RewriteSiteSection(current)) { goto End; };
                /* check for category rewrites */
                if(RewriteCategory(current)) { goto End; };
                /* check for item rewrites */
                if(RewriteItem(current)) { goto End; };
            /* ***3*** don't try and examine the physical path until _after_ the rewrite */
            string physicalPath = current.Request.PhysicalPath;
            bool _isResourceFile = IsResourceFile(physicalPath);

            /* if this is an image or other non dynamic resource file
             * and not used in a virtual path than don't do any further processing */
            if(_isResourceFile && !_isVirtualResourcePath) {
                goto End;
            /* if this is a public resource, give up the resource now */
            foreach(string file in Main.PublicFiles) {
                if(executionFilePath == file || executionFilePath.StartsWith(Main.AdminDirectory + "/img")) {
                    goto End;
            /* no rewrite or redirect so now check if the file exists */
            if(!File.Exists(physicalPath) && !_isVirtualResourcePath) {
                ErrorPage(current, 404, String.Format("Cannot find {0}", physicalPath));
                goto End;
            /* the file or resource exists (probably)
             * create a Session
             * this is resource consuming */
            session = new Session(Site);
            /* place the session object in an object that is only good as long as the http pipeline lasts */
            current.Items.Add("currentSession", session);
            /* raise the after authentication event */
            AfterAuthenticationEventArgs args = new AfterAuthenticationEventArgs(session, current);
            /* execute AJAX responders - if a responder was executed then end. */
            try {
                if(executeResponders(current, session)) {
                    _JSONResponse = true;
                    goto End;
            } catch(Exception ex) {
                String.Format("executeResponders exception =>{0}", ex.Message).Debug(0);
                goto End;
            /* check if this is a request for the Admin directory or Admin responder virtual page */
            if(_isVirtualResourcePath) {
                /* don't do anything for people who arn't logged on as administrators, unless we're in setup mode */
                if(!session.Administrator) {
                    /* 401 forbidden, and ask for a username / password */
                    /* RFC 2617 HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication */
                    if(current.Request.Headers["Authorization"] != null) {
                        /* user is sending logon attempt via HTTP auth */
                        string _raw_header = current.Request.Headers["Authorization"];
                        string[] _hprams = _raw_header.Split(' ');
                        string method = _hprams[0];
                        string enc_auth = _hprams[1];
                        /* decode base 64 auth string */
                        string _raw_auth = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(enc_auth));
                        string[] _auth = _raw_auth.Split(':');
                        string userName = _auth[0];
                        string password = _auth[1];
                        /* try to logon using the provided authentication creditials */
                        if(session.LogOn(userName, password) == 0) {
                    /* check again */
                    if(!session.Administrator) {
                        if(!UseFormsBasedAuth) {
                            current.Response.AddHeader("WWW-Authenticate", String.Format("Basic realm=\"{0}\"", current.Request.Url.DnsSafeHost));
                            ErrorPage(current, 401,
                            String.Format("Only administrators can access the {0} virtual directory.", Main.AdminDirectory));/* 401 unauthorized */
                            goto End;
                        } else {
                            current.Response.Redirect(Main.PublicDirectory + "/logon.html?rdr=" + executionFilePath.UrlEncode());
                            goto End;
                /* if this is a request for the Admin directory tree respond with the given Admin resource */
                if(!executionFilePath.Contains(Main.AdminResponder)) {
                    goto End;
            /* fire off events */
            EndRequestEventArgs endRequestargs = new EndRequestEventArgs(session, current);
            DateTime endHTTPRequest = DateTime.Now;
            current.Items.Add("finish_processHTTPRequest", endHTTPRequest);
            return _JSONResponse;
Exemplo n.º 25
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the current session requesting the HTTP resource.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>Session</returns>
 internal static Session GetCurrentSession()
     HttpContext current = HttpContext.Current;
     if(current==null){return null;}
     Session session = ((Session)current.Items["currentSession"]);
     /* if the value isn't loaded then get it */
         session = new Session( Site );
         /* place the session object in an object that is only good as long as the http pipeline lasts */
         if( !current.Items.Contains( "currentSession" ) ) {
             current.Items.Add( "currentSession", session );
         } else {
             current.Items[ "currentSession" ] = session;
     return session;
            /// <summary>
            /// Places an order once a cart has been filled with items using the specified sessionId within a transaction.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="args">JSON Object that can contain the following keys (even if blank)
            /// sessionId
            /// userId
            /// nameOnCard
            /// cardType
            /// cardNumber
            /// expMonth
            /// expYear
            /// secNumber
            /// soldBy
            /// requisitionedBy
            /// parentOrderId
            /// deliverBy
            /// purchaseOrder
            /// manifestNumber
            /// vendorAccountNumber
            /// Fob
            /// scannedImage
            /// comments
            /// billToContactId
            /// billToFirstName
            /// billToLastName
            /// billToAddress1
            /// billToAddress2
            /// billToCity
            /// billToState
            /// billToZip
            /// billToCountry
            /// billToCompany
            /// billToEmail
            /// billToSendShipmentUpdates
            /// billToHomePhone
            /// billToWorkPhone
            /// billToSpecialInstructions
            /// billToEmailAds
            /// billToComments
            /// billToRateId
            /// shipToContactId
            /// shipToFirstName
            /// shipToLastName
            /// shipToAddress1
            /// shipToAddress2
            /// shipToCity
            /// shipToState
            /// shipToZip
            /// shipToCountry
            /// shipToCompany
            /// shipToEmail
            /// shipToSendShipmentUpdates
            /// shipToHomePhone
            /// shipToWorkPhone
            /// shipToSpecialInstructions
            /// shipToComments
            /// shipToEmailAds
            /// shipToRateId</param>
            /// <param name="fcn">The FCN.</param>
            /// <param name="trans">The transaction being used.</param>
            /// <returns>
            /// {billToAddressId:Guid,paymentMethodId:Guid,orderNumber:string,subTotal:float,grandTotal:float,taxTotal:float,shipTotal:float,
            /// discounted:Guid,printState:string,concatSerialNumbers:string,concatShipmentNumbers:float,concatSerialIds:float,
            /// concatShipmentIds:Guid,error:Guid,errorDescription:string,orderId:float,discountPct:float,
            /// discountCode:Guid,termId:int,userId:int,approvedBy:int,scannedImage:string}.
            /// </returns>
            public static Dictionary<string, object> PlaceOrderWithTransaction(Dictionary<string, object> args, SqlConnection fcn, SqlTransaction trans)
                /* do not put debug statements before the transaction start */
                int requisitionedBy = -1;
                int approvedBy = -1;
                int soldBy = -1;
                int parentOrderId = -1;
                bool backorderMode = false;
                DateTime SQLMin = DateTime.Parse("1/1/1900 00:00:00.000");
                DateTime deliverBy = SQLMin;
                DateTime orderDate = SQLMin;
                string customOrderNumber = "";
                string vtDesc = "";
                Commerce.CreditCard card = null;
                Commerce.Cash cash = null;
                Commerce.Wire wire = null;
                // never used -> Commerce.PayPal PayPal = null;
                Commerce.Check check = null;
                Commerce.PromiseToPay promiseToPay = null;
                Dictionary<string, object> vt = null;
                Dictionary<string, object> o = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                /* last chance to reject before transaction starts */
                SqlConnection cn;
                if(fcn == null) {
                    /* create a seperate connection so we can control the transaction process (MARS will confict) */
                    cn = Site.CreateConnection(false, true);
                } else {
                    cn = fcn;
                string transSessionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToFileName();
                SqlCommand cmd;
                SqlTransaction orderTransaction;
                if(fcn == null) {
                    orderTransaction = cn.BeginTransaction(transSessionId);
                } else {
                    orderTransaction = trans;
                /* debug statements OK after this */
                ("FUNCTION /w SP,CN,TRANS placeOrder").Debug(10);
                bool rollback = false;
                int termId = 0;
                /* check all keys to make sure the keys are present */
                string[] keys = {
                string[] requiredKeys = { };
                Session session = null;
                if(args.ContainsKey("sessionId")) {
                    if(fcn == null) {
                        session = new Session(Main.Site, new Guid((string)args["sessionId"]));
                    } else {
                        session = new Session(Main.Site, new Guid((string)args["sessionId"]), cn, orderTransaction);
                } else {
                    session = Main.GetCurrentSession();
                foreach(string keyName in requiredKeys) {
                    if(!args.ContainsKey(keyName)) {
                        string errMsg = "The key \"" + keyName + "\" is missing from the argument dictionary.  All required keys must be present.";
                        o.Add("error", -4010);
                        o.Add("description", errMsg);
                        Exception e = new Exception(errMsg);
                        throw e;
                foreach(string keyName in keys) {
                    if(!args.ContainsKey(keyName)) {
                        args.Add(keyName, "");
                /* gather bill to and ship to data, if any, from the request */
                Dictionary<string, object> btAddr = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                Dictionary<string, object> stAddr = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                foreach(KeyValuePair<string, object> field in args as Dictionary<string, object>) {
                    if(field.Key.StartsWith("shipTo")) {
                        stAddr.Add(field.Key.Replace("shipTo", ""), field.Value);
                    } else if(field.Key.StartsWith("billTo")) {
                        btAddr.Add(field.Key.Replace("billTo", ""), field.Value);
                if(!(session.User.AccountType == 0 || session.User.AccountType == 1)) {
                    Exception e = new Exception(string.Format("Only users with account type 0 or 1 can place orders.  " +
                    "The account type of userId {0} is {1}.", session.UserId, session.User.AccountType));
                    throw e;
                /* if the cart isn't populated, do that now */
                if(session.Cart.Items.Count == 0) {
                    session.Cart.Refresh(cn, orderTransaction);
                if(session.Cart.Items.Count == 0) {
                    string _msg = String.Format("No items found in cart. UserId:{0}, SessionId:{1}", session.UserId, session.Id);
                    o.Add("error", -2016);
                    o.Add("description", "No items found in cart.");
                    rollback = true;
                    Exception e = new Exception(_msg);
                    throw e;
                /* update the bill to and ship to addresses in the database
                 * if the Address does not exist, validate it and insert it.
                if(stAddr.Count > 0) {
                    stAddr.Add("contactId", session.Cart.Items[0].AddressId.ToString());
                    stAddr.Add("sessionId", session.Id.ToString());
                    stAddr.Add("userId", session.UserId.ToString());
                    Address.UpdateContactWithTransaction(stAddr, cn, orderTransaction);
                if(btAddr.Count > 0) {
                    btAddr.Add("contactId", session.Id.ToString());
                    btAddr.Add("sessionId", session.Id.ToString());
                    btAddr.Add("userId", session.UserId.ToString());
                    Address.UpdateContactWithTransaction(btAddr, cn, orderTransaction);
                /* refresh again to reflect changes in the addresses */
                session.Cart.Refresh(cn, orderTransaction);
                Commerce.Address billToAddress = session.Cart.Addresses.Find(delegate(Commerce.Address adr) {
                    return adr.Id == session.Id;
                Commerce.Address shipToAddress = session.Cart.Addresses.Find(delegate(Commerce.Address adr) {
                    return adr.Id != session.Id;
                /* if there is no shipToAddress, or billToAddress then reject now */
                if(billToAddress == null) {
                    o.Add("error", -2001);
                    o.Add("description", "No bill to Address found for session.");
                    rollback = true;
                    string _msg = String.Format("No bill to Address found for session. UserId:{0}, SessionId:{1}",
                    session.UserId, session.Id);
                    Exception e = new Exception(_msg);
                    throw e;
                if(shipToAddress == null) {
                    o.Add("error", -2002);
                    o.Add("description", "No ship to Address found for session.");
                    rollback = true;
                    string _msg = String.Format("No ship to Address found. UserId:{0}, SessionId:{1}",
                    session.UserId, session.Id);
                    Exception e = new Exception(_msg);
                    throw e;
                ("Begin place order transaction >").Debug(7);
                PlaceOrderEventArgs ev = new PlaceOrderEventArgs(session.Cart, cn, orderTransaction, session, HttpContext.Current);
                try {
                    bool transactionSucsessStatus = false;
                    int errorId = -1;
                    string errorDescription = "";
                    int orderId = -1;
                    string orderNumber = "";
                    Guid newSessionId = Guid.Empty;
                    if(!DateTime.TryParse(args["orderDate"].ToString(), out orderDate)) {
                        orderDate = DateTime.Now;
                    /* if the date is today at 12:00, change the date to now.  Some functions
                     * want to pretend there is no such thing as time of day, this is bad behaviour.
                    if(orderDate == DateTime.Today) {
                        orderDate = DateTime.Now;
                    /* validate order */
                    if(HttpContext.Current != null) {
                        /* if this is a web user, check that they have permission for these keys */
                        int _term;
                        if(!int.TryParse(args["termId"].ToString(), out _term)) {
                            termId = session.User.TermId;
                        /* is the person who owns the order an administrator? If not they gota use their account terms. */
                        if(!session.User.Administrator) {
                            termId = session.User.TermId;
                        /* is the person who is submitting the order an administrator? */
                        Session submitter = Main.GetCurrentSession();
                        if(submitter != null) {
                            if(submitter.User.Administrator) {
                                termId = _term;
                    } else {
                        /* if this isn't a web user (EDI) then see if they passed a valid termId, or use the user's default */
                        termId = session.User.TermId;
                        if(!int.TryParse(args["termId"].ToString(), out termId)) {
                            termId = session.User.TermId;
                    String.Format("Place Order > Set termId {0} for userId  {1}", termId, session.UserId).Debug(7);
                    /* try to create a paymentMethodId */
                    Guid paymentMethodId = Guid.NewGuid();
                    if(!bool.TryParse(args["backorder"].ToString(), out backorderMode)) {
                        backorderMode = false;
                    if(termId == 0 && backorderMode == false) {/*this is a prepaid credit card transaction - termId 0 */
                        String.Format("Place Order > Begin CC Transaction for userId {0}", session.UserId).Debug(7);
                        card = new Commerce.CreditCard(
                            args["cardType"].ToString().MaxLength(50, true),
                            args["cardNumber"].ToString().MaxLength(100, true),
                            args["nameOnCard"].ToString().MaxLength(100, true),
                            args["secNumber"].ToString().MaxLength(7, true),
                            args["expMonth"].ToString().MaxLength(4, true),
                            args["expYear"].ToString().MaxLength(4, true)
                        List<int> orderIds = new List<int>();
                        card.Insert(paymentMethodId, session.Id, session.UserId, session.Id, termId, "",
                        session.Cart.GrandTotal, orderDate, orderIds, "", cn, orderTransaction);
                    } else if(termId == 9 && backorderMode == false /* this is a COD Check transaction - termId 9 */ ) {
                        check = new Commerce.Check(
                            args["checkNumber"].ToString().MaxLength(50, true),
                            args["routingNumber"].ToString().MaxLength(50, true),
                            args["bankAccountNumber"].ToString().MaxLength(50, true),
                            args["checkNotes"].ToString().MaxLength(50, true)
                        List<int> orderIds = new List<int>();
                        check.Insert(paymentMethodId, session.UserId, session.Id, termId, "", session.Cart.GrandTotal, orderDate, orderIds, "", cn, orderTransaction);
                    } else if(termId == 20 && backorderMode == false /* this is a wire transfer - termId 20 */ ) {
                        wire = new Commerce.Wire(
                            args["swift"].ToString().MaxLength(50, true),
                            args["bankName"].ToString().MaxLength(50, true),
                            args["routingTransitNumber"].ToString().MaxLength(50, true)
                        List<int> orderIds = new List<int>();
                        wire.Insert(paymentMethodId, session.UserId, session.Id, termId, "", session.Cart.GrandTotal, orderDate, orderIds, "", cn, orderTransaction);
                    } else if(termId == 13 && backorderMode == false /* this order is prepaid in cash */) {
                        List<int> orderIds = new List<int>();
                        cash = new Commerce.Cash(); /*don't you wish it was really that easy?*/
                        cash.Insert(paymentMethodId, session.UserId, session.Id, termId, "", session.Cart.GrandTotal, orderDate, orderIds, "", cn, orderTransaction);
                    } else {
                        /* this order is an accrued order, post a 0 payment as a placeholder */
                        List<int> orderIds = new List<int>();
                        promiseToPay = new Commerce.PromiseToPay();
                        promiseToPay.Insert(paymentMethodId, session.UserId, session.Id, termId, "", session.Cart.GrandTotal, orderDate, orderIds, "", cn, orderTransaction);
                    /* save forms */
                    for(var x = 0; session.Cart.Items.Count > x; x++) {
                        if(session.Cart.Items[x].Item.Form != null) {
                            cmd = new SqlCommand("dbo.insertOrderLineForm @cartId,@sourceCode,@formName", cn, orderTransaction);
                            cmd.Parameters.Add("@cartId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = new Guid(session.Cart.Items[x].CartId.ToString());
                            cmd.Parameters.Add("@sourceCode", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = session.Cart.Items[x].Item.Form.SourceCode;
                            cmd.Parameters.Add("@formName", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = session.Cart.Items[x].Item.Form.Name.MaxLength(50, true);
                    /* place order */
                    o = ExecPlaceOrder(
                        new Guid(session.Id.ToString()),
                        new Guid(Main.Site.Defaults.SiteId.ToString()),
                    errorId = (int)o["error"];
                    errorDescription = (string)o["description"];
                    if(errorId == 0) {/* these keys will be absent in the event of an error */
                        orderId = (int)o["orderId"];
                        orderNumber = (string)o["orderNumber"];
                    if(errorId == 0) {
                        /* if termId == 0 then this is a credit card and we can actaully automate the payment. */
                        if(termId == 0 && session.User.AccountType == 0/*AR accounts only*/) {
                            if(card.Error == 0) {
                                ("starting payment gateway...").Debug(5);
                                vt = Commerce.VirtualTerminal.ChargeCreditCard(
                                    billToAddress, shipToAddress, card, session.Cart.GrandTotal, session.Id, orderNumber, args["purchaseOrder"].ToString(), cn, orderTransaction
                                if(vt == null) {
                                    o.Add("error", -1754);
                                    o.Add("description", "Internal virtual terminal error.  Unable to create virtual terminal object.");
                                    rollback = true;
                                    Exception e = new Exception("Invalid credit card passed to local system");
                                    throw e;
                                transactionSucsessStatus = vt["error"].ToString() == "0";
                                vtDesc = vt["description"].ToString();
                            } else {
                                o.Add("error", -1744);
                                o.Add("description", "Invalid credit card passed to local system");
                                rollback = true;
                                Exception e = new Exception("Invalid credit card passed to local system");
                                throw e;
                        } else { /* if this was anything else we can't really tell if the payment is good or bad so we just assume it's good */
                            ("Non credit card order - assume payment is OK").Debug(7);
                            transactionSucsessStatus = true;
                        if(transactionSucsessStatus || Main.Site.test_mode == true) {
                            /* add info to the order now that it has been placed */
                            if(args.ContainsKey("orderNumber")) {
                                if(args["orderNumber"].ToString() != "") {
                                    customOrderNumber = args["orderNumber"].ToString();
                            if(!Int32.TryParse(args["soldBy"].ToString(), out soldBy)) {
                                soldBy = -1;
                            if(!Int32.TryParse(args["requisitionedBy"].ToString(), out requisitionedBy)) {
                                requisitionedBy = -1;
                            if(!Int32.TryParse(args["approvedBy"].ToString(), out soldBy)) {
                                approvedBy = -1;
                            if(!Int32.TryParse(args["parentOrderId"].ToString(), out parentOrderId)) {
                                parentOrderId = -1;
                            if(!DateTime.TryParse(args["deliverBy"].ToString(), out deliverBy)) {
                                deliverBy = SQLMin;
                            string discountCode = "";
                            object s_code = session.GetProperty("discountCode");
                            object s_desc = session.GetProperty("discountDescription");
                            if(s_desc != null) {
                                discountCode = s_desc.ToString().MaxLength(50, true);
                            } else if(s_code != null) {
                                string t_code = s_code.ToString().ToLower().Trim();
                                /* if ther was a discount code enter the description into the order now */
                                Discount orderDiscount = Main.Site.Discounts.List.Find(delegate(Discount d) {
                                    return d.Code == t_code;
                                if(orderDiscount != null) {
                                    discountCode = orderDiscount.Comments.MaxLength(50, true);
                            ("Execute SP [dbo].[updateExtOrderInfo]").Debug(7);
                            using(cmd = new SqlCommand(@"dbo.updateExtOrderInfo @orderId,@purchaseOrder,@soldBy,@manifestNumber,@requisitionedBy,
                        @uniqueSiteId,@customOrderNumber,@discountCode", cn, orderTransaction)) {
                                cmd.Parameters.Add("@orderId", SqlDbType.Int).Value = orderId;
                                cmd.Parameters.Add("@purchaseOrder", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = Convert.ToString(args["purchaseOrder"]).MaxLength(100, true);
                                cmd.Parameters.Add("@soldBy", SqlDbType.Int).Value = soldBy;
                                cmd.Parameters.Add("@manifestNumber", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = Convert.ToString(args["manifestNumber"]).MaxLength(100, true);
                                cmd.Parameters.Add("@requisitionedBy", SqlDbType.Int).Value = soldBy;
                                cmd.Parameters.Add("@deliverBy", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = deliverBy;
                                cmd.Parameters.Add("@vendorAccountNumber", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = Convert.ToString(args["vendorAccountNumber"]).MaxLength(50, true);
                                cmd.Parameters.Add("@fob", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = Convert.ToString(args["FOB"]).MaxLength(50, true);
                                cmd.Parameters.Add("@parentOrderId", SqlDbType.Int).Value = parentOrderId;
                                cmd.Parameters.Add("@scannedImage", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = Convert.ToString(args["scannedImage"]).MaxLength(50, true);
                                cmd.Parameters.Add("@approvedBy", SqlDbType.Int).Value = approvedBy;
                                cmd.Parameters.Add("@comments", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = Convert.ToString(args["comments"]).MaxLength(10000, true);
                                cmd.Parameters.Add("@oldSessionId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = new Guid(session.Id.ToString());
                                cmd.Parameters.Add("@uniqueSiteId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = new Guid(Site.Id.ToString());
                                cmd.Parameters.Add("@customOrderNumber", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = customOrderNumber;
                                cmd.Parameters.Add("@discountCode", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = discountCode;
                            bool eraseVisitorHistory = false;
                            if(!bool.TryParse(args["eraseVisitorHistory"].ToString(), out eraseVisitorHistory)) {
                                eraseVisitorHistory = false;
                            if(eraseVisitorHistory) {
                                /* TODO: erase Visitor History.  This was causing a deadlock. maybe do it later? */
                            /* if there was a scaned image attached move it now */
                            if(((string)args["scannedImage"]).Length > 0) {
                                Admin.StoreScannedImage((string)args["scannedImage"], orderNumber);
                            if(Main.Site.test_mode) {
                                rollback = true;
                                Exception e = new Exception("placeOrder > __TEST MODE__ - ORDER SUCCESS - __TEST MODE__ >> ROLLBACK!" +
                                " Order Number:" + orderNumber + ",SessionId:" + session.Id.ToString());
                                throw e;
                            } else {
                                /* if they had a discount code, remove that now */
                                session.RemoveProperty("discountCode", cn, orderTransaction);
                                session.RemoveProperty("discountDescription", cn, orderTransaction);

                                if(fcn == null) {/* commit transaction if there was no caller transaction */
                                Commerce.Order order = Commerce.Order.GetOrderByOrderId(orderId, cn, orderTransaction);
                                ("placeOrder > $$$$$$$$$$ <CHA CHING> - ORDER SUCCESS - <CHA CHING> $$$$$$$$$$ Order Number:" + orderNumber).Debug(7);
                                AfterPlaceOrderEventArgs f = new AfterPlaceOrderEventArgs(order, cn, orderTransaction, session, HttpContext.Current);
                                if(args.ContainsKey("sendOrderConfirmEmail")) {
                                    if(((bool)args["sendOrderConfirmEmail"]) == true) {
                                        try {
                                            Dictionary<string, object> emailArgs = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                                            emailArgs.Add("orderId", orderId);
                                            PlacedOrderEmail(order, cn, orderTransaction);
                                        } catch(Exception e) {
                                            String.Format("Could not send email for orderId {0}. {1}"
                                            , orderId, e.Message).Debug(1);
                            if(fcn == null) {
                            return o;
                        } else {
                            if(fcn == null) {
                                rollback = true;
                            /* the order failed becuase the user could not provide a convincing enough payment method */
                            o.Add("error", -2000);
                            o.Add("description", vtDesc);
                            rollback = true;
                            Exception e = new Exception(vtDesc);
                            throw e;
                    } else {
                        /* error occured, error in in the object o */
                        o.Add("error", errorId);
                        o.Add("description", errorDescription);
                        rollback = true;
                        Exception e = new Exception(errorId.ToString() + ":" + errorDescription);
                        throw e;
                } catch(Exception ex) {
                    o.Add("error", -500);
                    o.Add("description", ex.Message);
                    ("Exception:" + ex.Message + " SessionId:" + session.Id.ToString()).Debug(1);
                    rollback = true;
                    return o;
                } finally {
                    if(rollback) {
                        if(fcn == null) {