public InstanceBone(Bone bone)
     Bone = bone;
     Position = bone.Position;
     RotationMatrix = bone.RotationMatrix;
     Childeren = new List<InstanceBone>();
Exemplo n.º 2
        public InstanceModel(Model model)
            Model = model;
            PlaySpeed = 1;
            CurrentFrame = model.FrameStart;

            // orientation
            Position = Vector3.Zero;
            Scale = Vector3.One;
            Rotation = Matrix3.Identity;

            // objects
            Objects = new InstanceObject[model.Objects.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i != Objects.Length; ++i)
                var type = model.Objects[i].GetType();
                if (type == typeof(ObjectMesh)) Objects[i] = new InstanceObjectMesh((ObjectMesh)model.Objects[i]);
                else if (type == typeof(ObjectArmature)) Objects[i] = new InstanceObjectArmature((ObjectArmature)model.Objects[i]);
                else Debug.ThrowError("InstanceModel", "Unsuported Object type: " + type);

            for (int i = 0; i != Objects.Length; ++i)
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static void InersectPlane(ref Line3 line, ref Vector3 planeNormal, ref Vector3 planeLocation, out Vector3 result)
     float dot = (-(planeNormal.X*planeLocation.X) - (planeNormal.Y*planeLocation.Y) - (planeNormal.Z*planeLocation.Z));
     float dot3 = (planeNormal.X*(line.Point2.X-line.Point1.X)) + (planeNormal.Y*(line.Point2.Y-line.Point1.Y)) + (planeNormal.Z*(line.Point2.Z-line.Point1.Z));
     float dot2 = -((dot + (planeNormal.X*line.Point1.X) + (planeNormal.Y*line.Point1.Y) + (planeNormal.Z*line.Point1.Z)) / dot3);
     result = (line.Point1 + (dot2*(line.Point2-line.Point1)));
Exemplo n.º 4
 public Vector3 InersectPlane(Vector3 planeNormal, Vector3 planeLocation)
     float dot = (-(planeNormal.X*planeLocation.X) - (planeNormal.Y*planeLocation.Y) - (planeNormal.Z*planeLocation.Z));
     float dot3 = (planeNormal.X*(Point2.X-Point1.X)) + (planeNormal.Y*(Point2.Y-Point1.Y)) + (planeNormal.Z*(Point2.Z-Point1.Z));
     float dot2 = -((dot + (planeNormal.X*Point1.X) + (planeNormal.Y*Point1.Y) + (planeNormal.Z*Point1.Z)) / dot3);
     return (Point1 + (dot2*(Point2-Point1)));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public InstanceObject(Object o)
            Object = o;

            Position = o.Position;
            Scale = o.Scale;
            Rotation = o.Rotation;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public Camera(IViewPort viewPort, Vector3 position, Vector3 lookAtPosition, Vector3 upPosition, float near, float far, float fov)
     ViewPort = viewPort;
     Position = position;
     LookAtPosition = lookAtPosition;
     UpPosition = upPosition;
     Near = near;
     Far = far;
     Fov = fov;
     Aspect = float.NaN;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public Camera(IViewPort viewPort, Vector3 position, Vector3 lookAtPosition, Vector3 upPosition)
     ViewPort = viewPort;
     Position = position;
     LookAtPosition = lookAtPosition;
     UpPosition = upPosition;
     Near = 1;
     Far = 500;
     Fov = MathUtilities.DegToRad(45);
     Aspect = float.NaN;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public Camera(IViewPort viewPort)
     ViewPort = viewPort;
     Position = new Vector3(10, 10, 10);
     LookAtPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
     UpPosition = new Vector3(10, 11, 10);
     Near = 1;
     Far = 500;
     Fov = MathUtilities.DegToRad(45);
     Aspect = float.NaN;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public Bone(BinaryReader reader)
            Name = reader.ReadString();
            parentName = reader.ReadString();

            InheritScale = reader.ReadBoolean();
            InheritRotation = reader.ReadBoolean();
            Position = reader.ReadVector3();
            RotationMatrix = reader.ReadMatrix3();
            Rotation = Quaternion.FromMatrix3(RotationMatrix);
Exemplo n.º 10
 public SoftwareBone(RMX_ArmatureBone bone)
     Name = bone.Name;
     InheritScale = bone.InheritScale;
     InheritRotation = bone.InheritRotation;
     Position = new Vector3(bone.Position.Values[0], bone.Position.Values[1], bone.Position.Values[2]);
     Rotation = new Matrix3
         new Vector3(bone.Rotation.Values[0], bone.Rotation.Values[1], bone.Rotation.Values[2]),
         new Vector3(bone.Rotation.Values[3], bone.Rotation.Values[4], bone.Rotation.Values[5]),
         new Vector3(bone.Rotation.Values[6], bone.Rotation.Values[7], bone.Rotation.Values[8])
Exemplo n.º 11
        public SoftwareObject(SoftwareModel model, RMX_Object o)
            Model = model;
            Name = o.Name;

            // transform
            foreach (var input in o.Transform.Inputs)
                switch (input.Type)
                    case "EulerRotation": Rotation = new Vector3(input.Values[0], input.Values[1], input.Values[2]); break;
                    case "Scale": Scale = new Vector3(input.Values[0], input.Values[1], input.Values[2]); break;
                    case "Position": Position = new Vector3(input.Values[0], input.Values[1], input.Values[2]); break;
                    default: Debug.ThrowError("SoftwareMesh", "Unsuported Transform Type: " + input.Type); break;

            // find action
            if (o.DefaultAction != null)
                foreach (var action in model.Actions)
                    if (o.DefaultAction.Name == action.Name)
                        DefaultAction = action;
                if (DefaultAction == null) Debug.ThrowError("SoftwareObjectArmature", "Failed to find Action: " + o.DefaultAction.Name);

            // bone groups
            BoneGroups = new List<SoftwareObjectBoneGroup>();
            if (o.BoneGroups != null)
                foreach (var bonegroup in o.BoneGroups.BoneGroups)
                    BoneGroups.Add(new SoftwareObjectBoneGroup(bonegroup));
Exemplo n.º 12
 public RigidTransform3(Vector3 position)
     Position = position;
     Orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
Exemplo n.º 13
 public RigidTransform3(Quaternion orienation)
     Position = new Vector3();
     Orientation = orienation;
Exemplo n.º 14
        public VertexProcessor(SoftwareVertex vertex, Vector4[] colors, Vector3[] normals, Vector2[] uvs, HardwareMeshProcessor mesh)
            Positions = new Vector3[mesh.positions.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i != Positions.Length; ++i)
                Positions[i] = mesh.positions[i][vertex.Index];

            Colors = colors;
            Normals = normals;
            UVs = uvs;

Exemplo n.º 15
 public RigidTransform3(Quaternion orienation, Vector3 position)
     Orientation = orienation;
     Position = position;
Exemplo n.º 16
        public TriangleProcessor(SoftwareTriangle triangle, HardwareMeshProcessor mesh, bool loadColors, bool loadUVs, bool loadNormals)
            // get color components
            var colors = new Vector4[3][];
            if (loadColors)
                int componentCount = mesh.colorComponents.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i != colors.Length; ++i)
                    colors[i] = new Vector4[componentCount];

                for (int i = 0; i != componentCount; ++i)
                    var colorComponent = mesh.colorComponents[i][triangle.Index].Colors;
                    colors[0][i] = colorComponent[0];
                    colors[1][i] = colorComponent[1];
                    colors[2][i] = colorComponent[2];

            // get normal components
            var normals = new Vector3[3][];
            if (loadNormals)
                int componentCount = mesh.normalComponents.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i != normals.Length; ++i)
                    normals[i] = new Vector3[componentCount];

                for (int i = 0; i != componentCount; ++i)
                    var normalComponent = mesh.normalComponents[i][triangle.Index].Normals;
                    normals[0][i] = normalComponent[0];
                    normals[1][i] = normalComponent[1];
                    normals[2][i] = normalComponent[2];

            // get uv components
            var uvs = new Vector2[3][];
            if (loadUVs)
                int componentCount = mesh.uvComponents.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i != uvs.Length; ++i)
                    uvs[i] = new Vector2[componentCount];

                for (int i = 0; i != componentCount; ++i)
                    var normalComponent = mesh.uvComponents[i][triangle.Index].UVs;
                    uvs[0][i] = normalComponent[0];
                    uvs[1][i] = normalComponent[1];
                    uvs[2][i] = normalComponent[2];

            // add verticies
            var vertex1 = new VertexProcessor(triangle.Verticies[0], colors[0], normals[0], uvs[0], mesh);
            var vertex2 = new VertexProcessor(triangle.Verticies[1], colors[1], normals[1], uvs[1], mesh);
            var vertex3 = new VertexProcessor(triangle.Verticies[2], colors[2], normals[2], uvs[2], mesh);
            Verticies = new VertexProcessor[3] {vertex1, vertex2, vertex3};

Exemplo n.º 17
        public HardwareMeshProcessor(SoftwareMesh mesh, bool loadColors, bool loadUVs, bool loadNormals)
            this.mesh = mesh;

            // get vertex component types
            positions = new List<Vector3[]>();
            foreach (var key in mesh.VertexComponentKeys)
                switch (key.Key)
                    case VertexComponentKeyTypes.Positions:
                        var vertexComponents = mesh.VetexComponents[key.Value];
                        if (vertexComponents.GetType() == typeof(Vector3[]))
                        else if (vertexComponents.GetType() == typeof(Vector2[]))
                            var verts = (Vector2[])vertexComponents;
                            var newVerts = new Vector3[verts.Length];
                            for (int i = 0; i != verts.Length; ++i) newVerts[i] = new Vector3(verts[i].X, verts[i].Y, 0);
                            Debug.ThrowError("HardwareMeshProcessor", "Unsuported VectorComponent type");

            // get triangle component types
            if (loadColors) colorComponents = new List<TriangleColorComponent[]>();
            if (loadNormals) normalComponents = new List<TriangleNormalComponent[]>();
            if (loadUVs) uvComponents = new List<TriangleUVComponent[]>();
            foreach (var key in mesh.TriangleComponentKeys)
                switch (key.Key)
                    case TriangleComponentKeyTypes.ColorComponents:
                        if (loadColors) colorComponents.Add((TriangleColorComponent[])mesh.TriangleComponents[key.Value]);

                    case TriangleComponentKeyTypes.NormalComponents:
                        if (loadNormals) normalComponents.Add((TriangleNormalComponent[])mesh.TriangleComponents[key.Value]);

                    case TriangleComponentKeyTypes.UVComponents:
                        if (loadUVs) uvComponents.Add((TriangleUVComponent[])mesh.TriangleComponents[key.Value]);

            // create triangles with there own verticies
            Verticies = new LinkedList<VertexProcessor>();
            Triangles = new List<TriangleProcessor>();
            foreach (var triangle in mesh.Triangles)
                var newTriangle = new TriangleProcessor(triangle, this, loadColors, loadUVs, loadNormals);

            // process (remove duplicate verticies from triangles)
            const float tolerance = .002f;
            int count = Triangles.Count-1, count2 = Triangles.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i != count; ++i)
                for (int vi = 0; vi != 3; ++vi)
                    var vertex = Triangles[i].Verticies[vi];
                    for (int i2 = i+1; i2 != count2; ++i2)
                        for (int vi2 = 0; vi2 != 3; ++vi2)
                            var vertex2 = Triangles[i2].Verticies[vi2];
                            if (vertex == vertex2) continue;

                            // position tolerance
                            bool canRemoveVertex = true;
                            for (int pi = 0; pi != vertex.Positions.Length; ++pi)
                                if (!vertex.Positions[pi].AproxEqualsBox(vertex2.Positions[pi], tolerance))
                                    canRemoveVertex = false;

                            // color tolerance
                            if (canRemoveVertex && loadColors)
                                for (int pi = 0; pi != vertex.Colors.Length; ++pi)
                                    if (!vertex.Colors[pi].AproxEqualsBox(vertex2.Colors[pi], tolerance))
                                        canRemoveVertex = false;

                            // normal tolerance
                            if (canRemoveVertex && loadNormals)
                                for (int pi = 0; pi != vertex.Normals.Length; ++pi)
                                    if (!vertex.Normals[pi].AproxEqualsBox(vertex2.Normals[pi], tolerance))
                                        canRemoveVertex = false;

                            // uv tolerance
                            if (canRemoveVertex && loadUVs)
                                for (int pi = 0; pi != vertex.UVs.Length; ++pi)
                                    if (!vertex.UVs[pi].AproxEqualsBox(vertex2.UVs[pi], tolerance))
                                        canRemoveVertex = false;

                            // remove vertex
                            if (canRemoveVertex)
                                Triangles[i2].Verticies[vi2] = vertex;

            // process (set vertex indicies)
            int index = 0;
            foreach (var vertex in Verticies)
                vertex.Index = index;
Exemplo n.º 18
 public void RotateGeometry(float x, float y, float z)
     var mat = Matrix3.FromEuler(x, y, z);
     Position = Position.Transform(mat);
Exemplo n.º 19
        public void RotateAroundUpPositionWorld(Vector3 radians)
            var matrix = Matrix3.Identity;
            matrix = matrix.RotateAroundWorldAxisX(radians.X);
            matrix = matrix.RotateAroundWorldAxisY(radians.Y);
            matrix = matrix.RotateAroundWorldAxisZ(radians.Z);

            LookAtPosition -= UpPosition;
            LookAtPosition = LookAtPosition.Transform(matrix);
            LookAtPosition += UpPosition;

            Position -= UpPosition;
            Position = Position.Transform(matrix);
            Position += UpPosition;
Exemplo n.º 20
 public Plane3(Vector3 normal, float distance)
     Normal = normal;
     Distance = distance;
Exemplo n.º 21
 public void Rotate(Line3 pLine, float radians)
     var vector = (pLine.Point2 - pLine.Point1).NormalizeSafe();
     Position -= pLine.Point1;
     LookAtPosition -= pLine.Point1;
     UpPosition -= pLine.Point1;
     Position = Position.RotateAround(vector, radians);
     LookAtPosition = LookAtPosition.RotateAround(vector, radians);
     UpPosition = UpPosition.RotateAround(vector, radians);
     Position += pLine.Point1;
     LookAtPosition += pLine.Point1;
     UpPosition += pLine.Point1;
Exemplo n.º 22
 public float DotCoordinate(Vector3 vector)
     return (Normal.X * vector.X) + (Normal.Y * vector.Y) + (Normal.Z * vector.Z) + Distance;
Exemplo n.º 23
        public void RotateAroundUpPosition(Vector3 radians)
            var matrix = Matrix3.LookAt((LookAtPosition - Position), (UpPosition - Position));
            var matrixTranspose = matrix.Transpose();
            matrix = matrix.RotateAroundAxisX(radians.X);
            matrix = matrix.RotateAroundAxisY(radians.Y);
            matrix = matrix.RotateAroundAxisZ(radians.Z);

            LookAtPosition -= UpPosition;
            LookAtPosition = LookAtPosition.Transform(matrixTranspose);
            LookAtPosition = LookAtPosition.Transform(matrix);
            LookAtPosition += UpPosition;

            Position -= UpPosition;
            Position = Position.Transform(matrixTranspose);
            Position = Position.Transform(matrix);
            Position += UpPosition;
Exemplo n.º 24
 public void Offset(Vector3 value)
     Position += value;
     LookAtPosition += value;
     UpPosition += value;
Exemplo n.º 25
 public TriangleNormalComponent(Vector3 normal1, Vector3 normal2, Vector3 normal3)
     Normals = new Vector3[3] {normal1, normal2, normal3};
Exemplo n.º 26
 public static void DotCoordinate(ref Plane3 plane, ref Vector3 vector, out float result)
     result = (plane.Normal.X * vector.X) + (plane.Normal.Y * vector.Y) + (plane.Normal.Z * vector.Z) + plane.Distance;
Exemplo n.º 27
 public Line3(Vector3 point1, Vector3 point2)
     Point1 = point1;
     Point2 = point2;
Exemplo n.º 28
 public void Zoom(float value, float stopRadis)
     var vec = (LookAtPosition - Position);
     float dis = 0;
     vec = vec.Normalize(out dis);
     dis = ((dis-stopRadis) - value);
     if (dis < 0) value += dis;
     vec *= value;
     Position += vec;
     UpPosition += vec;
Exemplo n.º 29
 public void Rotate(float x, float y, float z)
     Rotation += new Vector3(x, y, z);
Exemplo n.º 30
 public Vector2 Project(Vector3 position)
     var pos = new Vector4(position, 1);
     return pos.Project(ProjectionMatrix, ViewMatrix, ViewPort.Position.X, ViewPort.Position.Y, ViewPort.Size.Width, ViewPort.Size.Height).ToVector2();