Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts the information to the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Whether the operation was successful</returns>
        public static bool Insert(string firstName, string lastName, string iDNum, string email, int birthYear, string cellPhoneAreaCode, string cellPhoneNumber, int city, bool male)
            //Building the SQL command
            string str = "INSERT INTO " + tableName
                         + "("
                         + "[FirstName]"
                         + ",[LastName]"
                         + ",[ID_Num]"
                         + ",[Email]"
                         + ",[BirthYear]"
                         + ",[CellAreaCode]"
                         + ",[CellPhoneNumber]"
                         + ",[City]"
                         + ",[Male]"
                         + ")"

                         + " VALUES "
                         + "("
                         + "N'" + firstName.Replace("'", "$") + "'"
                         + "," + "N'" + lastName.Replace("'", "$") + "'"
                         + "," + "'" + iDNum + "'"
                         + "," + "'" + email + "'"
                         + "," + "" + birthYear + ""
                         + "," + "'" + cellPhoneAreaCode + "'"
                         + "," + "'" + cellPhoneNumber + "'"
                         + "," + "" + city + ""
                         + "," + "" + (male ? 1 : 0) + ""
                         + ")";

            //Running the SQL command by using the ExecuteSql method from the Dal class and return if the command succeeded
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete the nominee from the DataBase
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool Delete(int id)
            //מוחקת את הלקוח ממסד הנתונים
            string str = "DELETE FROM " + tableName
                         + " WHERE ID = " + id;

            //הפעלת פעולת הSQL -תוך שימוש בפעולה המוכנה ExecuteSql במחלקה Dal והחזרה האם הפעולה הצליחה
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static bool Update(int id, string scoreType, int positionId)
            string str = "UPDATE " + tableName + " SET"
                         + " " + "[Name] = " + "N'" + scoreType + "'"
                         + "," + "[Position] = " + "" + positionId + ""

                         + " WHERE ID = " + id;

            //הפעלת פעולת הSQL -תוך שימוש בפעולה המוכנה ExecuteSql במחלקה Dal והחזרה האם הפעולה הצליחה

Exemplo n.º 4
        public static bool ChangeDisabled(int id, bool disable)
            //מעדכנת את הלקוח במסד הנתונים

            string str = "UPDATE " + tableName + " SET"
                         + " " + "[Disabled] = " + "" + (disable ? 1 : 0) + ""

                         + " WHERE ID = " + id;

            //הפעלת פעולת הSQL -תוך שימוש בפעולה המוכנה ExecuteSql במחלקה Dal והחזרה האם הפעולה הצליחה

Exemplo n.º 5
        public static bool Update(int id, string cityName)
            //מעדכנת את הלקוח במסד הנתונים

            string str = "UPDATE " + tableName + " SET"
                         + " " + "[Name] = " + "N'" + cityName + "'"

                         + " WHERE ID = " + id;

            //הפעלת פעולת הSQL -תוך שימוש בפעולה המוכנה ExecuteSql במחלקה Dal והחזרה האם הפעולה הצליחה

Exemplo n.º 6
        public static bool Update(int id, int positionId, int nomineeDBId)
            //מעדכנת את הלקוח במסד הנתונים

            string str = "UPDATE " + tableName + " SET"
                         + " " + "[Position] = " + "" + positionId + ""
                         + "," + "[Nominee] = " + "" + nomineeDBId + ""
                         + " WHERE ID = " + id;

            //הפעלת פעולת הSQL -תוך שימוש בפעולה המוכנה ExecuteSql במחלקה Dal והחזרה האם הפעולה הצליחה

Exemplo n.º 7
        public static bool Update(int id, int nomineeDBId, DateTime dateTime, string entry)
            //מעדכנת את הלקוח במסד הנתונים

            string str = "UPDATE " + tableName + " SET"
                         + " " + "[Nominee] = " + "" + nomineeDBId + ""
                         + "," + "[DateTime] = " + "'" + dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'"
                         + "," + "[Entry] = " + "N'" + entry + "'"

                         + " WHERE ID = " + id;

            //הפעלת פעולת הSQL -תוך שימוש בפעולה המוכנה ExecuteSql במחלקה Dal והחזרה האם הפעולה הצליחה

        public static bool Update(int id, int InterviewerId, int nomineeDBId, int scoreType, int score, DateTime dateTime)
            //מעדכנת את הלקוח במסד הנתונים

            string str = "UPDATE " + tableName + " SET"
                         + " " + "[Interviewer] = " + "" + InterviewerId + ""
                         + "," + "[Nominee] = " + "" + nomineeDBId + ""
                         + "," + "[ScoreType] = " + "" + scoreType + ""
                         + "," + "[Score] = " + "" + score + ""
                         + "," + "[DateTime] = " + "'" + dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff") + "'"
                         + " WHERE ID = " + id;

            //הפעלת פעולת הSQL -תוך שימוש בפעולה המוכנה ExecuteSql במחלקה Dal והחזרה האם הפעולה הצליחה

Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts the information to the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Whether the operation was successful</returns>
        public static bool Insert(string cityName)
            //Building the SQL command
            string str = "INSERT INTO " + tableName
                         + "("
                         + "[Name]"
                         + ")"

                         + " VALUES "
                         + "("
                         + "N'" + cityName + "'"
                         + ")";

            //Running the SQL command by using the ExecuteSql method from the Dal class and return if the command succeeded
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts the information to the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Whether the operation was successful</returns>
        public static bool Insert(string userName, string password)
            //Building the SQL command
            string str = "INSERT INTO " + tableName
                         + "("
                         + "[UserName]"
                         + ",[Password]"
                         + ")"

                         + " VALUES "
                         + "("
                         + "N'" + userName + "'"
                         + "," + "N'" + password + "'"
                         + ")";

            //Running the SQL command by using the ExecuteSql method from the Dal class and return if the command succeeded
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts the information to the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Whether the operation was successful</returns>
        public static bool Insert(int positionId, int nomineeDBId)
            //Building the SQL command
            string str = "INSERT INTO " + tableName
                         + "("
                         + "[Position]"
                         + ",[Nominee]"
                         + ")"

                         + " VALUES "
                         + "("
                         + "" + positionId + ""
                         + "," + "" + nomineeDBId + ""
                         + ")";

            //Running the SQL command by using the ExecuteSql method from the Dal class and return if the command succeeded
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts the information to the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Whether the operation was successful</returns>
        public static bool Insert(int nomineeDBId, DateTime dateTime, string entry)
            //Building the SQL command
            string str = "INSERT INTO " + tableName
                         + "("
                         + "[Nominee]"
                         + ",[DateTime]"
                         + ",[Entry]"
                         + ")"

                         + " VALUES "
                         + "("
                         + "" + nomineeDBId + ""
                         + "," + "'" + dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'"
                         + "," + "N'" + entry.Replace("'", "$") + "'"
                         + ")";

            //Running the SQL command by using the ExecuteSql method from the Dal class and return if the command succeeded
Exemplo n.º 13
        public static bool Update(int id, string firstName, string lastName, string iDNum, string email, int birthYear, string cellPhoneAreaCode, string cellPhoneNumber, int city, bool male)
            //מעדכנת את הלקוח במסד הנתונים

            string str = "UPDATE " + tableName + " SET"
                         + " " + "[FirstName] = " + "N'" + firstName.Replace("'", "$") + "'"
                         + "," + "[LastName] = " + "N'" + lastName.Replace("'", "$") + "'"
                         + "," + "[ID_Num] = " + "'" + iDNum + "'"
                         + "," + "[Email] = " + "'" + email + "'"
                         + "," + "[BirthYear] = " + "" + birthYear + ""
                         + "," + "[CellAreaCode] = " + "'" + cellPhoneAreaCode + "'"
                         + "," + "[CellPhoneNumber] = " + "'" + cellPhoneNumber + "'"
                         + "," + "[City] = " + "" + city + ""
                         + "," + "[Male] = " + "" + (male ? 1 : 0) + ""

                         + " WHERE ID = " + id;

            //הפעלת פעולת הSQL -תוך שימוש בפעולה המוכנה ExecuteSql במחלקה Dal והחזרה האם הפעולה הצליחה

        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts the information to the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Whether the operation was successful</returns>
        public static bool Insert(int InterviewerId, int nomineeDBId, int scoreTypeId, int score, DateTime dateTime)
            //Building the SQL command
            string str = "INSERT INTO " + tableName
                         + "("
                         + "[Interviewer]"
                         + ",[Nominee]"
                         + ",[ScoreType]"
                         + ",[Score]"
                         + ",[DateTime]"
                         + ")"

                         + " VALUES "
                         + "("
                         + "" + InterviewerId + ""
                         + "," + "" + nomineeDBId + ""
                         + "," + "" + scoreTypeId + ""
                         + "," + "" + score + ""
                         + "," + "'" + dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff") + "'"
                         + ")";

            //Running the SQL command by using the ExecuteSql method from the Dal class and return if the command succeeded