public Article UpdateArticle(UpdateArticleInput input)
            //We can use Logger, it's defined in ApplicationService base class.
            Logger.Info("Updating a article for input: " + input);

            //Retrieving a task entity with given id using standard Get method of repositories.
            var article = _articleRepository.Get(input.Id);

            //Updating changed properties of the retrieved task entity.
            article.Title = input.Title;
            article.Intro = input.Intro;
            article.Content = input.Content;
            return _articleRepository.Update(article);
            //We even do not call Update method of the repository.
            //Because an application service method is a 'unit of work' scope as default.
            //ABP automatically saves all changes when a 'unit of work' scope ends (without any exception).
        public ActionResult Edit(UpdateArticleInput input)
            Articles.Article model = _articleAppService.Get(input.Id);
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                //   OperationResult result = new OperationResult(OperationResultType.Warning, "网络错误,请稍后重试!");
               model = _articleAppService.UpdateArticle(input);

                if (model != null)
                    //result = new OperationResult(OperationResultType.Success, "保存成功");
                    //return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
                    return new RedirectResult("/Articles/List");
            return View(model);