Exemplo n.º 1
        private void AttachMeasuredRootViewToInstance(
            ReactRootView rootView,
            IReactInstance reactInstance)
            Log.Info(ReactConstants.Tag, "[ReactInstanceManager] ## Enter AttachMeasuredRootViewToInstance ##");


            // Reset view content as it's going to be populated by the
            // application content from JavaScript


            var uiManagerModule = reactInstance.GetNativeModule <UIManagerModule>();
            var rootTag         = uiManagerModule.AddMeasuredRootView(rootView);
            //rootView.TouchHandler = new TouchHandler(rootView);

            // TODO: commented temporarily
            var jsAppModuleName = rootView.JavaScriptModuleName;
            var appParameters   = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "rootTag", rootTag },
                { "initalProps", null /* TODO: add launch options to root view */ }

            /* Entry of RN.js world */
            Log.Info(ReactConstants.Tag, "[ReactInstanceManager] Entry of RN.js world:[" + jsAppModuleName.ToString() + "]");
            reactInstance.GetJavaScriptModule <AppRegistry>().runApplication(jsAppModuleName, appParameters);

            // [UT-STUB]
            // TEST STUB BGN
            //Log.Info("MPM", "## MediaPlayerModule Test begin ##");
            //MediaPlayerModule mpModule = _currentReactContext.ReactInstance.GetNativeModule<MediaPlayerModule>();

            //mpModule.play();    // exceptional testing

            // to pick which one ?
            // mpModule.init("/opt/usr/apps/MusicPlayer.Tizen/shared/res/assets/MusicPlayer/resources/adele.mp3");

 *          string[] uri= {"/opt/baisuzhen.mp3", "/opt/aaa.mp3"};
 *          for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
 *          {
 *              mpModule.init(uri[i%2]);  // wrong type with right source
 *              mpModule.play();
 *              Thread.Sleep(1000*5);
 *          }
            //mpModule.init("/opt/baisuzhen.mp3");  // wrong type with right source




            // mpModule.stop();






            //Log.Info(ReactConstants.Tag, "## MediaPlayerModule 55555555555 ##");
            //Log.Info("MediaPlayerModule", $"## MediaPlayerModule  5555555555");

            //Log.Info(ReactConstants.Tag, "## MediaPlayerModule 66666666666 ##");
            // TEST STUB END

             * // Create 'Button' thread
             * Thread th_On = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(UT_CreateView));
             * th_On.IsBackground = true;
             * th_On.Start(this);
             * // terminate 'Button' thread
             * Thread th_Off = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(UT_DropView));
             * th_Off.IsBackground = true;
             * th_Off.Start(this);
             * // No detach mode = =!!
             * //th_On.Join();
             * //th_Off.Join();
            // [UT-STUB]

            Log.Info(ReactConstants.Tag, "[ReactInstanceManager] ## Exit AttachMeasuredRootViewToInstance ThreadID=" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString() + " ##");