Exemplo n.º 1
        public TransparentMaterial(Vector3 Albedo, Medium Medium = null)
            Properties.Add("albedo", new MaterialConstantNode(Albedo));

            this.Medium = Medium;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public TransparentMaterial(MaterialNode Albedo, Medium Medium = null)
            Properties.Add("albedo", Albedo);

            this.Medium = Medium;
Exemplo n.º 3
        private Vector3 Trace(Ray Ray)
            Medium CurrentMedium = null;

            LobeType SampledLobe = LobeType.SpecularReflection;

            Vector3 FinalColor = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 Throughput = Vector3.One;

            for (int Bounce = 0; Bounce < MaxBounces; Bounce++)
                //Raycast to nearest geometry, if any
                World.Raycast(Ray, out Shape Shape, out Vector3 Hit, out Vector3 Normal, out Vector2 UV);

                //Return skybox color if nothing hit
                if (Shape == null)
                    if (SkyBox == null)
                        FinalColor += Throughput * Vector3.One;
                        FinalColor += Throughput * SkyBox.GetColorAtUV(new Vector2(1 - (1.0 + Math.Atan2(Ray.Direction.Z, Ray.Direction.X) / MathHelper.Pi) * 0.5, 1 - Math.Acos(Ray.Direction.Y) / MathHelper.Pi));

                //Volumetrics, slightly borken
                bool Scattered = false;
                if (CurrentMedium != null)
                    double MaxDistance = (Hit - Ray.Origin).Length();

                    double  Distance     = CurrentMedium.SampleDistance(MaxDistance);
                    Vector3 Transmission = CurrentMedium.Transmission(Distance);
                    Throughput *= Transmission;

                    if (Distance < MaxDistance)
                        Scattered = true;

                        Ray.Direction = CurrentMedium.SampleDirection(Ray.Direction);
                        Ray.Origin    = Hit + Ray.Direction * 0.001;

                //If no scattering event happened, do normal path tracing
                if (!Scattered)
                    //Area lights
                    if (Shape.Material.HasProperty("emission"))
                        //Don't add emission to diffuse term if NEE is on, we already sample it directly
                        if (SampledLobe == LobeType.SpecularReflection || !NEE)
                            FinalColor += Throughput * Shape.Material.GetProperty("emission", UV).Color;

                    Vector3 ViewDirection = Vector3.Normalize(Ray.Origin - Hit);

                    //Sample BSDF
                    Shape.Material.Sample(ViewDirection, Normal, UV, out Vector3 SampleDirection, out SampledLobe);
                    Shape.Material.PDF(ViewDirection, Normal, UV, SampleDirection, SampledLobe, out double PDF);
                    Shape.Material.Evaluate(ViewDirection, Normal, UV, SampleDirection, SampledLobe, out Vector3 Attenuation);

                    //Sample direct lighting
                    if (NEE)
                        FinalColor += Throughput * SampleLight(Shape, Hit, ViewDirection, Normal, UV, SampleDirection, SampledLobe, Attenuation);

                    //Accumulate BSDF attenuation
                    Throughput *= Attenuation / PDF;

                    //If we entered a medium, update current medium
                    if (SampledLobe == LobeType.SpecularTransmission || SampledLobe == LobeType.DiffuseTransmission)
                        CurrentMedium = Shape.Material.Medium;

                    //Set new ray direction to sampled ray
                    Ray.Origin    = Hit + SampleDirection * 0.001;
                    Ray.Direction = SampleDirection;

                //Russian roulette
                if (Bounce >= MinBounces)
                    double Prob = Math.Max(Throughput.X, Math.Max(Throughput.Y, Throughput.Z));
                    if (Util.Random.NextDouble() > Prob)
                    Throughput *= 1.0 / Prob;

Exemplo n.º 4
 public GlassMaterial(MaterialNode Albedo, MaterialNode RefractiveIndex, MaterialNode Roughness, MaterialNode Normal, Medium Medium = null)
     Properties.Add("albedo", Albedo);
     Properties.Add("ior", RefractiveIndex);
     Properties.Add("roughness", Roughness);
     if (Normal != null)
         Properties.Add("normal", Normal);
     this.Medium = Medium;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public GlassMaterial(Vector3 Albedo, double RefractiveIndex, double Roughness, Medium Medium = null)
            Properties.Add("albedo", new MaterialConstantNode(Albedo));
            Properties.Add("ior", new MaterialConstantNode(RefractiveIndex));
            Properties.Add("roughness", new MaterialConstantNode(Roughness));

            this.Medium = Medium;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public Material(Medium Medium = null)
     this.Medium     = Medium;
     this.Properties = new Dictionary <string, MaterialNode>();