Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task TestConsultation_AddPatient_ConsultationHasValidSchema()
            using (NodeRunner.Start())
                var consultation = await AddPatientGetConsultation("Lynn Hill", Condition.flu);

                var errorString = await ValidateResponse <Consultation>("consultations", consultation.id);

                Assert.True(errorString == null, errorString);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task TestDoctor_HasUniqueId()
            using (NodeRunner.Start())
                var doctors = await GetRequest <List <Doctor> >("doctors");

                var numDoctors = doctors.Count;
                var numIds     = doctors.Select(d => d.id).Distinct().Count();
                Assert.Equal(numDoctors, numIds);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public async Task TestDoctor_HasValidSchema()
            using (NodeRunner.Start())
                var doctors = await GetRequest <List <Doctor> >("doctors");

                var errorString = await ValidateResponse <Doctor>("doctors", doctors.First().id);

                Assert.True(errorString == null, errorString);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task TestConsultation_AddTwoPatients_FirstConsultationStaysSame()
            using (NodeRunner.Start())
                var initialConsultation = await AddPatientGetConsultation("First patient", Condition.flu);
                await AddPatient("Second patient", Condition.flu);

                var allConsultations = await GetConsultations();

                Assert.Equal(initialConsultation, allConsultations.Where(c => c.id == initialConsultation.id).Single());
Exemplo n.º 5
        public async Task TestConsultation_AddBreastPatient_GetsRoomWithTreatmentMachine()
            using (NodeRunner.Start())
                var consultation = await AddPatientGetConsultation("Dag", Condition.breastcancer);

                var rooms = await GetRequest <List <Room> >("rooms");

                var room = rooms.Where(r => r.id == consultation.roomId).Single();
Exemplo n.º 6
        public async Task TestConsultation_AddFluPatient_SchedulesWithGeneralPractitioner()
            using (NodeRunner.Start())
                var consultation = await AddPatientGetConsultation("Dag", Condition.flu);

                var doctors = await GetRequest <List <Doctor> >("doctors");

                var doctor = doctors.Where(d => d.id == consultation.doctorId).Single();
                Assert.True(doctor.roles.Any(r => r == Role.GeneralPractitioner), "Flu patient is scheduled with general practitioner");
Exemplo n.º 7
        public async Task TestImage_Add_SucceedsAndReturnsId()
            using (NodeRunner.Start())
                var id = await AddImage();

                var image = await GetRequest <Image>("images", id);

                Assert.Equal(id, image.id);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public async Task TestConsultation_AddHeadAndNeckPatient_SchedulesWithOncologist()
            using (NodeRunner.Start())
                var consultation = await AddPatientGetConsultation("Dag", Condition.headandneckcancer);

                var doctors = await GetRequest <List <Doctor> >("doctors");

                var doctor = doctors.Where(d => d.id == consultation.doctorId).Single();
                Assert.True(doctor.roles.Any(r => r == Role.Oncologist), "Head and neck cancer patient is scheduled with oncologist");
Exemplo n.º 9
        public async Task TestRoom_HasValidMachine()
            using (NodeRunner.Start())
                var rooms = await GetRequest <List <Room> >("rooms");

                var machinesInRooms = rooms.Where(r => r.treatmentMachineId != null).Select(r => r.treatmentMachineId);
                var machines        = await GetRequest <List <Machine> >("machines");

                var machineIds  = machines.Select(m => m.id);
                var notValidIds = machineIds.Except(machineIds);
                Assert.Equal(0, notValidIds.Count());
Exemplo n.º 10
        public async Task TestMachine_HasValidSchema()
            using (NodeRunner.Start())
                var machines = await GetRequest <List <Machine> >("machines");

                foreach (var machine in machines)
                    var errorString = await ValidateResponse <Machine>("machines", machine.id);

                    Assert.True(errorString == null, errorString);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public async Task TestConsultation_AddHeadAndNeckPatient_GetsRoomWithAdvancedTreatmentMachine()
            using (NodeRunner.Start())
                var consultation = await AddPatientGetConsultation("Dag", Condition.breastcancer);

                var rooms = await GetRequest <List <Room> >("rooms");

                var room = rooms.Where(r => r.id == consultation.roomId).Single();
                var machines = await GetRequest <List <Machine> >("machines");

                var machine = machines.Where(m => m.id == room.treatmentMachineId).Single();
                Assert.True(machine.capability == Capability.advanced, "Head and neck patient gets advanced machine");
Exemplo n.º 12
        public static NodeRunner Start()
            var jsFile = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["jsFile"];

            if (!File.Exists(jsFile))
                string exceptionMessage = "Specify path to the app.js in RayCareTestTask.dll.config file. The property is named jsFile\n" +
                                          "E.g. <add key=\"jsFile\" value=" +
                                          @"""C: \Users\dalovenv\Documents\github\raysearch\server\node_modules\frontend_test\build\app.js""/>";
                throw new FileNotFoundException(exceptionMessage);
            var instance = new NodeRunner(jsFile);

Exemplo n.º 13
        public async Task TestDoctor_AddPatient_AllDoctorsHasValidSchema()
            using (NodeRunner.Start())
                await AddPatient("John Gill", Condition.headandneckcancer);

                var doctors = await GetRequest <List <Doctor> >("doctors");

                foreach (var doctor in doctors)
                    var errorString = await ValidateResponse <Doctor>("doctors", doctor.id);

                    Assert.True(errorString == null, errorString);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public async Task TestConsultation_AddPatient_ConsultationIsCreatedForNextDay()
            using (NodeRunner.Start())
                var patient = await AddPatient("John Sherman", Condition.headandneckcancer);

                var consultations = await GetConsultations();

                var consultation = consultations.Where(c => c.patientId == patient.id).Single();

                Assert.Equal(DateTime.Now.Date, consultation.registrationDate.Date);
                Assert.Equal(patient.id, consultation.patientId);
                Assert.Equal(DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).Date, consultation.consultationDate.Date);
Exemplo n.º 15
        public async Task TestConsultation_AddTwoFluPatientsAndTwoBreastPatients_DontCrash()
            using (NodeRunner.Start())
                var config = await GetConfiguration();

                foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(1, config.GeneralPractitioners))
                    await AddPatient("Flu patient " + i, Condition.flu);
                foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(1, config.AdvancedMachines))
                    await AddPatient("Head and neck patient " + i, Condition.breastcancer);
Exemplo n.º 16
        public async Task TestPatient_AddPatient_SucceedsAndReturnsId()
            using (NodeRunner.Start())
                var patient = new Patient
                    name      = "Dag",
                    condition = Condition.flu,
                    imageId   = await AddImage()
                var response = await PostRequest("patients", patient);

                var readPatient = await GetRequest <Patient>("patients", response.id);

                Assert.Equal(response.id, readPatient.id);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public async Task TestDoctor_HasValidImage()
            using (NodeRunner.Start())
                var doctors = await GetRequest <List <Doctor> >("doctors");

                var images = await GetRequest <List <Image> >("images");

                var uris = doctors.Join(images, d => d.imageId, i => i.id, (d, i) => new Uri(i.url));
                using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
                    foreach (var uri in uris)
                        var response = await httpClient.GetAsync(uri);

                        Assert.True(response.IsSuccessStatusCode, string.Format("{0} is a valid URI", uri));
Exemplo n.º 18
        public async Task TestConsultation_BookRooms_NoDoubleBookingsAndCorrectDays()
            using (NodeRunner.Start())
                var config = await GetConfiguration();

                var consultationsPerDay = Math.Min(config.AdvancedMachines, config.Oncologists);
                var numConsultations    = consultationsPerDay * 2;
                var expectDates         = new List <DateTime>();
                foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(0, numConsultations))
                    await AddPatient("Patient " + i, Condition.headandneckcancer);

                    expectDates.Add(DateTime.Now.AddDays(1 + i / consultationsPerDay).Date);
                var consultations = await GetConsultations();

                var numUnique = consultations.Select(c => new { c.consultationDate.Date, c.roomId }).Distinct().Count();
                Assert.Equal(numConsultations, numUnique);
                Assert.Equal(expectDates, consultations.Select(c => c.consultationDate.Date).OrderBy(d => d));
Exemplo n.º 19
        public async Task TestPatient_Add_AllPropertiesStored()
            using (NodeRunner.Start())
                var imageId = await AddImage();

                var patient = new Patient
                    name      = "Dag",
                    condition = Condition.flu,
                    imageId   = imageId
                var response = await PostRequest("patients", patient);

                var storedPatient = await GetRequest <Patient>("patients", response.id);

                Assert.Equal(response.id, storedPatient.id);
                Assert.Equal("Dag", storedPatient.name);
                Assert.Equal(imageId, storedPatient.imageId);
                Assert.Equal(Condition.flu, storedPatient.condition);