Exemplo n.º 1
        private ComparisonCalculationHunter comparisonFromStat(Character character, CharacterCalculationsHunter calcBase, Stats stats, string label)
            ComparisonCalculationHunter comp = new ComparisonCalculationHunter();

            CharacterCalculationsHunter calcStat = GetCharacterCalculations(character, new Item() { Stats = stats }) as CharacterCalculationsHunter;

            comp.Name = label;
            comp.HunterDpsPoints = calcStat.HunterDpsPoints - calcBase.HunterDpsPoints;
            comp.PetDpsPoints = calcStat.PetDpsPoints - calcBase.PetDpsPoints;
            comp.OverallPoints = calcStat.OverallPoints - calcBase.OverallPoints;

            return comp;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private ComparisonCalculationHunter comparisonFromShotDPF(ShotData shot)
            ComparisonCalculationHunter comp = new ComparisonCalculationHunter();

            float dpm = shot.FocusCost > 0 ? (float)(shot.Damage / shot.FocusCost) : 0;

            comp.Name = Enum.GetName(typeof(Shots), shot.Type);
            comp.SubPoints = new float[] { dpm };
            comp.OverallPoints = dpm;
            return comp;
Exemplo n.º 3
        private ComparisonCalculationHunter comparisonFromShotSpammedMPS(ShotData shot)
            ComparisonCalculationHunter comp = new ComparisonCalculationHunter();

            float shotWait = shot.Duration > shot.Cd ? shot.Duration : shot.Cd;
            float mps = shotWait > 0 ? (float)(shot.FocusCost / shotWait) : 0;

            comp.Name = Enum.GetName(typeof(Shots), shot.Type);
            comp.SubPoints = new float[] { mps };
            comp.OverallPoints = mps;
            return comp;
Exemplo n.º 4
 private ComparisonCalculationHunter comparisonFromShotRotationFocusPS(ShotData shot)
     ComparisonCalculationHunter comp = new ComparisonCalculationHunter();
     comp.Name = Enum.GetName(typeof(Shots), shot.Type);
     comp.SubPoints = new float[] { (float)shot.FocusPS };
     comp.OverallPoints = (float)shot.FocusPS;
     return comp;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /*private ComparisonCalculationHunter[] GetPetTalentSpecsChart(Character character, CharacterCalculationsHunter calcs)
            List<ComparisonCalculationBase> talentCalculations = new List<ComparisonCalculationBase>();
            Character newChar = character.Clone();

            /*PetTalentsBase nothing = character.CurrentTalents.Clone();
            for (int i = 0; i < nothing.Data.Length; i++) nothing.Data[i] = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < nothing.GlyphData.Length; i++) nothing.GlyphData[i] = false;
            newChar.CurrentTalents = nothing;

            CharacterCalculationsBase baseCalc = Calculations.GetCharacterCalculations(newChar, null, false, true, true);
            CharacterCalculationsBase newCalc;
            ComparisonCalculationBase compare;

            bool same, found = false;
            foreach (SavedTalentSpec sts in SavedTalentSpec.SpecsFor(character.Class))
                same = false;
                if (sts.Equals(character.CurrentTalents)) same = true;
                newChar.CurrentTalents = sts.TalentSpec();
                newCalc = Calculations.GetCharacterCalculations(newChar, null, false, true, true);
                compare = Calculations.GetCharacterComparisonCalculations(baseCalc, newCalc, sts.Name, same);
                compare.Item = null;
                compare.Name = sts.ToString();
                compare.Description = sts.Spec;
                found = found || same;
            if (!found)
                newCalc = Calculations.GetCharacterCalculations(character, null, false, true, true);
                compare = Calculations.GetCharacterComparisonCalculations(baseCalc, newCalc, "Custom", true);
            //CGL_Legend.LegendItems = Calculations.SubPointNameColors;
            //ComparisonGraph.LegendItems = Calculations.SubPointNameColors;
            //ComparisonGraph.Mode = ComparisonGraph.DisplayMode.Subpoints;
            return talentCalculations.ToArray();

            /*List<ComparisonCalculationHunter> talentCalculations = new List<ComparisonCalculationHunter>();
            Character baseChar = character.Clone(); CalculationOptionsHunter baseCalcOpts = baseChar.CalculationOptions as CalculationOptionsHunter;
            Character newChar = character.Clone(); CalculationOptionsHunter newCalcOpts = newChar.CalculationOptions as CalculationOptionsHunter;
            CharacterCalculationsHunter currentCalc;
            CharacterCalculationsHunter newCalc;
            ComparisonCalculationHunter compare;
            currentCalc = (CharacterCalculationsHunter)Calculations.GetCharacterCalculations(baseChar, null, false, true, false);

            foreach (PropertyInfo pi in baseCalcOpts.PetTalents.GetType().GetProperties())
                PetTalentDataAttribute[] petTalentDatas = pi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PetTalentDataAttribute), true) as PetTalentDataAttribute[];
                int orig;
                if (petTalentDatas.Length > 0) {
                    PetTalentDataAttribute petTalentData = petTalentDatas[0];
                    orig = baseCalcOpts.PetTalents.Data[petTalentData.Index];
                    if (petTalentData.MaxPoints == (int)pi.GetValue(baseCalcOpts.PetTalents, null)) {
                        newCalc = (CharacterCalculationsHunter)GetCharacterCalculations(newChar, null, false, true, false);
                        compare = (ComparisonCalculationHunter)GetCharacterComparisonCalculations(newCalc, currentCalc, petTalentData.Name, petTalentData.MaxPoints == orig);
                    } else {
                        newCalc = (CharacterCalculationsHunter)GetCharacterCalculations(newChar, null, false, true, false);
                        compare = (ComparisonCalculationHunter)GetCharacterComparisonCalculations(currentCalc, newCalc, petTalentData.Name, petTalentData.MaxPoints == orig);
                    string text = string.Format("Current Rank {0}/{1}\r\n\r\n", orig, petTalentData.MaxPoints);
                    if (orig == 0) {
                        // We originally didn't have it, so first rank is next rank
                        text += "Next Rank:\r\n";
                        text += petTalentData.Description[0];
                    } else if (orig >= petTalentData.MaxPoints) {
                        // We originally were at max, so there isn't a next rank, just show the capped one
                        text += petTalentData.Description[petTalentData.MaxPoints - 1];
                    } else {
                        // We aren't at 0 or MaxPoints originally, so it's just a point in between
                        text += petTalentData.Description[orig - 1];
                        text += "\r\n\r\nNext Rank:\r\n";
                        text += petTalentData.Description[orig];
                    compare.Description = text;
                    compare.Item = null;
                    newCalcOpts.PetTalents.Data[petTalentData.Index] = orig;
            return talentCalculations.ToArray();
        private ComparisonCalculationHunter comparisonFromShotSpammedDPS(ShotData shot)
            ComparisonCalculationHunter comp =  new ComparisonCalculationHunter();

            float shotWait = shot.Duration > shot.Cd ? shot.Duration : shot.Cd;
            float dps = shotWait > 0 ? (float)(shot.Damage / shotWait) : 0;

            comp.Name = Enum.GetName(typeof(Shots), shot.Type);
            comp.HunterDPSPoints = dps;
            comp.OverallPoints = dps;
            return comp;