Exemplo n.º 1
        private void addManaConfigs(Character character, System.Text.StringBuilder sb)
            List <Buff> buffs = character.ActiveBuffs;

            sb.AppendLine("cast_sr_only_if_mana_left " + _calcOpts.MinManaSR);
            sb.AppendLine("simulate_mana             1"); // + (_calcOpts.UseMana ? "1" : "0"));
            if (_character.ActiveBuffsContains("Hunting Party") || _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Judgements of the Wise") || _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Vampiric Touch") ||
                _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Improved Soul Leech") || _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Enduring Winter"))
                sb.AppendLine("replenishment             1");
                sb.AppendLine("replenishment             0");
            if (_calcOpts.PriorityInUse(EnhanceAbility.LightningShield))
                sb.AppendLine("water_shield              0");
                sb.AppendLine("water_shield              1");
            if (_character.ActiveBuffsContains("Mana Spring Totem"))
                sb.AppendLine("mana_spring_totem         1");
                sb.AppendLine("mana_spring_totem         0");
            if (_character.ActiveBuffsContains("Blessing of Wisdom"))
                sb.AppendLine("blessing_of_wisdom        1");
                sb.AppendLine("blessing_of_wisdom        0");
            if (_character.ActiveBuffsContains("Judgement of Wisdom"))
                sb.AppendLine("judgement_of_wisdom       1");
                sb.AppendLine("judgement_of_wisdom       0");
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void UpdateCalcs(bool firstPass)
            // talents
            if (_calcOpts.PriorityInUse(EnhanceAbility.StormStrike))
                stormstrikeBonusCrit = .25f * _talents.Stormstrike + (_talents.GlyphofStormstrike ? .1f : 0f);
                stormstrikeBonusCrit = 0f;
            //set bonus
            enhance4T11 = 0f;
            _character.SetBonusCount.TryGetValue("Battlegear of the Raging Elements", out setCount);
            if (setCount >= 4)
                enhance4T11 = 0.1f;

            critMultiplierSpell = 1.5f * (1 + _stats.BonusSpellCritDamageMultiplier);
            critMultiplierMelee = 2f * (1 + _stats.BonusCritDamageMultiplier);

            // Melee
            float hitBonus = _stats.PhysicalHit + StatConversion.GetHitFromRating(_stats.HitRating) + 0.06f;  //DualWieldSpecialization

            expertiseBonusMH = GetDPRfromExp(_stats.Expertise + StatConversion.GetExpertiseFromRating(_stats.ExpertiseRating) + BaseStats.GetRacialExpertise(_character, ItemSlot.MainHand));
            expertiseBonusOH = GetDPRfromExp(_stats.Expertise + StatConversion.GetExpertiseFromRating(_stats.ExpertiseRating) + BaseStats.GetRacialExpertise(_character, ItemSlot.OffHand));

            float meleeCritModifier = _stats.PhysicalCrit;
            float baseMeleeCrit     = StatConversion.GetCritFromRating(_stats.CritRating) +
                                      StatConversion.GetCritFromAgility(_stats.Agility, _character.Class) + .01f * _talents.Acuity;

            chanceDodgeMH = Math.Max(0f, DodgeChanceCap - expertiseBonusMH);
            chanceDodgeOH = Math.Max(0f, DodgeChanceCap - expertiseBonusOH);
            float ParryChance = ParryChanceCap - expertiseBonusMH;

            //chanceParryMH = (float)Math.Max(0f, _bossOpts.InBack ? ParryChance * PecentageInfrontBoss : ParryChance);
            ParryChance = ParryChanceCap - expertiseBonusOH;
            //chanceParryOH = (float)Math.Max(0f, _bossOpts.InBack ? ParryChance * PecentageInfrontBoss : ParryChance);
            chanceWhiteMissMH  = Math.Max(0f, WhiteHitCap - hitBonus) + chanceDodgeMH + chanceParryMH;
            chanceWhiteMissOH  = Math.Max(0f, WhiteHitCap - hitBonus) + chanceDodgeOH + chanceParryOH;
            chanceYellowMissMH = Math.Max(0f, YellowHitCap - hitBonus) + chanceDodgeMH + chanceParryMH; // base miss 8% now
            chanceYellowMissOH = Math.Max(0f, YellowHitCap - hitBonus) + chanceDodgeOH + chanceParryOH; // base miss 8% now

            // SetCritValues((1 + _stats.BonusCritChance) * (baseMeleeCrit + meleeCritModifier) + .00005f); //fudge factor for rounding
            SetCritValues(baseMeleeCrit + meleeCritModifier + .00005f); //fudge factor for rounding
            // set two export values so that ED crit isn't included
            exportMeleeCritMH = chanceWhiteCritMH + whiteCritDepression;
            exportMeleeCritOH = chanceWhiteCritOH + whiteCritDepression;

            // Spells
            ftBonusCrit = 0f;
            if (_calcOpts.MainhandImbue == "Flametongue")
                ftBonusCrit += _talents.GlyphofFlametongueWeapon ? .02f : 0f;
            if (_calcOpts.OffhandImbue == "Flametongue")
                ftBonusCrit += _talents.GlyphofFlametongueWeapon ? .02f : 0f;

            if (baseStats == null)
                baseStats = BaseStats.GetBaseStats(_character);

            elemPrecMod = _talents.ElementalPrecision > 0 ? (_stats.Spirit - baseStats.Spirit) * (_talents.ElementalPrecision / 3f) : 0f;
            float hitBonusSpell = _stats.SpellHit + StatConversion.GetSpellHitFromRating(_stats.HitRating + elemPrecMod);

            chanceSpellMiss = Math.Max(0f, SpellMissRate - hitBonusSpell);
            overSpellHitCap = Math.Max(0f, hitBonusSpell - SpellMissRate);
            float spellCritModifier = _stats.SpellCrit + _stats.SpellCritOnTarget + ftBonusCrit;
            float baseSpellCrit     = StatConversion.GetSpellCritFromRating(_stats.CritRating) +
                                      StatConversion.GetSpellCritFromIntellect(_stats.Intellect) + .01f * _talents.Acuity;

            //chanceSpellCrit = Math.Min(0.75f, (1 + _stats.BonusCritChance) * (baseSpellCrit + spellCritModifier) + .00005f); //fudge factor for rounding
            chanceSpellCrit = Math.Min(0.75f, baseSpellCrit + spellCritModifier + .00005f); //fudge factor for rounding

            float hasteBonus = StatConversion.GetHasteFromRating(_stats.HasteRating, _character.Class);

            unhastedMHSpeed = _character.MainHand == null ? 3.0f : _character.MainHand.Item.Speed;
            unhastedOHSpeed = _character.OffHand == null ? 3.0f : _character.OffHand.Item.Speed;
            float baseHastedMHSpeed    = unhastedMHSpeed / (1f + hasteBonus) / (1f + _stats.PhysicalHaste);
            float baseHastedOHSpeed    = unhastedOHSpeed / (1f + hasteBonus) / (1f + _stats.PhysicalHaste);
            float chanceToProcWFPerHit = .2f + (_character.ShamanTalents.GlyphofWindfuryWeapon ? .02f : 0f);

            if (_bossOpts.MultiTargs && _bossOpts.Targets != null && _bossOpts.Targets.Count > 0)
                foreach (TargetGroup tg in _bossOpts.Targets)
                    if (tg.Frequency <= 0 || tg.Chance <= 0)
                        continue; //bad one, skip it
                    float upTime = (tg.Frequency / fightLength * (tg.Duration / 1000f) * tg.Chance) / fightLength;
                    multiTargetMultiplier += (Math.Max(10, tg.NumTargs - (tg.NearBoss ? 0 : 1))) * upTime;

            //The Swing Loop
            //This is where we figure out feedback systems -- WF, MW, ED, Flurry, etc.
            flurryUptime = 1f;
            uWUptime     = 0f;
            //uFUptime = 0f;
            edUptime = 0f;
            float stormstrikeSpeed = firstPass ? (_talents.Stormstrike == 1 ? 8f : 0f) : AbilityCooldown(EnhanceAbility.StormStrike);
            float shockSpeed       = firstPass ? BaseShockSpeed : AbilityCooldown(EnhanceAbility.EarthShock);
            float lavaLashSpeed    = firstPass ? 10f : AbilityCooldown(EnhanceAbility.LavaLash);
            float fireNovaSpeed    = firstPass ? BaseFireNovaSpeed : AbilityCooldown(EnhanceAbility.FireNova);

            if (_calcOpts.PriorityInUse(EnhanceAbility.MagmaTotem))
                fireTotemUptime = firstPass ? 1.0f : 60f / AbilityCooldown(EnhanceAbility.MagmaTotem);
            else if (_calcOpts.PriorityInUse(EnhanceAbility.SearingTotem))
                fireTotemUptime = firstPass ? 1.0f : 60f / AbilityCooldown(EnhanceAbility.SearingTotem);
            else if (_calcOpts.PriorityInUse(EnhanceAbility.RefreshTotems)) // if no Searing or Magma totem use refresh of Flametongue totem.
                fireTotemUptime = firstPass ? 1.0f : 300f / AbilityCooldown(EnhanceAbility.RefreshTotems);

            float mwPPM             = (10f / 3f) * _talents.MaelstromWeapon;
            float flurryHasteBonus  = .10f * _talents.Flurry;
            float uWHasteBonus      = .4f + .1f * _talents.ElementalWeapons;
            float edCritBonus       = .03f * _talents.ElementalDevastation;
            float staticShockChance = .15f * _character.ShamanTalents.StaticShock;

            hitsPerSMHSS = 0f;
            hitsPerSOHSS = 0f;
            hitsPerSOH   = 0f;
            hitsPerSMH   = 0f;
            hitsPerSWF   = 0f;
            if (_talents.Stormstrike == 1)
                hitsPerSMHSS = (1f - chanceYellowMissMH) / stormstrikeSpeed;
                hitsPerSOHSS = (1f - 2 * chanceYellowMissOH) / stormstrikeSpeed; //OH only swings if MH connect
            hitsPerSLL = lavaLashSpeed == 0 ? 0f : (1f - chanceYellowMissOH) / lavaLashSpeed;
            float swingsPerSMHMelee = 0f;
            float swingsPerSOHMelee = 0f;
            float wfProcsPerSecond  = 0f;
            float mwProcsPerSecond  = 0f;

            secondsToFiveStack = 10f;
            float averageMeleeCritChance   = (chanceWhiteCritMH + chanceWhiteCritOH + chanceYellowCritMH + chanceYellowCritOH) / 4f;
            float averageMeleeHitChance    = ((1f - chanceWhiteMissMH - chanceDodgeMH - chanceParryMH) + (1f - chanceWhiteMissOH - chanceDodgeOH - chanceParryOH)) / 2f;
            float averageMeleeMissChance   = (chanceWhiteMissMH + chanceWhiteMissOH) / 2f;
            float whiteHitsPerSMH          = 0f;
            float whiteHitsPerSOH          = 0f;
            float moteHitsPerS             = 0f;
            float yellowHitsPerSMH         = 0f;
            float yellowHitsPerSOH         = 0f;
            float flameTongueHitsPerSecond = 0f;

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                // float bonusHaste = (1f + (flurryUptime * flurryHasteBonus));
                float bonusHaste = 1 / (1 - flurryUptime + flurryUptime / (1 + flurryHasteBonus)) / (1 - uWUptime + uWUptime / (1 + uWHasteBonus)); // use time based not proc based flurryUptime
                hastedMHSpeed     = baseHastedMHSpeed / bonusHaste;
                hastedOHSpeed     = baseHastedOHSpeed / bonusHaste;
                swingsPerSMHMelee = 1f / hastedMHSpeed;
                swingsPerSOHMelee = (hastedOHSpeed == 0f) ? 0f : 1f / hastedOHSpeed;
                whiteHitsPerSMH   = ChanceWhiteHitMH * swingsPerSMHMelee;
                whiteHitsPerSOH   = ChanceWhiteHitOH * swingsPerSOHMelee;
                moteHitsPerS      = _stats.MoteOfAnger * 2 * AverageWhiteHitChance;
                // Windfury model
                if (_calcOpts.MainhandImbue == "Windfury")
                    float hitsThatProcWFPerS = whiteHitsPerSMH + hitsPerSMHSS;
                    if (unhastedOHSpeed != 0f)
                        hitsThatProcWFPerS += moteHitsPerS / 2; // half the hits will be OH and thus won't proc WF
                        hitsThatProcWFPerS += moteHitsPerS; // if no offhand then all motes will be MH weapon by definition
                    float maxExpectedWFPerFight = hitsThatProcWFPerS * chanceToProcWFPerHit * fightLength;
                    float ineligibleSeconds     = maxExpectedWFPerFight * (3.25f - hastedMHSpeed);
                    float expectedWFPerFight    = hitsThatProcWFPerS * chanceToProcWFPerHit * (fightLength - ineligibleSeconds);
                    wfProcsPerSecond = expectedWFPerFight / fightLength;
                    hitsPerSWF       = 3f * wfProcsPerSecond * (1f - chanceYellowMissMH);
                yellowHitsPerSMH = hitsPerSWF + hitsPerSMHSS;
                yellowHitsPerSOH = hitsPerSOHSS + hitsPerSLL;

                //Due to attack table, a white swing has the same chance to crit as a yellow hit
// Old Flurry calc changed 10 Nov 2009
//                couldCritSwingsPerSecond = whiteHitsPerSMH + whiteHitsPerSOH + yellowHitsPerSMH + yellowHitsPerSOH;
//                float swingsThatConsumeFlurryPerSecond = swingsPerSMHMelee + swingsPerSOHMelee;
//                flurryUptime = 1f - (float)Math.Pow(1 - averageMeleeCritChance, (3 / swingsThatConsumeFlurryPerSecond) * couldCritSwingsPerSecond);  // old formulae
                flurryUptime = CalculateFlurryUptime(averageMeleeCritChance, averageMeleeHitChance, averageMeleeMissChance);
                //uWUptime = (float)Math.Max(12f / 15f, ??);  //FIXME!!!!
                uWUptime = 7.5f / 15f;  //Temp Uptime until above line is fixed

                // Maelstrom Weapon time to 5 stacks calc
                if (unhastedOHSpeed != 0f)
                    hitsPerSMH       = whiteHitsPerSMH + yellowHitsPerSMH + moteHitsPerS / 2;
                    hitsPerSOH       = whiteHitsPerSOH + yellowHitsPerSOH + moteHitsPerS / 2;
                    mwProcsPerSecond = (mwPPM / (60f / unhastedMHSpeed)) * hitsPerSMH + (mwPPM / (60f / unhastedOHSpeed)) * hitsPerSOH;
                    hitsPerSMH       = whiteHitsPerSMH + yellowHitsPerSMH + moteHitsPerS;
                    hitsPerSOH       = 0f;
                    mwProcsPerSecond = (mwPPM / (60f / unhastedMHSpeed)) * hitsPerSMH;
                secondsToFiveStack = 5f / mwProcsPerSecond;

                // Elemental Devastation Uptime calc
                staticShocksPerSecond    = (hitsPerSLL + hitsPerSMHSS + hitsPerSOHSS) * staticShockChance;
                flameTongueHitsPerSecond = (_calcOpts.MainhandImbue == "Flametongue" ? HitsPerSMH : 0f) +
                                           ((_calcOpts.OffhandImbue == "Flametongue") ? HitsPerSOH : 0f);
                spellAttacksPerSec = (1f / secondsToFiveStack + 1f / shockSpeed + 1f / fireNovaSpeed + staticShocksPerSecond) // + flameTongueHitsPerSecond)
                                     * (1f - chanceSpellMiss);
                float couldCritSpellsPerS = spellAttacksPerSec;
                edUptime = 1f - (float)Math.Pow(1 - chanceSpellCrit, 10 * couldCritSpellsPerS);
                averageMeleeCritChance = (chanceWhiteCritMH + chanceWhiteCritOH + chanceYellowCritMH + chanceYellowCritOH) / 4f + edUptime * edCritBonus;
            float yellowAttacksPerSecond = hitsPerSWF + hitsPerSMHSS;

            if (unhastedMHSpeed != 0)
                yellowAttacksPerSecond += hitsPerSOHSS;

            // set output variables
            edBonusCrit = edUptime * edCritBonus;
            //SetCritValues((1 + _stats.BonusCritChance) * (baseMeleeCrit + meleeCritModifier) + edBonusCrit + .00005f); //fudge factor for rounding
            SetCritValues(baseMeleeCrit + meleeCritModifier + edBonusCrit + .00005f); //fudge factor for rounding
            meleeAttacksPerSec = hitsPerSMH + hitsPerSOH;
            meleeCritsPerSec   = (whiteHitsPerSMH * chanceWhiteCritMH) + (whiteHitsPerSOH * chanceWhiteCritOH) +
                                 (yellowHitsPerSMH * chanceYellowCritMH) + (yellowHitsPerSOH * chanceYellowCritOH) +
                                 (_stats.MoteOfAnger * 2 * AverageWhiteCritChance);
            spellCritsPerSec  = spellAttacksPerSec * ChanceSpellCrit;
            spellCastsPerSec  = spellAttacksPerSec;
            spellMissesPerSec = spellAttacksPerSec * chanceSpellMiss;
            chanceMeleeHit    = meleeAttacksPerSec / (swingsPerSMHMelee + swingsPerSOHMelee + 2f * wfProcsPerSecond + .25f + 1f / 6f);
            maxMana           = _stats.Mana;
            float spellhaste = _stats.SpellHaste + StatConversion.GetSpellHasteFromRating(_stats.HasteRating);

            averageFSDotTime  = _talents.GlyphofFlameShock ? 27f : 18f;
            averageFSTickTime = 3f / (1f + spellhaste);
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: EnhSim.cs Projeto: rakot/rawr
        private void addBuffs(Character character, StringBuilder sb)
            sb.AppendLine("# Buffs #");
            List <Buff> buffs = character.ActiveBuffs;

            if (_character.ActiveBuffsContains("Corrosive Spit") || _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Expose Armor") ||
                _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Sunder Armor") || _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Faerie Fire") ||
                _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Tear Armor"))
                sb.AppendLine("armor_debuff                    12.0/12.0");
                sb.AppendLine("armor_debuff                    0.0/12.0");
            if (_character.ActiveBuffsContains("Blood Frenzy") || _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Savage Combat") ||
                _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Brittle Bones") || _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Ravage") ||
                _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Acid Spit"))
                sb.AppendLine("physical_vulnerability_debuff   4.0/4.0");
                sb.AppendLine("physical_vulnerability_debuff   0.0/4.0");
            if (_character.ActiveBuffsContains("Windfury Totem") || _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Improved Icy Talons") ||
                _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Hunting Party"))
                sb.AppendLine("melee_haste_buff                10.0/10.0");
                sb.AppendLine("melee_haste_buff                0.0/10.0");
            if (_character.ActiveBuffsContains("Leader of the Pack") || _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Rampage") ||
                _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Honor Among Thieves") || _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Elemental Oath") ||
                _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Furious Howl") || _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Terrifying Roar"))
                sb.AppendLine("crit_chance_buff                5.0/5.0");
                sb.AppendLine("crit_chance_buff                0.0/5.0");
            if (_character.ActiveBuffsContains("Trueshot Aura") || _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Unleashed Rage") ||
                _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Abomination's Might") || _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Blessing of Might (AP%)"))
                sb.AppendLine("attack_power_buff_multiplier    10.0/10.0");
                sb.AppendLine("attack_power_buff_multiplier    0.0/10.0");
            if (_character.ActiveBuffsContains("Wrath of Air Totem") || _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Moonkin Form") ||
                _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Mind Quickening"))
                sb.AppendLine("spell_haste_buff                5.0/5.0");
                sb.AppendLine("spell_haste_buff                0.0/5.0");
            if (_character.ActiveBuffsContains("Critical Mass") || _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Improved Shadow Bolt"))
                sb.AppendLine("spell_crit_chance_debuff        5.0/5.0");
                sb.AppendLine("spell_crit_chance_debuff        0.0/5.0");
            if (_character.ActiveBuffsContains("Ebon Plaguebringer") || _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Earth and Moon") ||
                _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Curse of the Elements") || _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Master Poisner") ||
                _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Fire Breath") || _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Lightning Breath"))
                sb.AppendLine("spell_damage_debuff             8.0/8.0");
                sb.AppendLine("spell_damage_debuff             0.0/8.0");
            if (_character.ActiveBuffsContains("Flametongue Totem") || _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Arcane Brilliance (SP%)"))
                sb.AppendLine("spellpower_buff                 6.0/10.0");
            else if (_character.ActiveBuffsContains("Totem of Wrath (Spell Power)") || _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Demonic Pact"))
                sb.AppendLine("spellpower_buff                 10.0/10.0");
                sb.AppendLine("spellpower_buff                 0/10.0");
            if (_character.ActiveBuffsContains("Ferocious Inspiration") || _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Sanctified Retribution") ||
                _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Arcane Tactics"))
                sb.AppendLine("percentage_damage_increase      3.0/3.0");
                sb.AppendLine("percentage_damage_increase      0.0/3.0");
            if (_character.ActiveBuffsContains("Blessing of Kings") || _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Mark of the Wild") ||
                _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Embrace of the Shale Spider"))
                sb.AppendLine("stat_multiplier                 5.0/5.0");
                sb.AppendLine("stat_multiplier                 0.0/5.0");
            if (_character.ActiveBuffsContains("Strength of Earth Totem") || _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Horn of Winter") ||
                _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Battle Shout") || _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Roar of Courage"))
                sb.AppendLine("agi_and_strength_buff           549/549");
                sb.AppendLine("agi_and_strength_buff           0/549");
            if (_character.ActiveBuffsContains("Fel Intelligence (Mana)") || _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Arcane Brilliance (Mana)"))
                sb.AppendLine("mana_buff                       2126/2126");
                sb.AppendLine("mana_buff                       0/2126");
            if (_character.ActiveBuffsContains("Blessing of Might (Mp5)") || _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Mana Spring Totem") ||
                _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Fel Intelligence (Mp5)"))
                sb.AppendLine("mana_regen_buff                 326/326");
                sb.AppendLine("mana_regen_buff                 0/326");
            if (_character.ActiveBuffsContains("Revitalize") || _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Communion") ||
                _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Vampiric Touch") || _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Soul Leech") ||
                _character.ActiveBuffsContains("Enduring Winter"))
                sb.AppendLine("replenishment             1");
                sb.AppendLine("replenishment             0");
            if (_calcOpts.PriorityInUse(EnhanceAbility.LightningShield))
                sb.AppendLine("water_shield              0");
                sb.AppendLine("water_shield              1");
            sb.AppendLine("mixology                        " +
                          (character.PrimaryProfession == Profession.Alchemy ||
                           character.SecondaryProfession == Profession.Alchemy ? "1" : "0"));
            sb.AppendLine("cast_sr_only_if_mana_left " + _calcOpts.MinManaSR);
            sb.AppendLine("flask_elixir                    " + addFlask(buffs));
            sb.AppendLine("guardian_elixir                 " + addGuardianElixir(buffs));
            sb.AppendLine("potion                          " + addPotion(buffs));
            sb.AppendLine("food                            " + addFood(buffs));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void UpdateCalcs(bool firstPass)
            // talents
            callOfThunder       = .05f * _talents.CallOfThunder;
            critMultiplierMelee = 2f * (1 + _stats.BonusCritMultiplier);
            critMultiplierSpell = (1.5f + .1f * _character.ShamanTalents.ElementalFury) * (1 + _stats.BonusSpellCritMultiplier);

            // Melee
            float hitBonus = _stats.PhysicalHit + StatConversion.GetHitFromRating(_stats.HitRating) + 0.02f * _talents.DualWieldSpecialization;

            expertiseBonusMH = GetDPRfromExp(_stats.Expertise + StatConversion.GetExpertiseFromRating(_stats.ExpertiseRating));
            expertiseBonusOH = GetDPRfromExp(_stats.Expertise + StatConversion.GetExpertiseFromRating(_stats.ExpertiseRating));

            // Need to modify expertiseBonusMH & OH if Orc and have racial bonus weapons
            if (_character.Race == CharacterRace.Orc)
                ItemType mhType = _character.MainHand == null ? ItemType.None : _character.MainHand.Type;
                ItemType ohType = _character.OffHand == null ? ItemType.None : _character.OffHand.Type;
                if (mhType == ItemType.OneHandAxe || mhType == ItemType.FistWeapon) // patch 3.2 includes fists
                    expertiseBonusMH += 0.0125f;
                if (ohType == ItemType.OneHandAxe || ohType == ItemType.FistWeapon) // patch 3.2 includes fists
                    expertiseBonusOH += 0.0125f;

            float meleeCritModifier = _stats.PhysicalCrit;
            float baseMeleeCrit     = StatConversion.GetCritFromRating(_stats.CritRating) +
                                      StatConversion.GetCritFromAgility(_stats.Agility, _character.Class) + .01f * _talents.ThunderingStrikes;

            chanceDodgeMH = Math.Max(0f, DodgeChanceCap - expertiseBonusMH);
            chanceDodgeOH = Math.Max(0f, DodgeChanceCap - expertiseBonusOH);
            float ParryChance = ParryChanceCap - expertiseBonusMH;

            chanceParryMH      = (float)Math.Max(0f, _calcOpts.InBack ? ParryChance * (1f - _calcOpts.InBackPerc / 100f) : ParryChance);
            ParryChance        = ParryChanceCap - expertiseBonusOH;
            chanceParryOH      = (float)Math.Max(0f, _calcOpts.InBack ? ParryChance * (1f - _calcOpts.InBackPerc / 100f) : ParryChance);
            chanceWhiteMissMH  = Math.Max(0f, WhiteHitCap - hitBonus) + chanceDodgeMH + chanceParryMH;
            chanceWhiteMissOH  = Math.Max(0f, WhiteHitCap - hitBonus) + chanceDodgeOH + chanceParryOH;
            chanceYellowMissMH = Math.Max(0f, YellowHitCap - hitBonus) + chanceDodgeMH + chanceParryMH; // base miss 8% now
            chanceYellowMissOH = Math.Max(0f, YellowHitCap - hitBonus) + chanceDodgeOH + chanceParryOH; // base miss 8% now

            // SetCritValues((1 + _stats.BonusCritChance) * (baseMeleeCrit + meleeCritModifier) + .00005f); //fudge factor for rounding
            SetCritValues(baseMeleeCrit + meleeCritModifier + .00005f); //fudge factor for rounding
            // set two export values so that ED crit isn't included
            exportMeleeCritMH = chanceWhiteCritMH + whiteCritDepression;
            exportMeleeCritOH = chanceWhiteCritOH + whiteCritDepression;

            // Spells
            ftBonusCrit = 0f;
            if (_calcOpts.MainhandImbue == "Flametongue")
                ftBonusCrit += _talents.GlyphofFlametongueWeapon ? .02f : 0f;
            if (_calcOpts.OffhandImbue == "Flametongue" && _talents.DualWield == 1)
                ftBonusCrit += _talents.GlyphofFlametongueWeapon ? .02f : 0f;

            float spellCritModifier = _stats.SpellCrit + _stats.SpellCritOnTarget + ftBonusCrit;
            float hitBonusSpell     = _stats.SpellHit + StatConversion.GetSpellHitFromRating(_stats.HitRating);

            chanceSpellMiss = Math.Max(0f, SpellMissRate - hitBonusSpell);
            overSpellHitCap = Math.Max(0f, hitBonusSpell - SpellMissRate);
            float baseSpellCrit = StatConversion.GetSpellCritFromRating(_stats.CritRating) +
                                  StatConversion.GetSpellCritFromIntellect(_stats.Intellect) + .01f * _talents.ThunderingStrikes;

            //chanceSpellCrit = Math.Min(0.75f, (1 + _stats.BonusCritChance) * (baseSpellCrit + spellCritModifier) + .00005f); //fudge factor for rounding
            chanceSpellCrit = Math.Min(0.75f, baseSpellCrit + spellCritModifier + .00005f); //fudge factor for rounding

            float hasteBonus = StatConversion.GetHasteFromRating(_stats.HasteRating, _character.Class);

            unhastedMHSpeed = _character.MainHand == null ? 3.0f : _character.MainHand.Item.Speed;
            unhastedOHSpeed = _character.OffHand == null ? 3.0f : _character.OffHand.Item.Speed;
            float baseHastedMHSpeed    = unhastedMHSpeed / (1f + hasteBonus) / (1f + _stats.PhysicalHaste);
            float baseHastedOHSpeed    = unhastedOHSpeed / (1f + hasteBonus) / (1f + _stats.PhysicalHaste);
            float chanceToProcWFPerHit = .2f + (_character.ShamanTalents.GlyphofWindfuryWeapon ? .02f : 0f);

            //The Swing Loop
            //This is where we figure out feedback systems -- WF, MW, ED, Flurry, etc.
            flurryUptime = 1f;
            edUptime     = 0f;
            float stormstrikeSpeed = firstPass ? (_talents.Stormstrike == 1 ? 8f : 0f) : AbilityCooldown(EnhanceAbility.StormStrike);
            float shockSpeed       = firstPass ? BaseShockSpeed : AbilityCooldown(EnhanceAbility.EarthShock);
            float lavaLashSpeed    = firstPass ? (_talents.LavaLash == 1 ? 6f : 0f) : AbilityCooldown(EnhanceAbility.LavaLash);
            float fireNovaSpeed    = firstPass ? BaseFireNovaSpeed : AbilityCooldown(EnhanceAbility.FireNova);

            if (_calcOpts.PriorityInUse(EnhanceAbility.MagmaTotem))
                fireTotemUptime = firstPass ? 1.0f : 20f / AbilityCooldown(EnhanceAbility.MagmaTotem);
            else if (_calcOpts.PriorityInUse(EnhanceAbility.SearingTotem))
                fireTotemUptime = firstPass ? 1.0f : 60f / AbilityCooldown(EnhanceAbility.SearingTotem);
            else if (_calcOpts.PriorityInUse(EnhanceAbility.RefreshTotems)) // if no Searing or Magma totem use refresh of Flametongue totem.
                fireTotemUptime = firstPass ? 1.0f : 300f / AbilityCooldown(EnhanceAbility.RefreshTotems);

            float mwPPM             = 2 * _talents.MaelstromWeapon * (1 + _stats.Enhance4T8 * 0.2f);
            float flurryHasteBonus  = .06f * _talents.Flurry + _stats.Enhance4T7;
            float edCritBonus       = .03f * _talents.ElementalDevastation;
            float staticShockChance = (.02f * _character.ShamanTalents.StaticShock + (_stats.Enhance2T9 == 1f ? 0.03f : 0f));

            hitsPerSMHSS = 0f;
            hitsPerSOHSS = 0f;
            hitsPerSOH   = 0f;
            hitsPerSMH   = 0f;
            hitsPerSWF   = 0f;
            if (_talents.Stormstrike == 1)
                hitsPerSMHSS = (1f - chanceYellowMissMH) / stormstrikeSpeed;
                hitsPerSOHSS = _character.ShamanTalents.DualWield == 1 ? ((1f - 2 * chanceYellowMissOH) / stormstrikeSpeed) : 0f; //OH only swings if MH connects
            hitsPerSLL = lavaLashSpeed == 0 ? 0f : (1f - chanceYellowMissOH) / lavaLashSpeed;
            float swingsPerSMHMelee = 0f;
            float swingsPerSOHMelee = 0f;
            float wfProcsPerSecond  = 0f;
            float mwProcsPerSecond  = 0f;

            secondsToFiveStack = 10f;
            float averageMeleeCritChance   = (chanceWhiteCritMH + chanceWhiteCritOH + chanceYellowCritMH + chanceYellowCritOH) / 4f;
            float averageMeleeHitChance    = ((1f - chanceWhiteMissMH - chanceDodgeMH - chanceParryMH) + (1f - chanceWhiteMissOH - chanceDodgeOH - chanceParryOH)) / 2f;
            float averageMeleeMissChance   = (chanceWhiteMissMH + chanceWhiteMissOH) / 2f;
            float whiteHitsPerSMH          = 0f;
            float whiteHitsPerSOH          = 0f;
            float moteHitsPerS             = 0f;
            float yellowHitsPerSMH         = 0f;
            float yellowHitsPerSOH         = 0f;
            float flameTongueHitsPerSecond = 0f;

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                // float bonusHaste = (1f + (flurryUptime * flurryHasteBonus));
                float bonusHaste = 1 / (1 - flurryUptime + flurryUptime / (1 + flurryHasteBonus)); // use time based not proc based flurryUptime
                hastedMHSpeed     = baseHastedMHSpeed / bonusHaste;
                hastedOHSpeed     = baseHastedOHSpeed / bonusHaste;
                swingsPerSMHMelee = 1f / hastedMHSpeed;
                swingsPerSOHMelee = (hastedOHSpeed == 0f) ? 0f : 1f / hastedOHSpeed;
                whiteHitsPerSMH   = ChanceWhiteHitMH * swingsPerSMHMelee;
                whiteHitsPerSOH   = ChanceWhiteHitOH * swingsPerSOHMelee;
                moteHitsPerS      = _stats.MoteOfAnger * 2 * AverageWhiteHitChance;
                // Windfury model
                if (_calcOpts.MainhandImbue == "Windfury")
                    float hitsThatProcWFPerS = whiteHitsPerSMH + hitsPerSMHSS;
                    if (_character.ShamanTalents.DualWield == 1)
                        hitsThatProcWFPerS += moteHitsPerS / 2; // half the hits will be OH and thus won't proc WF
                        hitsThatProcWFPerS += moteHitsPerS; // if no offhand then all motes will be MH weapon by definition
                    float maxExpectedWFPerFight = hitsThatProcWFPerS * chanceToProcWFPerHit * fightLength;
                    float ineligibleSeconds     = maxExpectedWFPerFight * (3.25f - hastedMHSpeed);
                    float expectedWFPerFight    = hitsThatProcWFPerS * chanceToProcWFPerHit * (fightLength - ineligibleSeconds);
                    wfProcsPerSecond = expectedWFPerFight / fightLength;
                    hitsPerSWF       = 2f * wfProcsPerSecond * (1f - chanceYellowMissMH);
                yellowHitsPerSMH = hitsPerSWF + hitsPerSMHSS;
                yellowHitsPerSOH = hitsPerSOHSS + hitsPerSLL;

                //Due to attack table, a white swing has the same chance to crit as a yellow hit
// Old Flurry calc changed 10 Nov 2009
//                couldCritSwingsPerSecond = whiteHitsPerSMH + whiteHitsPerSOH + yellowHitsPerSMH + yellowHitsPerSOH;
//                float swingsThatConsumeFlurryPerSecond = swingsPerSMHMelee + swingsPerSOHMelee;
//                flurryUptime = 1f - (float)Math.Pow(1 - averageMeleeCritChance, (3 / swingsThatConsumeFlurryPerSecond) * couldCritSwingsPerSecond);  // old formulae
                flurryUptime = CalculateFlurryUptime(averageMeleeCritChance, averageMeleeHitChance, averageMeleeMissChance);

                // Maelstrom Weapon time to 5 stacks calc
                if (_character.ShamanTalents.DualWield == 1 && unhastedOHSpeed != 0f)
                    hitsPerSMH       = whiteHitsPerSMH + yellowHitsPerSMH + moteHitsPerS / 2;
                    hitsPerSOH       = whiteHitsPerSOH + yellowHitsPerSOH + moteHitsPerS / 2;
                    mwProcsPerSecond = (mwPPM / (60f / unhastedMHSpeed)) * hitsPerSMH + (mwPPM / (60f / unhastedOHSpeed)) * hitsPerSOH;
                    hitsPerSMH       = whiteHitsPerSMH + yellowHitsPerSMH + moteHitsPerS;
                    hitsPerSOH       = 0f;
                    mwProcsPerSecond = (mwPPM / (60f / unhastedMHSpeed)) * hitsPerSMH;
                secondsToFiveStack = 5f / mwProcsPerSecond;

                // Elemental Devastation Uptime calc
                staticShocksPerSecond    = (hitsPerSMH + hitsPerSOH) * staticShockChance;
                flameTongueHitsPerSecond = (_calcOpts.MainhandImbue == "Flametongue" ? HitsPerSMH : 0f) +
                                           ((_calcOpts.OffhandImbue == "Flametongue" && _talents.DualWield == 1) ? HitsPerSOH : 0f);
                spellAttacksPerSec = (1f / secondsToFiveStack + 1f / shockSpeed + 1f / fireNovaSpeed + staticShocksPerSecond) // + flameTongueHitsPerSecond)
                                     * (1f - chanceSpellMiss);
                float couldCritSpellsPerS = spellAttacksPerSec - staticShocksPerSecond;                                       // LS procs from Static Shock cannot crit
                edUptime = 1f - (float)Math.Pow(1 - chanceSpellCrit, 10 * couldCritSpellsPerS);
                averageMeleeCritChance = (chanceWhiteCritMH + chanceWhiteCritOH + chanceYellowCritMH + chanceYellowCritOH) / 4f + edUptime * edCritBonus;
            float yellowAttacksPerSecond = hitsPerSWF + hitsPerSMHSS;

            if (_character.ShamanTalents.DualWield == 1 && unhastedMHSpeed != 0)
                yellowAttacksPerSecond += hitsPerSOHSS;

            // set output variables
            edBonusCrit = edUptime * edCritBonus;
            //SetCritValues((1 + _stats.BonusCritChance) * (baseMeleeCrit + meleeCritModifier) + edBonusCrit + .00005f); //fudge factor for rounding
            SetCritValues(baseMeleeCrit + meleeCritModifier + edBonusCrit + .00005f); //fudge factor for rounding
            meleeAttacksPerSec = hitsPerSMH + hitsPerSOH;
            meleeCritsPerSec   = (whiteHitsPerSMH * chanceWhiteCritMH) + (whiteHitsPerSOH * chanceWhiteCritOH) +
                                 (yellowHitsPerSMH * chanceYellowCritMH) + (yellowHitsPerSOH * chanceYellowCritOH) +
                                 (_stats.MoteOfAnger * 2 * AverageWhiteCritChance);
            spellCritsPerSec  = spellAttacksPerSec * ChanceSpellCrit;
            spellCastsPerSec  = spellAttacksPerSec;
            spellMissesPerSec = spellAttacksPerSec * chanceSpellMiss;
            chanceMeleeHit    = meleeAttacksPerSec / (swingsPerSMHMelee + swingsPerSOHMelee + 2f * wfProcsPerSecond + .25f + 1f / 6f);
            maxMana           = _stats.Mana;
            float spellhaste = _stats.SpellHaste + StatConversion.GetSpellHasteFromRating(_stats.HasteRating);

            averageFSDotTime = 18f / (1f + spellhaste);