Exemplo n.º 1
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            //System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); //Use this for force debugging
            XmlConfigurator.Configure(new System.IO.FileInfo("mvctool.exe.config"));

            CompilerFlags flags = new CompilerFlags(_log);

            //generate a list of assemblies in the associated mvcmap
            var assemblies = new List <String>();

            string className = null;

            //This is new - we try to interpret the compiler params
            if (args.Length == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("USAGE - mvctool [options] classname");
                Console.WriteLine(" --abstract / -a : prefix controllers with \"Abstract\" prefix");
                Console.WriteLine(" --partial-methods / -p : use partial methods (.Net 3.5+)");
                Console.WriteLine(" -e : send the controller to event handlers");
                Console.WriteLine(" -v : add pad code to protect list views");
                Console.WriteLine(" -c : create a new action config file called \"default.mvcmap\" (this can't be used with any other params)");
                Console.WriteLine(" -C : create a new action config file with view name passed (this can't be used with any other params)");
                Console.WriteLine(" -r : use the default mvcmap when creating actions");
                Console.WriteLine(" -R : use the mvcmap with the same name as the form passed when creating actions");
                Console.WriteLine(" -d : append the .Designer tag to the file name (e.g. Form1.Designer.cs)");
                Console.WriteLine(" -D : same as -d, but also creates a stub file if one doesn't exist.");
                Console.WriteLine(" -I : The location of the files to process. e.g. -I=c:\\projects\\views");
                Console.WriteLine(" -O : The location of where the files are to be put.  e.g. -I=c:\\projects\\controllers");
                //Console.WriteLine( " -i : ignore any RESX file in the same scope (do not link resources)" );
            else if (args.Length > 1)
                bool foundFormName = false;

                if (args[0].Contains("-C"))
                    CreateNewActionConfig(String.Format("{0}.mvcmap", args[1]));

                foreach (string arg in args)

                    if (arg.StartsWith("-"))
                        Log.DebugFormat("Parsing param : {0}", arg);
                        //assume it's a param
                        if (arg.Contains("-a"))
                            flags.IsAbstract = true; //okay, this is a bit of a cheat
                        if (arg.Contains("-p"))
                            flags.UsePartialMethods = true;
                        if (arg.Contains("-e"))
                            flags.PassControllerToEvents = true;
                        if (arg.Contains("-v"))
                            flags.ProtectListViews = true;
                        if (arg.Contains("-r"))
                            flags.RestrictActions       = true;
                            flags.UseDefaultActionsFile = true;
                        if (arg.Contains("-d"))
                            flags.AppendDesignedToFilename = true;
                        if (arg.Contains("-D"))
                            flags.AppendDesignedToFilename   = true;
                            flags.CreateEmptyNonDesignedFile = true;
                        if (arg.Contains("-R"))
                            flags.RestrictActions = true;
                            //flags.UseDefaultActionsFile = false; //this should default to false...
                        if (arg.StartsWith("-i="))
                            string[] list = new StringBuilder(arg).Replace("-i=", String.Empty).Replace("\"", String.Empty).ToString().Split(',');
                        if (arg.StartsWith("-I="))
                            flags.InputPath = arg.Replace("-I=", String.Empty);
                        if (arg.StartsWith("-O="))
                            flags.OutputPath = arg.Replace("-O=", String.Empty);
                        //assume it's the form name
                        if (foundFormName)
                            var s = String.Format("Did not understand \"{0}\", already found \"{1}\", ignoring.", className, arg);
                            if (arg.Contains(System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar))
                                className = arg.Substring(arg.LastIndexOf(System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) + 1);
                                if (className.Contains("."))
                                    className = className.Remove(className.IndexOf("."));
                                className = arg;
                            foundFormName = true;
                            Log.DebugFormat("Found {0}", className);


                if (!foundFormName)
                    Console.WriteLine("Could not find the form name in the params! Aborted");
                    Log.Error("Could not find the form name in the params! Aborted");
            else if (args.Length == 1 && args[0].Contains("-c"))
                Log.Debug("Creating default.mvcmap");
            else //assume one param is form name
                //this fixes a bug where user was unable to create a non abstract controller
                flags.IsAbstract             = false;
                flags.UsePartialMethods      = false;
                flags.PassControllerToEvents = false;
                flags.ProtectListViews       = false;
                className = args[0];

            string outputAssemblyName = String.Format("{0}_{1}.dll", className, DateTime.Now.Ticks);


            //we currently assume this is one param and that is the name of the class
            //we also assume the files will be named in a standard C# naming convention.
            //i.e. MainForm -> MainForm.Designer.cs
            Log.Debug("Compiling class bootstrap");
            if (ControllerCreationEngine.Compile(className, outputAssemblyName, flags, assemblies))
                Log.Debug("Generating code");
                //if we get here, we created the desired assembly above
                ControllerCreationEngine.Generate(className, outputAssemblyName, flags, assemblies);
                Log.Debug("Successfully generated code");
                Console.WriteLine("Error! The file could not be generated.");
                Log.Error("Error! The file could not be generated.");

            //Console.ReadLine(); //DEBUG - stop app before close
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            //System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); //Use this for force debugging

            CompilerFlags flags = new CompilerFlags();

            string className = null;

            //This is new - we try to interpret the compiler params
            if (args.Length == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("USAGE - mvctool [options] classname");
                Console.WriteLine(" --abstract / -a : prefix controllers with \"Abstract\" prefix");
                Console.WriteLine(" --partial-methods / -p : use partial methods (.Net 3.5+)");
                Console.WriteLine(" -e : send the controller to event handlers");
                Console.WriteLine(" -v : add pad code to protect list views");
                Console.WriteLine(" -c : create a new action config file called \"default.mvcmap\" (this can't be used with any other params)");
                Console.WriteLine(" -C : create a new action config file with view name passed (this can't be used with any other params)");
                Console.WriteLine(" -r : use the default mvcmap when creating actions");
                Console.WriteLine(" -R : use the mvcmap with the same name as the form passed when creating actions");
                Console.WriteLine(" -d : append the .Designer tag to the file name (e.g. Form1.Designer.cs)");
                Console.WriteLine(" -D : same as -d, but also creates a stub file if one doesn't exist.");
            else if (args.Length > 1)
                bool foundFormName = false;

                if (args[0].Contains("-C"))
                    CreateNewActionConfig(String.Format("{0}.mvcmap", args[1]));

                foreach (string arg in args)

                    if (arg.StartsWith("-"))
                        //assume it's a param
                        if (arg.Contains("-a"))
                            flags.IsAbstract = true; //okay, this is a bit of a cheat
                        if (arg.Contains("-p"))
                            flags.UsePartialMethods = true;
                        if (arg.Contains("-e"))
                            flags.PassControllerToEvents = true;
                        if (arg.Contains("-v"))
                            flags.ProtectListViews = true;
                        if (arg.Contains("-r"))
                            flags.RestrictActions       = true;
                            flags.UseDefaultActionsFile = true;
                        if (arg.Contains("-d"))
                            flags.AppendDesignedToFilename = true;
                        if (arg.Contains("-D"))
                            flags.AppendDesignedToFilename   = true;
                            flags.CreateEmptyNonDesignedFile = true;
                        if (arg.Contains("-R"))
                            flags.RestrictActions = true;
                            //flags.UseDefaultActionsFile = false; //this should default to false...
                        //assume it's the form name
                        if (foundFormName)
                            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Did not understand \"{0}\", already found \"{1}\", ignoring.", className, arg));
                            className     = arg;
                            foundFormName = true;


                if (!foundFormName)
                    Console.WriteLine("Could not find the form name in the params! Aborted");
            else if (args.Length == 1 && args[0].Contains("-c"))
            else //assume one param is form name
                //this fixes a bug where user was unable to create a non abstract controller
                flags.IsAbstract             = false;
                flags.UsePartialMethods      = false;
                flags.PassControllerToEvents = false;
                flags.ProtectListViews       = false;
                className = args[0];

            string outputAssemblyName = String.Format("{0}_{1}.dll", className, DateTime.Now.Ticks);

            //we currently assume this is one param and that is the name of the class
            //we also assume the files will be named in a standard C# naming convention.
            //i.e. MainForm -> MainForm.Designer.cs
            if (ControllerCreationEngine.Compile(className, outputAssemblyName))
                //if we get here, we created the desired assembly above
                ControllerCreationEngine.Generate(className, outputAssemblyName, flags);
                Console.WriteLine("Error! The file could not be generated.");