Exemplo n.º 1
        private void AddObjectToObjectCollectionOrLink(ApiObject obj, string key, IDictionary <string, ApiObject> objects, IDictionary <string, ApiObject> otherObjects)
            if (obj == null || (!obj.Properties.Any() && obj.Type == null))

            if (schemaObjects.All(o => o.Value.Name != obj.Name) && objects.All(o => o.Value.Name != obj.Name) && otherObjects.All(o => o.Value.Name != obj.Name))
                objects.Add(key, obj);
                if (UniquenessHelper.HasSameProperties(obj, objects, key, otherObjects, schemaObjects))
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(obj.GeneratedCode) && !linkKeysWithObjectNames.ContainsKey(key))
                        linkKeysWithObjectNames.Add(key, obj.Name);
                else if (!objects.ContainsKey(key))
                    obj.Name = UniquenessHelper.GetUniqueName(objects, obj.Name, schemaObjects, schemaObjects);
                    objects.Add(key, obj);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static string GetTypeFromApiObject(ApiObject apiObject)
            if (apiObject.IsArray)
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(apiObject.Type))

                if (CollectionTypeHelper.IsCollection(apiObject.Type))

            if (apiObject.IsMap)

            if (apiObject.IsScalar)

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(apiObject.Type) && apiObject.Type != apiObject.Name)

        public static ApiObject GetQueryObject(ClientGeneratorMethod generatedMethod, Method method, string objectName)
            var queryObject = new ApiObject { Name = generatedMethod.Name + objectName + "Query" };
            queryObject.Properties = ParseParameters(method);

            return queryObject;
        private string HandleMultipleSchemaType(IEnumerable <Response> responses, Resource resource, Method method, string key, string fullUrl)
            var properties = GetProperties(responses, resource, method, key, fullUrl);

            if (properties.Count == 0)

            if (properties.Count == 1)

            // Build a new response object containing all types
            var name      = NetNamingMapper.GetObjectName("Multiple" + key);
            var apiObject = new ApiObject
                Name        = name,
                Description = "Multiple Response Types " + string.Join(", ", properties.Select(p => p.Name)),
                Properties  = properties,
                IsMultiple  = true

            schemaResponseObjects.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, ApiObject>(name, apiObject));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static bool HasSameProperties(ApiObject apiObject, IDictionary <string, ApiObject> objects, string key, IDictionary <string, ApiObject> otherObjects,
                                             IDictionary <string, ApiObject> schemaObjects)
            var obj = FindObjectWithSameProperties(apiObject, key, objects, otherObjects, schemaObjects);

            if (obj == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not find object with key " + key);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(obj.GeneratedCode))
                if (objects.Any(o => o.Value.GeneratedCode == obj.GeneratedCode) ||
                    otherObjects.Any(o => o.Value.GeneratedCode == obj.GeneratedCode) ||
                    schemaObjects.Any(o => o.Value.GeneratedCode == obj.GeneratedCode))

            if (obj.Properties.Count != apiObject.Properties.Count)

            return(apiObject.Properties.All(property => obj.Properties.Any(p => p.Name == property.Name && p.Type == property.Type)));
        private string GetParamType(MimeType mimeType, ApiObject apiObject)
            if (mimeType.Type.Contains("<<") && mimeType.Type.Contains(">>"))

        private GeneratorParameter CreateGeneratorParameter(ApiObject apiObject)
            var generatorParameter = new GeneratorParameter
                Name        = apiObject.Name.ToLower(),
                Type        = RamlTypesHelper.GetTypeFromApiObject(apiObject),
                Description = apiObject.Description

		private bool IsUsedAsReferenceInAnyObject(ApiObject requestObj)
           	return schemaRequestObjects.SelectMany(o => o.Value.Properties).Any(x => x.Type == requestObj.Name || 
                        x.Type == CollectionTypeHelper.GetCollectionType(requestObj.Name) || 
                        x.Type == requestObj.BaseClass || 
                        x.Type == CollectionTypeHelper.GetCollectionType(requestObj.BaseClass))
				   || schemaResponseObjects.SelectMany(o => o.Value.Properties).Any(x => x.Type == requestObj.Name || 
                        x.Type == CollectionTypeHelper.GetCollectionType(requestObj.Name) ||
                        x.Type == requestObj.BaseClass ||
                        x.Type == CollectionTypeHelper.GetCollectionType(requestObj.BaseClass));
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void Generate(Resource resource, string url, ClientGeneratorMethod clientGeneratorMethod,
                             IDictionary <string, ApiObject> uriParameterObjects, IDictionary <string, Parameter> parentUriParameters)
            var parameters = GetUriParameters(resource, url, parentUriParameters).ToArray();

            clientGeneratorMethod.UriParameters = parameters;

            if (!parameters.Any())

            var name = NetNamingMapper.GetObjectName(url) + "UriParameters";

            clientGeneratorMethod.UriParametersType = name;
            if (uriParameterObjects.ContainsKey(name))

            var properties = new List <Property>();

            if (resource.BaseUriParameters != null)

            if (resource.UriParameters != null)
                                    .Where(up => properties.All(p => !String.Equals(up.Name, p.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))));

            var urlParameters     = ExtractParametersFromUrl(url).ToArray();
            var matchedParameters = MatchParameters(parentUriParameters, urlParameters);

            foreach (var urlParameter in matchedParameters)
                var property = ConvertGeneratorParamToProperty(urlParameter);
                if (properties.All(p => !String.Equals(property.Name, p.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))

            var apiObject = new ApiObject
                Name        = name,
                Description = "Uri Parameters for resource " + resource.RelativeUri,
                Properties  = properties

            uriParameterObjects.Add(name, apiObject);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public ApiObject GetQueryObject(ClientGeneratorMethod generatedMethod, Method method, string objectName)
            var queryObject = new ApiObject {
                Name = generatedMethod.Name + objectName + "Query"

            queryObject.Properties = ParseParameters(method);

Exemplo n.º 11
        public ApiObject Parse(string key, string jsonSchema, IDictionary<string, ApiObject> objects, IDictionary<string, string> warnings, 
            IDictionary<string, ApiEnum> enums, IDictionary<string, ApiObject> otherObjects, IDictionary<string, ApiObject> schemaObjects)
            this.otherObjects = otherObjects;
            this.schemaObjects = schemaObjects;
            var obj = new ApiObject
                          Name = NetNamingMapper.GetObjectName(key),
                          Properties = new List<Property>(),
                          JSONSchema = jsonSchema.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "").Replace("\r\n", "").Replace("\n", "").Replace("\"", "\\\"")
            JsonSchema schema = null;
            Newtonsoft.JsonV4.Schema.JsonSchema v4Schema = null;
            if (jsonSchema.Contains("\"oneOf\":"))
                v4Schema = ParseV4Schema(key, jsonSchema, warnings, objects);
                schema = ParseV3OrV4Schema(key, jsonSchema, warnings, ref v4Schema, objects);

            if (schema == null && v4Schema == null)
                return obj;

            if (schema != null)
                if (schema.Type == JsonSchemaType.Array)
                    obj.IsArray = true;
                    if (schema.Items != null && schema.Items.Any())
                        ParseProperties(objects, obj.Properties, schema.Items.First().Properties, enums);
                    ParseProperties(objects, obj.Properties, schema.Properties, enums);
                if (v4Schema.Type == Newtonsoft.JsonV4.Schema.JsonSchemaType.Array)
                    obj.IsArray = true;
                    if (v4Schema.Items != null && v4Schema.Items.Any())
                        ParseProperties(objects, obj.Properties, v4Schema.Items.First(), enums);
                    ParseProperties(objects, obj.Properties, v4Schema, enums);
            return obj;
Exemplo n.º 12
        private static string GetTypeFromApiObject(ApiObject apiObject)
            if (!apiObject.IsArray)

            if (apiObject.Type == null)

Exemplo n.º 13
        private void ParseObject(string key, IDictionary <string, Newtonsoft.JsonV4.Schema.JsonSchema> schema, IDictionary <string, ApiObject> objects)
            var obj = new ApiObject
                Name       = NetNamingMapper.GetObjectName(key),
                Properties = ParseSchema(schema, objects)

            // Avoid duplicated keys and names
            if (objects.ContainsKey(key) || objects.Any(o => o.Value.Name == obj.Name) || !obj.Properties.Any())

            objects.Add(key, obj);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public static ApiObject FindObjectWithSameProperties(ApiObject apiObject, string key, IDictionary <string, ApiObject> objects,
                                                             IDictionary <string, ApiObject> otherObjects, IDictionary <string, ApiObject> schemaObjects)
            var obj = FindObject(apiObject, schemaObjects, key);

            if (obj == null)
                obj = FindObject(apiObject, objects, key);

            if (obj == null)
                obj = FindObject(apiObject, otherObjects, key);

Exemplo n.º 15
        private bool IsUsedAsReferenceInAnyObject(ApiObject requestObj)
            return(schemaObjects.SelectMany(o => o.Value.Properties).Any(x => x.Type == requestObj.Name ||
                                                                         x.Type == CollectionTypeHelper.GetCollectionType(requestObj.Name) ||
                                                                         x.Type == requestObj.BaseClass ||
                                                                         x.Type == CollectionTypeHelper.GetCollectionType(requestObj.BaseClass))

                   || schemaRequestObjects.SelectMany(o => o.Value.Properties).Any(x => x.Type == requestObj.Name ||
                                                                                   x.Type == CollectionTypeHelper.GetCollectionType(requestObj.Name) ||
                                                                                   x.Type == requestObj.BaseClass ||
                                                                                   x.Type == CollectionTypeHelper.GetCollectionType(requestObj.BaseClass))

                   || schemaResponseObjects.SelectMany(o => o.Value.Properties).Any(x => x.Type == requestObj.Name ||
                                                                                    x.Type == CollectionTypeHelper.GetCollectionType(requestObj.Name) ||
                                                                                    x.Type == requestObj.BaseClass ||
                                                                                    x.Type == CollectionTypeHelper.GetCollectionType(requestObj.BaseClass)));
        public void Generate(Resource resource, string url, ClientGeneratorMethod clientGeneratorMethod,
            IDictionary<string, ApiObject> uriParameterObjects, IDictionary<string, Parameter> parentUriParameters)
            var parameters = GetUriParameters(resource, url, parentUriParameters).ToArray();
            clientGeneratorMethod.UriParameters = parameters;

            if (!parameters.Any())

            var name = NetNamingMapper.GetObjectName(url) + "UriParameters";
            clientGeneratorMethod.UriParametersType = name;
            if (uriParameterObjects.ContainsKey(name))

            var properties = new List<Property>();
            if (resource.BaseUriParameters != null)

            if (resource.UriParameters != null)
                    .Where(up => properties.All(p => !String.Equals(up.Name, p.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))));

            var urlParameters = ExtractParametersFromUrl(url).ToArray();
            var matchedParameters = MatchParameters(parentUriParameters, urlParameters);

            foreach (var urlParameter in matchedParameters)
                var property = ConvertGeneratorParamToProperty(urlParameter);
                if (properties.All(p => !String.Equals(property.Name, p.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))

            var apiObject = new ApiObject
                                Name = name,
                                Description = "Uri Parameters for resource " + resource.RelativeUri,
                                Properties = properties
            uriParameterObjects.Add(name, apiObject);
		private string HandleMultipleSchemaType(IEnumerable<Response> responses, Resource resource, Method method, string key, string fullUrl)
			var properties = GetProperties(responses, resource, method, key, fullUrl);

			if (properties.Count == 0)
				return "string";

			if (properties.Count == 1)
				return properties.First().Type;

			// Build a new response object containing all types
			var name = NetNamingMapper.GetObjectName("Multiple" + key);
			var apiObject = new ApiObject
				Name = name,
				Description = "Multiple Response Types " + string.Join(", ", properties.Select(p => p.Name)),
				Properties = properties,
				IsMultiple = true
			schemaResponseObjects.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, ApiObject>(name, apiObject));
			return name;
        private ApiObject ParseUnion(string key, RamlType ramlType)
            var name      = NetNamingMapper.GetObjectName(key);
            var apiObject = new ApiObject
                IsUnionType = true,
                Name        = name,
                Description = ramlType.Description,
                Example     = GetExample(ramlType.Example, ramlType.Examples),
                Type        = NetNamingMapper.GetObjectName(key)

            var originalType = ramlType.Type;

            var isArray = false;

            if (originalType.StartsWith("(") && originalType.EndsWith(")[]"))
                isArray      = true;
                originalType = originalType.Substring(0, originalType.Length - 2);
            originalType = originalType.Replace("(", string.Empty).Replace(")", string.Empty);

            var types = originalType.Split(new [] { "|" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            foreach (var type in types)
                apiObject.Properties.Add(new Property(name)
                    Name = NetNamingMapper.GetPropertyName(type.Trim()),
                    Type = isArray
                        ? CollectionTypeHelper.GetCollectionType(RamlTypesHelper.DecodeRaml1Type(type.Trim()))
                        : RamlTypesHelper.DecodeRaml1Type(type.Trim())
 // To use with XML Schema objects
 public static bool HasSameProperties(ApiObject apiObject, IDictionary<string, ApiObject> objects, IDictionary<string, ApiObject> otherObjects, IDictionary<string, ApiObject> schemaObjects)
     return objects.Any(o => o.Value.GeneratedCode == apiObject.GeneratedCode)
            || otherObjects.Any(o => o.Value.GeneratedCode == apiObject.GeneratedCode)
            || schemaObjects.Any(o => o.Value.GeneratedCode == apiObject.GeneratedCode);
        public static bool HasSameProperties(ApiObject apiObject, IDictionary<string, ApiObject> objects, string key, IDictionary<string, ApiObject> otherObjects, IDictionary<string, ApiObject> schemaObjects)
            var obj = FindObject(apiObject, schemaObjects, key);

            if (obj == null)
                obj = FindObject(apiObject, objects, key);

            if (obj == null)
                obj = FindObject(apiObject, otherObjects, key);

            if (obj == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not find object with key " + key);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(obj.GeneratedCode))
                if(objects.Any(o => o.Value.GeneratedCode == obj.GeneratedCode)
                    || otherObjects.Any(o => o.Value.GeneratedCode == obj.GeneratedCode)
                    || schemaObjects.Any(o => o.Value.GeneratedCode == obj.GeneratedCode))
                    return true;

            if (obj.Properties.Count != apiObject.Properties.Count)
                return false;

            return apiObject.Properties.All(property => obj.Properties.Any(p => p.Name == property.Name && p.Type == property.Type));
Exemplo n.º 21
 // To use with XML Schema objects
 public static bool HasSameProperties(ApiObject apiObject, IDictionary <string, ApiObject> objects, IDictionary <string, ApiObject> otherObjects, IDictionary <string, ApiObject> schemaObjects)
     return(objects.Any(o => o.Value.GeneratedCode == apiObject.GeneratedCode) ||
            otherObjects.Any(o => o.Value.GeneratedCode == apiObject.GeneratedCode) ||
            schemaObjects.Any(o => o.Value.GeneratedCode == apiObject.GeneratedCode));
        private void AddObjectToObjectCollectionOrLink(ApiObject obj, string key, IDictionary<string, ApiObject> objects, IDictionary<string, ApiObject> otherObjects)
            if (obj == null || (!obj.Properties.Any() && obj.Type == null))

            if (schemaObjects.All(o => o.Value.Name != obj.Name) && objects.All(o => o.Value.Name != obj.Name) && otherObjects.All(o => o.Value.Name != obj.Name))
                objects.Add(key, obj);
                if (UniquenessHelper.HasSameProperties(obj, objects, key, otherObjects, schemaObjects))
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(obj.GeneratedCode) && !linkKeysWithObjectNames.ContainsKey(key))
                        linkKeysWithObjectNames.Add(key, obj.Name);
                else if(!objects.ContainsKey(key))
                    obj.Name = UniquenessHelper.GetUniqueName(objects, obj.Name, schemaObjects, schemaObjects);
                    objects.Add(key, obj);
Exemplo n.º 23
        public ApiObject Parse(string key, string jsonSchema, IDictionary <string, ApiObject> objects, IDictionary <string, string> warnings)
            var obj = new ApiObject
                Name       = NetNamingMapper.GetObjectName(key),
                Properties = new List <Property>()
            JsonSchema schema = null;

            Newtonsoft.JsonV4.Schema.JsonSchema v4Schema = null;
                schema = JsonSchema.Parse(jsonSchema);
            catch (Exception exv3)             // NewtonJson does not support Json Schema v4
                    schema   = null;
                    v4Schema = Newtonsoft.JsonV4.Schema.JsonSchema.Parse(jsonSchema);
                catch (Exception exv4)
                    //dynamic dynObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonSchema);
                    //foreach (var kv in dynObj)
                    //	//TODO: manual parse schema ? or parse using example ?
                    if (!warnings.ContainsKey(key))
                        warnings.Add(key, "Could not parse JSON Schema. v3 parser message: " + exv3.Message.Replace("\r\n", string.Empty).Replace("\n", string.Empty) + ". v4 parser message: " + exv4.Message.Replace("\r\n", string.Empty).Replace("\n", string.Empty));

            if (schema == null && v4Schema == null)

            if (schema != null)
                if (schema.Type == JsonSchemaType.Array)
                    obj.IsArray = true;
                    if (schema.Items != null && schema.Items.Any())
                        ParseProperties(objects, obj.Properties, schema.Items.First().Properties);
                    ParseProperties(objects, obj.Properties, schema.Properties);
                if (v4Schema.Type == Newtonsoft.JsonV4.Schema.JsonSchemaType.Array)
                    obj.IsArray = true;
                    if (v4Schema.Items != null && v4Schema.Items.Any())
                        ParseProperties(objects, obj.Properties, v4Schema.Items.First().Properties);
                    ParseProperties(objects, obj.Properties, v4Schema.Properties);
 private static GeneratorParameter CreateGeneratorParameter(ApiObject apiObject)
     var generatorParameter = new GeneratorParameter
         Name = apiObject.Name.ToLower(),
         Type = apiObject.IsArray ? CollectionTypeHelper.GetCollectionType(apiObject.Name) : apiObject.Name,
         Description = apiObject.Description
     return generatorParameter;
        private static string GetTypeFromApiObject(ApiObject apiObject)
            if (!apiObject.IsArray)
                return apiObject.Name;

            if(apiObject.Type == null)
                return CollectionTypeHelper.GetCollectionType(apiObject.Name);

            return CollectionTypeHelper.GetCollectionType(apiObject.Type);
Exemplo n.º 26
        public static bool HasSameProperties(ApiObject apiObject, IDictionary<string, ApiObject> objects, string key, IDictionary<string, ApiObject> otherObjects, IDictionary<string, ApiObject> schemaObjects)
            var obj = FindObject(apiObject, schemaObjects, key);

            if (obj == null)
                obj = FindObject(apiObject, objects, key);

            if (obj == null)
                obj = FindObject(apiObject, otherObjects, key);

            if (obj == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not find object with key " + key);

            if (obj.Properties.Count != apiObject.Properties.Count)
                return false;

            return apiObject.Properties.All(property => obj.Properties.Any(p => p.Name == property.Name && p.Type == property.Type));
Exemplo n.º 27
 public bool IsUsedAsParameterInAnyMethod(IEnumerable <ClassObject> classes, ApiObject requestObj)
     return(classes.Any(c => c.Methods
                        .Any(m => m.Parameter != null &&
                             (m.Parameter.Type == requestObj.Name || m.Parameter.Type == CollectionTypeHelper.GetCollectionType(requestObj.Name)))));
        private void ParseObject(string key, IDictionary<string, JsonSchema> schema, IDictionary<string, ApiObject> objects, IDictionary<string, ApiEnum> enums)
			if (schema == null)

			var obj = new ApiObject
				Name = NetNamingMapper.GetObjectName(key),
				Properties = ParseSchema(schema, objects, enums)

			// Avoid duplicated keys and names
			if (objects.ContainsKey(key) || objects.Any(o => o.Value.Name == obj.Name) || !obj.Properties.Any())

			objects.Add(key, obj);
Exemplo n.º 29
 public bool IsUsedAsParameterInAnyMethod(IEnumerable<ClassObject> classes, ApiObject requestObj)
     return classes.Any(c => c.Methods
         .Any(m => m.Parameter != null
                   && (m.Parameter.Type == requestObj.Name || m.Parameter.Type == CollectionTypeHelper.GetCollectionType(requestObj.Name))));
 private static GeneratorParameter CreateGeneratorParameter(ApiObject apiObject)
     var generatorParameter = new GeneratorParameter
         Name = apiObject.Name.ToLower(),
         Type = GetTypeFromApiObject(apiObject),
         Description = apiObject.Description
     return generatorParameter;
	    private void AddObjectToObjectCollectionOrLink(ApiObject obj, string key, IDictionary<string, ApiObject> objects)
            if (obj == null || !obj.Properties.Any())

            if (objects.All(o => o.Value.Name != obj.Name))
                objects.Add(key, obj);
	            if (!linkKeysWithObjectNames.ContainsKey(key))
	                linkKeysWithObjectNames.Add(key, obj.Name);
Exemplo n.º 32
        private string ParseObject(string key, IDictionary<string, JsonSchema> schema, IDictionary<string, ApiObject> objects, IDictionary<string, ApiEnum> enums)
            if (schema == null)
                return null;

            var obj = new ApiObject
                Name = NetNamingMapper.GetObjectName(key),
                Properties = ParseSchema(schema, objects, enums)

            if (obj == null)
                return null;

                return null;

            // Avoid duplicated keys and names or no properties
            if (objects.ContainsKey(key) || objects.Any(o => o.Value.Name == obj.Name) 
                || otherObjects.ContainsKey(key) || otherObjects.Any(o => o.Value.Name == obj.Name)
                || schemaObjects.ContainsKey(key) || schemaObjects.Any(o => o.Value.Name == obj.Name))
                if (UniquenessHelper.HasSameProperties(obj, objects, key, otherObjects, schemaObjects)) 
                    return key;

                obj.Name = UniquenessHelper.GetUniqueName(objects, obj.Name, otherObjects, schemaObjects);
                key = UniquenessHelper.GetUniqueKey(objects, key, otherObjects);

            objects.Add(key, obj);
            return key;
Exemplo n.º 33
 public bool IsUsedAsResponseInAnyMethod(IEnumerable<ClassObject> classes, ApiObject requestObj)
     return classes.Any(c => c.Methods.Any(m => m.ReturnType == requestObj.Name || m.ReturnType == CollectionTypeHelper.GetCollectionType(requestObj.Name)));
Exemplo n.º 34
        private void ParseObject(string key, IDictionary<string, Newtonsoft.JsonV4.Schema.JsonSchema> schema, IDictionary<string, ApiObject> objects, IDictionary<string, ApiEnum> enums, string baseClass = null)
            var obj = new ApiObject
                          Name = NetNamingMapper.GetObjectName(key),
                          Properties = ParseSchema(schema, objects, enums),
                          BaseClass = baseClass

            // Avoid duplicated keys and names
            if (objects.ContainsKey(key) || objects.Any(o => o.Value.Name == obj.Name)
                || otherObjects.ContainsKey(key) || otherObjects.Any(o => o.Value.Name == obj.Name)
                || schemaObjects.ContainsKey(key) || schemaObjects.Any(o => o.Value.Name == obj.Name) 
                || !obj.Properties.Any())
                if (UniquenessHelper.HasSameProperties(obj, objects, key, otherObjects, schemaObjects))

                obj.Name = UniquenessHelper.GetUniqueName(objects, obj.Name, otherObjects, schemaObjects);
                key = UniquenessHelper.GetUniqueKey(objects, key, otherObjects);

            objects.Add(key, obj);
Exemplo n.º 35
 public bool IsUsedAsResponseInAnyMethod(IEnumerable <ClassObject> classes, ApiObject requestObj)
     return(classes.Any(c => c.Methods.Any(m => m.ReturnType == requestObj.Name || m.ReturnType == CollectionTypeHelper.GetCollectionType(requestObj.Name))));