Exemplo n.º 1
        // Static Methods
        /// <summary>Creates a line segment from the given point and slope, using the given x offset as the location of the other end of the segment.</summary>
        /// <param name="p">The coordinate of the start of the segment.</param>
        /// <param name="m">The slope of the line.</param>
        /// <param name="x">The x-coordinate of the end of the segment.  The y-coordinate will be calculated using y=mx.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="T:AllOneSystem.Drawing.LineF"/> value of the new line segment.</returns>
        public static LineF FromSlope(PointF p, float m, float x)
            //LineF nl = new LineF(new PointF(p.X, 0), new PointF(p.X + 10, m * (p.X + 10)));
            float yi = LineF.FindYIntercept(p, m).Y;

            return(new LineF(p, new PointF(p.X + x, (m * (p.X + 10)) + yi)));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Rotate(float degree)
            LineF r = Rotate(this, degree);

            this.PointA = r.PointA;
            this.PointB = r.PointB;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static LineF FindPerpendicular(PointF p, LineF l)
            //return LineF.FromSlope(p, -l.Slope, 50);
            float yi = LineF.FindYIntercept(p, (-(l.PointB.X - l.PointA.X)) / (l.PointB.Y - l.PointA.Y)).Y;

            return(new LineF(p, new PointF(p.X + 20, ((p.X + 20) * ((-(l.PointB.X - l.PointA.X)) / (l.PointB.Y - l.PointA.Y))) + yi)));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static Line Rotate(Line val, float degree)
            LineF r = LineF.Rotate(new LineF(
                                       new PointF(val.PointA.X, val.PointA.Y),
                                       new PointF(val.PointB.X, val.PointB.Y)), degree);

            return(new Line(Point.Round(r.PointA), Point.Round(r.PointB)));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static Line Transform(Line val, Matrix mat)
            LineF r = LineF.Transform(new LineF(
                                          new PointF(val.PointA.X, val.PointA.Y),
                                          new PointF(val.PointB.X, val.PointB.Y)), mat);

            return(new Line(Point.Round(r.PointA), Point.Round(r.PointB)));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static PointF FindYIntercept(LineF value)
            // First, we have to determine which point on the line is closest to the axis.
            // This will be the only point we use for calculations.
            PointF p = ((value.PointA.X < value.PointB.X) ? value.PointA : value.PointB);

            return(FindYIntercept(p, value.Slope));
Exemplo n.º 7
 public static Line Truncate(LineF value)
     return(new Line(
                new Point(
                new Point(
Exemplo n.º 8
 public static Line Floor(LineF value)
     return(new Line(
                new Point(
                new Point(
Exemplo n.º 9
 public static Line Ceiling(LineF value)
     return(new Line(
                new Point(
                new Point(
Exemplo n.º 10
 public static LineF Rotate(LineF val, float degree)
     PointF[] p = new PointF[] { new PointF(val.PointA.X, val.PointA.Y), new PointF(val.PointB.X, val.PointB.Y) };
     using (Matrix trans = new Matrix())
         RectangleF b = val.GetBounds();
         trans.RotateAt(degree, new PointF(b.Right - (b.Width / 2), b.Bottom - (b.Height / 2)));
     return(new LineF(p[0], p[1]));
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>Determines the coordinate of intersection of two lines.  If the given line segments do not actually intersect, this will return the point where they would intersect on an infinite plane.</summary>
        /// <param name="val1">An initialized <see cref="T:RainstormStudios.Drawing.LineF"/> value representing the first line.</param>
        /// <param name="val2">An initialized <see cref="T:RainstormStudios.Drawing.LineF"/> value representing the second line.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static PointF FindIntersect(LineF val1, LineF val2)
            // First, we need the y-intercepts for each line.
            float yi1 = LineF.FindYIntercept(val1).Y;
            float yi2 = LineF.FindYIntercept(val2).Y;

            // Now that we have the slope and y-intercept of each line, the equations
            //   to find the intercept are easy.
            double ix = ((-yi1) + yi2) / (val1.Slope - val2.Slope);
            double iy = (((-val1.Slope) * yi2) + (val2.Slope * yi1)) / (val1.Slope - val2.Slope);

            // And then, we just return our new point, but inverting the y-coordinate,
            //   due to the method used to determine the y-intercept of our lines.
            return(new PointF((float)ix, (float)(-iy)));
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>Determines whether the specified point exists within this triangle's sides.</summary>
        /// <param name="p">An object of type System.Drawing.Point to test.</param>
        /// <returns>A bool value indicating true if the specified point is within the triangle.  Otherwise, false.</returns>
        public bool Contains(PointF p)
            LineF ac = new LineF(this.PointA, this.PointC);
            LineF ab = new LineF(this.PointA, this.PointB);
            LineF cb = new LineF(this.PointB, this.PointC);

            float da = LineF.FindDistance(this.PointA, p);
            float db = LineF.FindDistance(this.PointB, p);
            float dc = LineF.FindDistance(this.PointC, p);

            float dai = LineF.FindDistance(this.PointA, LineF.FindIntersect(cb, new LineF(this.PointA, p)));
            float dbi = LineF.FindDistance(this.PointB, LineF.FindIntersect(ac, new LineF(this.PointB, p)));
            float dci = LineF.FindDistance(this.PointC, LineF.FindIntersect(ab, new LineF(this.PointC, p)));

            return((da < dai) && (db < dbi) && (dc < dci));
Exemplo n.º 13
        public static PointF FindMidPoint(LineF value)
            //double x = ((50 * value.PointA.X) + (100 * value.PointB.X)) / 150;
            //double y = ((50 * value.PointA.Y) + (100 * value.PointB.Y)) / 150;
            double x, y;

            if (double.IsInfinity(value.Slope))
                x = value.PointA.X;
                y = System.Math.Min(value.PointA.Y, value.PointB.Y) + (System.Math.Abs(value.PointB.Y - value.PointA.Y) / 2);
            else if (double.IsNaN(value.Slope))
                x = System.Math.Min(value.PointA.X, value.PointB.X) + (System.Math.Abs(value.PointB.X - value.PointA.X) / 2);
                y = value.PointA.Y;
                x = (System.Math.Abs(value.PointB.X - value.PointA.X) / 2);
                y = (value.Slope * x) + ((value.PointA.X > value.PointB.X) ? value.PointB.Y : value.PointA.Y);
            return(new PointF((float)x + (float)System.Math.Min(value.PointA.X, value.PointB.X), (float)y));
Exemplo n.º 14
        public static float AreaOfIntersect(CircleF val1, CircleF val2)
            // First, we find the distance between the two circle's centers.
            double c = LineF.FindDistance(val1.Center, val2.Center);
            // Then, we use the Law of Cosines to find the angle of the points
            //   at which the two cirlces touch from the circles' centers.
            //  cos(theta) = (r2^2 + c^2 - r1^2) / (2 * r1 * c)
            double theta = System.Math.Sin((System.Math.Pow(val2.Radius, 2) + System.Math.Pow(c, 2) - System.Math.Pow(val1.Radius, 2)) / (2 * val2.Radius * c));

            // Now we find the distance from the midpoint of the chord (the line
            //   segment drawn between the two intersection points) to the center
            //   of either circle.  This value will always be the same no matter
            //   which circle you calculate to.
            double d = val1.Radius * System.Math.Cos(theta / 2);

            // Now, the each 'segment' can be seen as two triangles back-to-back
            //   with an arched cap.  This arched cap is the area of intersect.
            //  (r1^2 * arccos(d / r1)) - (d * sqrt(r1^2 - d^2))
            double area = (System.Math.Pow(val1.Radius, 2) * System.Math.Acos(d / val1.Radius)) - (d * System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Pow(val1.Radius, 2) - System.Math.Pow(d, 2)));

            // Since the area of intersect is two of these arched caps back-to-back,
            //   the total area of intersect is twice "area".
            return((float)(area * 2));
Exemplo n.º 15
 public static float FindSlope(LineF val)
     return FindSlope(val.PointA, val.PointB);
Exemplo n.º 16
 public static float FindAngle(LineF line1, LineF line2)
     return(FindAngle(line1.PointA, line1.PointB, line2.PointA, line2.PointB));
Exemplo n.º 17
 public static float FindDistance(LineF val)
     return(FindDistance(val.PointA, val.PointB));
Exemplo n.º 18
 public static float AngleOfPoint(CircleF cir, PointF point)
     return(LineF.FindAngle(cir.Center, new PointF(cir.Center.X + cir.Radius, cir.Center.Y), cir.Center, point));
Exemplo n.º 19
 public static int FindDistance(Point p1, Point p2)
     return((int)LineF.FindDistance(new LineF(
                                        new PointF((float)p1.X, (float)p1.Y),
                                        new PointF((float)p2.X, (float)p2.Y))));
Exemplo n.º 20
 public float GetTheta(LineF val)
     return (float)LineF.FindAngle(this, val);
Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>Determines whether the specified point exists within this triangle's sides.</summary>
        /// <param name="p">An object of type System.Drawing.Point to test.</param>
        /// <returns>A bool value indicating true if the specified point is within the triangle.  Otherwise, false.</returns>
        public bool Contains(PointF p)
            LineF ac = new LineF(this.PointA, this.PointC);
            LineF ab = new LineF(this.PointA, this.PointB);
            LineF cb = new LineF(this.PointB, this.PointC);

            float da = LineF.FindDistance(this.PointA, p);
            float db = LineF.FindDistance(this.PointB, p);
            float dc = LineF.FindDistance(this.PointC, p);

            float dai = LineF.FindDistance(this.PointA, LineF.FindIntersect(cb, new LineF(this.PointA, p)));
            float dbi = LineF.FindDistance(this.PointB, LineF.FindIntersect(ac, new LineF(this.PointB, p)));
            float dci = LineF.FindDistance(this.PointC, LineF.FindIntersect(ab, new LineF(this.PointC, p)));

            return (da < dai) && (db < dbi) && (dc < dci);
Exemplo n.º 22
 public static Point FindMidPoint(Line value)
     return(Point.Round(LineF.FindMidPoint(new LineF(
                                               new PointF((float)value.PointA.X, (float)value.PointA.Y),
                                               new PointF((float)value.PointB.X, (float)value.PointB.Y)))));
Exemplo n.º 23
 public static LineF Rotate(LineF val, float degree)
     PointF[] p = new PointF[] { new PointF(val.PointA.X, val.PointA.Y), new PointF(val.PointB.X, val.PointB.Y) };
     using (Matrix trans = new Matrix())
         RectangleF b = val.GetBounds();
         trans.RotateAt(degree, new PointF(b.Right - (b.Width / 2), b.Bottom - (b.Height / 2)));
     return new LineF(p[0], p[1]);
Exemplo n.º 24
 public static Line Ceiling(LineF value)
     return new Line(
         new Point(
         new Point(
Exemplo n.º 25
 public static LineF Transform(LineF val, Matrix mat)
     PointF[] p = new PointF[] { val.PointA, val.PointB };
     return new LineF(p[0], p[1]);
Exemplo n.º 26
 public static PointF FindMidPoint(LineF value)
     //double x = ((50 * value.PointA.X) + (100 * value.PointB.X)) / 150;
     //double y = ((50 * value.PointA.Y) + (100 * value.PointB.Y)) / 150;
     double x, y;
         x = value.PointA.X;
         y = System.Math.Min(value.PointA.Y, value.PointB.Y) + (System.Math.Abs(value.PointB.Y - value.PointA.Y) / 2);
     else if (double.IsNaN(value.Slope))
         x = System.Math.Min(value.PointA.X, value.PointB.X) + (System.Math.Abs(value.PointB.X - value.PointA.X) / 2);
         y = value.PointA.Y;
         x = (System.Math.Abs(value.PointB.X - value.PointA.X) / 2);
         y = (value.Slope * x) + ((value.PointA.X > value.PointB.X) ? value.PointB.Y : value.PointA.Y);
     return new PointF((float)x + (float)System.Math.Min(value.PointA.X, value.PointB.X), (float)y);
Exemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>Determines the coordinate of intersection of two lines.  If the given line segments do not actually intersect, this will return the point where they would intersect on an infinite plane.</summary>
        /// <param name="val1">An initialized <see cref="T:RainstormStudios.Drawing.LineF"/> value representing the first line.</param>
        /// <param name="val2">An initialized <see cref="T:RainstormStudios.Drawing.LineF"/> value representing the second line.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static PointF FindIntersect(LineF val1, LineF val2)
            // First, we need the y-intercepts for each line.
            float yi1 = LineF.FindYIntercept(val1).Y;
            float yi2 = LineF.FindYIntercept(val2).Y;

            // Now that we have the slope and y-intercept of each line, the equations
            //   to find the intercept are easy.
            double ix = ((-yi1) + yi2) / (val1.Slope - val2.Slope);
            double iy = (((-val1.Slope) * yi2) + (val2.Slope * yi1)) / (val1.Slope - val2.Slope);

            // And then, we just return our new point, but inverting the y-coordinate,
            //   due to the method used to determine the y-intercept of our lines.
            return new PointF((float)ix, (float)(-iy));
Exemplo n.º 28
 public static PointF FindYIntercept(LineF value)
     // First, we have to determine which point on the line is closest to the axis.
     // This will be the only point we use for calculations.
     PointF p = ((value.PointA.X < value.PointB.X) ? value.PointA : value.PointB);
     return FindYIntercept(p, value.Slope);
Exemplo n.º 29
 public static LineF Transform(LineF val, Matrix mat)
     PointF[] p = new PointF[] { val.PointA, val.PointB };
     return(new LineF(p[0], p[1]));
Exemplo n.º 30
 public float GetTheta(LineF val)
     return((float)LineF.FindAngle(this, val));
Exemplo n.º 31
 public static LineF FindPerpendicular(PointF p, LineF l)
     //return LineF.FromSlope(p, -l.Slope, 50);
     float yi = LineF.FindYIntercept(p, (-(l.PointB.X - l.PointA.X)) / (l.PointB.Y - l.PointA.Y)).Y;
     return new LineF(p, new PointF(p.X + 20, ((p.X + 20) * ((-(l.PointB.X - l.PointA.X)) / (l.PointB.Y - l.PointA.Y))) + yi));
Exemplo n.º 32
 public static float FindDistance(LineF val)
     return FindDistance(val.PointA, val.PointB);
Exemplo n.º 33
 public static Line Floor(LineF value)
     return new Line(
         new Point(
         new Point(
Exemplo n.º 34
 public static float FindAngle(LineF line1, LineF line2)
     return FindAngle(line1.PointA, line1.PointB, line2.PointA, line2.PointB);
Exemplo n.º 35
 public CircleF(PointF center, PointF point)
     this.Center = center;
     this.Radius = LineF.FindDistance(center, point);
Exemplo n.º 36
 public static float FindSlope(LineF val)
     return(FindSlope(val.PointA, val.PointB));
Exemplo n.º 37
 public static Line Truncate(LineF value)
     return new Line(
         new Point(
         new Point(
Exemplo n.º 38
 public static float FindSlope(Point val1, Point val2)
     return(LineF.FindSlope(new PointF((float)val1.X, (float)val1.Y), new PointF((float)val2.X, (float)val2.Y)));