private void CardList_CollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
     if (e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace)
         if (e.OldItems.Count > 1)
             throw new BasicBlankException("Not sure when there are more than one to replace");
         var            oldCard     = (RackoCardInformation)e.OldItems[0] !;
         var            oldGrid     = FindControl(oldCard);
         CardGraphicsXF nextControl = (CardGraphicsXF)oldGrid !.Children[1];
         nextControl.BindingContext = null;
         nextControl.BindingContext = e.NewItems[0];
         oldGrid.BindingContext     = e.NewItems[0]; // i think i forgot the 0
         var row = (RowClickerXF)oldGrid !.Children[2];
         row.CommandParameter   = e.NewItems[0] !;
         oldGrid.BindingContext = e.NewItems[0]; // i think i forgot the 0
     if (e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset)
         if (_cardList !.Count == 0)
             return; //because there could be more eventually.
         var tempList = _cardList.ToRegularDeckDict();
         if (_thisStack !.Children.Count != 10)
             throw new BasicBlankException("Not Supported");
         int x = 0;
         foreach (var thisCon in _thisStack.Children)
             var thisGrid = (Grid)thisCon !;
             thisGrid.BindingContext = tempList[x];
             CardGraphicsXF nextControl = (CardGraphicsXF)thisGrid.Children[1];
             nextControl.BindingContext = null;
             nextControl.BindingContext = tempList[x];
             var row = (RowClickerXF)thisGrid !.Children[2];
             row.CommandParameter = e.NewItems[0] !;
             x += 1;
        private void PopulateControls(RackoGameContainer mainGame)
            _thisStack !.Children.Clear();
            int starts   = mainGame.PlayerList.Count() + 2;
            int diffs    = starts;
            var tempList = _cardList !.ToRegularDeckDict();

            int x;
            CustomBasicList <int> otherList = new CustomBasicList <int>();

            for (x = 1; x <= 10; x++)
                starts += diffs;
            foreach (var thisCard in tempList)
                Grid thisGrid = new Grid();
                thisGrid.BindingContext = thisCard; // i think
                GridHelper.AddPixelColumn(thisGrid, 100);
                GridHelper.AddAutoColumns(thisGrid, 1);
                var thisLabel = GetDefaultLabel();
                thisLabel.HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center;
                thisLabel.VerticalOptions   = LayoutOptions.Center;
                thisLabel.Text     = otherList[tempList.IndexOf(thisCard)].ToString();
                thisLabel.FontSize = 40;
                thisLabel.Margin   = new Thickness(0, 3, 0, 0);
                GridHelper.AddControlToGrid(thisGrid, thisLabel, 0, 0);
                CardGraphicsXF ThisGraphics = new CardGraphicsXF();
                ThisGraphics.SendSize("", thisCard); //hopefully this simple.
                GridHelper.AddControlToGrid(thisGrid, ThisGraphics, 0, 1);
                RowClickerXF custom = new RowClickerXF();
                custom.Command          = _thisCommand !;
                custom.CommandParameter = thisCard;
                GridHelper.AddControlToGrid(thisGrid, custom, 0, 0);
                Grid.SetColumnSpan(custom, 2); // so it spans the entire control.