private ShortestPathNode simplifyPath(ShortestPathNode head)
            var start = head;
            var node = head.Next;

            while (node != null)
                if (node.IsGoal || node.Next != null && (!areInLineOfSight(start.Position, node.Next.Position) || start.TargetWayPoint != node.TargetWayPoint))
                    start.Next = node;
                    start.CostToNext = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Distance.Between(start.Position, node.Position) / maxSpeed);
                    start = node;

                node = node.Next;

            return head;
        public GridShortestPathHeuristic(
            Vector startPosition,
            IReadOnlyList<IGoal> wayPoints,
            ITrack raceTrack,
            BoundingSphereCollisionDetector collisionDetector,
            double stepSize,
            double maxSpeed)
            this.raceTrack = raceTrack;
            this.maxSpeed = maxSpeed;
            this.collisionDetector = collisionDetector;

            var path = findShortestPath(startPosition, wayPoints, stepSize);
            if (path == null)
                throw new Exception($"Cannot find path from [{startPosition.X}, {startPosition.Y}] to goal.");

            shortestPathStart = simplifyPath(path);
        private ShortestPathNode? findShortestPath(Vector start, IReadOnlyList<IGoal> wayPoints, double stepSize)
            var open = new BinaryHeapOpenSet<GridKey, GridSearchNode>();
            var closed = new ClosedSet<GridKey>();

                new GridSearchNode(
                    key: new GridKey(start, wayPoints.Count),
                    previous: null,
                    distanceFromStart: 0.0,
                    estimatedCost: 0.0,
                    targetWayPoint: 0));

            while (!open.IsEmpty)
                var nodeToExpand = open.DequeueMostPromissing();

                if (nodeToExpand.RemainingWayPoints.Count == 0)
                    var head = new ShortestPathNode(
                        wayPoints.Last().Position, // use the goal position directly
                        targetWayPoint: wayPoints.Count - 1); // the goal way point should be kept here

                    var backtrackingNode = nodeToExpand.Previous;
                    while (backtrackingNode != null)
                        var node = new ShortestPathNode(backtrackingNode.Position, backtrackingNode.TargetWayPoint);
                        node.CostToNext = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Distance.Between(node.Position, head.Position) / maxSpeed);
                        node.Next = head;
                        head = node;
                        backtrackingNode = backtrackingNode.Previous;

                    return head;


                for (var dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++)
                    for (var dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++)
                        if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) continue;

                        var nextPoint = new Vector(
                            nodeToExpand.Position.X + dx * stepSize,
                            nodeToExpand.Position.Y + dy * stepSize);

                        var reachedWayPoint = nodeToExpand.RemainingWayPoints[0].ReachedGoal(nextPoint);
                        var remainingWayPoints = reachedWayPoint
                            ? nodeToExpand.RemainingWayPoints.Skip(1).ToList().AsReadOnly()
                            : nodeToExpand.RemainingWayPoints;

                        var targetWayPoint = wayPoints.Count - nodeToExpand.RemainingWayPoints.Count; // I want to keep the ID of the waypoint in the node which reaches the waypoint and only increase it for its childer

                        var key = new GridKey(nextPoint, remainingWayPoints.Count);
                        if (closed.Contains(key))

                        if (collisionDetector.IsCollision(nextPoint))

                        var distance = nodeToExpand.DistanceFromStart + (nextPoint - nodeToExpand.Position).CalculateLength();
                        var node = new GridSearchNode(key, nextPoint, nodeToExpand, distance, distance + 0, remainingWayPoints, targetWayPoint);
                        if (open.Contains(node.Key))
                            if (node.DistanceFromStart < open.Get(node.Key).DistanceFromStart)

            return null;