/// <summary>
        /// updates radio buttons content
        /// Checks which radio button content to update by checking bettors name
        /// or viewing which radio button has been clicked.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bettor"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private RadioButton DetermineBettorUi(Bettor bettor)
            if ((bool)_rbtnBettor1.IsChecked || bettor.Name == "Joe")
                _rbtnBettor1.Content = $"{bettor.Name} has {bettor.Cash} bucks";
                _uiBettor            = _rbtnBettor1;

            else if ((bool)_rbtnBettor2.IsChecked || bettor.Name == "Bob")
                _rbtnBettor2.Content = $"{bettor.Name} has {bettor.Cash} bucks";
                _uiBettor            = _rbtnBettor2;

            else if ((bool)_rbtnBettor3.IsChecked || bettor.Name == "Anna")
                _rbtnBettor3.Content = $"{bettor.Name} has {bettor.Cash} bucks";
                return(_uiBettor = _rbtnBettor3);

                Debug.Assert(false, "Unexpected bettor selector control. Cannot select the current bettor");
        /// <summary>
        /// Event handler when the user selects the current bettor using one of the
        /// three radio buttons. The same event handler is shared by all three radio
        /// buttons to avoid code duplication
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">one of the three radio buttons that represent the bettors</param>
        /// <param name="e">not used</param>
        private void OnBettorSelectorChecked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //check the sender of the event and select the correct bettor in the list
            //alternatively you can use the Tag property of the radio buttons by setting
            //it to the appropriate bettor object when the objects are created and here use
            //only extract the correct bettor from the Tag property value. See the final branch
            //for this solution
            if (sender == _rbtnBettor1)
                _crtSelBettor = _bettorList[0];
            else if (sender == _rbtnBettor2)
                _crtSelBettor = _bettorList[1];
            else if (sender == _rbtnBettor3)
                _crtSelBettor = _bettorList[2];
                Debug.Assert(false, "Unexpected bettor selector control. Cannot select the current bettor");

            //use the current bettor information to display the bet information
            _txtCrtBettorName.Text = $"{_crtSelBettor.Name} bets";
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks Bet description and sets it to initial value when program runs
        /// and then updates after a bettor has placed a bet
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bettor"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private TextBlock DetermineBetDescUi(Bettor bettor)
            _uiBetDesc = new TextBlock();

            //checks if a bettor has placed a bet and then updates bettors label
            if (bettor.HasPlacedBet == true)
                _uiBetDesc.Text = $"{bettor.Name} bets {_txtBetAmount.Text}$ on dog #{_cmbRaceHoundNo.SelectedIndex+1}";

                _uiBetDesc.Text = $"{bettor.Name} hasn't placed a bet";
        /// <summary>
        /// the follwoing calls DetermineBettorUi and checks which radiobutton has been selected to update
        /// it equivalent _txtBet label
        /// </summary>

        private void UpdateBettorLabels(Bettor bettor)
            RadioButton radioBettor = DetermineBettorUi(bettor);

            if (radioBettor == _rbtnBettor1)
                _txtBet1.Text = DetermineBetDescUi(bettor).Text;

            else if (radioBettor == _rbtnBettor2)
                _txtBet2.Text = DetermineBetDescUi(bettor).Text;

            else if (radioBettor == _rbtnBettor3)
                _txtBet3.Text = DetermineBetDescUi(bettor).Text;
        public MainPage()
            //The current bettor is set by the event handler that is triggered when the
            //radio button is checked, which is done in the following call to
            _crtSelBettor = null;


            //initialize the timer field variable and setup a timer event handler that is called
            //at a given time interval
            _tmRaceTimer          = new DispatcherTimer();
            _tmRaceTimer.Tick    += OnRaceTimerTick;
            _tmRaceTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(25); //TODO: define a constant field variable for 100 and use it here

            //create the randomizer for all objects of the form
            _formRandomizer = new Random();

            //NOTE it is important for the bettors and race hounds to be created AFTER
            //the controls have been created by the InitializeComponent() method