Exemplo n.º 1
        //the Move method is called when another component requests the movement of a list of units
        public void Move(List <Unit> units, Vector3 destination, float offsetRadius, Entity target, InputMode targetMode, bool playerCommand)
            if (units.Count == 1)                                                             //if there's only one unit in the list
                Move(units[0], destination, offsetRadius, target, targetMode, playerCommand); //use the one-unit movement

            if (GameManager.MultiplayerGame == false) //single player game, directly prepare the unit's list movement
                PrepareMove(units, destination, offsetRadius, target, targetMode, playerCommand);
            else if (RTSHelper.IsLocalPlayer(units[0]) == true) //multiplayer game and this is the local player
                //send input action to the input manager
                NetworkInput newInput = new NetworkInput()
                    sourceMode     = (byte)InputMode.unitGroup,
                    targetMode     = (byte)targetMode,
                    targetPosition = destination,
                    value          = Mathf.FloorToInt(offsetRadius),
                    groupSourceID  = InputManager.UnitListToString(units)

                //sent input
                InputManager.SendInput(newInput, null, target);
Exemplo n.º 2
        //enable an attack entity
        public ErrorMessage EnableAttack(int ID)
            //if the attack type is locked then it can't be activated
            if (AttackEntities[ID].IsLocked)
            else if (AttackEntities[ID].CoolDownActive == true) //if the target attack type is in cool down right now:

            if (GameManager.MultiplayerGame == false) //single player game -> directly enable attack entity
            else if (RTSHelper.IsLocalPlayer(activeAttack.FactionEntity))
                NetworkInput newInput = new NetworkInput()
                    sourceMode = (byte)InputMode.factionEntity,
                    targetMode = (byte)InputMode.multipleAttack,
                    value      = ID
                InputManager.SendInput(newInput, factionEntity, null); //send input to input manager

Exemplo n.º 3
        //a method that launches the attack movement of a list of units
        public void LaunchAttack(List <Unit> units, FactionEntity targetEntity, Vector3 targetPosition, AttackModes attackMode, bool playerCommand)
            if (units.Count == 1) //one unit only?
                //use the one-unit attack movement
                LaunchAttack(units[0], targetEntity, targetPosition, attackMode, playerCommand);

            if (GameManager.MultiplayerGame == false) //single player game, directly prepare the unit's attack movement
                PrepareMove(units, targetPosition, targetEntity ? targetEntity.GetRadius() : 0.0f, targetEntity,
                            InputMode.attack, playerCommand, true, attackMode, targetEntity);
            else if (RTSHelper.IsLocalPlayer(units[0]) == true) //multiplayer game and this is the local player
                //send input action to the input manager
                NetworkInput newInput = new NetworkInput()
                    sourceMode     = (byte)InputMode.unitGroup,
                    targetMode     = (byte)InputMode.attack,
                    targetPosition = targetPosition,
                    value          = (int)attackMode,
                    groupSourceID  = InputManager.UnitListToString(units)

                //sent input
                InputManager.SendInput(newInput, null, targetEntity);
Exemplo n.º 4
        //a method called when the unit's health has been updated:
        public override void OnHealthUpdated(int value, FactionEntity source)
            base.OnHealthUpdated(value, source);
            CustomEvents.OnUnitHealthUpdated(unit, value, source);

            if (value < 0)                                     //if the unit's health has been decreased
                unit.SetAnimState(UnitAnimState.takingDamage); //set the animator state to taking damage.

                if (stopMovingOnDamage == true)                //stop player movement on damage if this is set to true
                if (enableDamageAnimation == true)                   //if the damage animation is enabled
                    damageAnimationTimer  = damageAnimationDuration; //start the timer.
                    damageAnimationActive = true;                    //mark as active

                if (source != null && (GameManager.MultiplayerGame == false || RTSHelper.IsLocalPlayer(unit) == true)) //if the attack source is known and this is either a single player game or the local player's unit
                    //if the unit has an attack component and it can attack back and it is idle
                    if (unit.AttackComp != null && unit.AttackComp.IsActive() && unit.AttackComp.CanEngageWhenAttacked() == true && unit.IsIdle() == true)
                        gameMgr.MvtMgr.LaunchAttack(unit, source, source.GetSelection().transform.position, MovementManager.AttackModes.none, false); //launch attack at the source
                    TriggerEscapeOnAttack();                                                                                                          //attempt to trigger the escape on attack behavior if it is enabled
Exemplo n.º 5
        //a method to trigger the escape on attack behavior
        public void Trigger()
            if (isActive == false) //do not proceed if the component is not active

            Vector3 targetPosition = gameMgr.MvtMgr.GetRandomMovablePosition(transform.position, range.getRandomValue(), unit, unit.MovementComp.GetAgentAreaMask()); //find a random position to escape to

            if (GameManager.MultiplayerGame == false)                                                                                                                 //single player game
            else if (RTSHelper.IsLocalPlayer(unit) == true) //multiplayer game and this is the local player
                NetworkInput newInput = new NetworkInput()  //create new input for the escape task
                    sourceMode      = (byte)InputMode.unit,
                    targetMode      = (byte)InputMode.unitEscape,
                    initialPosition = transform.position,
                    targetPosition  = targetPosition
                InputManager.SendInput(newInput, unit, null); //send input to input manager
Exemplo n.º 6
        //a method to collect resources.
        public void CollectResources(int generatorID)
            generators[generatorID].OnResourceCollected(building.FactionID);                //collect the resources and reset the generator's settings

            if (RTSHelper.IsLocalPlayer(building))                                          //if this is the local player:
                CustomEvents.OnResourceGeneratorCollected(this, generatorID);               //trigger custom event

                AudioManager.Play(gameMgr.GetGeneralAudioSource(), collectionAudio, false); //plau the collection audio
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void Init(GameManager gameMgr, Building building)
            this.gameMgr  = gameMgr;
            this.building = building;

            foreach (Generator g in generators)                                            //go through all the available generators
                g.Init(gameMgr);                                                           //init the generator's settings
            if (GameManager.MultiplayerGame == true && !RTSHelper.IsLocalPlayer(building)) //if it's a multiplayer game and this does not belong to the local player's faction.
                enabled = false;                                                           //disable this component
            IsActive = true;
Exemplo n.º 8
 //a method called when the resource object is to be destroyed
 public void DestroyResource(Unit source)
     if (GameManager.MultiplayerGame == false) //if this is a single player game -> go ahead directly
     else if (RTSHelper.IsLocalPlayer(source)) //multiplayer game and the resource collector belongs to the local faction
         NetworkInput newInput = new NetworkInput()
             sourceMode = (byte)InputMode.destroy,
             targetMode = (byte)InputMode.resource,
         InputManager.SendInput(newInput, this, source);
Exemplo n.º 9
        //a method that is used to move the unit to its initial position after it spawns:
        public void SetInitialTargetPosition(Building source, Vector3 gotoPosition)
            Creator = source; //set the building creator

            //only if the is owned by the local player or this is not a multiplayer game
            if (RTSHelper.IsLocalPlayer(this) || GameManager.MultiplayerGame == false)
                if (Creator != null)                                                                                //if the creator is assigned
                    Creator.SendUnitToRallyPoint(this);                                                             //send unit to rally point
                else if (Vector3.Distance(gotoPosition, transform.position) > gameMgr.MvtMgr.GetStoppingDistance()) //only if the goto position is not within the stopping distance of this unit
                    gameMgr.MvtMgr.Move(this, gotoPosition, 0.0f, null, InputMode.movement, false);                 //no creator building? move player to its goto position
Exemplo n.º 10
 //add/remove to/from the resource
 public void AddAmount(int value, Unit source)
     if (GameManager.MultiplayerGame == false) //if this is a single player game -> go ahead directly
         AddAmountLocal(value, source);
     else if (RTSHelper.IsLocalPlayer(source)) //multiplayer game and the resource collector belongs to the local faction
         NetworkInput newInput = new NetworkInput()
             sourceMode = (byte)InputMode.resource,
             targetMode = (byte)InputMode.health,
             value      = value
         InputManager.SendInput(newInput, this, source);
Exemplo n.º 11
 //update when the unit doesn't have a target
 protected virtual void OnInactiveUpdate()
     if (inProgress == true)                                                                                                                   //if the unit doesn't have a target but its job is marked as in progress
         Stop();                                                                                                                               //cancel job
     if ((GameManager.MultiplayerGame == false || RTSHelper.IsLocalPlayer(unit)) && autoBehavior.IsEnabled() == true && unit.IsIdle() == true) //if the auto behavior is, the unit is idle and this is the local player's faction or a single player game
         if (autoBehavior.CanSearch() == true)                                                                                                 //can the unit search for a target
             autoBehavior.UpdateTimer(); //update the timer.
Exemplo n.º 12
        //a method that sends the unit to drop off resources at the drop off building
        public void SendToDropOff()
            if (GameManager.MultiplayerGame == false) //if this is a singleplayer game then go ahead directly
            else if (RTSHelper.IsLocalPlayer(unit)) //multiplayer game and this is the collector's owner
                NetworkInput newInput = new NetworkInput()
                    sourceMode      = (byte)InputMode.unit,
                    targetMode      = (byte)InputMode.dropoff,
                    initialPosition = transform.position

                InputManager.SendInput(newInput, unit, dropOffBuilding);
Exemplo n.º 13
        //a method called to eject all units
        public void EjectAll(bool destroyed)
            if (GameManager.MultiplayerGame == false) //if this is a singleplayer game then go ahead directly
            else if (RTSHelper.IsLocalPlayer(FactionEntity)) //multiplayer game and this is the APC's owner
                NetworkInput newInput = new NetworkInput()
                    sourceMode = (byte)InputMode.APC,
                    targetMode = (byte)InputMode.APCEjectAll,
                    value      = destroyed == true ? 1 : 0

                InputManager.SendInput(newInput, FactionEntity, null); //send input to input manager
 //called when the building picks a target
 public override void SetTarget(FactionEntity newTarget, Vector3 newTargetPosition)
     if (GameManager.MultiplayerGame == false) //single player game, go ahead
         SetTargetLocal(newTarget, newTargetPosition);
     else if (RTSHelper.IsLocalPlayer(building) == true) //only if this is a local player
         NetworkInput newInput = new NetworkInput()
             sourceMode     = (byte)InputMode.building,
             targetMode     = (byte)InputMode.attack,
             targetPosition = newTargetPosition,
         InputManager.SendInput(newInput, building, newTarget); //send input
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void Init(GameManager gameMgr, Unit unit)
            this.gameMgr = gameMgr;
            this.unit    = unit;

            if (isActive == false || activeByDefault == false)                         //if the Wandering component is either not enabled or unit can't wander when created
                return;                                                                //do not proceed
            if (GameManager.MultiplayerGame == false || RTSHelper.IsLocalPlayer(unit)) //if this is a single player game or the local player owns this object
                //set the wandering center
                if (fixedCenter == true)
                    center = transform.position;
Exemplo n.º 16
        //a method that checks if the building is near a specific resource that it's supposed to built in range of
        public bool IsBuildingNearResource()
            //if we can place the building free from being in range of a resource or this is not the player's faction (as this doesn't apply for NPC factions, they are managed differently).
            if (placeNearResource == false || RTSHelper.IsLocalPlayer(building) == false)

            foreach (Resource resource in gameMgr.ResourceMgr.GetAllResources())                           //go through all resources
                if (resource.GetResourceType() == resourceType)                                            //make sure this is the resource that the building needs (matching names)
                    if (Vector3.Distance(resource.transform.position, transform.position) < resourceRange) //if the building is inside the correct range
                        return(true);                                                                      //found requested resource
            return(false); //failure in case no resource that matched the requested settings is found
Exemplo n.º 17
 //a method called to destroy the faction entity:
 public void DestroyFactionEntity(bool upgrade)
     if (GameManager.MultiplayerGame == false) //if it's a single player game
         DestroyFactionEntityLocal(upgrade);   //destroy faction entity directly
     else //multiplayer game
         if (RTSHelper.IsLocalPlayer(factionEntity)) //make sure that it's this faction entity belongs to the local player
             //send input action to the input manager
             NetworkInput NewInputAction = new NetworkInput
                 sourceMode = (byte)InputMode.destroy,
                 targetMode = (byte)InputMode.factionEntity,
                 value      = (upgrade == true) ? 1 : 0                   //when upgrade == true, then set to 1. if not set to 0
             InputManager.SendInput(NewInputAction, factionEntity, null); //send to input manager
Exemplo n.º 18
        //called when the unit attempts to set a new target
        public virtual ErrorMessage SetTarget(E newTarget, InputMode targetMode = InputMode.none)
            if (GameManager.MultiplayerGame == false) //if this is a singleplayer game then go ahead directly
            else if (RTSHelper.IsLocalPlayer(unit)) //multiplayer game and this is the unit's owner
                NetworkInput newInput = new NetworkInput()
                    sourceMode      = (byte)InputMode.unit,
                    targetMode      = (byte)targetMode,
                    initialPosition = transform.position,
                    targetPosition  = newTarget.transform.position

                InputManager.SendInput(newInput, unit, newTarget);

Exemplo n.º 19
 //add/remove health to the faction entity's:
 public void AddHealth(int value, FactionEntity source)
     if (GameManager.MultiplayerGame == false) //if it's a single player game
         AddHealthLocal(value, source);        //add the health directly
     else //multiplayer game
         if (RTSHelper.IsLocalPlayer(factionEntity)) //make sure that it's this faction entity belongs to the local player
             //crete new input
             NetworkInput newInput = new NetworkInput
                 sourceMode = (byte)InputMode.factionEntity,
                 targetMode = (byte)InputMode.health,
                 value      = value
             //send the input to the input manager
             InputManager.SendInput(newInput, factionEntity, source);
Exemplo n.º 20
        protected void Update()
            if (isDead == true || (GameManager.MultiplayerGame == true && RTSHelper.IsLocalPlayer(unit) == false)) //if this is a multiplayer game and this is not the local player or the unit is dead
                return;                                                                                            //do not proceed
            if (enableDamageAnimation == true && damageAnimationActive == true)                                    //if the damage animation is enabled and it is currently active
                if (damageAnimationTimer > 0)                                                                      //the damage animation timer
                    damageAnimationTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
                if (damageAnimationTimer < 0)
                    damageAnimationActive = false;
                    damageAnimationTimer  = 0.0f;          //reset the timer
                    unit.SetAnimState(UnitAnimState.idle); //back to idle animation

                    TriggerEscapeOnAttack();               //attempt to trigger the escape on attack behavior if it is enabled
Exemplo n.º 21
        //the Move method is called when another component requests the movement of a single unit
        public void Move(Unit unit, Vector3 destination, float offsetRadius, Entity target, InputMode targetMode, bool playerCommand)
            if (GameManager.MultiplayerGame == false) //single player game, directly prepare the unit's movement
                PrepareMove(unit, destination, offsetRadius, target, targetMode, playerCommand);
            else if (RTSHelper.IsLocalPlayer(unit)) //multiplayer game and this is the local player
                //send input action to the input manager
                NetworkInput newInput = new NetworkInput()
                    sourceMode      = (byte)InputMode.unit,
                    targetMode      = (byte)targetMode,
                    initialPosition = unit.transform.position,
                    targetPosition  = destination,
                    value           = Mathf.FloorToInt(offsetRadius)

                //sent input
                InputManager.SendInput(newInput, unit, target);
Exemplo n.º 22
        //a method that launches an attack movement for a single unit
        public void LaunchAttack(Unit unit, FactionEntity targetEntity, Vector3 targetPosition, AttackModes attackMode, bool playerCommand)
            if (GameManager.MultiplayerGame == false) //single player game, directly prepare the unit's attack movement
                PrepareMove(unit, targetPosition, targetEntity ? targetEntity.GetRadius() : 0.0f, targetEntity,
                            InputMode.attack, playerCommand, true, attackMode, targetEntity);
            else if (RTSHelper.IsLocalPlayer(unit) == true) //multiplayer game and this is the local player
                //send input action to the input manager
                NetworkInput newInput = new NetworkInput()
                    sourceMode      = (byte)InputMode.unit,
                    targetMode      = (byte)InputMode.attack,
                    initialPosition = unit.transform.position,
                    targetPosition  = targetPosition,
                    value           = (int)attackMode,

                //sent input
                InputManager.SendInput(newInput, unit, targetEntity);
Exemplo n.º 23
        //a method called to eject one unit
        public void Eject(Unit unit, bool destroyed)
            if (unit == null || storedUnits.Contains(unit) == false) //invalid unit or unit that's not stored here?

            if (GameManager.MultiplayerGame == false) //if this is a singleplayer game then go ahead directly
                EjectLocal(unit, destroyed);
            else if (RTSHelper.IsLocalPlayer(FactionEntity)) //multiplayer game and this is the APC's owner
                NetworkInput newInput = new NetworkInput()
                    sourceMode = (byte)InputMode.APC,
                    targetMode = (byte)InputMode.APCEject,
                    value      = destroyed == true ? 1 : 0

                InputManager.SendInput(newInput, FactionEntity, unit); //send input to input manager
Exemplo n.º 24
        //update the attack entity when there's no target
        protected virtual void OnNoTargetUpdate()

            if (gameMgr.InPeaceTime() == true) //game is still in peace time

            //if the attacker belongs to the local faction, the attacker can attack in range and it is in idle mode
            if (engageInRange == true && (GameManager.MultiplayerGame == false || RTSHelper.IsLocalPlayer(FactionEntity)) && IsIdle() == true)
                if (searchTimer > 0)
                    searchTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
                    searchTimer = searchReload; //reload search timer
Exemplo n.º 25
        //a method that converts this unit to the converter's faction
        public void Convert(Unit converter, int targetFactionID)
            if (targetFactionID == FactionID) //if the converter and this unit have the same faction, then, what a waste of time and resources.

            if (GameManager.MultiplayerGame == false)     //if this is a single player game
                ConvertLocal(converter, targetFactionID); //convert unit directly
            else if (RTSHelper.IsLocalPlayer(this))       //online game and this is the local player
                NetworkInput newInput = new NetworkInput()
                    sourceMode      = (byte)InputMode.unit,
                    targetMode      = (byte)InputMode.convert,
                    initialPosition = transform.position,
                    value           = targetFactionID

                InputManager.SendInput(newInput, this, converter); //send conversion input to the input manager
Exemplo n.º 26
 private void Update()
     if (isActive == false || unit.HealthComp.IsDead() == true || (GameManager.MultiplayerGame == true && !RTSHelper.IsLocalPlayer(unit))) //if this is not enabled or this is a multiplayer game where this is not the local player's unit
         return;                                                                                                                           //do not proceed
     if (unit.IsIdle() == true && unit.HealthComp.IsDamageAnimationActive() == false)                                                      //only if the player is idle and can wander + is not currently playing the take damage animation
         //as long as the wander timer is running, do nothing
         if (timer > 0)
             timer -= Time.deltaTime;
         if (timer <= 0) //when the wander timer is over
             Trigger();  //trigger it again