/// <summary>
        /// Execute the scan of the ADCP.
        /// </summary>
        private void ExecuteScanAdcp()
            if (_pm.IsProjectSelected)
                _pm.SelectedProject = _adcpConnection.SetAdcpConfiguration(_pm.SelectedProject);

            Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new System.Action(() =>
                // Set the deployment days if it has changed
                //DeploymentDays = _pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.DeploymentOptions.Duration;
                if (_pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.DeploymentOptions.Duration <= 0)
                    DeploymentDays = 1.0;
                    DeploymentDays = _pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.DeploymentOptions.Duration;

                // Clear the previous list and then populate it

                // Create temp variables
                long dataSize        = 0;
                double numberBattery = 0.0;

                foreach (AdcpSubsystemConfig ssCfg in _pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.SubsystemConfigDict.Values)
                    // Create the VM and add it to the list
                    AdcpSubsystemConfigurationViewModel ssVM = new AdcpSubsystemConfigurationViewModel(ssCfg, this);
                    //ssVM.Predictor.DeploymentDuration = _pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.DeploymentOptions.Duration;
                    //ssVM.Predictor.BatteryType = _pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.DeploymentOptions.BatteryType;

                    // Add the vm to the list

                    // Calculate the prediction model

                    // Accumluate the data sizes and number batteries for each subsystem configuration
                    dataSize      += ssVM.GetDataSize();
                    numberBattery += ssVM.NumberBatteryPacks;

                // Update the deployment duration to include all the new configurations
                // The duration needs to be divided amoung all the configuration

                // Set the combined values
                NumberBatteryPacks   = numberBattery.ToString("0.00");
                PredictedStorageUsed = dataSize + InternalStorageUsed;
                DataSize             = MathHelper.MemorySizeString(dataSize);


                // Turn off flag
                IsScanning = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove the configuration from the list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ssConfigVM">ViewModel to remove from the list.</param>
        public void RemoveConfiguration(AdcpSubsystemConfigurationViewModel ssConfigVM)
            // Shutdown the view model

            // Remove from the list

            if (_pm.IsProjectSelected)
                // Remove the subsystem config from the project
                if (_pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.SubsystemConfigDict.ContainsKey(ssConfigVM.ConfigKey))

                // Save the new configuration

            // Update the display
            this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.SubsystemConfigList);
            this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.CEPO);
            this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.CEPO_DescStr);
            this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.SerialNumberStr);

            // this will update the predictions

            // Create a new Ping Model
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the configuration from the selected project.
        /// </summary>
        private void GetConfiguation()
            if (_pm.IsProjectSelected)
                // Create temp variables
                long   dataSize      = 0;
                double numberBattery = 0.0;

                foreach (AdcpSubsystemConfig ssCfg in _pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.SubsystemConfigDict.Values)
                    // Create the VM and add it to the list
                    AdcpSubsystemConfigurationViewModel ssVM = new AdcpSubsystemConfigurationViewModel(ssCfg, this);
                    // ssVM.Predictor.DeploymentDuration = _pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.DeploymentOptions.Duration;
                    // ssVM.Predictor.BatteryType = _pm.SelectedProject.Configuration.DeploymentOptions.BatteryType;

                    // Add the vm to the list

                    // Accumluate the data sizes and number batteries for each subsystem configuration
                    dataSize      += ssVM.GetDataSize();
                    numberBattery += ssVM.NumberBatteryPacks;

                // Set the combined values
                NumberBatteryPacks   = numberBattery.ToString("0.00");
                PredictedStorageUsed = dataSize + InternalStorageUsed;
                DataSize             = MathHelper.MemorySizeString(dataSize);