Exemplo n.º 1
 private void OnGizmoTransformChanged(GizmoTransform gizmoTransform, GizmoTransform.ChangeData changeData)
     if (changeData.ChangeReason == GizmoTransform.ChangeReason.ParentChange ||
         changeData.TRSDimension == GizmoDimension.Dim3D)
        protected override void OnVisibilityStateChanged()

            Camera camera = Gizmo.GetWorkCamera();

        public void Refresh()
            Camera camera     = Gizmo.GetWorkCamera();
            float  zoomFactor = GetZoomFactor(camera);

Exemplo n.º 4
 public float GetZoomFactor(Vector3 position)
     if (!LookAndFeel3D.UseZoomFactor)
Exemplo n.º 5
 private void OnTransformChanged(GizmoTransform transform, GizmoTransform.ChangeData changeData)
     if (changeData.ChangeReason == GizmoTransform.ChangeReason.ParentChange ||
         changeData.TRSDimension == GizmoDimension.Dim3D)
         float zoomFactor = GetZoomFactor(Gizmo.GetWorkCamera());
Exemplo n.º 6
        protected override void OnVisibilityStateChanged()
            Camera camera     = Gizmo.GetWorkCamera();
            float  zoomFactor = GetZoomFactor(camera);

Exemplo n.º 7
        protected override void OnVisibilityStateChanged()
            Camera camera     = Gizmo.GetWorkCamera();
            float  zoomFactor = GetZoomFactor(camera);

            _cap3D.CapSlider3D(GetRealDirection(), GetRealEndPosition(zoomFactor));
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// This function can be called after changing functional or look and feel settings
        /// to ensure that these settings take effect.
        /// </summary>
        public void Refresh()
            Camera camera     = Gizmo.GetWorkCamera();
            float  zoomFactor = GetZoomFactor(camera);

            _cap3D.CapSlider3D(GetRealDirection(), GetRealEndPosition(zoomFactor));
Exemplo n.º 9
        private void OnTransformChanged(GizmoTransform transform, GizmoTransform.ChangeData changeData)
            if (changeData.ChangeReason == GizmoTransform.ChangeReason.ParentChange ||
                changeData.TRSDimension == GizmoDimension.Dim3D)
                Camera camera     = Gizmo.GetWorkCamera();
                float  zoomFactor = GetZoomFactor(camera);

                _cap3D.CapSlider3D(GetRealDirection(), GetRealEndPosition(zoomFactor));
Exemplo n.º 10
 public override void OnGizmoAttemptHandleDragBegin(int handleId)
     if (handleId == _midCap.HandleId)
         var workData = new GizmoUniformScaleDrag3D.WorkData();
         workData.BaseSize    = _midCap.GetRealBoxSize(_midCap.GetZoomFactor(Gizmo.GetWorkCamera())).magnitude;
         workData.DragOrigin  = _midCap.Position;
         workData.CameraRight = Gizmo.FocusCamera.transform.right;
         workData.CameraUp    = Gizmo.FocusCamera.transform.up;
         workData.SnapStep    = Settings3D.UniformSnapStep;
 public void CapSlider3DInvert(Vector3 sliderDirection, Vector3 sliderEndPt)
     _controllers[(int)LookAndFeel.CapType].CapSlider3DInvert(sliderDirection, sliderEndPt, GetZoomFactor(Gizmo.GetWorkCamera()));
Exemplo n.º 12
 public override void OnGizmoAttemptHandleDragBegin(int handleId)
     if (handleId == _rtMidCap.HandleId)
         var workData = new GizmoDblAxisRotationDrag3D.WorkData();
         workData.Axis0       = Gizmo.FocusCamera.transform.up;
         workData.Axis1       = Gizmo.FocusCamera.transform.right;
         workData.ScreenAxis0 = -Vector3.right;
         workData.ScreenAxis1 = Vector3.up;
         workData.SnapMode    = Settings3D.RtSnapMode;
         workData.SnapStep0   = Settings3D.RtCamUpSnapStep;
         workData.SnapStep1   = Settings3D.RtCamRightSnapStep;
     else if (handleId == _scMidCap.HandleId)
         var workData = new GizmoUniformScaleDrag3D.WorkData();
         workData.BaseSize    = _scMidCap.GetRealBoxSize(_scMidCap.GetZoomFactor(Gizmo.GetWorkCamera())).magnitude;
         workData.DragOrigin  = _scMidCap.Position;
         workData.CameraRight = Gizmo.FocusCamera.transform.right;
         workData.CameraUp    = Gizmo.FocusCamera.transform.up;
         workData.SnapStep    = Settings3D.ScUniformSnapStep;
Exemplo n.º 13
        public float GetRealCircleRadius()
            float scaleFactor = 1.0f;

            if (IsScaling)
                float maxTotalDragScale = TotalDragScaleRight;
                if (Mathf.Abs(TotalDragScaleRight) < Mathf.Abs(TotalDragScaleUp))
                    maxTotalDragScale = TotalDragScaleUp;

                Vector3 realScaleAxis   = _scaleAxisUp * maxTotalDragScale;
                Vector2 screenScaleAxis = Vector3Ex.ConvertDirTo2D(ScaleDragOrigin, ScaleDragOrigin + realScaleAxis, Gizmo.GetWorkCamera());
                scaleFactor = (screenScaleAxis.magnitude / (LookAndFeel.CircleRadius * LookAndFeel.Scale)) * Mathf.Sign(maxTotalDragScale);

            return(LookAndFeel.CircleRadius * LookAndFeel.Scale * scaleFactor);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public float GetRealQuadHeight()
            float scaleFactor = 1.0f;

            if (IsScaling)
                Vector3 realScaleAxis   = _scaleAxisUp * TotalDragScaleUp;
                Vector2 screenScaleAxis = Vector3Ex.ConvertDirTo2D(ScaleDragOrigin, ScaleDragOrigin + realScaleAxis, Gizmo.GetWorkCamera());
                scaleFactor = screenScaleAxis.magnitude / (LookAndFeel.QuadHeight * LookAndFeel.Scale * 0.5f) * Mathf.Sign(TotalDragScaleUp);

            return(LookAndFeel.QuadHeight * LookAndFeel.Scale * scaleFactor);
        /// <summary>
        /// This function traverses the handle's 2D and 3D shapes and decides which one is hovered
        /// by the specified ray. It then returns the hover information inside an instance of the
        /// 'GizmoHandleHoverData' class. The ray should be created using the 'Camera.ScreenPointToRay'
        /// function and it represents the ray which is cast out from the screen into the 3D scene.
        /// The function will always give priority to 2D shapes. So for example, if the handle has
        /// a 2D and a 3D shape, and the ray hovers both of them, only the 2D shape will be taken into
        /// account.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hoverRay">
        /// The hover ray. This should be created using the 'Camera.ScreenPointToRay' function. The
        /// function will convert the origin of the ray in screen space to detect the 2D shapes which
        /// are hovered by the ray.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// If a shape is hovered by the input ray, the function returns an instance of the
        /// 'GizmoHandleHoverData' class. Otherwise, it returns null. The function also returns
        /// null if there are any subscribers to the 'CanHover' event that don't allow the handle
        /// to be hovered.
        /// </returns>
        public GizmoHandleHoverData GetHoverData(Ray hoverRay)
            float minDist = float.MaxValue;
            GizmoHandleHoverData handleHoverData = null;

            if (Is2DHoverable && Is2DVisible)
                Vector2            screenRayOrigin = Gizmo.GetWorkCamera().WorldToScreenPoint(hoverRay.origin);
                GizmoHandleShape2D hovered2DShape  = null;
                foreach (var shape in _2DShapes)
                    if (shape.IsVisible && shape.IsHoverable)
                        if (shape.Shape.ContainsPoint(screenRayOrigin))
                            float dist = (shape.Shape.GetEncapsulatingRect().center - screenRayOrigin).magnitude;
                            if (hovered2DShape == null || dist < minDist)
                                hovered2DShape = shape;
                                minDist        = dist;

                if (hovered2DShape != null)
                    handleHoverData = new GizmoHandleHoverData(hoverRay, this, screenRayOrigin);
                    if (CanHover != null)
                        var answer = new YesNoAnswer();
                        CanHover(Id, Gizmo, handleHoverData, answer);
                        if (answer.HasNo)

            if (Is3DHoverable && Is3DVisible)
                minDist = float.MaxValue;
                GizmoHandleShape3D hovered3DShape = null;
                foreach (var shape in _3DShapes)
                    if (shape.IsVisible && shape.IsHoverable)
                        float t;
                        if (shape.Shape.Raycast(hoverRay, out t))
                            if (hovered3DShape == null || t < minDist)
                                hovered3DShape = shape;
                                minDist        = t;

                if (hovered3DShape != null)
                    handleHoverData = new GizmoHandleHoverData(hoverRay, this, minDist);
                    if (CanHover != null)
                        var answer = new YesNoAnswer();
                        CanHover(Id, Gizmo, handleHoverData, answer);
                        if (answer.HasNo)


        public float GetRealLength()
            float scaleFactor = 1.0f;

            if (IsScaling)
                Vector3 realScaleAxis   = _scaleAxis * TotalDragScale;
                Vector2 screenScaleAxis = Vector3Ex.ConvertDirTo2D(ScaleDragOrigin, ScaleDragOrigin + realScaleAxis, Gizmo.GetWorkCamera());
                scaleFactor = (screenScaleAxis.magnitude / (LookAndFeel.Length * LookAndFeel.Scale)) * Mathf.Sign(TotalDragScale);

            return(LookAndFeel.Length * LookAndFeel.Scale * scaleFactor);
Exemplo n.º 17
 private void Update2DGizmoPosition()
     Gizmo.Transform.Position2D = Gizmo.GetWorkCamera().WorldToScreenPoint(Gizmo.Transform.Position3D);
Exemplo n.º 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the size (length and thickness) of the slider along the specified direction
 /// axis. The function will take into accoun the look and feel settings such as the slider
 /// type (line, box, cylinder), scale and whether or not a zoom factor should be applied.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="camera">
 /// This is the camera needed to calculate the slider zoom factor if necessary.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="direction">
 /// The direction along which the slider size will be calculated.
 /// </param>
 public float GetRealSizeAlongDirection(Camera camera, Vector3 direction)
     return(_controllers[(int)LookAndFeel.LineType].GetRealSizeAlongDirection(direction, GetZoomFactor(Gizmo.GetWorkCamera())));