/// <summary>
        ///     Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stateMachineInputCallback">delegate to call when there's an event to report</param>
        public DelcomLight(MainAppLogic.EnqueueStateMachineInput stateMachineInputCallback, TimeSpan holdTime)
            hUSB = DelcomLightWrapper.TryOpeningDelcomDevice();

            Delcom.DelcomEnableAutoConfirm(hUSB, 0);
            // Make sure we always start turned off
            DelcomLightWrapper.DelcomLEDAllAction(hUSB, DelcomLightWrapper.LightStates.Off);

            // remember the delegate so we can invoke when we get input
            this.stateMachineInputCallback = stateMachineInputCallback;

            //Initialize hold threshold from argument passed from Main
            this.holdThreshold = holdTime;

            // start a background thread to poll the device for input
            BackgroundWorker bgw1 = new BackgroundWorker();

            bgw1.DoWork += delegate { this.BackgroundPollingWorker(); };
        /// <summary>
        ///  Runs on a background thread to monitor the button state and will dispatch events back to the main thread
        /// </summary>
        private void BackgroundPollingWorker()
            ButtonState currentState = ButtonState.NotPressed;
            int         iterationsSinceLastButtonRelease = 0;
            int         iterationsSinceLastButtonDown    = 0;
            const int   buttonReleaseTolerance           = 2; // magic number that works well in practice
            //Timer to determine how long the button has been held down for
            TimeSpan holdDuration = TimeSpan.Zero;
            //The time when the button was last in a down state. Used for hardware error correction.
            DateTime lastButtonDownTime = DateTime.MinValue;
            //The time when the button was last in an up state. Used for hardware error correction.
            DateTime lastButtonUpTime = DateTime.MinValue;
            //Boolean switch for determining if a button was held for longer than the hold threshold while it is still being held down.
            Boolean buttonHeld = false;

            // Loop endlessly until we're asked to stop
            while (!this.shouldStop)
                //Check if light is still connected
                bool isStillConnected = DelcomLightWrapper.isButtonConnected(hUSB);

                //If not still connected, start loop to poll for connection until it is connected.
                if (!isStillConnected)
                    hUSB = DelcomLightWrapper.TryOpeningDelcomDevice();

                if ((DateTime.UtcNow - lastButtonUpTime) > minTimeBetweenClicks)
                    // Get the current state of the button
                    ButtonState newState = DelcomLightWrapper.DelcomGetButtonStatus(hUSB);

                    if (newState == ButtonState.Unknown)
                        throw new NotImplementedException();
                    else if (newState != currentState)
                        // The state has changed, so we need to handle it

                        if (newState == ButtonState.NotPressed)
                            // We were previously in a pressed state, but the button on the light is flaky, so we need
                            // to make sure the button has really been released, so we'll wait a few iterations.

                            if (iterationsSinceLastButtonRelease > buttonReleaseTolerance)
                                // Only remember the currentstate as changed if we're outside of our tolerance
                                currentState = newState;

                                //Button just released so reset timer
                                iterationsSinceLastButtonRelease = 0;

                                //Fire a button up event. This will only cause the state machine to act if in a previewing state with nothing queued.
                                //It will turn off the red light that is on when the button is being held down in that case
                                if (stateMachineInputCallback != null)
                                    StateMachine.StateMachineInputArgs buttonUpArgs = new StateMachine.StateMachineInputArgs(StateMachine.StateMachineInput.ButtonUp);

                                //If a button held event was already fired, we don't want to fire a button pressed event in this case
                                if (!buttonHeld)
                                    // Notify that we've had a button press
                                    if (stateMachineInputCallback != null)
                                        StateMachine.StateMachineInputArgs buttonArgs = new StateMachine.StateMachineInputArgs(StateMachine.StateMachineInput.ButtonPressed);

                                lastButtonUpTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

                                //reset button held, as it is no longer being held if it was before
                                buttonHeld = false;
                        else if (newState == ButtonState.Pressed)
                            // We were previously in a pressed state, but the button on the light is flaky, so we need
                            // to make sure the button has really been released, so we'll wait a few iterations.

                            if (iterationsSinceLastButtonDown > buttonReleaseTolerance)
                                // The button has just been pressed

                                // Only remember the current state as changed if we're outside of our tolerance
                                currentState = newState;

                                //Button just pressed so reset timer
                                iterationsSinceLastButtonRelease = 0;

                                //Fire a button down event. This will only cause the state machine to act if in a previewing state with nothing queued.
                                //It will turn on the red light that is on when the button is being held down in that case
                                if (stateMachineInputCallback != null)
                                    StateMachine.StateMachineInputArgs buttonArgs = new StateMachine.StateMachineInputArgs(StateMachine.StateMachineInput.ButtonDown);

                                //Set last button down time to current time, as button was just pressed down
                                lastButtonDownTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    else if (newState == ButtonState.Pressed)
                        //Button has been held, check if hold is greater than threshold
                        holdDuration = DateTime.UtcNow - lastButtonDownTime;

                        //Reset iterations since last release
                        iterationsSinceLastButtonRelease = 0;

                        //If button held event has already been fired, we don't want to fire again until the button has been released
                        if (!buttonHeld)
                            //If hold duration is greater than threshold we should fire a button held event
                            if (holdDuration > holdThreshold)
                                // Notify that we've had a button held
                                if (stateMachineInputCallback != null)
                                    StateMachine.StateMachineInputArgs buttonArgs = new StateMachine.StateMachineInputArgs(StateMachine.StateMachineInput.ButtonHeld, holdDuration);

                                //We fired a button held event, so set this to true to prevent the event from being fired again while the button is still being held down.
                                buttonHeld = true;
                    else if (newState == ButtonState.NotPressed)
                        //Reset iterations since last press
                        iterationsSinceLastButtonDown = 0;
