Exemplo n.º 1
        // find fix files, if the gotFile has been fully scanned check the SHA1/MD5, if not then just return true as the CRC/Size is all we have to go on.
        // this means that if the gotfile has not been fully scanned this will return true even with the source and destination SHA1/MD5 possibly different.
        public static bool CheckIfMissingFileCanBeFixedByGotFile(RvFile missingFile, RvFile gotFile)
            if (missingFile.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.SHA1FromDAT) &&  gotFile.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.SHA1Verified) && !ArrByte.bCompare(missingFile.SHA1, gotFile.SHA1))
                return false;
            if (missingFile.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.MD5FromDAT) &&  gotFile.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.MD5Verified) && !ArrByte.bCompare(missingFile.MD5, gotFile.MD5))
                return false;

            return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void LogOut(RvFile f)
            if (!Settings.DebugLogsEnabled) return;

            StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(_logfilename, true);
            ReportFile(sw, f);
        private static void LoadDiskFromDat(ref RvDir tGame, XmlNode romNode)
            if (romNode.Attributes == null)

            XmlNode name = romNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("name");
            RvFile tRom = new RvFile(FileType.File)
                Name = VarFix.CleanFullFileName(name) + ".chd",
                SHA1CHD = VarFix.CleanMD5SHA1(romNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("sha1"), 40),
                Status = VarFix.ToLower(romNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("status")),

                Dat = tGame.Dat

            if (tRom.SHA1CHD != null) tRom.FileStatusSet(FileStatus.SHA1CHDFromDAT);

Exemplo n.º 4
        // find all of the files that we think we have that match the needed CRC and Size.
        public static void RomSearchFindFixes(RvFile tRom, List<RvFile> lstFiles, out List<RvFile> lstFilesOut)
            lstFilesOut = new List<RvFile>();
            if (tRom.CRC == null || tRom.Size == null)

            int intIndex;
            int intRes = RomSearchCRCSize(tRom, lstFiles, out intIndex);

            while (intRes == 0)
                if (lstFiles[intIndex].GotStatus == GotStatus.Got && FindFixes.CheckIfMissingFileCanBeFixedByGotFile(tRom, lstFiles[intIndex]))

                intRes = intIndex < lstFiles.Count ? RomSortCRCSizeFunc(lstFiles[intIndex], tRom) : 1;
Exemplo n.º 5
        // This Function returns:
        // Good            : Everything Worked Correctly
        // RescanNeeded     : Something unexpectidly changed in the files, so Stop prompt user to rescan.
        // LogicError       : This Should never happen and is a logic problem in the code
        // FileSystemError  : Something is wrong with the files
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the ROMVault File Copy, with the source and destination being files or zipped files
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileIn">This is the file being copied, it may be a zipped file or a regular file system file</param>
        /// <param name="zipFileOut">This is the zip file that is being writen to, if it is null a new zip file will be made if we are coping to a zip</param>
        /// <param name="zipFilenameOut">This is the name of the .zip file to be made that will be created in zipFileOut</param>
        /// <param name="fileOut">This is the actual output filename</param>
        /// <param name="forceRaw">if true then we will do a raw copy, this is so that we can copy corrupt zips</param>
        /// <param name="error">This is the returned error message if this copy fails</param>
        /// <param name="foundFile">If we are SHA1/MD5 checking the source file for the first time, and it is different from what we expected the correct values for this file are returned in foundFile</param>
        /// <returns>ReturnCode.Good is the valid return code otherwire we have an error</returns>
        public static ReturnCode CopyFile(RvFile fileIn, ref ZipFile zipFileOut, string zipFilenameOut, RvFile fileOut, bool forceRaw, out string error, out RvFile foundFile)
            foundFile = null;
            error = "";

            if (_buffer == null)
                _buffer = new byte[BufferSize];

            bool rawCopy = RawCopy(fileIn, fileOut, forceRaw);

            ulong streamSize = 0;
            ushort compressionMethod = 8;
            bool sourceTrrntzip = false;

            ZipFile zipFileIn = null;
            System.IO.Stream readStream = null;

            bool isZeroLengthFile = DBHelper.IsZeroLengthFile(fileOut);
            if (!isZeroLengthFile)
                #region check that the in and out file match
                if (fileOut.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.SizeFromDAT) && fileOut.Size != null && fileIn.Size != fileOut.Size)
                    error = "Source and destination Size does not match. Logic Error.";
                    return ReturnCode.LogicError;
                if (fileOut.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.CRCFromDAT) && fileOut.CRC != null && !ArrByte.bCompare(fileIn.CRC, fileOut.CRC))
                    error = "Source and destination CRC does not match. Logic Error.";
                    return ReturnCode.LogicError;

                if (fileOut.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.SHA1FromDAT) && fileIn.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.SHA1Verified))
                    if (fileIn.SHA1 != null && fileOut.SHA1 != null && !ArrByte.bCompare(fileIn.SHA1, fileOut.SHA1))
                        error = "Source and destination SHA1 does not match. Logic Error.";
                        return ReturnCode.LogicError;
                if (fileOut.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.MD5CHDFromDAT) && fileIn.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.MD5Verified))
                    if (fileIn.MD5 != null && fileOut.MD5 != null && !ArrByte.bCompare(fileIn.MD5, fileOut.MD5))
                        error = "Source and destination SHA1 does not match. Logic Error.";
                        return ReturnCode.LogicError;


                #region Find and Check/Open Input Files

                if (fileIn.FileType == FileType.ZipFile) // Input is a ZipFile
                    RvDir zZipFileIn = fileIn.Parent;
                    if (zZipFileIn.FileType != FileType.Zip)
                        error = "Zip File Open but Source File is not a zip, Logic Error.";
                        return ReturnCode.LogicError;

                    string fileNameIn = zZipFileIn.FullName;

                    sourceTrrntzip = (zZipFileIn.ZipStatus & ZipStatus.TrrntZip) == ZipStatus.TrrntZip;

                    //if (zZipFileIn.ZipFileType == RvZip.ZipType.Zip)
                    zipFileIn = new ZipFile();

                    ZipReturn zr1;
                    if (fileIn.ZipFileHeaderPosition != null)
                        zr1 = zipFileIn.ZipFileOpen(fileNameIn, zZipFileIn.TimeStamp, false);
                        zr1 = zipFileIn.ZipFileOpen(fileNameIn, zZipFileIn.TimeStamp, true);
                    switch (zr1)
                        case ZipReturn.ZipGood:
                        case ZipReturn.ZipErrorFileNotFound:
                            error = "File not found, Rescan required before fixing " + fileIn.Name;
                            return ReturnCode.FileSystemError;
                        case ZipReturn.ZipErrorTimeStamp:
                            error = "File has changed, Rescan required before fixing " + fileIn.Name;
                            return ReturnCode.FileSystemError;
                            error = "Error Open Zip" + zr1 + ", with File " + fileIn.DatFullName;
                            return ReturnCode.FileSystemError;
                    if (fileIn.ZipFileHeaderPosition != null)
                        zipFileIn.ZipFileOpenReadStreamQuick((ulong)fileIn.ZipFileHeaderPosition, rawCopy, out readStream, out streamSize, out compressionMethod);
                        zipFileIn.ZipFileOpenReadStream(fileIn.ZipFileIndex, rawCopy, out readStream, out streamSize, out compressionMethod);
                else // Input is a regular file
                    string fileNameIn = fileIn.FullName;
                    if (!IO.File.Exists(fileNameIn))
                        error = "Rescan needed, File Changed :" + fileNameIn;
                        return ReturnCode.RescanNeeded;
                    IO.FileInfo fileInInfo = new IO.FileInfo(fileNameIn);
                    if (fileInInfo.LastWriteTime != fileIn.TimeStamp)
                        error = "Rescan needed, File Changed :" + fileNameIn;
                        return ReturnCode.RescanNeeded;
                    int errorCode = IO.FileStream.OpenFileRead(fileNameIn, out readStream);
                    if (errorCode != 0)
                        error = new Win32Exception(errorCode).Message + ". " + fileNameIn;
                        return ReturnCode.FileSystemError;
                    if (fileIn.Size == null)
                        error = "Null File Size found in Fixing File :" + fileNameIn;
                        return ReturnCode.LogicError;
                    streamSize = (ulong)fileIn.Size;
                    if ((ulong)readStream.Length != streamSize)
                        error = "Rescan needed, File Length Changed :" + fileNameIn;
                        return ReturnCode.RescanNeeded;
                sourceTrrntzip = true;

            if (!rawCopy && (Settings.FixLevel == eFixLevel.TrrntZipLevel1 || Settings.FixLevel == eFixLevel.TrrntZipLevel2 || Settings.FixLevel == eFixLevel.TrrntZipLevel3))
                compressionMethod = 8;

            #region Find and Check/Open Output Files

            System.IO.Stream writeStream;
            if (fileOut.FileType == FileType.ZipFile)
                // if ZipFileOut == null then we have not open the output zip yet so open it from writing.
                if (zipFileOut == null)
                    if (IO.Path.GetFileName(zipFilenameOut) == "__ROMVault.tmp")
                        if (IO.File.Exists(zipFilenameOut))
                    else if (IO.File.Exists(zipFilenameOut))
                        error = "Rescan needed, File Changed :" + zipFilenameOut;
                        return ReturnCode.RescanNeeded;

                    zipFileOut = new ZipFile();
                    ZipReturn zrf = zipFileOut.ZipFileCreate(zipFilenameOut);
                    if (zrf != ZipReturn.ZipGood)
                        error = "Error Opening Write Stream " + zrf;
                        return ReturnCode.FileSystemError;
                    if (zipFileOut.ZipOpen != ZipOpenType.OpenWrite)
                        error = "Output Zip File is not set to OpenWrite, Logic Error.";
                        return ReturnCode.LogicError;

                    if (zipFileOut.ZipFilename != (new IO.FileInfo(zipFilenameOut).FullName))
                        error = "Output Zip file has changed name from " + zipFileOut.ZipFilename + " to " + zipFilenameOut + ". Logic Error";
                        return ReturnCode.LogicError;

                if (fileIn.Size == null)
                    error = "Null File Size found in Fixing File :" + fileIn.FullName;
                    return ReturnCode.LogicError;
                ZipReturn zr = zipFileOut.ZipFileOpenWriteStream(rawCopy, sourceTrrntzip, fileOut.Name, (ulong)fileIn.Size, compressionMethod, out writeStream);
                if (zr != ZipReturn.ZipGood)
                    error = "Error Opening Write Stream " + zr;
                    return ReturnCode.FileSystemError;
                if (IO.File.Exists(zipFilenameOut) && fileOut.GotStatus != GotStatus.Corrupt)
                    error = "Rescan needed, File Changed :" + zipFilenameOut;
                    return ReturnCode.RescanNeeded;
                int errorCode = IO.FileStream.OpenFileWrite(zipFilenameOut, out writeStream);
                if (errorCode != 0)
                    error = new Win32Exception(errorCode).Message + ". " + zipFilenameOut;
                    return ReturnCode.FileSystemError;

            byte[] bCRC;
            byte[] bMD5 = null;
            byte[] bSHA1 = null;
            if (!isZeroLengthFile)
                #region Do Data Tranfer

                CRC32Hash crc32 = null;
                MD5 md5 = null;
                SHA1 sha1 = null;

                if (!rawCopy)
                    crc32 = new CRC32Hash();
                    md5 = MD5.Create();
                    sha1 = SHA1.Create();

                ulong sizetogo = streamSize;

                while (sizetogo > 0)
                    int sizenow = sizetogo > BufferSize ? BufferSize : (int)sizetogo;

                        readStream.Read(_buffer, 0, sizenow);
                    catch (ZlibException)
                        if (fileIn.FileType == FileType.ZipFile && zipFileIn != null)
                            ZipReturn zr = zipFileIn.ZipFileCloseReadStream();
                            if (zr != ZipReturn.ZipGood)
                                error = "Error Closing " + zr + " Stream :" + zipFileIn.Filename(fileIn.ReportIndex);
                                return ReturnCode.FileSystemError;


                        if (fileOut.FileType == FileType.ZipFile)
                            ZipReturn zr = zipFileOut.ZipFileCloseWriteStream(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 });
                            if (zr != ZipReturn.ZipGood)
                                error = "Error Closing Stream " + zr;
                                return ReturnCode.FileSystemError;

                        error = "Error in Data Stream";
                        return ReturnCode.SourceCRCCheckSumError;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        error = "Error reading Source File " + e.Message;
                        return ReturnCode.FileSystemError;

                    if (!rawCopy)
                        crc32.TransformBlock(_buffer, 0, sizenow, null, 0);
                        md5.TransformBlock(_buffer, 0, sizenow, null, 0);
                        sha1.TransformBlock(_buffer, 0, sizenow, null, 0);
                        writeStream.Write(_buffer, 0, sizenow);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        error = "Error writing out file. " + Environment.NewLine + e.Message;
                        return ReturnCode.FileSystemError;
                    sizetogo = sizetogo - (ulong)sizenow;


                #region Collect Checksums

                // if we did a full copy then we just calculated all the checksums while doing the copy
                if (!rawCopy)

                    crc32.TransformFinalBlock(_buffer, 0, 0);
                    md5.TransformFinalBlock(_buffer, 0, 0);
                    sha1.TransformFinalBlock(_buffer, 0, 0);

                    bCRC = crc32.Hash;
                    bMD5 = md5.Hash;
                    bSHA1 = sha1.Hash;

                // if we raw copied and the source file has been FileChecked then we can trust the checksums in the source file
                    bCRC = ArrByte.Copy(fileIn.CRC);
                    if (fileIn.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.MD5Verified)) bMD5 = ArrByte.Copy(fileIn.MD5);
                    if (fileIn.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.SHA1Verified)) bSHA1 = ArrByte.Copy(fileIn.SHA1);


                #region close the ReadStream

                if (fileIn.FileType == FileType.ZipFile && zipFileIn != null)
                    ZipReturn zr = zipFileIn.ZipFileCloseReadStream();
                    if (zr != ZipReturn.ZipGood)
                        error = "Error Closing " + zr + " Stream :" + zipFileIn.Filename(fileIn.ReportIndex);
                        return ReturnCode.FileSystemError;

                    //if (IO.File.Exists(tmpFilename))
                    //    IO.File.Delete(tmpFilename);

                // Zero Length File (Directory in a Zip)
                if (fileOut.FileType == FileType.ZipFile)
                bCRC = VarFix.CleanMD5SHA1("00000000", 8);
                bMD5 = VarFix.CleanMD5SHA1("d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e", 32);
                bSHA1 = VarFix.CleanMD5SHA1("da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709", 40);

            #region close the WriteStream
            if (fileOut.FileType == FileType.ZipFile)
                ZipReturn zr = zipFileOut.ZipFileCloseWriteStream(bCRC);
                if (zr != ZipReturn.ZipGood)
                    error = "Error Closing Stream " + zr;
                    return ReturnCode.FileSystemError;
                fileOut.ZipFileIndex = zipFileOut.LocalFilesCount() - 1;
                fileOut.ZipFileHeaderPosition = zipFileOut.LocalHeader(fileOut.ZipFileIndex);
                IO.FileInfo fi = new IO.FileInfo(zipFilenameOut);
                fileOut.TimeStamp = fi.LastWriteTime;

            if (!isZeroLengthFile)

                if (!rawCopy)
                    if (!ArrByte.bCompare(bCRC, fileIn.CRC))
                        fileIn.GotStatus = GotStatus.Corrupt;
                        error = "Source CRC does not match Source Data stream, corrupt Zip";

                        if (fileOut.FileType == FileType.ZipFile)

                        return ReturnCode.SourceCRCCheckSumError;

                    fileIn.FileStatusSet(FileStatus.CRCVerified | FileStatus.SizeVerified);

                    bool sourceFailed = false;

                    // check to see if we have a MD5 from the DAT file
                    if (fileIn.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.MD5FromDAT))
                        if (fileIn.MD5 == null)
                            error = "Should have an filein MD5 from Dat but not found. Logic Error.";
                            return ReturnCode.LogicError;

                        if (!ArrByte.bCompare(fileIn.MD5, bMD5))
                            sourceFailed = true;
                    // check to see if we have an MD5 (not from the DAT) so must be from previously scanning this file.
                    else if (fileIn.MD5 != null)
                        if (!ArrByte.bCompare(fileIn.MD5, bMD5))
                            // if we had an MD5 from a preview scan and it now does not match, something has gone really bad.
                            error = "The MD5 found does not match a previously scanned MD5, this should not happen, unless something got corrupt.";
                            return ReturnCode.LogicError;
                    else // (FileIn.MD5 == null)
                        fileIn.MD5 = bMD5;

                    // check to see if we have a SHA1 from the DAT file
                    if (fileIn.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.SHA1FromDAT))
                        if (fileIn.SHA1 == null)
                            error = "Should have an filein SHA1 from Dat but not found. Logic Error.";
                            return ReturnCode.LogicError;

                        if (!ArrByte.bCompare(fileIn.SHA1, bSHA1))
                            sourceFailed = true;
                    // check to see if we have an SHA1 (not from the DAT) so must be from previously scanning this file.
                    else if (fileIn.SHA1 != null)
                        if (!ArrByte.bCompare(fileIn.SHA1, bSHA1))
                            // if we had an SHA1 from a preview scan and it now does not match, something has gone really bad.
                            error = "The SHA1 found does not match a previously scanned SHA1, this should not happen, unless something got corrupt.";
                            return ReturnCode.LogicError;
                    else // (FileIn.SHA1 == null)
                        fileIn.SHA1 = bSHA1;

                    if (sourceFailed)
                        if (fileIn.FileType == FileType.ZipFile)
                            RvFile tZFile = new RvFile(FileType.ZipFile);
                            foundFile = tZFile;
                            tZFile.ZipFileIndex = fileIn.ZipFileIndex;
                            tZFile.ZipFileHeaderPosition = fileIn.ZipFileHeaderPosition;
                            foundFile = new RvFile(fileIn.FileType);

                        foundFile.Name = fileIn.Name;
                        foundFile.Size = fileIn.Size;
                        foundFile.CRC = bCRC;
                        foundFile.MD5 = bMD5;
                        foundFile.SHA1 = bSHA1;
                        foundFile.TimeStamp = fileIn.TimeStamp;
                        foundFile.SetStatus(DatStatus.NotInDat, GotStatus.Got);

                        foundFile.FileStatusSet(FileStatus.SizeVerified | FileStatus.CRCVerified | FileStatus.MD5Verified | FileStatus.SHA1Verified);

                        if (fileOut.FileType == FileType.ZipFile)

                        return ReturnCode.SourceCheckSumError;

            if (fileOut.FileType == FileType.ZipFile)
                fileOut.FileStatusSet(FileStatus.SizeFromHeader | FileStatus.CRCFromHeader);

            if (fileOut.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.CRCFromDAT) && fileOut.CRC != null && !ArrByte.bCompare(fileOut.CRC, bCRC))
                //Rollback the file
                if (fileOut.FileType == FileType.ZipFile)

                return ReturnCode.DestinationCheckSumError;

            fileOut.CRC = bCRC;
            if (!rawCopy || fileIn.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.CRCVerified))

            if (bSHA1 != null)
                if (fileOut.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.SHA1FromDAT) && fileOut.SHA1 != null && !ArrByte.bCompare(fileOut.SHA1, bSHA1))
                    //Rollback the file
                    if (fileOut.FileType == FileType.ZipFile)

                    return ReturnCode.DestinationCheckSumError;

                fileOut.SHA1 = bSHA1;

            if (bMD5 != null)
                if (fileOut.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.MD5FromDAT) && fileOut.MD5 != null && !ArrByte.bCompare(fileOut.MD5, bMD5))
                    //Rollback the file
                    if (fileOut.FileType == FileType.ZipFile)

                    return ReturnCode.DestinationCheckSumError;
                fileOut.MD5 = bMD5;

            if (fileIn.Size != null)
                fileOut.Size = fileIn.Size;

            if (fileIn.GotStatus == GotStatus.Corrupt)
                fileOut.GotStatus = GotStatus.Corrupt;
                fileOut.GotStatus = GotStatus.Got; // Changes RepStatus to Correct


            if (fileOut.SHA1CHD == null && fileIn.SHA1CHD != null) fileOut.SHA1CHD = fileIn.SHA1CHD;
            if (fileOut.MD5CHD == null && fileIn.MD5CHD != null) fileOut.MD5CHD = fileIn.MD5CHD;

            fileOut.CHDVersion = fileIn.CHDVersion;

            fileOut.FileStatusSet(FileStatus.SHA1CHDFromHeader | FileStatus.MD5CHDFromHeader | FileStatus.SHA1CHDVerified | FileStatus.MD5CHDVerified, fileIn);

            return ReturnCode.Good;
Exemplo n.º 6
        private static ReturnCode FixFileCanBeFixed(RvFile fixFile)
            string fixFileFullName = fixFile.FullName;

            // check to see if there is already a file with the name of the fixFile, and move it out the way.
            ReturnCode rc = FixFilePreCheckFixFile(fixFile);
            if (rc != ReturnCode.Good)
                return rc;

            // now we can fix the file.
            ZipFile tempZipOut = null;
            RvFile foundFile;
            ReturnCode returnCode;

            if (DBHelper.IsZeroLengthFile(fixFile))
                RvFile fileIn = new RvFile(FileType.File);
                returnCode = FixFileCopy.CopyFile(fileIn, ref tempZipOut, fixFile.FullName, fixFile, false, out _error, out foundFile);

                switch (returnCode)
                    case ReturnCode.Good: // correct reply to continue;
                        _error = fixFile.FullName + " " + fixFile.RepStatus + " " + returnCode + " : " + _error;
                        return ReturnCode.StartOver;
                return ReturnCode.Good;

                List<RvFile> lstFixRomTable = new List<RvFile>();
                List<RvFile> family = fixFile.MyFamily.Family;
                for (int iFind = 0; iFind < family.Count; iFind++)
                    if (family[iFind].GotStatus == GotStatus.Got && FindFixes.CheckIfMissingFileCanBeFixedByGotFile(fixFile, family[iFind]))
            RvFile fixingFile = lstFixRomTable[0];

            // search for the database for the file to be used to repair this file:
            List<RvFile> lstFixRomTableCRC;
            DBHelper.RomSearchFindFixes(fixFile, _lstRomTableSortedCRCSize, out lstFixRomTableCRC);

            List<RvFile> lstFixRomTableSHA1CHD;
            DBHelper.RomSearchFindFixesSHA1CHD(fixFile, _lstRomTableSortedSHA1CHD, out lstFixRomTableSHA1CHD);

            if (lstFixRomTableCRC.Count == 0 && lstFixRomTableSHA1CHD.Count == 0)
                // thought we could fix the file, turns out we cannot
                fixFile.GotStatus = GotStatus.NotGot;
                return ReturnCode.Good;

            RvFile fixingFile =
                lstFixRomTableCRC.Count > 0 ?
                lstFixRomTableCRC[0] :
            string fts = fixingFile.FullName;
            ReportProgress(new bgwShowFix(Path.GetDirectoryName(fixFileFullName), "", Path.GetFileName(fixFileFullName), fixFile.Size, "<--", Path.GetDirectoryName(fts), Path.GetFileName(fts), fixingFile.Name));

            returnCode = FixFileCopy.CopyFile(fixingFile, ref tempZipOut, fixFile.FullName, fixFile, false, out _error, out foundFile);

            switch (returnCode)
                case ReturnCode.Good: // correct reply to continue;

                case ReturnCode.SourceCRCCheckSumError:
                        ReportProgress(new bgwShowFixError("CRC Error"));
                        // the file we used for fix turns out to be corrupt

                        // mark the source file as Corrupt
                        fixingFile.GotStatus = GotStatus.Corrupt;

                        // recheck for the fix


                        // and go back one and try again.
                        return ReturnCode.StartOver;

                case ReturnCode.SourceCheckSumError:
                        // the file we used for fix turns out not not match its own DAT's correct MD5/SHA1
                        // (Problem with logic here is that it could still match the file being fixed, but this case is not correctly handled)
                        ReportProgress(new bgwShowFixError("Failed"));

                        // remove the file we thought we correctly had (The file that we where trying to use for the fix)
                        if (fixingFile.FileRemove() == EFile.Delete)
                            _error = "Should not mark for delete as it is in a DAT";
                            return ReturnCode.LogicError;

                        // possibly use a check here to see if the index of the found file is futher down the zip and so we can just contine
                        // instead of restarting.

                        // add in the actual file we found

                        // recheck for the fix


                        // and go back one and try again.
                        return ReturnCode.StartOver;
                case ReturnCode.DestinationCheckSumError:
                        ReportProgress(new bgwShowFixError("Failed"));

                        // recheck for the fix
                        return ReturnCode.StartOver;
                    return returnCode;

            // Check the files that we found that where used to fix this file, and if they not listed as correct files, they can be set to be deleted.
            foreach (RvFile file in lstFixRomTable)
                if (file.RepStatus != RepStatus.NeededForFix && file.RepStatus != RepStatus.Rename) continue;
                file.RepStatus = RepStatus.Delete;
                CheckReprocess(file, true);

            foreach (RvFile file in lstFixRomTableCRC)
                if (file.RepStatus != RepStatus.NeededForFix && file.RepStatus != RepStatus.Rename) continue;
                file.RepStatus = RepStatus.Delete;
                CheckReprocess(file, true);
            foreach (RvFile file in lstFixRomTableSHA1CHD)
                if (file.RepStatus != RepStatus.NeededForFix && file.RepStatus != RepStatus.Rename) continue;
                file.RepStatus = RepStatus.Delete;
                CheckReprocess(file, true);


            return ReturnCode.Good;
Exemplo n.º 7
 private static bool IsDeepScanned(RvFile tFile)
     return (
                tFile.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.SizeVerified) &&
                tFile.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.CRCVerified) &&
                tFile.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.SHA1Verified) &&
Exemplo n.º 8
 private static void DeepScanFile(string directory, RvFile tFile)
     string filename = Path.Combine(directory, tFile.Name);
     int errorCode = UnCompFiles.CheckSumRead(filename, true, out tFile.CRC, out tFile.MD5, out tFile.SHA1);
     if (errorCode == 32)
         tFile.GotStatus = GotStatus.FileLocked;
     if (errorCode != 0)
         ReportError.Show("File: " + filename + " Error: " + new Win32Exception(errorCode).Message + ". Scan Aborted.");
         _fileErrorAbort = true;
     tFile.FileStatusSet(FileStatus.SizeVerified | FileStatus.CRCVerified | FileStatus.SHA1Verified | FileStatus.MD5Verified);
Exemplo n.º 9
 private static void ReportFile(TextWriter sw, RvFile f)
     sw.WriteLine(f.ReportIndex.ToString("D8") + " " + ArrByte.ToString(f.CRC) + " " + f.GotStatus.ToString().PadRight(10) + " " + f.RepStatus.ToString().PadRight(15) + " " + f.TreeFullName);
Exemplo n.º 10
        private void AddRom(RvFile tRomTable, string pathAdd)

            if (tRomTable.DatStatus != DatStatus.InDatMerged || tRomTable.RepStatus != RepStatus.NotCollected || chkBoxShowMerged.Checked)
                int row = RomGrid.Rows.Count - 1;
                RomGrid.Rows[row].Tag = tRomTable;

                for (int i = 0; i < RomGrid.Rows[row].Cells.Count; i++)
                    DataGridViewCellStyle cs = RomGrid.Rows[row].Cells[i].Style;
                    cs.BackColor = _displayColor[(int)tRomTable.RepStatus];
                    cs.ForeColor = _fontColor[(int)tRomTable.RepStatus];
                string fname = pathAdd + tRomTable.Name;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tRomTable.FileName))
                    fname += " (Found: " + tRomTable.FileName + ")";
                if (tRomTable.CHDVersion != null)
                    fname += " (V" + tRomTable.CHDVersion + ")";

                RomGrid.Rows[row].Cells["CRom"].Value = fname;

                RomGrid.Rows[row].Cells["CMerge"].Value = tRomTable.Merge;
                RomGrid.Rows[row].Cells["CStatus"].Value = tRomTable.Status;

                string strSize = tRomTable.Size.ToString();
                string flags = "";
                if (tRomTable.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.SizeFromDAT)) flags += "D";
                if (tRomTable.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.SizeFromHeader)) flags += "H";
                if (tRomTable.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.SizeVerified)) flags += "V";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(flags)) strSize += " (" + flags + ")";
                RomGrid.Rows[row].Cells["CSize"].Value = strSize;

                string strCRC = ArrByte.ToString(tRomTable.CRC);
                flags = "";
                if (tRomTable.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.CRCFromDAT)) flags += "D";
                if (tRomTable.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.CRCFromHeader)) flags += "H";
                if (tRomTable.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.CRCVerified)) flags += "V";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(flags)) strCRC += " (" + flags + ")";
                RomGrid.Rows[row].Cells["CCRC32"].Value = strCRC;

                if (tRomTable.SHA1CHD == null)
                    string strSHA1 = ArrByte.ToString(tRomTable.SHA1);
                    flags = "";
                    if (tRomTable.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.SHA1FromDAT)) flags += "D";
                    if (tRomTable.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.SHA1FromHeader)) flags += "H";
                    if (tRomTable.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.SHA1Verified)) flags += "V";
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(flags)) strSHA1 += " (" + flags + ")";
                    RomGrid.Rows[row].Cells["CSHA1"].Value = strSHA1;
                    string strSHA1CHD = "CHD: " + ArrByte.ToString(tRomTable.SHA1CHD);
                    flags = "";
                    if (tRomTable.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.SHA1CHDFromDAT)) flags += "D";
                    if (tRomTable.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.SHA1CHDFromHeader)) flags += "H";
                    if (tRomTable.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.SHA1CHDVerified)) flags += "V";
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(flags)) strSHA1CHD += " (" + flags + ")";
                    RomGrid.Rows[row].Cells["CSHA1"].Value = strSHA1CHD;

                if (tRomTable.MD5CHD == null)
                    string strMD5 = ArrByte.ToString(tRomTable.MD5);
                    flags = "";
                    if (tRomTable.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.MD5FromDAT)) flags += "D";
                    if (tRomTable.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.MD5FromHeader)) flags += "H";
                    if (tRomTable.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.MD5Verified)) flags += "V";
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(flags)) strMD5 += " (" + flags + ")";
                    RomGrid.Rows[row].Cells["CMD5"].Value = strMD5;
                    string strMD5CHD = "CHD: " + ArrByte.ToString(tRomTable.MD5CHD);
                    flags = "";
                    if (tRomTable.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.MD5CHDFromDAT)) flags += "D";
                    if (tRomTable.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.MD5CHDFromHeader)) flags += "H";
                    if (tRomTable.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.MD5CHDVerified)) flags += "V";
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(flags)) strMD5CHD += " (" + flags + ")";
                    RomGrid.Rows[row].Cells["CMD5"].Value = strMD5CHD;

                if (tRomTable.FileType == FileType.ZipFile)
                    RomGrid.Rows[row].Cells["ZipIndex"].Value = tRomTable.ZipFileIndex == -1 ? "" : tRomTable.ZipFileIndex.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    RomGrid.Rows[row].Cells["ZipHeader"].Value = tRomTable.ZipFileHeaderPosition == null ? "" : tRomTable.ZipFileHeaderPosition.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 11
         * In the mame Dat:
         * status="nodump" has a size but no CRC
         * status="baddump" has a size and crc

        private static void RomCheckCollect(RvFile tRom, bool merge)
            if (merge)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tRom.Merge))
                    tRom.Merge = "(Auto Merged)";

                tRom.DatStatus = DatStatus.InDatMerged;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tRom.Merge))
                tRom.Merge = "(No-Merge) " + tRom.Merge;

            if (tRom.Status == "nodump")
                tRom.CRC = null;
                tRom.DatStatus = DatStatus.InDatBad;

            if (ArrByte.bCompare(tRom.CRC, new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }) && tRom.Size == 0)
                tRom.DatStatus = DatStatus.InDatCollect;

            if (ArrByte.bCompare(tRom.CRC, new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }) || (tRom.CRC.Length != 8))
                tRom.CRC = null;
                tRom.DatStatus = DatStatus.InDatBad;

            tRom.DatStatus = DatStatus.InDatCollect;
Exemplo n.º 12
        private static ReturnCode FixZip(RvDir fixZip)
            //Check for error status
            if (fixZip.DirStatus.HasUnknown())
                return ReturnCode.FindFixes; // Error

            bool needsTrrntzipped = fixZip.ZipStatus != ZipStatus.TrrntZip && fixZip.GotStatus == GotStatus.Got && fixZip.DatStatus == DatStatus.InDatCollect && (Settings.FixLevel == eFixLevel.TrrntZipLevel1 || Settings.FixLevel == eFixLevel.TrrntZipLevel2 || Settings.FixLevel == eFixLevel.TrrntZipLevel3);

            // file corrupt and not in tosort
            //      if file cannot be fully fixed copy to corrupt
            //      process zipfile

            if (fixZip.GotStatus == GotStatus.Corrupt && fixZip.DatStatus != DatStatus.InToSort)
                ReturnCode movReturnCode = MoveZiptoCorrupt(fixZip);
                if (movReturnCode != ReturnCode.Good)
                    return movReturnCode;

            // has fixable
            //      process zipfile

            else if (fixZip.DirStatus.HasFixable())
                // do nothing here but continue on to process zip.

            // need trrntzipped
            //      process zipfile

            else if (needsTrrntzipped)
                // do nothing here but continue on to process zip.

            // got empty zip that should be deleted
            //      process zipfile
            else if (fixZip.GotStatus == GotStatus.Got && fixZip.GotStatus != GotStatus.Corrupt && !fixZip.DirStatus.HasAnyFiles())
                // do nothing here but continue on to process zip.

            // else
            //      skip this zipfile
                // nothing can be done to return
                return ReturnCode.Good;

            string fixZipFullName = fixZip.TreeFullName;

            if (!fixZip.DirStatus.HasFixable() && needsTrrntzipped)
                ReportProgress(new bgwShowFix(Path.GetDirectoryName(fixZipFullName), Path.GetFileName(fixZipFullName), "", 0, "TrrntZipping", "", "", ""));

            ReportError.LogOut(fixZipFullName + " : " + fixZip.RepStatus);
            Debug.WriteLine(fixZipFullName + " : " + fixZip.RepStatus);
            ReportError.LogOut("Zip File Status Before Fix:");
            for (int intLoop = 0; intLoop < fixZip.ChildCount; intLoop++)

            ZipFile tempZipOut = null;

            ZipFile toSortCorruptOut = null;
            ZipFile toSortZipOut = null;

            RvDir toSortGame = null;
            RvDir toSortCorruptGame = null;

            ReturnCode returnCode;
            List<RvFile> fixZipTemp = new List<RvFile>();

            for (int iRom = 0; iRom < fixZip.ChildCount; iRom++)
                RvFile zipFileFixing = new RvFile(FileType.ZipFile);

                if (iRom == fixZipTemp.Count)
                    fixZipTemp[iRom] = zipFileFixing;

                ReportError.LogOut(zipFileFixing.RepStatus + " : " + fixZip.Child(iRom).FullName);

                switch (zipFileFixing.RepStatus)
                    #region Nothing to copy
                    // any file we do not have or do not want in the destination zip
                    case RepStatus.Missing:
                    case RepStatus.NotCollected:
                    case RepStatus.Rename:
                    case RepStatus.Delete:
                        if (!
                            // got the file in the original zip but will be deleting it
                                (zipFileFixing.DatStatus == DatStatus.NotInDat && zipFileFixing.GotStatus == GotStatus.Got) ||
                                (zipFileFixing.DatStatus == DatStatus.NotInDat && zipFileFixing.GotStatus == GotStatus.Corrupt) ||
                                (zipFileFixing.DatStatus == DatStatus.InDatMerged && zipFileFixing.GotStatus == GotStatus.Got) ||
                                (zipFileFixing.DatStatus == DatStatus.InToSort && zipFileFixing.GotStatus == GotStatus.Got) ||
                                (zipFileFixing.DatStatus == DatStatus.InToSort && zipFileFixing.GotStatus == GotStatus.Corrupt) ||

                                // do not have this file and cannot fix it here
                                (zipFileFixing.DatStatus == DatStatus.InDatCollect && zipFileFixing.GotStatus == GotStatus.NotGot) ||
                                (zipFileFixing.DatStatus == DatStatus.InDatBad && zipFileFixing.GotStatus == GotStatus.NotGot) ||
                                (zipFileFixing.DatStatus == DatStatus.InDatMerged && zipFileFixing.GotStatus == GotStatus.NotGot)
                            ReportError.SendAndShow(Resources.FixFiles_FixZip_Error_in_Fix_Rom_Status + zipFileFixing.RepStatus + Resources.FixFiles_FixZip_Colon + zipFileFixing.DatStatus + Resources.FixFiles_FixZip_Colon + zipFileFixing.GotStatus);

                        if (zipFileFixing.RepStatus == RepStatus.Delete)
                            returnCode = DoubleCheckDelete(zipFileFixing);
                            if (returnCode != ReturnCode.Good)
                                goto ZipOpenFailed;

                        zipFileFixing.GotStatus = GotStatus.NotGot;
                    #region Copy from Original to Destination
                    // any files we are just moving from the original zip to the destination zip
                    case RepStatus.Correct:
                    case RepStatus.InToSort:
                    case RepStatus.NeededForFix:
                    case RepStatus.Corrupt:
                            if (!
                                    (zipFileFixing.DatStatus == DatStatus.InDatCollect && zipFileFixing.GotStatus == GotStatus.Got) ||
                                    (zipFileFixing.DatStatus == DatStatus.InDatMerged && zipFileFixing.GotStatus == GotStatus.Got) ||
                                    (zipFileFixing.DatStatus == DatStatus.NotInDat && zipFileFixing.GotStatus == GotStatus.Got) ||
                                    (zipFileFixing.DatStatus == DatStatus.InToSort && zipFileFixing.GotStatus == GotStatus.Got) ||
                                    (zipFileFixing.DatStatus == DatStatus.InToSort && zipFileFixing.GotStatus == GotStatus.Corrupt)
                                ReportError.SendAndShow(Resources.FixFiles_FixZip_Error_in_Fix_Rom_Status + zipFileFixing.RepStatus + Resources.FixFiles_FixZip_Colon + zipFileFixing.DatStatus + Resources.FixFiles_FixZip_Colon + zipFileFixing.GotStatus);

                            RvFile foundFile;

                            bool rawcopy = (zipFileFixing.RepStatus == RepStatus.InToSort) || (zipFileFixing.RepStatus == RepStatus.Corrupt);
                            // Correct      rawcopy=false
                            // NeededForFix rawcopy=false
                            // InToSort     rawcopy=true
                            // Corrupt      rawcopy=true
                            RepStatus originalStatus = zipFileFixing.RepStatus;

                            returnCode = FixFileCopy.CopyFile(
                                ref tempZipOut,
                                Path.Combine(fixZip.Parent.FullName, "__RomVault.tmp"),
                                zipFileFixing, rawcopy,
                                out _error, out foundFile);

                            switch (returnCode)
                                case ReturnCode.Good: // correct reply to continue;
                                    if (originalStatus == RepStatus.NeededForFix)
                                        zipFileFixing.RepStatus = RepStatus.NeededForFix;
                                case ReturnCode.SourceCRCCheckSumError:
                                        RvFile tFile = (RvFile)fixZip.Child(iRom);
                                        tFile.GotStatus = GotStatus.Corrupt;

                                        //decrease index so this file gets reprocessed

                                case ReturnCode.SourceCheckSumError:
                                        // Set the file in the zip that we thought we correctly had as missing
                                        RvFile tFile = (RvFile)fixZip.Child(iRom);
                                        if (tFile.FileRemove() == EFile.Delete)
                                            _error = "Should not mark for delete as it is in a DAT";
                                            return ReturnCode.LogicError;

                                        // Add in at the current location the incorrect file. (This file will be reprocessed and then at some point deleted.)
                                        fixZip.ChildAdd(foundFile, iRom);


                                        //decrease index so this file gets reprocessed

                                // not needed as source and destination are the same
                                // case ReturnCode.DestinationCheckSumError:  
                                    _error = zipFileFixing.FullName + " " + zipFileFixing.RepStatus + " " + returnCode + " : " + _error;
                                    goto ZipOpenFailed;

                    #region Case.CanBeFixed
                    case RepStatus.CanBeFixed:
                    case RepStatus.CorruptCanBeFixed:
                            if (!(zipFileFixing.DatStatus == DatStatus.InDatCollect && (zipFileFixing.GotStatus == GotStatus.NotGot || zipFileFixing.GotStatus == GotStatus.Corrupt)))
                                ReportError.SendAndShow(Resources.FixFiles_FixZip_Error_in_Fix_Rom_Status + zipFileFixing.RepStatus + Resources.FixFiles_FixZip_Colon + zipFileFixing.DatStatus + Resources.FixFiles_FixZip_Colon + zipFileFixing.GotStatus);

                            ReportError.LogOut("Fixing File:");

                            string strPath = fixZip.Parent.FullName;
                            string tempZipFilename = Path.Combine(strPath, "__RomVault.tmp");

                            if (DBHelper.IsZeroLengthFile(zipFileFixing))
                                RvFile fileIn = new RvFile(FileType.ZipFile) { Size = 0 };
                                RvFile foundFile;
                                returnCode = FixFileCopy.CopyFile(fileIn, ref tempZipOut, tempZipFilename, zipFileFixing, false, out _error, out foundFile);

                                switch (returnCode)
                                    case ReturnCode.Good: // correct reply to continue;
                                        _error = zipFileFixing.FullName + " " + zipFileFixing.RepStatus + " " + returnCode + " : " + _error;
                                        goto ZipOpenFailed;

                            List<RvFile> lstFixRomTable = new List<RvFile>();
                            List<RvFile> family = zipFileFixing.MyFamily.Family;
                            for (int iFind = 0; iFind < family.Count; iFind++)
                                if (family[iFind].GotStatus == GotStatus.Got && FindFixes.CheckIfMissingFileCanBeFixedByGotFile(zipFileFixing, family[iFind]))
                            List<RvFile> lstFixRomTable;
                            DBHelper.RomSearchFindFixes(zipFileFixing, _lstRomTableSortedCRCSize, out lstFixRomTable);

                            ReportError.LogOut("Found Files To use for Fixes:");
                            foreach (RvFile t in lstFixRomTable)

                            if (lstFixRomTable.Count > 0)

                                string ts = lstFixRomTable[0].Parent.FullName;
                                string sourceDir;
                                string sourceFile;
                                if (lstFixRomTable[0].FileType == FileType.ZipFile)
                                    sourceDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(ts);
                                    sourceFile = Path.GetFileName(ts);
                                    sourceDir = ts;
                                    sourceFile = "";
                                ReportProgress(new bgwShowFix(Path.GetDirectoryName(fixZipFullName), Path.GetFileName(fixZipFullName), zipFileFixing.Name, zipFileFixing.Size, "<--", sourceDir, sourceFile, lstFixRomTable[0].Name));

                                RvFile foundFile;
                                returnCode = FixFileCopy.CopyFile(lstFixRomTable[0], ref tempZipOut, tempZipFilename, zipFileFixing, false, out _error, out foundFile);
                                switch (returnCode)
                                    case ReturnCode.Good: // correct reply so continue;

                                    case ReturnCode.SourceCRCCheckSumError:
                                            ReportProgress(new bgwShowFixError("CRC Error"));
                                            // the file we used for fix turns out to be corrupt

                                            RvFile tFile = (RvFile)fixZip.Child(iRom);

                                            // mark the source file as Corrupt
                                            lstFixRomTable[0].GotStatus = GotStatus.Corrupt;

                                            // recheck for the fix

                                            // if the file being used from the fix is actually from this file then we have a big mess, and we are just going to
                                            // start over on this zip.
                                            if (lstFixRomTable[0].Parent == fixZip)
                                                returnCode = ReturnCode.StartOver;
                                                goto ZipOpenFailed;

                                            // add the fixing source zip into the processList so that it is also reprocessed and we just changed it.
                                            if (!_processList.Contains(lstFixRomTable[0].Parent))

                                            // and go back one and try again.

                                    case ReturnCode.SourceCheckSumError:
                                            ReportProgress(new bgwShowFixError("Failed"));
                                            // the file we used for fix turns out not not match its own DAT's correct MD5/SHA1
                                            // (Problem with logic here is that it could still match the file being fixed, but this case is not correctly handled)

                                            RvFile tFile = (RvFile)fixZip.Child(iRom);

                                            // remove the file we thought we correctly had (The file that we where trying to use for the fix)
                                            if (lstFixRomTable[0].FileRemove() == EFile.Delete)
                                                _error = "Should not mark for delete as it is in a DAT";
                                                return ReturnCode.LogicError;

                                            // possibly use a check here to see if the index of the found file is futher down the zip and so we can just contine
                                            // instead of restarting.

                                            // add in the actual file we found

                                            // recheck for the fix

                                            // if the file being used from the fix is actually from this file then we have a big mess, and we are just going to
                                            // start over on this zip.
                                            if (lstFixRomTable[0].Parent == fixZip)
                                                returnCode = ReturnCode.StartOver;
                                                goto ZipOpenFailed;

                                            // add the fixing source zip into the processList so that it is also reprocessed and we just changed it.
                                            if (!_processList.Contains(lstFixRomTable[0].Parent))

                                            // and go back one and try again.
                                    case ReturnCode.DestinationCheckSumError:
                                            ReportProgress(new bgwShowFixError("Failed"));
                                            // the file we used for fix turns out not to have the correct MD5/SHA1 
                                            RvFile tFile = (RvFile)fixZip.Child(iRom);

                                            // recheck for the fix

                                            // if the file being used from the fix is actually from this file then we have a big mess, and we are just going to
                                            // start over on this zip.
                                            // The need for this is that the file being pulled in from inside this zip will be marked as Rename
                                            // and so would then automatically be deleted, in the case this exception happens, this source file instead
                                            // should be set to move to tosort. 
                                            if (lstFixRomTable[0].Parent == fixZip)
                                                returnCode = ReturnCode.StartOver;
                                                goto ZipOpenFailed;

                                            // and go back one and try again.
                                        //_error = zipFileFixing.FullName + " " + zipFileFixing.RepStatus + " " + returnCode + Environment.NewLine + _error;
                                        goto ZipOpenFailed;

                                //Check to see if the files used for fix, can now be set to delete

                                foreach (RvFile tFixRom in lstFixRomTable)
                                    if (tFixRom.RepStatus == RepStatus.NeededForFix)
                                        tFixRom.RepStatus = RepStatus.Delete;
                                        ReportError.LogOut("Setting File Status to Delete:");
                                        CheckReprocess(tFixRom, true);

                                // thought we could fix it, turns out we cannot
                                zipFileFixing.GotStatus = GotStatus.NotGot;
                    #region Case.MoveToSort
                    case RepStatus.MoveToSort:
                            if (!(zipFileFixing.DatStatus == DatStatus.NotInDat && zipFileFixing.GotStatus == GotStatus.Got))
                                ReportError.SendAndShow(Resources.FixFiles_FixZip_Error_in_Fix_Rom_Status + zipFileFixing.RepStatus + Resources.FixFiles_FixZip_Colon + zipFileFixing.DatStatus + Resources.FixFiles_FixZip_Colon + zipFileFixing.GotStatus);

                            ReportError.LogOut("Moving File out to ToSort:");
                            // move the rom out to the To Sort Directory

                            if (toSortGame == null)
                                string toSortFullName = Path.Combine(Settings.ToSort(), fixZip.Name + ".zip");
                                string toSortFileName = fixZip.Name;
                                int fileC = 0;
                                while (File.Exists(toSortFullName))
                                    toSortFullName = Path.Combine(Settings.ToSort(), fixZip.Name + fileC + ".zip");
                                    toSortFileName = fixZip.Name + fileC;

                                toSortGame = new RvDir(FileType.Zip)
                                                     Name = toSortFileName,
                                                     DatStatus = DatStatus.InToSort,
                                                     GotStatus = GotStatus.Got

                            RvFile toSortRom = new RvFile(FileType.ZipFile)
                                                          Name = zipFileFixing.Name,
                                                          Size = zipFileFixing.Size,
                                                          CRC = zipFileFixing.CRC,
                                                          SHA1 = zipFileFixing.SHA1,
                                                          MD5 = zipFileFixing.MD5
                            toSortRom.SetStatus(DatStatus.InToSort, GotStatus.Got);
                                FileStatus.SizeFromHeader | FileStatus.SizeVerified |
                                FileStatus.CRCFromHeader | FileStatus.CRCVerified |
                                FileStatus.SHA1FromHeader | FileStatus.SHA1Verified |
                                FileStatus.MD5FromHeader | FileStatus.MD5Verified
                                , zipFileFixing);


                            string destination = Path.Combine(Settings.ToSort(), toSortGame.Name + ".zip");
                            ReportProgress(new bgwShowFix(Path.GetDirectoryName(fixZipFullName), Path.GetFileName(fixZipFullName), zipFileFixing.Name, zipFileFixing.Size, "-->", "ToSort", Path.GetFileName(destination), toSortRom.Name));

                            RvFile foundFile;
                            returnCode = FixFileCopy.CopyFile((RvFile)fixZip.Child(iRom), ref toSortZipOut, destination, toSortRom, true, out _error, out foundFile);
                            switch (returnCode)
                                case ReturnCode.Good: // correct reply to continue;
                                //raw copying so Checksums are not checked
                                //case ReturnCode.SourceCRCCheckSumError: 
                                //case ReturnCode.SourceCheckSumError:
                                //case ReturnCode.DestinationCheckSumError: 
                                    _error = zipFileFixing.FullName + " " + zipFileFixing.RepStatus + " " + returnCode + " : " + _error;
                                    goto ZipOpenFailed;
                            zipFileFixing.GotStatus = GotStatus.NotGot; // Changes RepStatus to Deleted
                    #region Case.MoveToCorrupt
                    case RepStatus.MoveToCorrupt:
                            if (!((zipFileFixing.DatStatus == DatStatus.InDatCollect || zipFileFixing.DatStatus == DatStatus.NotInDat) && zipFileFixing.GotStatus == GotStatus.Corrupt))
                                ReportError.SendAndShow(Resources.FixFiles_FixZip_Error_in_Fix_Rom_Status + zipFileFixing.RepStatus + Resources.FixFiles_FixZip_Colon + zipFileFixing.DatStatus + Resources.FixFiles_FixZip_Colon + zipFileFixing.GotStatus);

                            ReportError.LogOut("Moving File to Corrupt");

                            string toSortFullName;
                            if (toSortCorruptGame == null)
                                string corruptDir = Path.Combine(Settings.ToSort(), "Corrupt");
                                if (!Directory.Exists(corruptDir))

                                toSortFullName = Path.Combine(corruptDir, fixZip.Name + ".zip");
                                string toSortFileName = fixZip.Name;
                                int fileC = 0;
                                while (File.Exists(toSortFullName))
                                    toSortFullName = Path.Combine(corruptDir, fixZip.Name + fileC + ".zip");
                                    toSortFileName = fixZip.Name + fileC;

                                toSortCorruptGame = new RvDir(FileType.Zip)
                                                            Name = toSortFileName,
                                                            DatStatus = DatStatus.InToSort,
                                                            GotStatus = GotStatus.Got
                                string corruptDir = Path.Combine(Settings.ToSort(), "Corrupt");
                                toSortFullName = Path.Combine(corruptDir, toSortCorruptGame.Name + ".zip");

                            RvFile toSortCorruptRom = new RvFile(FileType.ZipFile)
                                                                 Name = zipFileFixing.Name,
                                                                 Size = zipFileFixing.Size,
                                                                 CRC = zipFileFixing.CRC
                            toSortCorruptRom.SetStatus(DatStatus.InToSort, GotStatus.Corrupt);

                            ReportProgress(new bgwShowFix(Path.GetDirectoryName(fixZipFullName), Path.GetFileName(fixZipFullName), zipFileFixing.Name, zipFileFixing.Size, "-->", "Corrupt", Path.GetFileName(toSortFullName), zipFileFixing.Name));

                            RvFile foundFile;
                            returnCode = FixFileCopy.CopyFile((RvFile)fixZip.Child(iRom), ref toSortCorruptOut, toSortFullName, toSortCorruptRom, true, out _error, out foundFile);
                            switch (returnCode)
                                case ReturnCode.Good: // correct reply to continue;

                                // doing a raw copy so not needed
                                // case ReturnCode.SourceCRCCheckSumError: 
                                // case ReturnCode.SourceCheckSumError:
                                // case ReturnCode.DestinationCheckSumError: 
                                    _error = zipFileFixing.FullName + " " + zipFileFixing.RepStatus + " " + returnCode + " : " + _error;
                                    goto ZipOpenFailed;
                            zipFileFixing.GotStatus = GotStatus.NotGot;

                        ReportError.UnhandledExceptionHandler("Unknown file status found " + zipFileFixing.RepStatus + " while fixing file " + fixZip.Name + " Dat Status = " + zipFileFixing.DatStatus + " GotStatus " + zipFileFixing.GotStatus);

            #region if ToSort Zip Made then close the zip and add this new zip to the Database
            if (toSortGame != null)

                toSortGame.TimeStamp = toSortZipOut.TimeStamp;
                toSortGame.DatStatus = DatStatus.InToSort;
                toSortGame.GotStatus = GotStatus.Got;
                toSortGame.ZipStatus = toSortZipOut.ZipStatus;

                RvDir toSort = (RvDir)DB.DirTree.Child(1);

            #region if Corrupt Zip Made then close the zip and add this new zip to the Database
            if (toSortCorruptGame != null)

                toSortCorruptGame.TimeStamp = toSortCorruptOut.TimeStamp;
                toSortCorruptGame.DatStatus = DatStatus.InToSort;
                toSortCorruptGame.GotStatus = GotStatus.Got;

                RvDir toSort = (RvDir)DB.DirTree.Child(1);
                int indexcorrupt;
                RvDir corruptDir = new RvDir(FileType.Dir) { Name = "Corrupt", DatStatus = DatStatus.InToSort };
                int found = toSort.ChildNameSearch(corruptDir, out indexcorrupt);
                if (found != 0)
                    corruptDir.GotStatus = GotStatus.Got;
                    indexcorrupt = toSort.ChildAdd(corruptDir);

            #region Process original Zip
            string filename = fixZip.FullName;
            if (File.Exists(filename))
                if (!File.SetAttributes(filename, FileAttributes.Normal))
                    int error = Error.GetLastError();
                    ReportProgress(new bgwShowError(filename, "Error Setting File Attributes to Normal. Deleting Original Fix File. Code " + error));
                catch (Exception)
                    int error = Error.GetLastError();
                    _error = "Error While trying to delete file " + filename + ". Code " + error;

                    if (tempZipOut != null && tempZipOut.ZipOpen != ZipOpenType.Closed)

                    return ReturnCode.RescanNeeded;


            bool checkDelete = false;
            #region process the temp Zip rename it to the original Zip
            if (tempZipOut != null && tempZipOut.ZipOpen != ZipOpenType.Closed)
                string tempFilename = tempZipOut.ZipFilename;

                if (tempZipOut.LocalFilesCount() > 0)
                    // now rename the temp fix file to the correct filename
                    File.Move(tempFilename, filename);
                    FileInfo nFile = new FileInfo(filename);
                    RvDir tmpZip = new RvDir(FileType.Zip)
                                           Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename),
                                           TimeStamp = nFile.LastWriteTime
                    tmpZip.SetStatus(fixZip.DatStatus, GotStatus.Got);

                    fixZip.ZipStatus = tempZipOut.ZipStatus;
                    checkDelete = true;
                checkDelete = true;

            #region Now put the New Game Status information into the Database.
            int intLoopFix = 0;
            foreach (RvFile tmpZip in fixZipTemp)

                if (fixZip.Child(intLoopFix).RepStatus == RepStatus.Deleted)
                    if (fixZip.Child(intLoopFix).FileRemove() == EFile.Delete)


            if (checkDelete)

            ReportError.LogOut("Zip File Status After Fix:");
            for (int intLoop = 0; intLoop < fixZip.ChildCount; intLoop++)

            return ReturnCode.Good;

            if (tempZipOut != null) tempZipOut.ZipFileCloseFailed();
            if (toSortZipOut != null) toSortZipOut.ZipFileCloseFailed();
            if (toSortCorruptOut != null) toSortCorruptOut.ZipFileCloseFailed();
            return returnCode;

Exemplo n.º 13
        public static bool RomFromSameGame(RvFile a, RvFile b)
            if (a.Parent == null)
                return false;
            if (b.Parent == null)
                return false;

            return a.Parent == b.Parent;
Exemplo n.º 14
        public static bool IsZeroLengthFile(RvFile tFile)
            if (tFile.MD5 != null)
                if (!ArrByte.bCompare(tFile.MD5, ZeroByteMD5))
                    return false;

            if (tFile.SHA1 != null)
                if (!ArrByte.bCompare(tFile.SHA1, ZeroByteSHA1))
                    return false;

            if (tFile.CRC != null)
                if (!ArrByte.bCompare(tFile.CRC, ZeroByteCRC))
                    return false;

            return tFile.Size == 0;
Exemplo n.º 15
 public void FileStatusSet(FileStatus flag, RvFile copyFrom)
     _fileStatus |= flag & copyFrom._fileStatus;
Exemplo n.º 16
 public void FileStatusSet(FileStatus flag, RvFile copyFrom)
     _fileStatus |= (flag & copyFrom._fileStatus);
Exemplo n.º 17
        private static bool LoadRomFromDat(ref RvDir tGame, FileType thisFileType)
            if (DatFileLoader.Next != "(")
                DatUpdate.SendAndShowDat(Resources.DatCmpReader_LoadRomFromDat_not_found_after_rom, DatFileLoader.Filename);
                return false;
            string line=DatFileLoader.GnRest();
            string linelc = line.ToLower();

            int posName = linelc.IndexOf("name ", StringComparison.Ordinal);
            int posSize = linelc.IndexOf(" size ", posName+5,StringComparison.Ordinal);
            int posDate = linelc.IndexOf(" date ", posSize+6,StringComparison.Ordinal);
            int posCrc = linelc.IndexOf(" crc ", posDate+6,StringComparison.Ordinal);
            int posEnd = linelc.IndexOf(" )", posCrc+5,StringComparison.Ordinal);

            if (posName < 0 || posSize < 0 || posDate < 0 || posCrc < 0 || posEnd < 0)
                return false;

            string name = line.Substring(posName + 5, posSize - (posName + 5));
            string size = line.Substring(posSize + 6, posDate - (posSize + 6));
            //string date = line.Substring(posDate + 6, posCrc - (posDate + 6));
            string crc = line.Substring(posCrc + 5, posEnd - (posCrc + 5));

            RvFile tRom = new RvFile(thisFileType)
                                  Dat = tGame.Dat,
                                  Name = VarFix.CleanFullFileName(name.Trim()),
                                  Size = VarFix.ULong(size.Trim()),
                                  CRC = VarFix.CleanMD5SHA1(crc.Trim(), 8)

            if (tRom.Size != null) tRom.FileStatusSet(FileStatus.SizeFromDAT);
            if (tRom.CRC != null) tRom.FileStatusSet(FileStatus.CRCFromDAT);


            return true;
Exemplo n.º 18
        private static bool CheckIfGotfileAndMatchingFileAreFullMatches(RvFile gotFile, RvFile matchingFile)
            if (gotFile.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.SHA1Verified) && matchingFile.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.SHA1Verified) && !ArrByte.bCompare(gotFile.SHA1, matchingFile.SHA1))
                return false;
            if (gotFile.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.MD5Verified) && matchingFile.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.MD5Verified) && !ArrByte.bCompare(gotFile.MD5, matchingFile.MD5))
                return false;

            return true;
Exemplo n.º 19
        // find all of the files that we have that match the needed SHA1 CHD.
        public static void RomSearchFindFixesSHA1CHD(RvFile tRom, List<RvFile> lstFiles, out List<RvFile> lstFilesOut)
            lstFilesOut = new List<RvFile>();
            if (tRom.SHA1CHD == null)

            int intIndex;
            int intRes = RomSearchSHA1CHD(tRom, lstFiles, out intIndex);

            while (intRes == 0)
                if (lstFiles[intIndex].GotStatus == GotStatus.Got)

                intRes = intIndex < lstFiles.Count ? RomSortSHA1CHDFunc(lstFiles[intIndex], tRom) : 1;
Exemplo n.º 20
        private static void LoadRomFromDat(ref RvDir tGame, XmlNode romNode, FileType thisFileType)
            if (romNode.Attributes == null)

            RvFile tRom = new RvFile(thisFileType)
                                  Dat = tGame.Dat,
                                  Size = VarFix.ULong(romNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("size")),
                                  Name = VarFix.CleanFullFileName(romNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("name")),
                                  CRC = VarFix.CleanMD5SHA1(romNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("crc"), 8),
                                  SHA1 = VarFix.CleanMD5SHA1(romNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("sha1"), 40),
                                  MD5 = VarFix.CleanMD5SHA1(romNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("md5"), 32),
                                  Merge = VarFix.CleanFullFileName(romNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("merge")),
                                  Status = VarFix.ToLower(romNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("status"))

            if (tRom.Size != null) tRom.FileStatusSet(FileStatus.SizeFromDAT);
            if (tRom.CRC != null) tRom.FileStatusSet(FileStatus.CRCFromDAT);
            if (tRom.SHA1 != null) tRom.FileStatusSet(FileStatus.SHA1FromDAT);
            if (tRom.MD5 != null) tRom.FileStatusSet(FileStatus.MD5FromDAT);

Exemplo n.º 21
        // find all of the files that we think we have that match the needed CRC and Size.
        public static void RomSearchFindMatchingFiles(RvFile tRom, List<RvFile> lstFiles, out int startIndex, out int length)
            int intIndex;
            int intRes = RomSearchCRCSize(tRom, lstFiles, out intIndex);
            startIndex = intIndex;

            while (intRes == 0)
                intRes = intIndex < lstFiles.Count ? RomSortCRCSizeFunc(lstFiles[intIndex], tRom) : 1;
            length = intIndex - startIndex;
Exemplo n.º 22
        private static int RomSearchSHA1CHD(RvFile tRom, List<RvFile> lstFiles, out int index)
            if (lstFiles.Count == 0)
                index = 0;
                return -1;

            // this one below method will always return the first item in a list if there is more than one matching result.
            int intBottom = -1;
            int intTop = lstFiles.Count - 1;

            while (intBottom + 1 < intTop)
                int intMid = (intBottom + intTop + 1) / 2;

                int intRes = RomSortSHA1CHDFunc(lstFiles[intMid], tRom);
                if (intRes >= 0)
                    intTop = intMid;
                    intBottom = intMid;

            index = intBottom;
            return RomSortSHA1CHDFunc(lstFiles[intBottom], tRom);
Exemplo n.º 23
        private static int RomSortCRCSizeFunc(RvFile a, RvFile b)
            int retv = ArrByte.iCompare(a.CRC, b.CRC);

            if (retv == 0)
                retv = ULong.iCompare(a.Size, b.Size);

            return retv;
Exemplo n.º 24
        private static void CheckADir(RvDir dbDir, bool report)
            if (_cacheSaveTimer.Elapsed.TotalMinutes > Settings.CacheSaveTimePeriod)
                _bgw.ReportProgress(0, "Saving Cache");
                _bgw.ReportProgress(0, "Saving Cache Complete");

            string fullDir = dbDir.FullName;
            if (report)
                _bgw.ReportProgress(0, new bgwText2(fullDir));

            DatStatus chechingDatStatus = dbDir.IsInToSort ? DatStatus.InToSort : DatStatus.NotInDat;

            // this is a temporary rvDir structure to store the data about the actual directory/files we are scanning
            // we will first populate this variable with the real file data from the directory, and then compare it
            // with the data in dbDir.
            RvDir fileDir = null;


            FileType ft = dbDir.FileType;

            #region "Populate fileDir"

            // if we are scanning a ZIP file then populate scanDir from the ZIP file
            switch (ft)
                case FileType.Zip:
                        fileDir = new RvDir(ft);

                        // open the zip file
                        ZipFile checkZ = new ZipFile();

                        ZipReturn zr = checkZ.ZipFileOpen(fullDir, dbDir.TimeStamp, true);

                        if (zr == ZipReturn.ZipGood)
                            dbDir.ZipStatus = checkZ.ZipStatus;

                            // to be Scanning a ZIP file means it is either new or has changed.
                            // as the code below only calls back here if that is true.
                            // Level1: Only use header CRC's
                            // Just get the CRC for the ZIP headers.
                            // Level2: Fully checksum changed only files
                            // We know this file has been changed to do a full checksum scan.
                            // Level3: Fully checksum everything
                            // So do a full checksum scan.
                            if (EScanLevel == eScanLevel.Level2 || EScanLevel == eScanLevel.Level3)

                            // add all of the file information from the zip file into scanDir
                            for (int i = 0; i < checkZ.LocalFilesCount(); i++)
                                RvFile tFile = new RvFile(DBTypeGet.FileFromDir(ft))
                                                       Name = checkZ.Filename(i),
                                                       ZipFileIndex = i,
                                                       ZipFileHeaderPosition = checkZ.LocalHeader(i),
                                                       Size = checkZ.UncompressedSize(i),
                                                       CRC = checkZ.CRC32(i)
                                // all 3 levels read the CRC from the ZIP header
                                tFile.SetStatus(chechingDatStatus, GotStatus.Got);
                                tFile.FileStatusSet(FileStatus.SizeFromHeader | FileStatus.CRCFromHeader);

                                // if we are in level 2 or level 3 then do a full CheckSum Scan.
                                if (EScanLevel == eScanLevel.Level2 || EScanLevel == eScanLevel.Level3)
                                    // DeepScan will return ZipReturn.ZipCRCDecodeError if the headers CRC and 
                                    // the actual CRC do not match.
                                    // So we just need to set the MD5 and SHA1 from the ZIP file.
                                    zr = checkZ.FileStatus(i);
                                    if (zr == ZipReturn.ZipUntested)
                                        _bgw.ReportProgress(0, new bgwShowCorrupt(zr, fullDir + " : " + checkZ.Filename(i)));
                                    else if (zr != ZipReturn.ZipGood)
                                        _bgw.ReportProgress(0, new bgwShowCorrupt(zr, fullDir + " : " + checkZ.Filename(i)));
                                        tFile.GotStatus = GotStatus.Corrupt;
                                        tFile.MD5 = checkZ.MD5(i);
                                        tFile.SHA1 = checkZ.SHA1(i);
                                        tFile.FileStatusSet(FileStatus.SizeVerified | FileStatus.CRCVerified | FileStatus.SHA1Verified | FileStatus.MD5Verified);

                        else if (zr == ZipReturn.ZipFileLocked)
                            _bgw.ReportProgress(0, new bgwShowError(fullDir, "Zip File Locked"));
                            dbDir.TimeStamp = 0;
                            dbDir.GotStatus = GotStatus.FileLocked;
                            _bgw.ReportProgress(0, new bgwShowCorrupt(zr, fullDir));
                            dbDir.GotStatus = GotStatus.Corrupt;

                case FileType.Dir:
                        fileDir = new RvDir(FileType.Dir);

                        DirectoryInfo oDir = new DirectoryInfo(fullDir);
                        DirectoryInfo[] oDirs = oDir.GetDirectories();
                        FileInfo[] oFiles = oDir.GetFiles();

                        // add all the subdirectories into scanDir 
                        foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in oDirs)
                            RvBase tDir = new RvDir(FileType.Dir)
                                                  Name = dir.Name,
                                                  TimeStamp = dir.LastWriteTime,
                            tDir.SetStatus(chechingDatStatus, GotStatus.Got);

                        // add all the files into scanDir
                        foreach (FileInfo oFile in oFiles)
                            // if we find any zip files add them as zip files.
                            string fExt = Path.GetExtension(oFile.Name);
                            switch (fExt.ToLower())
                                case ".zip":
                                        RvDir tGame = new RvDir(FileType.Zip)
                                                              Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(oFile.Name),
                                                              TimeStamp = oFile.LastWriteTime,
                                        tGame.SetStatus(chechingDatStatus, GotStatus.Got);
                                        string fName = oFile.Name;
                                        if (fName == "__RomVault.tmp")

                                        // Scanning a file
                                        // Level1 & 2 : (are the same for files) Fully checksum changed only files
                                        // Here we are just getting the TimeStamp of the File, and later
                                        // if the TimeStamp was not matched we will have to read the files CRC, MD5 & SHA1
                                        // Level3: Fully checksum everything
                                        // Get everything about the file right here so
                                        // read CRC, MD5 & SHA1

                                        // add all the files in the sub-directory to scanDir
                                        RvFile tFile = new RvFile(FileType.File)
                                                               Name = fName,
                                                               Size = (ulong)oFile.Length,
                                                               TimeStamp = oFile.LastWriteTime


                                        int errorCode = CHD.CheckFile(oFile, out tFile.SHA1CHD, out tFile.MD5CHD, out tFile.CHDVersion);

                                        if (errorCode == 0)
                                            if (tFile.SHA1CHD != null) tFile.FileStatusSet(FileStatus.SHA1CHDFromHeader);
                                            if (tFile.MD5CHD != null) tFile.FileStatusSet(FileStatus.MD5CHDFromHeader);

                                            tFile.SetStatus(chechingDatStatus, GotStatus.Got);

                                            // if we are scanning at Level3 then we get all the info here
                                            if (EScanLevel == eScanLevel.Level3)
                                                DeepScanFile(fullDir, tFile);
                                                ChdManCheck(fullDir, tFile);
                                        else if (errorCode == 32)
                                            tFile.GotStatus = GotStatus.FileLocked;
                                            _bgw.ReportProgress(0, new bgwShowError(fullDir, "File Locked"));
                                            string filename = Path.Combine(fullDir, tFile.Name);
                                            ReportError.Show("File: " + filename + " Error: " + new Win32Exception(errorCode).Message + ". Scan Aborted.");
                                            _fileErrorAbort = true;
                    ReportError.SendAndShow("Un supported file type in CheckADir " + ft);

            if (fileDir == null)
                ReportError.SendAndShow("Unknown Reading File Type in Dir Scanner");

            if (report)
                _bgw.ReportProgress(0, new bgwSetRange2(fileDir.ChildCount - 1));

                _bgw.ReportProgress(0, new bgwRange2Visible(true));

            if (!DBTypeGet.isCompressedDir(ft) && _bgw.CancellationPending) return;

            Compare(dbDir, fileDir, report, true);
Exemplo n.º 25
        private static void RomSortSHA1CHD(int intBase, int intTop, List<RvFile> lstFiles)
            if ((intTop - intBase) <= 1) return;
            int intMiddle = (intTop + intBase) / 2;

            if ((intMiddle - intBase) > 1)
                RomSortSHA1CHD(intBase, intMiddle, lstFiles);

            if ((intTop - intMiddle) > 1)
                RomSortSHA1CHD(intMiddle, intTop, lstFiles);

            int intBottomSize = intMiddle - intBase;
            int intTopSize = intTop - intMiddle;

            RvFile[] lstBottom = new RvFile[intBottomSize];
            RvFile[] lstTop = new RvFile[intTopSize];

            for (int intloop = 0; intloop < intBottomSize; intloop++)
                lstBottom[intloop] = lstFiles[intBase + intloop];

            for (int intloop = 0; intloop < intTopSize; intloop++)
                lstTop[intloop] = lstFiles[intMiddle + intloop];

            int intBottomCount = 0;
            int intTopCount = 0;
            int intCount = intBase;

            while (intBottomCount < intBottomSize && intTopCount < intTopSize)
                if (RomSortSHA1CHDFunc(lstBottom[intBottomCount], lstTop[intTopCount]) < 1)
                    lstFiles[intCount] = lstBottom[intBottomCount];
                    lstFiles[intCount] = lstTop[intTopCount];

            while (intBottomCount < intBottomSize)
                lstFiles[intCount] = lstBottom[intBottomCount];
            while (intTopCount < intTopSize)
                lstFiles[intCount] = lstTop[intTopCount];
Exemplo n.º 26
        private static bool IschdmanScanned(RvFile tFile)
            //if (!tFile.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.SHA1CHDFromHeader))
            //    return true;

            if (tFile.GotStatus == GotStatus.Corrupt)
                return true;

            return tFile.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.SHA1CHDVerified);
Exemplo n.º 27
        private static int RomSortSHA1CHDFunc(RvFile a, RvFile b)
            int retv = ArrByte.iCompare(a.SHA1CHD, b.SHA1CHD);

            return retv;
Exemplo n.º 28
        private static void ChdManCheck(string directory, RvFile tFile)
            string filename = Path.Combine(directory, tFile.Name);

            if (!tFile.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.SHA1CHDFromHeader)) return;
            _bgw.ReportProgress(0, new bgwText2(filename));

            string error;
            CHD.CHDManCheck res = CHD.ChdmanCheck(filename, _bgw, out error);
            switch (res)
                case CHD.CHDManCheck.Good:
                case CHD.CHDManCheck.Corrupt:
                    _bgw.ReportProgress(0, new bgwShowError(filename, error));
                    tFile.GotStatus = GotStatus.Corrupt;
                case CHD.CHDManCheck.CHDReturnError:
                case CHD.CHDManCheck.CHDUnknownError:
                    _bgw.ReportProgress(0, new bgwShowError(filename, error));
                case CHD.CHDManCheck.ChdmanNotFound:
                case CHD.CHDManCheck.CHDNotFound:
                    ReportError.Show("File: " + filename + " Error: Not Found scan Aborted.");
                    _fileErrorAbort = true;
        private static void LoadRomFromDat(ref RvDir tGame, XmlNode romNode)
            if (romNode.Attributes == null)

            XmlNode name = romNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("name");
            string loadflag = VarFix.String(romNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("loadflag"));
            if (name != null)
                RvFile tRom = new RvFile(FileType.ZipFile)
                                         Name = VarFix.CleanFullFileName(name),
                                         Size = VarFix.ULong(romNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("size")),
                                         CRC = VarFix.CleanMD5SHA1(romNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("crc"), 8),
                                         SHA1 = VarFix.CleanMD5SHA1(romNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("sha1"), 40),
                                         Status = VarFix.ToLower(romNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("status")),

                                         Dat = tGame.Dat

                if (tRom.Size != null) tRom.FileStatusSet(FileStatus.SizeFromDAT);
                if (tRom.CRC != null) tRom.FileStatusSet(FileStatus.CRCFromDAT);
                if (tRom.SHA1 != null) tRom.FileStatusSet(FileStatus.SHA1FromDAT);

                _indexContinue = tGame.ChildAdd(tRom);
            else if (loadflag.ToLower() == "continue")
                RvFile tZippedFile = (RvFile)tGame.Child(_indexContinue);
                tZippedFile.Size += VarFix.ULong(romNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("size"));
Exemplo n.º 30
        //Raw Copy
        // Returns True is a raw copy can be used
        // Returns False is a full recompression is required
        private static bool RawCopy(RvFile fileIn, RvFile fileOut, bool forceRaw)
            if (fileIn == null || fileOut == null)
                return false;

            if ((fileIn.FileType != FileType.ZipFile) || (fileOut.FileType != FileType.ZipFile))
                return false;

            if (fileIn.Parent == null)
                return false;

            if (forceRaw) return true;

            bool trrntzipped = (fileIn.Parent.ZipStatus & ZipStatus.TrrntZip) == ZipStatus.TrrntZip;

            bool deepchecked = fileIn.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.SHA1Verified) && fileIn.FileStatusIs(FileStatus.MD5Verified);

            switch (Settings.FixLevel)
                case eFixLevel.TrrntZipLevel1:
                    return trrntzipped;
                case eFixLevel.TrrntZipLevel2:
                    return trrntzipped && deepchecked;
                case eFixLevel.TrrntZipLevel3:
                    return false;

                case eFixLevel.Level1:
                    return true;
                case eFixLevel.Level2:
                    return deepchecked;
                case eFixLevel.Level3:
                    return false;

            return false;
Exemplo n.º 31
        private static ReturnCode FixFilePreCheckFixFile(RvFile fixFile)
            string fileName = fixFile.FullName;

            // find all files in the DB with this name
            // there could be another file if:
            // there is a wrong file with the same name that can just be deleted
            // there is a wrong file with the same name that needs moved to ToSort
            // there is a wrong file with the same name that is needed to fix another file
            List<RvBase> testList = new List<RvBase>();

            RvDir parent = fixFile.Parent;
            int index;
            // start by finding the first file in the DB. (This should always work, as it will at least find the current file that CanBeFixed
            if (parent.ChildNameSearch(fixFile, out index) != 0)
                ReportError.Show("Logic error trying to find the file we are fixing " + fileName);
                return ReturnCode.LogicError;

            // now loop to see if there are any more files with the same name. (This is a case insensative compare)                        
            while (index < parent.ChildCount && DBHelper.CompareName(fixFile, parent.Child(index)) == 0)

            // if we found more that one file in the DB then we need to process the incorrect file first.
            if (testList.Count > 1)
                foreach (RvBase testChild in testList)
                    if (testChild == fixFile)

                    if (testChild.DatStatus != DatStatus.NotInDat)
                        ReportError.Show(Resources.FixFiles_FixFile_Trying_to_fix_a_file_that_already_exists + fileName);
                        return ReturnCode.LogicError;

                    RvFile testFile = testChild as RvFile;
                    if (testFile == null)
                        ReportError.Show("Did not find a file logic error while fixing duplicate named file. in FixFile");
                        return ReturnCode.LogicError;

                    switch (testFile.RepStatus)
                        case RepStatus.Delete:
                                ReturnCode ret = FixFileDelete(testFile);
                                if (ret != ReturnCode.Good)
                                    return ret;
                        case RepStatus.MoveToSort:
                                ReturnCode ret = FixFileMoveToSort(testFile);
                                if (ret != ReturnCode.Good)
                                    return ret;
                        case RepStatus.MoveToCorrupt:
                                ReturnCode ret = FixFileMoveToCorrupt(testFile);
                                if (ret != ReturnCode.Good)
                                    return ret;
                        case RepStatus.NeededForFix:
                        case RepStatus.Rename:
                                // so now we have found the file with the same case insensative name and can rename it to something else to get it out of the way for now.
                                // need to check that the .tmp filename does not already exists.
                                File.SetAttributes(testChild.FullName, FileAttributes.Normal);
                                File.Move(testChild.FullName, testChild.FullName + ".tmp");

                                if (!parent.FindChild(testChild, out index))
                                    ReportError.Show("Unknown file status in Matching File found of " + testFile.RepStatus);
                                    return ReturnCode.LogicError;
                                testChild.Name = testChild.Name + ".tmp";
                                ReportError.Show("Unknown file status in Matching File found of " + testFile.RepStatus);
                                return ReturnCode.LogicError;
                // if there is only one file in the DB then it must be the current file that CanBeFixed
                if (testList[0] != fixFile)
                    ReportError.Show("Logic error trying to find the file we are fixing " + fileName + " DB found file does not match");
                    return ReturnCode.LogicError;
            return ReturnCode.Good;