Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a route log summary report for the specified delivery route and returns the file name
        ///   of the generated PDF document
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deliveryRoute">The delivery route</param>
        /// <returns>The PDF document file name</returns>
        public async Task <string> GenerateRouteLog(RouteDTO deliveryRoute)
            using (loggingHelper.RMTraceManager.StartTrace($"Business.{nameof(GenerateRouteLog)}"))
                string methodName = typeof(RouteLogBusinessService) + "." + nameof(GenerateRouteLog);
                loggingHelper.LogMethodEntry(methodName, LoggerTraceConstants.RouteLogAPIPriority, LoggerTraceConstants.RouteLogBusinessServiceMethodEntryEventId);

                // Initialize the PDF document file name
                string pdfFileName = string.Empty;

                // Retrieve the route log summary for the delivery route
                var routeLogSummary = await routeLogIntegrationService.GetRouteLog(deliveryRoute);

                if (routeLogSummary != null)
                    // Build the left hand table content
                    string routeSummaryName = "Name";            // TODO load from resource file
                    string number           = "Number";          // TODO load from resource file
                    string routeMethod      = "Method";          // TODO load from resource file
                    string deliveryOffice   = "Delivery Office"; // TODO load from resource file
                    string aliases          = "Aliases*";        // TODO load from resource file
                    string block            = "Blocks";          // TODO load from resource file
                    string scenario         = "Scenario";        // TODO load from resource file
                    List <Tuple <string, string> > leftTable = new List <Tuple <string, string> >();
                    leftTable.Add(Tuple.Create <string, string>(routeSummaryName, routeLogSummary.Route.RouteName));
                    leftTable.Add(Tuple.Create <string, string>(number, routeLogSummary.Route.RouteNumber));
                    leftTable.Add(Tuple.Create <string, string>(routeMethod, routeLogSummary.Route.Method));
                    leftTable.Add(Tuple.Create <string, string>(deliveryOffice, routeLogSummary.Route.DeliveryOffice));
                    leftTable.Add(Tuple.Create <string, string>(aliases, routeLogSummary.Route.Aliases.ToString()));
                    leftTable.Add(Tuple.Create <string, string>(block, routeLogSummary.Route.Blocks.ToString()));
                    leftTable.Add(Tuple.Create <string, string>(scenario, routeLogSummary.Route.ScenarioName));

                    // Build the centre hand table content
                    string collectionPoint          = "CPs";                              // TODO load from resource file
                    string deliveryPoint            = "DPs";                              // TODO load from resource file
                    string businessDeliveryPoint    = "Business DPs";                     // TODO load from resource file
                    string residentialDeliveryPoint = "Residential DPs";                  // TODO load from resource file
                    string accelerationIn           = "Acceleration In";                  // TODO load from resource file
                    string accelerationOut          = "Acceleration Out";                 // TODO load from resource file
                    string pairedRoute = "Paired Route";                                  // TODO load from resource file
                    List <Tuple <string, string> > centerTable = new List <Tuple <string, string> >();
                    centerTable.Add(Tuple.Create <string, string>(collectionPoint, "0")); // TODO add collection point value here
                    centerTable.Add(Tuple.Create <string, string>(deliveryPoint, routeLogSummary.Route.DPs.ToString()));
                    centerTable.Add(Tuple.Create <string, string>(businessDeliveryPoint, routeLogSummary.Route.BusinessDPs.ToString()));
                    centerTable.Add(Tuple.Create <string, string>(residentialDeliveryPoint, routeLogSummary.Route.ResidentialDPs.ToString()));
                    centerTable.Add(Tuple.Create <string, string>(accelerationIn, routeLogSummary.Route.AccelarationIn));
                    centerTable.Add(Tuple.Create <string, string>(accelerationOut, routeLogSummary.Route.AccelarationOut));
                    centerTable.Add(Tuple.Create <string, string>(pairedRoute, routeLogSummary.Route.PairedRoute));

                    // Build the right hand table content
                    string noD2D        = "No D2D";                                   // TODO load from resource file
                    string dpExemptions = "DP Exemptions";                            // TODO load from resource file
                    List <Tuple <string, string> > rightTable = new List <Tuple <string, string> >();
                    rightTable.Add(Tuple.Create <string, string>(noD2D, "0"));        // TODO Add no D2D value here
                    rightTable.Add(Tuple.Create <string, string>(dpExemptions, "0")); // TODO Add DP exemptions value here

                    // Get the sequenced points
                    List <RouteLogSummaryPoint> sequencedPoints = RouteLogSummaryFactory.GetSequencedPointSummary(routeLogSummary.RouteLogSequencedPoints);

                    // Get the unsequenced points
                    List <RouteLogSummaryPoint> unsequencedPoints = new List <RouteLogSummaryPoint>(); // TODO populate unsequenced points here

                    // Construct the route log summary report
                    RouteLogSummaryConfiguration config = new RouteLogSummaryConfiguration();
                    XmlDocument report = RouteLogSummaryReportFactory.GetRouteLogSummary(leftTable, centerTable, rightTable, sequencedPoints, unsequencedPoints, config);

                    // Generate the route log summary report PDF file
                    pdfFileName = await routeLogIntegrationService.GeneratePdfDocument(report.InnerXml);

                loggingHelper.LogMethodExit(methodName, LoggerTraceConstants.RouteLogAPIPriority, LoggerTraceConstants.RouteLogBusinessServiceMethodExitEventId);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the left table in the route log summary section
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">Reference to the parent element</param>
        /// <param name="root">Reference to the root XML document</param>
        /// <param name="tableSource">Reference to the table source data</param>
        /// <param name="options">The report options</param>
        private static void AddRouteLogSummaryLeftTable(XmlElement parent, XmlDocument root, List <Tuple <string, string> > tableSource, RouteLogSummaryConfiguration options)
            // If there are any rows in the table source
            if (tableSource.Count > 0)
                // Add the table element
                int?       width      = null;
                bool       useBorders = options.UseTableBorders;
                bool       useShading = options.UseTableShading;
                XmlElement tableNode  = ReportFactoryHelper.AddTableElement(parent, root, width, useBorders, useShading);

                // Add the columns
                int?[] columnProportionalWidths = { 1, 1 };
                ReportFactoryHelper.AddTableColumnsElement(tableNode, root, columnProportionalWidths);

                // The table does not have a header

                // Add the rows
                bool shaded = false;
                foreach (var row in tableSource)
                    // Add the current row
                    XmlElement rowNode = ReportFactoryHelper.AddTableRowElement(tableNode, root, useShading, shaded);
                    ReportFactoryHelper.AddTableCellElement(rowNode, root, row.Item1, ReportFactoryHelper.CellAlignOption.Center);
                    ReportFactoryHelper.AddTableCellElement(rowNode, root, row.Item2, ReportFactoryHelper.CellAlignOption.Center);

                    // Toggle the shaded flag
                    shaded = !shaded;

                // The table does not have a footer
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the Route Log Summary XML Document for the specified data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="leftTable">The data for the left table in the route log summary</param>
        /// <param name="centerTable">The data for the center table in the route log summary</param>
        /// <param name="rightTable">The data for the right table in the route log summary</param>
        /// <param name="sequencedPoints">The data for the sequenced points table in the route log summary</param>
        /// <param name="unsequencedPoints">The data for the unsequenced points table in the route log summary</param>
        /// <param name="options">The report options</param>
        /// <returns>An XML Document containing the XML ready for transformation using FMO_PDFReport_Generic.xslt</returns>
        public static XmlDocument GetRouteLogSummary(List <Tuple <string, string> > leftTable, List <Tuple <string, string> > centerTable, List <Tuple <string, string> > rightTable, List <RouteLogSummaryPoint> sequencedPoints, List <RouteLogSummaryPoint> unsequencedPoints, RouteLogSummaryConfiguration options)
            // Validate the arguments
            if (leftTable == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(leftTable));
            if (centerTable == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(centerTable));
            if (rightTable == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(rightTable));
            if (sequencedPoints == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sequencedPoints));
            if (unsequencedPoints == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(unsequencedPoints));
            if (options == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(options));

            // Create the XML document
            XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

            xmlDoc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8", null);

            // Create the report element
            XmlElement reportNode = ReportFactoryHelper.AddReportElement(xmlDoc, options.OutputTo, true);

            // The report element can contain pageHeader, pageFooter and content (required) elements
            string pageHeaderCaption = string.Empty; // TODO load from resource file
            string pageFooterCaption = string.Empty; // TODO load from resource file

            ReportFactoryHelper.AddPageHeaderElement(reportNode, xmlDoc, pageHeaderCaption, options.PageHeaderShowPageNumbers);
            ReportFactoryHelper.AddPageFooterElement(reportNode, xmlDoc, pageFooterCaption, options.PageFooterShowPageNumbers);
            XmlElement contentNode = ReportFactoryHelper.AddContentElement(reportNode, xmlDoc);

            // The content element contains the main heading, route log summary, sequenced points and unsequenced points
            // Add the main heading
            string heading = "Route Log Summary"; // TODO load from resource file

            ReportFactoryHelper.AddFullWidthSectionWithMainHeading(contentNode, xmlDoc, heading);

            // Add the route log summary, sequenced points and unsequenced points
            AddRouteLogSummarySection(contentNode, xmlDoc, leftTable, centerTable, rightTable, options);
            AddSequencedPointsSection(contentNode, xmlDoc, sequencedPoints, options);
            AddUnsequencedPointsSection(contentNode, xmlDoc, unsequencedPoints, options);

            // Return the XML document containing the report
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the unsequenced points table to the unsequenced points section
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">Reference to the parent element</param>
        /// <param name="root">Reference to the root XML document</param>
        /// <param name="tableSource">Reference to the table source data</param>
        /// <param name="options">The report options</param>
        private static void AddUnsequencedPointsTable(XmlElement parent, XmlDocument root, List <RouteLogSummaryPoint> unsequencedPoints, RouteLogSummaryConfiguration options)
            // If there are any unsequenced points to add
            if (unsequencedPoints.Count > 0)
                // Add the table element
                int?       width      = null;
                bool       useBorders = options.UseTableBorders;
                bool       useShading = options.UseTableShading;
                XmlElement tableNode  = ReportFactoryHelper.AddTableElement(parent, root, width, useBorders, useShading);

                // Add the columns
                int?[] columnProportionalWidths = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 };
                ReportFactoryHelper.AddTableColumnsElement(tableNode, root, columnProportionalWidths);

                // Add the header row
                XmlElement headerNode = ReportFactoryHelper.AddTableHeaderElement(tableNode, root);
                string     caption    = "Street";  // TODO load from resource file
                ReportFactoryHelper.AddTableCellElement(headerNode, root, caption, ReportFactoryHelper.CellAlignOption.Center);
                caption = "Number";                // TODO load from resource file
                ReportFactoryHelper.AddTableCellElement(headerNode, root, caption, ReportFactoryHelper.CellAlignOption.Center);
                caption = "DPs";                   // TODO load from resource file
                ReportFactoryHelper.AddTableCellElement(headerNode, root, caption, ReportFactoryHelper.CellAlignOption.Center);
                caption = "Multiple Occupancy";    // TODO load from resource file
                ReportFactoryHelper.AddTableCellElement(headerNode, root, caption, ReportFactoryHelper.CellAlignOption.Center);
                caption = "Special Instructions*"; // TODO load from resource file
                ReportFactoryHelper.AddTableCellElement(headerNode, root, caption, ReportFactoryHelper.CellAlignOption.Center);
                caption = "Hazards/Area Hazards*"; // TODO load from resource file
                ReportFactoryHelper.AddTableCellElement(headerNode, root, caption, ReportFactoryHelper.CellAlignOption.Center);

                // Add the rows
                bool shaded = false;
                foreach (var row in unsequencedPoints)
                    // Add the current row
                    XmlElement rowNode = ReportFactoryHelper.AddTableRowElement(tableNode, root, useShading, shaded);
                    ReportFactoryHelper.AddTableCellElement(rowNode, root, row.Street, ReportFactoryHelper.CellAlignOption.Center);
                    ReportFactoryHelper.AddTableCellElement(rowNode, root, row.Number, ReportFactoryHelper.CellAlignOption.Center);
                    ReportFactoryHelper.AddTableCellElement(rowNode, root, row.DPs, ReportFactoryHelper.CellAlignOption.Center);
                    ReportFactoryHelper.AddTableCellElement(rowNode, root, row.MultipleOccupancy, ReportFactoryHelper.CellAlignOption.Center);
                    ReportFactoryHelper.AddTableCellElement(rowNode, root, row.SpecialInstructions, ReportFactoryHelper.CellAlignOption.Center);
                    ReportFactoryHelper.AddTableCellElement(rowNode, root, row.HazardsAndAreaHazards, ReportFactoryHelper.CellAlignOption.Center);

                    // Toggle the shaded flag
                    shaded = !shaded;

                // The table does not have a footer
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the unsequenced points section
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">Reference to the parent element</param>
        /// <param name="root">Reference to the root XML document</param>
        /// <param name="tableSource">Reference to the table source data</param>
        /// <param name="options">The report options</param>
        private static void AddUnsequencedPointsSection(XmlElement parent, XmlDocument root, List <RouteLogSummaryPoint> unsequencedPoints, RouteLogSummaryConfiguration options)
            // If there are any unsequenced points to add
            if (unsequencedPoints.Count > 0)
                // Add the section element
                XmlElement sectionNode = ReportFactoryHelper.AddSectionElement(parent, root);

                // Add a single section column
                XmlElement sectionColumnNode = ReportFactoryHelper.AddSectionColumnElement(sectionNode, root, 1);

                // Add the section heading
                string heading = "Unsequenced Points"; // TODO load from resource file
                ReportFactoryHelper.AddHeading2Element(sectionColumnNode, root, heading);

                // Add the sequenced points table
                AddUnsequencedPointsTable(sectionColumnNode, root, unsequencedPoints, options);
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the route log summary section
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">Reference to the parent element</param>
        /// <param name="root">Reference to the root XML document</param>
        /// <param name="leftTableSource">Reference to the table source data for the left table</param>
        /// <param name="centerTableSource">Reference to the table source data for the center table</param>
        /// <param name="rightTableSource">Reference to the table source data for the right table</param>
        /// <param name="options">The report options</param>
        private static void AddRouteLogSummarySection(XmlElement parent, XmlDocument root, List <Tuple <string, string> > leftTableSource, List <Tuple <string, string> > centerTableSource, List <Tuple <string, string> > rightTableSource, RouteLogSummaryConfiguration options)
            // Add the section element
            XmlElement sectionNode = ReportFactoryHelper.AddSectionElement(parent, root);

            // Add three equally-sized section columns
            XmlElement sectionColumnLeftNode   = ReportFactoryHelper.AddSectionColumnElement(sectionNode, root, 1);
            XmlElement sectionColumnCenterNode = ReportFactoryHelper.AddSectionColumnElement(sectionNode, root, 1);
            XmlElement sectionColumnRightNode  = ReportFactoryHelper.AddSectionColumnElement(sectionNode, root, 1);

            // The left section column contains a single table holding the contents of summaryLeftTable
            // Add the table
            AddRouteLogSummaryLeftTable(sectionColumnLeftNode, root, leftTableSource, options);

            // The center section column contains a single table holding the contents of summaryCenterTable
            // Add the table
            AddRouteLogSummaryCenterTable(sectionColumnCenterNode, root, centerTableSource, options);

            // The right section column contains a single table holding the contents of summaryRightTable followed by a paragraph of text
            // Add the table
            AddRouteLogSummaryRightTable(sectionColumnRightNode, root, rightTableSource, options);

            // Add the paragraph
            string paragraph = "* All Alias, Hazards/Area Hazards and Special Instructions Information is shown on the detailed route log and hazard card."; // TODO load from resource file

            ReportFactoryHelper.AddParagraphElement(sectionColumnRightNode, root, paragraph);