Exemplo n.º 1
 public void DeleteTest()
     var target = new StudentDAO(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     var student = new StudentDTO { Id = 1 }; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     var actual = target.Delete(student);
     Assert.AreEqual(false, actual.Status);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void GetAllTest()
     var target = new StudentDAO(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     var actual = target.GetAll();
     Assert.AreNotEqual(null, actual);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public void UpdateTest()
     var target = new StudentDAO(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     var actual = target.Update(new StudentDTO{Id =1, Name = "asdljk"});
     Assert.AreEqual("asdljk", actual.Name);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public void CreateTest()
     var target = new StudentDAO(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     var actual = target.Create(new StudentDTO {Name = "nXqd123123"});
     Assert.AreNotEqual(null, actual);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public void StudentDAOConstructorTest()
     StudentDAO target = new StudentDAO();
     Assert.Inconclusive("TODO: Implement code to verify target");