AddRow() static private method

Adds a new row to the given table
static private AddRow ( DataTable table, String>.Dictionary bindings ) : void
table System.Data.DataTable
bindings String>.Dictionary
return void
Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the given "SPARQL Query Results XML Format" stream into a SELECT query result
        /// </summary>
        public static RDFSelectQueryResult FromSparqlXmlResult(Stream inputStream)
            try {
                #region deserialize
                RDFSelectQueryResult result = new RDFSelectQueryResult();
                using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(inputStream, Encoding.UTF8)) {
                    using (XmlTextReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader(streamReader)) {
                        xmlReader.DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Parse;
                        xmlReader.Normalization = false;

                        #region document
                        XmlDocument srxDoc = new XmlDocument();

                        #region results
                        Boolean foundHead    = false;
                        Boolean foundResults = false;
                        var     nodesEnum    = srxDoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.GetEnumerator();
                        while (nodesEnum != null && nodesEnum.MoveNext())
                            XmlNode node = (XmlNode)nodesEnum.Current;

                            #region HEAD
                            if (node.Name.ToUpperInvariant().Equals("HEAD", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                foundHead = true;
                                if (node.HasChildNodes)
                                    var variablesEnum = node.ChildNodes.GetEnumerator();
                                    while (variablesEnum != null && variablesEnum.MoveNext())
                                        #region VARIABLE
                                        XmlNode varNode = (XmlNode)variablesEnum.Current;
                                        if (varNode.Name.ToUpperInvariant().Equals("VARIABLE", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                            if (varNode.Attributes.Count > 0)
                                                XmlAttribute varAttr = varNode.Attributes["name"];
                                                if (varAttr != null && varAttr.Value != String.Empty)
                                                    RDFQueryUtilities.AddColumn(result.SelectResults, varAttr.Value);
                                                    throw new Exception("one \"variable\" node was found without, or with empty, \"name\" attribute.");
                                                throw new Exception("one \"variable\" node was found without attributes.");
                                    throw new Exception("\"head\" node was found without children.");

                            #region RESULTS
                            else if (node.Name.ToUpperInvariant().Equals("RESULTS", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                foundResults = true;
                                if (foundHead)
                                    var resultsEnum = node.ChildNodes.GetEnumerator();
                                    while (resultsEnum != null && resultsEnum.MoveNext())
                                        XmlNode resNode = (XmlNode)resultsEnum.Current;

                                        #region RESULT
                                        if (resNode.Name.ToUpperInvariant().Equals("RESULT", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                            if (resNode.HasChildNodes)
                                                var results = new Dictionary <String, String>();
                                                var bdgEnum = resNode.ChildNodes.GetEnumerator();
                                                while (bdgEnum != null && bdgEnum.MoveNext())
                                                    XmlNode bdgNode  = (XmlNode)bdgEnum.Current;
                                                    Boolean foundUri = false;
                                                    Boolean foundLit = false;

                                                    #region BINDING
                                                    if (bdgNode.Name.ToUpperInvariant().Equals("BINDING", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                                        if (bdgNode.Attributes != null && bdgNode.Attributes.Count > 0)
                                                            XmlAttribute varAttr = bdgNode.Attributes["name"];
                                                            if (varAttr != null && varAttr.Value != String.Empty)
                                                                if (bdgNode.HasChildNodes)
                                                                    #region URI / BNODE
                                                                    if (bdgNode.FirstChild.Name.ToUpperInvariant().Equals("URI", StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
                                                                        bdgNode.FirstChild.Name.ToUpperInvariant().Equals("BNODE", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                                                        foundUri = true;
                                                                        if (RDFModelUtilities.GetUriFromString(bdgNode.InnerText) != null)
                                                                            results.Add(varAttr.Value, bdgNode.InnerText);
                                                                            throw new Exception("one \"uri\" node contained data not corresponding to a valid Uri.");

                                                                    #region LITERAL
                                                                    else if (bdgNode.FirstChild.Name.ToUpperInvariant().Equals("LITERAL", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                                                        foundLit = true;
                                                                        if (bdgNode.FirstChild.Attributes != null && bdgNode.FirstChild.Attributes.Count > 0)
                                                                            XmlAttribute litAttr = bdgNode.FirstChild.Attributes["datatype"];
                                                                            if (litAttr != null && litAttr.Value != String.Empty)
                                                                                results.Add(varAttr.Value, bdgNode.FirstChild.InnerText + "^^" + litAttr.Value);
                                                                                litAttr = bdgNode.FirstChild.Attributes[RDFVocabulary.XML.PREFIX + ":lang"];
                                                                                if (litAttr != null && litAttr.Value != String.Empty)
                                                                                    results.Add(varAttr.Value, bdgNode.FirstChild.InnerText + "@" + litAttr.Value);
                                                                                    throw new Exception("one \"literal\" node was found with attribute different from \"datatype\" or \"xml:lang\".");
                                                                            results.Add(varAttr.Value, bdgNode.InnerText);
                                                                    throw new Exception("one \"binding\" node was found without children.");
                                                                throw new Exception("one \"binding\" node was found without, or with empty, \"name\" attribute.");
                                                            throw new Exception("one \"binding\" node was found without attributes.");

                                                    if (!foundUri && !foundLit)
                                                        throw new Exception("one \"binding\" node was found without mandatory child \"uri\" or \"literal\".");
                                                RDFQueryUtilities.AddRow(result.SelectResults, results);
                                    throw new Exception("\"head\" node was not found, or was after \"results\" node.");

                        if (!foundHead)
                            throw new Exception("mandatory \"head\" node was not found");
                        if (!foundResults)
                            throw new Exception("mandatory \"results\" node was not found");

            catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new RDFQueryException("Cannot read given \"SPARQL Query Results XML Format\" source because: " + ex.Message, ex);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Fills the templates of the given query with data from the given result table
        /// </summary>
        internal static DataTable FillTemplates(RDFConstructQuery constructQuery, DataTable resultTable)
            //Create the structure of the result datatable
            DataTable result = new DataTable("CONSTRUCT_RESULTS");

            result.Columns.Add("SUBJECT", Type.GetType("System.String"));
            result.Columns.Add("PREDICATE", Type.GetType("System.String"));
            result.Columns.Add("OBJECT", Type.GetType("System.String"));

            //Initialize working variables
            Dictionary <String, String> constructRow = new Dictionary <String, String>();

            constructRow.Add("SUBJECT", null);
            constructRow.Add("PREDICATE", null);
            constructRow.Add("OBJECT", null);

            //Iterate on the templates
            foreach (RDFPattern tp in constructQuery.Templates.Where(tp => tp.Variables.Count == 0 ||
                                                                     tp.Variables.TrueForAll(v => resultTable.Columns.Contains(v.ToString()))))
                #region GROUND TEMPLATE
                //Check if the template is ground, so represents an explicit triple to be added as-is
                if (tp.Variables.Count == 0)
                    constructRow["SUBJECT"]   = tp.Subject.ToString();
                    constructRow["PREDICATE"] = tp.Predicate.ToString();
                    constructRow["OBJECT"]    = tp.Object.ToString();
                    RDFQueryUtilities.AddRow(result, constructRow);

                #region NON-GROUND TEMPLATE
                //Iterate the result datatable's rows to construct the triples of the current template
                IEnumerator rowsEnum = resultTable.Rows.GetEnumerator();
                while (rowsEnum.MoveNext())
                    #region SUBJECT
                    //Subject of the template is a variable
                    if (tp.Subject is RDFVariable)
                        //Check if the template must be skipped, in order to not produce illegal triples
                        //Row contains an unbound value in position of the variable corresponding to the template subject
                        if (((DataRow)rowsEnum.Current).IsNull(tp.Subject.ToString()))

                        RDFPatternMember subj = RDFQueryUtilities.ParseRDFPatternMember(((DataRow)rowsEnum.Current)[tp.Subject.ToString()].ToString());
                        //Row contains a literal in position of the variable corresponding to the template subject
                        if (subj is RDFLiteral)
                        //Row contains a resource in position of the variable corresponding to the template subject
                        constructRow["SUBJECT"] = subj.ToString();
                    //Subject of the template is a resource
                        constructRow["SUBJECT"] = tp.Subject.ToString();

                    #region PREDICATE
                    //Predicate of the template is a variable
                    if (tp.Predicate is RDFVariable)
                        //Check if the template must be skipped, in order to not produce illegal triples
                        //Row contains an unbound value in position of the variable corresponding to the template predicate
                        if (((DataRow)rowsEnum.Current).IsNull(tp.Predicate.ToString()))
                        RDFPatternMember pred = RDFQueryUtilities.ParseRDFPatternMember(((DataRow)rowsEnum.Current)[tp.Predicate.ToString()].ToString());
                        //Row contains a blank resource or a literal in position of the variable corresponding to the template predicate
                        if ((pred is RDFResource && ((RDFResource)pred).IsBlank) || pred is RDFLiteral)
                        //Row contains a non-blank resource in position of the variable corresponding to the template predicate
                        constructRow["PREDICATE"] = pred.ToString();
                    //Predicate of the template is a resource
                        constructRow["PREDICATE"] = tp.Predicate.ToString();

                    #region OBJECT
                    //Object of the template is a variable
                    if (tp.Object is RDFVariable)
                        //Check if the template must be skipped, in order to not produce illegal triples
                        //Row contains an unbound value in position of the variable corresponding to the template object
                        if (((DataRow)rowsEnum.Current).IsNull(tp.Object.ToString()))
                        RDFPatternMember obj = RDFQueryUtilities.ParseRDFPatternMember(((DataRow)rowsEnum.Current)[tp.Object.ToString()].ToString());
                        //Row contains a resource or a literal in position of the variable corresponding to the template object
                        constructRow["OBJECT"] = obj.ToString();
                    //Object of the template is a resource or a literal
                        constructRow["OBJECT"] = tp.Object.ToString();

                    //Insert the triple into the final table
                    RDFQueryUtilities.AddRow(result, constructRow);
