Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Replace all rgb(#,#,#) and rgba(#,#,#,1) strings with their hex value, 
        /// Replace all hsl(#,#,#) and hsla(#,#,#,1) strings with their hex value.
        /// </summary>
        private static void ConvertColors( ref string source )
            var colors = new ColorConversions();
            char[] parens = { '(', ')' };
            string[] nums;

            source = Regex.Replace( source, "rgba?\\(\\d{1,3},\\d{1,3},\\d{1,3}(,1)?\\)", m => {
                nums = m.Value.Split( parens )[ 1 ].Split( ',' );
                try {
                    byte[] rgb = {
                                 Byte.Parse( nums[ 0 ] ),
                                 Byte.Parse( nums[ 1 ] ),
                                 Byte.Parse( nums[ 2 ] )

                    return m.Value.Replace( m.Value, colors.ConvertRgbToHex( rgb ) );
                catch( Exception e ) {
                    if( e is ArgumentNullException ||
                        e is FormatException ||
                        e is OverflowException ) {
                        MessageBox.Show( "Failed to parse " + m.Value, "Parse Error" );
                    else {

                return m.Value;
            } );

            // Have to '{0,1}' the '%' since they may have been removed in a previous step
            source = Regex.Replace( source, "hsla?\\(\\d{1,3},\\d{1,3}%?,\\d{1,3}%?(,1)?\\)", m => {
                nums = m.Value.Replace( "%", string.Empty ).Split( parens )[ 1 ].Split( ',' );
                double h, s, l;

                try {
                    h = Double.Parse( nums[ 0 ] ) / 360;
                    s = Double.Parse( nums[ 1 ] ) / 100;
                    l = Double.Parse( nums[ 2 ] ) / 100;

                    return m.Value.Replace( m.Value, colors.ConvertHslToHex( h, s, l ) );
                catch( Exception ex ) {
                    if( ex is ArgumentNullException ||
                        ex is FormatException ||
                        ex is OverflowException ) {
                        MessageBox.Show( "Failed to parse " + m.Value, "Parse Error" );
                    else {

                return m.Value;
            } );
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Cleans/compresses several aspects of CSS code.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This should be everything...
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="css">The string value of the file(s).</param>
        /// <returns>A minified version of the supplied CSS string.</returns>
        public static string MakeItUgly( string css )
            var colors = new ColorConversions();

            // Clear the lists

            // Insert placeholders
            SwapForPlaceholders( ref css );

            // Run through the rest of the minify methods
            InitialCleaning( ref css );
            CleanSelectors( ref css );
            CleanBraces( ref css );
            CleanUnnecessary( ref css );
            ConvertColors( ref css );
            CompressHexValues( ref css );
            css = colors.SwapOutNames( css );
            FixIllFormedHsl( ref css );

            // 'transparent' == rgba(0,0,0,0) == hsla(0,0%,0%,0)
            // Should be fine, if it supports Alpha should support the 'transparent' color literal
            // ...right?
            css = css.Replace( "rgba(0,0,0,0)", "transparent" )
                     .Replace( "hsla(0,0%,0%,0)", "transparent" );

            // Replace placeholders
            ReplacePlaceholders( ref css );

            // Return the string after trimming any leading or trailing spaces
            return css.Trim();
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Match hex values that are 6 long, can ignore length 3 for now, and compress them down to 3 if possible, 
        /// Grab all the hex strings and see if the literal color name is shorter than the hex value, if so, replace it.
        /// </summary>
        private static void CompressHexValues( ref string source )
            var colors = new ColorConversions();
            string tmp = string.Empty;

            source = Regex.Replace( source, "#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}(?=,|;|\\}\\)\\s)", m => {
                tmp = colors.CompressHex( m.Value.Replace( "#", string.Empty ) );
                return m.Value.Replace( m.Value, tmp );
            } );

            source = Regex.Replace( source, "#([0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}(?=,|;|\\}\\)\\s)", m => {
                tmp = colors.SwapOutHex( m.Value );
                return m.Value.Replace( m.Value, tmp );
            } );