Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void SetVar(string name, string value)

            XmlDocument doc        = JwXML.Load(cfgFile);
            XmlNodeList variables  = JwXML.GetNodes(doc, "config/variable");
            Boolean     addNewNode = true;

            foreach (XmlNode variable in variables)
                string varName = JwXML.GetNodeValue(variable, "name");

                if (varName == name)
                    addNewNode = false;
                    JwXML.GetSingleNode(variable, "value").InnerText = value;

            // add new variable node?
            if (addNewNode)
                XmlNode    config      = JwXML.GetSingleNode(doc, "config");
                XmlElement newVariable = doc.CreateElement("variable");
                XmlElement newName     = doc.CreateElement("name");
                newName.InnerText = name;
                XmlElement newValue = doc.CreateElement("value");
                newValue.InnerText = value;

            //write back to file
            JwXML.WriteToFile(doc, cfgFile);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static List <Question> ReadFile(string xmlFile)
            List <Question> qList = new List <Question>();

            XmlDocument doc = JwXML.Load(xmlFile);

            XmlNodeList itemNodes = JwXML.GetNodes(doc, "/questestinterop/item");

            for (int i = 0; i < itemNodes.Count; i++)
                Question q = new Question();

                q.name = JwXML.GetNodeAttribute(itemNodes[i], "ident");

                //XmlNodeList children = itemNodes[i].ChildNodes;

                // get item data
                XmlNode metaData = JwXML.GetSingleNode(itemNodes[i], "itemmetadata");
                q.type     = JwXML.GetNodeValue(metaData, "qmd_itemtype");
                q.category = JwXML.GetNodeValue(metaData, "qmd_topic");

                // get question text
                q.text = JwXML.GetNodeValue(itemNodes[i], "presentation/material/mattext");

                // get options
                XmlNodeList options = JwXML.GetNodes(itemNodes[i], "presentation/response_lid/render_choice/response_label");

                for (int index = 0; index < options.Count; index++)
                    string optionText = JwString.Clean(options[index].InnerText);
                    q.AddOption(optionText, "", 0);

                // find correct answer
                XmlNodeList responses = JwXML.GetNodes(itemNodes[i], "resprocessing/respcondition");

                for (int index = 0; index < responses.Count; index++)
                    string setVar = JwXML.GetNodeValue(responses[index], "setvar", "0");
                    if (index < q.options.Count)
                        q.options[index].grade = float.Parse(setVar) * 100;

                // get feedback
                XmlNodeList feedbacks = JwXML.GetNodes(itemNodes[i], "itemfeedback");

                for (int index = 0; index < feedbacks.Count; index++)
                    string feedback = JwXML.GetNodeValue(feedbacks[index], "material/mattext");
                    if (index < q.options.Count)
                        q.options[index].feedback = feedback;

                // add question to qList
