Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void Draw(DrawBatch drawBatch)
            drawBatch.Draw(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.GameObject, Game1.pixel, new Rectangle((int)PositionXY.X - 3, (int)(position.Y - position.Z) - 3, 6, 6), Color.Purple, DrawBatch.CalculateDepth(PositionXY));
            drawBatch.Draw(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.Light, Game1.fader, new Vector2(PositionXY.X, PositionXY.Y), .2f, 0f, new Vector2(Game1.fader.Width * .5f), Color.Purple, DrawBatch.CalculateDepth(PositionXY));

Exemplo n.º 2
            public override void Draw(DrawBatch drawBatch)
                Color newColor = Color.Lerp(color, Color.Transparent, MathTransformations.Transform(MathTransformations.Type.NormalizedSmoothStart2, timeAlive / (float)timeToLive) + .4f);

                drawBatch.Draw(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.GameObject, Game1.pixel, new Rectangle((int)(PositionXY.X - 1 * scale), (int)((position.Y - position.Z) - 1 * scale), (int)(2 * scale), (int)(2 * scale)), new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1), newColor, DrawBatch.CalculateDepth(PositionXY), (short)2, 1);
                drawBatch.Draw(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.Light, Game1.fader, new Vector2(PositionXY.X, PositionXY.Y - position.Z), .35f * scale, 0f, new Vector2(Game1.fader.Width * .5f), Color.Lerp(newColor, Color.DarkGray, .05f), DrawBatch.CalculateDepth(PositionXY));

Exemplo n.º 3
        public void Draw(bool drawLines, Vector2 offset, RigLimb rigLimb, DrawBatch drawBatch, float depth, float orientation)
            Vector4 line       = rigLimb.Get2DLine(orientation);
            Vector3 scaleAngle = Texture.GetScaleAndAngle(line);
            int     index      = Texture.GetIndex(GetAngleToDisplay(rigLimb.rotation, orientation));

            Color color = Color.White;

            //if (rigLimb.name == Game1.selectedLimb)
            //    color = Color.Green;
            //    color = Color.White;

            //spriteBatch.Draw(Texture.Texture, new Vector2(line.X + offset.X, line.Y + offset.Y), Texture.GetSourceRectangle(index), color, scaleAngle.Z, new Vector2(8, 8), new Vector2(scaleAngle.X, scaleAngle.Y), SpriteEffects.None, depth);
            if (Game1.rigDrawTextures && rigLimb.drawTexture)
                Rectangle rectangleToDraw = new Rectangle(new Vector2(line.X + offset.X, line.Y + offset.Y).ToPoint(), new Vector2(Texture.Width * scaleAngle.X + Texture.Origin.X * 2, Texture.Height * scaleAngle.Y).ToPoint());

                //float fuckScale = (((rectangleToDraw.Width * 2 - Texture.Origin.X * 2))) / (Texture.Width * 2 + Texture.Origin.X * 2);
                //float fuckOrigin = (Texture.Width / 2) * (1-fuckScale) + ((fuckScale) * Texture.Origin.X);

                float fuckOrigin;
                if (scaleAngle.X < .5f)
                    fuckOrigin = ((Texture.Width / 2f) - (Texture.Width / 4f) * scaleAngle.X) * (1 - scaleAngle.X);// + 8 * (scaleAngle.X);
                    fuckOrigin = Texture.Origin.X + (Texture.Origin.X / 2) * ((1 - scaleAngle.X) * 2);

                if (scaleAngle.X > 1)
                    drawBatch.Draw(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.GameObject, Texture.Texture, rectangleToDraw, Texture.GetSourceRectangle(index), scaleAngle.Z, new Vector2(Texture.Origin.X / scaleAngle.X, Texture.Origin.Y), color, depth, SpriteEffects.None);
                    drawBatch.Draw(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.GameObject, Texture.Texture, rectangleToDraw, Texture.GetSourceRectangle(index), scaleAngle.Z, new Vector2(fuckOrigin, Texture.Origin.Y), color, depth, SpriteEffects.None);
            //Game1.DrawLine(spriteBatch, new Vector2(line.X + offset.X, line.Y + offset.Y), new Vector2(line.X + offset.X, line.Y + offset.Y) + Extensions.GetVector2(Texture.Texture.Width * scaleAngle.X, scaleAngle.Z), 2, Color.Lerp(Color.Blue, Color.Transparent, .5f), 0f);

            if (drawLines)
                if (rigLimb.name == Game1.selectedLimb)
                    Game1.DrawLine(drawBatch, new Vector2(line.X + offset.X, line.Y + offset.Y), new Vector2(line.Z + offset.X, line.W + offset.Y), 2, Color.Lerp(Color.Red, Color.Transparent, 0f), depth);
                    Game1.DrawLine(drawBatch, new Vector2(line.X + offset.X, line.Y + offset.Y), new Vector2(line.Z + offset.X, line.W + offset.Y), 2, Color.Lerp(Color.Black, Color.Transparent, 0f), depth);
Exemplo n.º 4
            public override void Draw(DrawBatch drawBatch)
                float flack = (float)Math.Cos(timeAlive / 4.3f);

                //sprite.Draw(drawBatch, DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.GameObject, PositionXY + new Vector2(0), MovementXY.GetAngle(), new Vector2(56, 16), new Vector2(.5f), Color.Lerp(Color.Black, Color.Transparent, .5f), DrawBatch.CalculateDepth(PositionXY));
                sprite.Draw(drawBatch, DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.GameObject, PositionXY + new Vector2(0, -position.Z), MovementXY.GetAngle(), new Vector2(56, 16), DrawBatch.CalculateDepth(PositionXY));

                drawBatch.Draw(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.Light, Game1.fader, PositionXY + new Vector2(0, -position.Z), Extensions.LerpFloat(.3f, .6f, flack * flack), 0f, new Vector2(Game1.fader.Width / 2, Game1.fader.Height / 2), Color.Lerp(Color.OrangeRed, new Color(240, 220, 0), .1f + flack * .8f), DrawBatch.CalculateDepth(PositionXY) + .0001f);
                drawBatch.Draw(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.Light, Game1.fader, PositionXY + new Vector2(0, -position.Z), .6f, 0f, new Vector2(Game1.fader.Width / 2, Game1.fader.Height / 2), Color.Lerp(Color.LightGoldenrodYellow, Color.Black, .4f), DrawBatch.CalculateDepth(PositionXY) + .0001f);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public override void Draw(DrawBatch drawBatch)
            if (SelectionHandler.TileObjectsContains(Position))
                drawBatch.Draw(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.GameObject, texture, (hitBox.Location.ScaleRet(World.tileSize) + new Point(World.tileSize / 2) - origin).ToVector2(), Color.Red, DrawBatch.CalculateDepth(new Vector2(Position.X * 16 + 8, Position.Y * 16 + 8)));
                drawBatch.Draw(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.GameObject, texture, (hitBox.Location.ScaleRet(World.tileSize) + new Point(World.tileSize / 2) - origin).ToVector2(), Color.White, DrawBatch.CalculateDepth(new Vector2(Position.X * 16 + 8, Position.Y * 16 + 8)));

Exemplo n.º 6
            public override void Draw(DrawBatch drawBatch, float orientation, string selectedLimb, Vector2 offset, float depth)
                drawPos = new Vector2(position.X, position.Y);

                drawBatch.Draw(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.GameObject, Game1.pixel, new Rectangle((int)position.X, (int)position.Y, 4, 4), Color.AliceBlue, DrawBatch.CalculateDepth(new Vector2(position.X, position.Y)));

                Dictionary <string, Vector4> lines = Get2DLines(orientation);
                Vector4 value;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Vector4> pair in lines)
                    value = new Vector4(pair.Value.X + drawPos.X + offset.X, pair.Value.Y + drawPos.Y + offset.Y, pair.Value.Z + drawPos.X + offset.X, pair.Value.W + drawPos.Y + offset.Y);
                    if ("X" == pair.Key)
                        Game1.DrawLine(drawBatch, value, 3f, Color.Blue, 0f);
                    else if ("Y" == pair.Key)
                        Game1.DrawLine(drawBatch, value, 3f, Color.Red, 0f);
                    else if ("Z" == pair.Key)
                        Game1.DrawLine(drawBatch, value, 3f, Color.Green, 0f);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public virtual void DrawName(DrawBatch drawBatch, float scale)
            Vector2 measurements = (Game1.fontDebug.MeasureString(item.name) * scale);
            float   depth        = DrawBatch.CalculateDepth(PositionXY);

            drawBatch.Draw(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.GameObject, Game1.pixel, new Rectangle((int)(position.X - measurements.X / 2), (int)(position.Y + 20 - position.Z - measurements.Y / 2), (int)measurements.X, (int)measurements.Y), Color.DarkBlue, depth);
            drawBatch.DrawString(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.GameObject, item.name, Game1.fontDebug, new Vector2(position.X, position.Y + 20 - position.Z), scale, 0f, measurements / 2, Color.White, depth);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public override void Draw(DrawBatch drawBatch)
            if (SelectionHandler.selectedID == ID)
                drawBatch.Draw(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.GameObject, texture, SelectionHitBox, Color.Blue, DrawBatch.CalculateDepth(PositionXY));
            else if (tag == Tag.Enemy)
                drawBatch.Draw(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.GameObject, texture, SelectionHitBox, Color.Red, DrawBatch.CalculateDepth(PositionXY));
            else if (tag == Tag.Player)
                drawBatch.Draw(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.GameObject, texture, SelectionHitBox, Color.White, DrawBatch.CalculateDepth(PositionXY));

            drawBatch.DrawString(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.GameObject, GetCurrentHealth().ToString(), Game1.fontDebug, PositionXY - new Vector2(10), Color.Red, DrawBatch.CalculateDepth(PositionXY));

            healthBar.drawRectangle = new Rectangle((int)(position.X - 16), (int)(position.Y + 10), 32, 8);

            healthBar.Draw(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.GameObject, drawBatch, DrawBatch.CalculateDepth(PositionXY), (short)2, 0f);

            //collider.Draw(spriteBatch, 2f, Color.Cyan);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public override void Draw(DrawBatch drawBatch, float thickness, Color color)
     drawBatch.Draw(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.GameObject, Game1.pixel, Position, thickness, 0f, new Vector2(.5f), color, DrawBatch.CalculateDepth(Position));
Exemplo n.º 10
            /// <summary>
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="tag"></param>
            /// <param name="drawBatch"></param>
            /// <param name="depth"></param>
            /// <param name="affectedByLight">0 - always dark, 1 - dynamic, 2 - always bright</param>
            /// <param name="lightBleedThrough"></param>
            internal void Draw(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag tag, DrawBatch drawBatch, float depth, short affectedByLight, float lightBleedThrough)
                Rectangle sourceOffsets = GetSourceRectangleOffsets();

                drawBatch.Draw(tag, texture, GetRectangleToDraw(drawRectangle), sourceOffsets, color, depth, affectedByLight, lightBleedThrough);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static void DrawLine(DrawBatch drawBatch, Vector4 v, float thickness, Color color, float depth)
            Vector2 delta = new Vector2(v.Z - v.X, v.W - v.Y);

            drawBatch.Draw(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.GameObject, pixel, new Vector2(v.X, v.Y), new Vector2(delta.Length(), thickness), Extensions.GetAngle(delta), Vector2.Zero, color, depth);
Exemplo n.º 12
        private void DrawGame()
            //Draw stuff here

            for (int i = 0; i < agents.Count; i++)
                if (agents[i].state == Agent.State.Walking)
                    for (int j = 0; j < agents[i].path.instructions.Length; j++)
                        drawBatch.Draw(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.GameObject, pixel, new Rectangle(agents[i].path.instructions[j].X * 16, agents[i].path.instructions[j].Y * 16, World.tileSize, World.tileSize), Color.Lerp(Color.Black, Color.Transparent, .5f), 1f);

            for (int i = 0; i < gameObjects.Count; i++)

            List <Point> intersectingTiles = new List <Point>();
            Point        p = new Point(-1);

            if (MouseButtonDownLeft(false))
                 * if (terrain.RayCastObstacle(SelectionHandler.selectionPoint.ToVector2(), SelectionHandler.selectionPointSecond.ToVector2(), out p, out intersectingTiles))
                 * {
                 *  DrawLine(drawBatch, SelectionHandler.selectionPoint.ToVector2(), SelectionHandler.selectionPointSecond.ToVector2(), 2, Color.Red, 1f);
                 *  drawBatch.Draw(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.GameObject, pixel, new Rectangle(p.X * World.tileSize, p.Y * World.tileSize, World.tileSize, World.tileSize), Color.Lerp(Color.Red, Color.Transparent, .5f), 1f);
                 * }
                 * else
                 *  DrawLine(drawBatch, SelectionHandler.selectionPoint.ToVector2(), SelectionHandler.selectionPointSecond.ToVector2(), 2, Color.Green, 1f);
                 * for (int i = 0; i < intersectingTiles.Count; i++)
                 * {
                 *  drawBatch.Draw(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.GameObject, pixel, new Rectangle(intersectingTiles[i].X * World.tileSize, intersectingTiles[i].Y * World.tileSize, World.tileSize, World.tileSize), Color.Lerp(Color.Blue, Color.Transparent, .5f), 1f);
                 * }

            drawBatch.Draw(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.GameObject, pixel, new Rectangle((int)mousePosInWorld.X - 2, (int)mousePosInWorld.Y - 2, 4, 4), Color.Green, 1f);

            if (SelectionHandler.CurrentTarget == SelectionHandler.Target.Tile)
                drawBatch.Draw(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.GameObject, pixel, new Rectangle(mouseTile.X * World.tileSize, mouseTile.Y * World.tileSize, World.tileSize, World.tileSize), Color.Lerp(Color.Lime, Color.Transparent, .5f), 1f);

            if (SelectionHandler.CurrentTarget == SelectionHandler.Target.Tile)
                for (int i = 0; i < SelectionHandler.TileRectangle.Width; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < SelectionHandler.TileRectangle.Height; j++)
                        if ((SelectionHandler.TileRectangle.X + i) * World.tileSize > 0 && (SelectionHandler.TileRectangle.Y + i) * World.tileSize > 0)
                            drawBatch.Draw(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.GameObject, pixel, new Rectangle((SelectionHandler.TileRectangle.X + i) * World.tileSize, (SelectionHandler.TileRectangle.Y + j) * World.tileSize, World.tileSize, World.tileSize), Color.Lerp(Color.Purple, Color.Transparent, .5f), 1f);
                drawBatch.Draw(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.GameObject, pixel, SelectionHandler.SelectionRectangle, Color.Lerp(Color.Olive, Color.Transparent, .5f), 1f);

            for (int i = 0; i < effects.Count; i++)
                if (effects[i].remove)


            DrawRectangle(drawBatch, camera.Rectangle, 2f, Color.OrangeRed, 1f);

            //Draw GameWorld to the scene and rendertarget

            spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.AlphaBlend, null, null, null, null, camera.get_transformation(GraphicsDevice));
Exemplo n.º 13
 internal void DrawIcon(DrawBatch drawBatch, Rectangle rectangle, float depth)
     drawBatch.Draw(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.GameObject, iconSheet, rectangle, new Rectangle(new Point(iconSize.X * iconSheetPosition.X, iconSheetPosition.Y * iconSize.Y), iconSize), Color.White, depth);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void Draw(DrawBatch drawBatch)
            Point edgeOffset = Point.Zero;
            float rotation   = 0f;

            //Draw Materials
            for (int i = 0; i < size.X; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < size.Y; j++)
                    if (Game1.camera.Rectangle.Contains(new Rectangle(i * World.tileSize, j * World.tileSize, size.X, size.Y)))
                        drawBatch.Draw(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.GameObject, sheet, new Rectangle(i * World.tileSize, j * World.tileSize, World.tileSize, World.tileSize), GetMaterialTextureSrcRect(materials[i, j]), 0, Vector2.Zero, Color.White, 0f, SpriteEffects.None, 1, 0f);

                         * //Draw edges
                         * if (i > 0 && j > 0 && i < size.X - 1 && j < size.Y - 1)
                         * {
                         *  for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                         *  {
                         *      switch (k)
                         *      {
                         *          case 0:
                         *              edgeOffset = new Point(1, 0);
                         *              break;
                         *          case 1:
                         *              edgeOffset = new Point(0, -1);
                         *              break;
                         *          case 2:
                         *              edgeOffset = new Point(-1, 0);
                         *              break;
                         *          case 3:
                         *              edgeOffset = new Point(0, 1);
                         *              break;
                         *          default:
                         *              break;
                         *      }
                         *      if (materialEdgePriority[(int)materials[i, j]] > materialEdgePriority[(int)materials[i + edgeOffset.X, j + edgeOffset.Y]])
                         *          switch (k)
                         *          {
                         *              case 0:
                         *                  rotation = 0f;
                         *                  drawBatch.Draw(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.GameObject, sheetEdges, new Rectangle(i * World.tileSize + World.tileSize, j * World.tileSize, 4, World.tileSize), GetMaterialEdgeTextureSrcRect(materials[i, j]), rotation, Vector2.Zero, Color.White, 0f, SpriteEffects.None, 1, 0f);
                         *                  break;
                         *              case 1:
                         *                  rotation = 4.71f;
                         *                  drawBatch.Draw(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.GameObject, sheetEdges, new Rectangle(i * World.tileSize, j * World.tileSize, 4, World.tileSize), GetMaterialEdgeTextureSrcRect(materials[i, j]), rotation, Vector2.Zero, Color.White, 0f, SpriteEffects.None, 1, 0f);
                         *                  break;
                         *              case 2:
                         *                  rotation = 0f;
                         *                  drawBatch.Draw(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.GameObject, sheetEdges, new Rectangle(i * World.tileSize - 4, j * World.tileSize, 4, World.tileSize), GetMaterialEdgeTextureSrcRect(materials[i, j]), rotation, Vector2.Zero, Color.White, 0f, SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally, 1, 0f);
                         *                  break;
                         *              case 3:
                         *                  rotation = 4.71f;
                         *                  drawBatch.Draw(DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag.GameObject, sheetEdges, new Rectangle(i * World.tileSize, j * World.tileSize + World.tileSize + 4, 4, World.tileSize), GetMaterialEdgeTextureSrcRect(materials[i, j]), rotation, Vector2.Zero, Color.White, 0f, SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally, 1, 0f);
                         *                  break;
                         *              default:
                         *                  break;
                         *          }
                         *  }
                         * }

             * for (int i = 0; i < tileReferences.GetLength(0); i++)
             * {
             *  for (int j = 0; j < tileReferences.GetLength(1); j++)
             *  {
             *      if (tileReferences[i, j] != null && tileReferences[i, j] != new Point(-1, -1))
             *      {
             *          if (tileReferences[i, j] == new Point(i, j))
             *              spriteBatch.Draw(Game1.pixel, new Rectangle(i * World.tileSize, j * World.tileSize, World.tileSize, World.tileSize), Color.Lerp(Color.Cyan, Color.Transparent, .5f));
             *          else
             *              spriteBatch.Draw(Game1.pixel, new Rectangle(i * World.tileSize, j * World.tileSize, World.tileSize, World.tileSize), Color.Lerp(Color.ForestGreen, Color.Transparent, .5f));
             *      }
             *  }
             * }

            //Draw TileObjects
            for (int i = 0; i < tileObjects.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < tileObjects.GetLength(1); j++)
                    if (tileObjects[i, j] != null)
                        tileObjects[i, j].Draw(drawBatch);
Exemplo n.º 15
 public void Draw(DrawBatch drawBatch, DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag tag, Vector2 position, float rotation, Vector2 origin, Vector2 scale, Color color, float depth)
     drawBatch.Draw(tag, texture, position, GetSourceRectangle(), scale, rotation, origin, color, depth, SpriteEffects.None, affectedByLight, lightBleedThrough);
Exemplo n.º 16
 public void Draw(DrawBatch drawBatch, DrawBatch.DrawCall.Tag tag, Vector2 position, float depth)
     drawBatch.Draw(tag, texture, position, GetSourceRectangle(), new Vector2(1), 0f, Vector2.Zero, Color.White, depth, SpriteEffects.None, affectedByLight, lightBleedThrough);