Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a security and matching configuration. This applies the default leverage if
        /// leverage is less than or equal to zero.
        /// This method also add the new symbol mapping to the <see cref="SymbolCache"/>
        /// </summary>
        public static Security CreateSecurity(List <Tuple <Type, TickType> > subscriptionDataTypes,
                                              SecurityPortfolioManager securityPortfolioManager,
                                              SubscriptionManager subscriptionManager,
                                              SecurityExchangeHours exchangeHours,
                                              DateTimeZone dataTimeZone,
                                              SymbolProperties symbolProperties,
                                              ISecurityInitializer securityInitializer,
                                              Symbol symbol,
                                              Resolution resolution,
                                              bool fillDataForward,
                                              decimal leverage,
                                              bool extendedMarketHours,
                                              bool isInternalFeed,
                                              bool isCustomData,
                                              bool isLiveMode,
                                              bool addToSymbolCache       = true,
                                              bool isFilteredSubscription = true)
            if (!subscriptionDataTypes.Any())
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(subscriptionDataTypes), "At least one type needed to create security");

            // add the symbol to our cache
            if (addToSymbolCache)
                SymbolCache.Set(symbol.Value, symbol);

            // Add the symbol to Data Manager -- generate unified data streams for algorithm events
            var configList = new SubscriptionDataConfigList(symbol);

            configList.AddRange(from subscriptionDataType
                                in subscriptionDataTypes
                                let dataType = subscriptionDataType.Item1
                                               let tickType = subscriptionDataType.Item2
                                                              select subscriptionManager.Add(dataType, tickType,
                                                                                             symbol, resolution, dataTimeZone,
                                                                                             exchangeHours.TimeZone, isCustomData,
                                                                                             fillDataForward, extendedMarketHours,
                                                                                             isInternalFeed, isFilteredSubscription));

            // verify the cash book is in a ready state
            var quoteCurrency = symbolProperties.QuoteCurrency;

            if (!securityPortfolioManager.CashBook.ContainsKey(quoteCurrency))
                // since we have none it's safe to say the conversion is zero
                securityPortfolioManager.CashBook.Add(quoteCurrency, 0, 0);
            if (symbol.ID.SecurityType == SecurityType.Forex || symbol.ID.SecurityType == SecurityType.Crypto)
                // decompose the symbol into each currency pair
                string baseCurrency;
                Forex.Forex.DecomposeCurrencyPair(symbol.Value, out baseCurrency, out quoteCurrency);

                if (!securityPortfolioManager.CashBook.ContainsKey(baseCurrency))
                    // since we have none it's safe to say the conversion is zero
                    securityPortfolioManager.CashBook.Add(baseCurrency, 0, 0);
                if (!securityPortfolioManager.CashBook.ContainsKey(quoteCurrency))
                    // since we have none it's safe to say the conversion is zero
                    securityPortfolioManager.CashBook.Add(quoteCurrency, 0, 0);

            var quoteCash = securityPortfolioManager.CashBook[symbolProperties.QuoteCurrency];

            Security security;

            switch (configList.Symbol.ID.SecurityType)
            case SecurityType.Equity:
                security = new Equity.Equity(symbol, exchangeHours, quoteCash, symbolProperties);

            case SecurityType.Option:
                if (addToSymbolCache)
                    SymbolCache.Set(symbol.Underlying.Value, symbol.Underlying);
                security = new Option.Option(symbol, exchangeHours, securityPortfolioManager.CashBook[CashBook.AccountCurrency], new Option.OptionSymbolProperties(symbolProperties));

            case SecurityType.Future:
                security = new Future.Future(symbol, exchangeHours, securityPortfolioManager.CashBook[CashBook.AccountCurrency], symbolProperties);

            case SecurityType.Forex:
                security = new Forex.Forex(symbol, exchangeHours, quoteCash, symbolProperties);

            case SecurityType.Cfd:
                security = new Cfd.Cfd(symbol, exchangeHours, quoteCash, symbolProperties);

            case SecurityType.Crypto:
                security = new Crypto.Crypto(symbol, exchangeHours, quoteCash, symbolProperties);

            case SecurityType.Base:
                security = new Security(symbol, exchangeHours, quoteCash, symbolProperties);

            // if we're just creating this security and it only has an internal
            // feed, mark it as non-tradable since the user didn't request this data
            if (!configList.IsInternalFeed)
                security.IsTradable = true;


            // invoke the security initializer
            securityInitializer.Initialize(security, true);

            // if leverage was specified then apply to security after the initializer has run, parameters of this
            // method take precedence over the intializer
            if (leverage > 0)

            // In live mode, equity assumes specific price variation model
            if (isLiveMode && security.Type == SecurityType.Equity)
                security.PriceVariationModel = new EquityPriceVariationModel();

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new security
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Following the obsoletion of Security.Subscriptions,
        /// both overloads will be merged removing <see cref="SubscriptionDataConfig"/> arguments</remarks>
        public Security CreateSecurity(Symbol symbol,
                                       List <SubscriptionDataConfig> subscriptionDataConfigList,
                                       decimal leverage      = 0,
                                       bool addToSymbolCache = true)
            var configList = new SubscriptionDataConfigList(symbol);


            var exchangeHours = _marketHoursDatabase.GetEntry(symbol.ID.Market, symbol, symbol.ID.SecurityType).ExchangeHours;

            var defaultQuoteCurrency = _cashBook.AccountCurrency;

            if (symbol.ID.SecurityType == SecurityType.Forex)
                defaultQuoteCurrency = symbol.Value.Substring(3);

            if (symbol.ID.SecurityType == SecurityType.Crypto && !_symbolPropertiesDatabase.ContainsKey(symbol.ID.Market, symbol, symbol.ID.SecurityType))
                throw new ArgumentException($"Symbol can't be found in the Symbol Properties Database: {symbol.Value}");

            // For Futures Options that don't have a SPDB entry, the futures entry will be used instead.
            var symbolProperties = _symbolPropertiesDatabase.GetSymbolProperties(

            // add the symbol to our cache
            if (addToSymbolCache)
                SymbolCache.Set(symbol.Value, symbol);

            // verify the cash book is in a ready state
            var quoteCurrency = symbolProperties.QuoteCurrency;

            if (!_cashBook.ContainsKey(quoteCurrency))
                // since we have none it's safe to say the conversion is zero
                _cashBook.Add(quoteCurrency, 0, 0);
            if (symbol.ID.SecurityType == SecurityType.Forex || symbol.ID.SecurityType == SecurityType.Crypto)
                // decompose the symbol into each currency pair
                string baseCurrency;
                if (symbol.ID.SecurityType == SecurityType.Forex)
                    Forex.Forex.DecomposeCurrencyPair(symbol.Value, out baseCurrency, out quoteCurrency);
                    Crypto.Crypto.DecomposeCurrencyPair(symbol, symbolProperties, out baseCurrency, out quoteCurrency);

                if (!_cashBook.ContainsKey(baseCurrency))
                    // since we have none it's safe to say the conversion is zero
                    _cashBook.Add(baseCurrency, 0, 0);
                if (!_cashBook.ContainsKey(quoteCurrency))
                    // since we have none it's safe to say the conversion is zero
                    _cashBook.Add(quoteCurrency, 0, 0);

            var quoteCash = _cashBook[symbolProperties.QuoteCurrency];
            var cache     = _cacheProvider.GetSecurityCache(symbol);

            Security security;

            switch (symbol.ID.SecurityType)
            case SecurityType.Equity:
                security = new Equity.Equity(symbol, exchangeHours, quoteCash, symbolProperties, _cashBook, _registeredTypes, cache);

            case SecurityType.Option:
                if (addToSymbolCache)
                    SymbolCache.Set(symbol.Underlying.Value, symbol.Underlying);
                security = new Option.Option(symbol, exchangeHours, quoteCash, new Option.OptionSymbolProperties(symbolProperties), _cashBook, _registeredTypes, cache);

            case SecurityType.FutureOption:
                if (addToSymbolCache)
                    SymbolCache.Set(symbol.Underlying.Value, symbol.Underlying);
                var optionSymbolProperties = new Option.OptionSymbolProperties(symbolProperties);

                // Future options exercised only gives us one contract back, rather than the
                // 100x seen in equities.

                security = new FutureOption.FutureOption(symbol, exchangeHours, quoteCash, optionSymbolProperties, _cashBook, _registeredTypes, cache);

            case SecurityType.Future:
                security = new Future.Future(symbol, exchangeHours, quoteCash, symbolProperties, _cashBook, _registeredTypes, cache);

            case SecurityType.Forex:
                security = new Forex.Forex(symbol, exchangeHours, quoteCash, symbolProperties, _cashBook, _registeredTypes, cache);

            case SecurityType.Cfd:
                security = new Cfd.Cfd(symbol, exchangeHours, quoteCash, symbolProperties, _cashBook, _registeredTypes, cache);

            case SecurityType.Crypto:
                security = new Crypto.Crypto(symbol, exchangeHours, quoteCash, symbolProperties, _cashBook, _registeredTypes, cache);

            case SecurityType.Base:
                security = new Security(symbol, exchangeHours, quoteCash, symbolProperties, _cashBook, _registeredTypes, cache);

            // if we're just creating this security and it only has an internal
            // feed, mark it as non-tradable since the user didn't request this data
            if (!configList.IsInternalFeed)
                security.IsTradable = true;


            // invoke the security initializer

            // if leverage was specified then apply to security after the initializer has run, parameters of this
            // method take precedence over the intializer
            if (leverage != Security.NullLeverage)

            var isNotNormalized = configList.DataNormalizationMode() == DataNormalizationMode.Raw;

            // In live mode and non normalized data, equity assumes specific price variation model
            if ((_isLiveMode || isNotNormalized) && security.Type == SecurityType.Equity)
                security.PriceVariationModel = new EquityPriceVariationModel();

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Ensures that we have a data feed to convert this currency into the base currency.
        /// This will add a subscription at the lowest resolution if one is not found.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="securities">The security manager</param>
        /// <param name="subscriptions">The subscription manager used for searching and adding subscriptions</param>
        /// <param name="marketHoursDatabase">A security exchange hours provider instance used to resolve exchange hours for new subscriptions</param>
        /// <param name="symbolPropertiesDatabase">A symbol properties database instance</param>
        /// <param name="marketMap">The market map that decides which market the new security should be in</param>
        /// <param name="cashBook">The cash book - used for resolving quote currencies for created conversion securities</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the added currency security if needed, otherwise null</returns>
        public Security EnsureCurrencyDataFeed(SecurityManager securities, SubscriptionManager subscriptions, MarketHoursDatabase marketHoursDatabase, SymbolPropertiesDatabase symbolPropertiesDatabase, IReadOnlyDictionary <SecurityType, string> marketMap, CashBook cashBook)
            if (Symbol == CashBook.AccountCurrency)
                SecuritySymbol  = QuantConnect.Symbol.Empty;
                _isBaseCurrency = true;
                ConversionRate  = 1.0m;

            if (subscriptions.Count == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to add cash when no subscriptions are present. Please add subscriptions in the Initialize() method.");

            // we require a subscription that converts this into the base currency
            string normal = Symbol + CashBook.AccountCurrency;
            string invert = CashBook.AccountCurrency + Symbol;

            foreach (var config in subscriptions.Subscriptions.Where(config => config.SecurityType == SecurityType.Forex || config.SecurityType == SecurityType.Cfd ||
                                                                     config.SecurityType == SecurityType.Crypto))
                if (config.Symbol.Value == normal)
                    SecuritySymbol = config.Symbol;
                if (config.Symbol.Value == invert)
                    SecuritySymbol       = config.Symbol;
                    _invertRealTimePrice = true;
            // if we've made it here we didn't find a subscription, so we'll need to add one

            // Create a SecurityType to Market mapping with the markets from SecurityManager members
            var markets = securities.Keys.GroupBy(x => x.SecurityType).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, y => y.First().ID.Market);

            if (markets.ContainsKey(SecurityType.Cfd) && !markets.ContainsKey(SecurityType.Forex))
                markets.Add(SecurityType.Forex, markets[SecurityType.Cfd]);
            if (markets.ContainsKey(SecurityType.Forex) && !markets.ContainsKey(SecurityType.Cfd))
                markets.Add(SecurityType.Cfd, markets[SecurityType.Forex]);

            var currencyPairs = Currencies.CurrencyPairs.Select(x =>
                // allow XAU or XAG to be used as quote currencies, but pairs including them are CFDs
                var securityType = Symbol.StartsWith("XAU") || Symbol.StartsWith("XAG") ? SecurityType.Cfd : SecurityType.Forex;
                var market       = string.Empty;
                if (!markets.TryGetValue(securityType, out market))
                    market = marketMap[securityType];
                return(QuantConnect.Symbol.Create(x, securityType, market));
            var minimumResolution = subscriptions.Subscriptions.Select(x => x.Resolution).DefaultIfEmpty(Resolution.Minute).Min();
            var objectType        = minimumResolution == Resolution.Tick ? typeof(Tick) : typeof(QuoteBar);

            foreach (var symbol in currencyPairs)
                if (symbol.Value == normal || symbol.Value == invert)
                    _invertRealTimePrice = symbol.Value == invert;
                    var  securityType     = symbol.ID.SecurityType;
                    var  symbolProperties = symbolPropertiesDatabase.GetSymbolProperties(symbol.ID.Market, symbol.Value, securityType, Symbol);
                    Cash quoteCash;
                    if (!cashBook.TryGetValue(symbolProperties.QuoteCurrency, out quoteCash))
                        throw new Exception("Unable to resolve quote cash: " + symbolProperties.QuoteCurrency + ". This is required to add conversion feed: " + symbol.ToString());
                    var marketHoursDbEntry = marketHoursDatabase.GetEntry(symbol.ID.Market, symbol.Value, symbol.ID.SecurityType);
                    var exchangeHours      = marketHoursDbEntry.ExchangeHours;
                    // set this as an internal feed so that the data doesn't get sent into the algorithm's OnData events
                    var config = subscriptions.Add(objectType, TickType.Quote, symbol, minimumResolution, marketHoursDbEntry.DataTimeZone, exchangeHours.TimeZone, false, true, false, true);
                    SecuritySymbol = config.Symbol;

                    Security security;
                    if (securityType == SecurityType.Cfd)
                        security = new Cfd.Cfd(exchangeHours, quoteCash, config, symbolProperties);
                    else if (securityType == SecurityType.Crypto)
                        security = new Crypto.Crypto(exchangeHours, quoteCash, config, symbolProperties);
                        security = new Forex.Forex(exchangeHours, quoteCash, config, symbolProperties);
                    securities.Add(config.Symbol, security);
                    Log.Trace("Cash.EnsureCurrencyDataFeed(): Adding " + symbol.Value + " for cash " + Symbol + " currency feed");

            // if this still hasn't been set then it's an error condition
            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("In order to maintain cash in {0} you are required to add a subscription for Forex pair {0}{1} or {1}{0}", Symbol, CashBook.AccountCurrency));
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Ensures that we have a data feed to convert this currency into the base currency.
        /// This will add a subscription at the lowest resolution if one is not found.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="securities">The security manager</param>
        /// <param name="subscriptions">The subscription manager used for searching and adding subscriptions</param>
        /// <param name="marketHoursDatabase">A security exchange hours provider instance used to resolve exchange hours for new subscriptions</param>
        /// <param name="symbolPropertiesDatabase">A symbol properties database instance</param>
        /// <param name="marketMap">The market map that decides which market the new security should be in</param>
        /// <param name="cashBook">The cash book - used for resolving quote currencies for created conversion securities</param>
        /// <param name="changes"></param>
        /// <returns>Returns the added currency security if needed, otherwise null</returns>
        public Security EnsureCurrencyDataFeed(SecurityManager securities,
                                               SubscriptionManager subscriptions,
                                               MarketHoursDatabase marketHoursDatabase,
                                               SymbolPropertiesDatabase symbolPropertiesDatabase,
                                               IReadOnlyDictionary <SecurityType, string> marketMap,
                                               CashBook cashBook,
                                               SecurityChanges changes
            // this gets called every time we add securities using universe selection,
            // so must of the time we've already resolved the value and don't need to again
            if (ConversionRateSecurity != null)

            if (Symbol == CashBook.AccountCurrency)
                ConversionRateSecurity = null;
                _isBaseCurrency        = true;
                ConversionRate         = 1.0m;

            // we require a security that converts this into the base currency
            string normal             = Symbol + CashBook.AccountCurrency;
            string invert             = CashBook.AccountCurrency + Symbol;
            var    securitiesToSearch = securities.Select(kvp => kvp.Value)
                                        .Where(s => s.Type == SecurityType.Forex || s.Type == SecurityType.Cfd || s.Type == SecurityType.Crypto);

            foreach (var security in securitiesToSearch)
                if (security.Symbol.Value == normal)
                    ConversionRateSecurity = security;
                if (security.Symbol.Value == invert)
                    ConversionRateSecurity = security;
                    _invertRealTimePrice   = true;
            // if we've made it here we didn't find a security, so we'll need to add one

            // Create a SecurityType to Market mapping with the markets from SecurityManager members
            var markets = securities.Select(x => x.Key).GroupBy(x => x.SecurityType).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, y => y.First().ID.Market);

            if (markets.ContainsKey(SecurityType.Cfd) && !markets.ContainsKey(SecurityType.Forex))
                markets.Add(SecurityType.Forex, markets[SecurityType.Cfd]);
            if (markets.ContainsKey(SecurityType.Forex) && !markets.ContainsKey(SecurityType.Cfd))
                markets.Add(SecurityType.Cfd, markets[SecurityType.Forex]);

            var potentials = Currencies.CurrencyPairs.Select(fx => CreateSymbol(marketMap, fx, markets, SecurityType.Forex))
                             .Concat(Currencies.CfdCurrencyPairs.Select(cfd => CreateSymbol(marketMap, cfd, markets, SecurityType.Cfd)))
                             .Concat(Currencies.CryptoCurrencyPairs.Select(crypto => CreateSymbol(marketMap, crypto, markets, SecurityType.Crypto)));

            var minimumResolution = subscriptions.Subscriptions.Select(x => x.Resolution).DefaultIfEmpty(Resolution.Minute).Min();
            var objectType        = minimumResolution == Resolution.Tick ? typeof(Tick) : typeof(QuoteBar);

            foreach (var symbol in potentials)
                if (symbol.Value == normal || symbol.Value == invert)
                    _invertRealTimePrice = symbol.Value == invert;
                    var  securityType     = symbol.ID.SecurityType;
                    var  symbolProperties = symbolPropertiesDatabase.GetSymbolProperties(symbol.ID.Market, symbol.Value, securityType, Symbol);
                    Cash quoteCash;
                    if (!cashBook.TryGetValue(symbolProperties.QuoteCurrency, out quoteCash))
                        throw new Exception("Unable to resolve quote cash: " + symbolProperties.QuoteCurrency + ". This is required to add conversion feed: " + symbol.Value);
                    var marketHoursDbEntry = marketHoursDatabase.GetEntry(symbol.ID.Market, symbol.Value, symbol.ID.SecurityType);
                    var exchangeHours      = marketHoursDbEntry.ExchangeHours;
                    // set this as an internal feed so that the data doesn't get sent into the algorithm's OnData events
                    var config = subscriptions.Add(objectType, TickType.Quote, symbol, minimumResolution, marketHoursDbEntry.DataTimeZone, exchangeHours.TimeZone, false, true, false, true);

                    Security security;
                    if (securityType == SecurityType.Cfd)
                        security = new Cfd.Cfd(exchangeHours, quoteCash, config, symbolProperties);
                    else if (securityType == SecurityType.Crypto)
                        security = new Crypto.Crypto(exchangeHours, quoteCash, config, symbolProperties);
                        security = new Forex.Forex(exchangeHours, quoteCash, config, symbolProperties);

                    ConversionRateSecurity = security;
                    securities.Add(config.Symbol, security);
                    Log.Trace("Cash.EnsureCurrencyDataFeed(): Adding " + symbol.Value + " for cash " + Symbol + " currency feed");

            // if this still hasn't been set then it's an error condition
            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("In order to maintain cash in {0} you are required to add a subscription for Forex pair {0}{1} or {1}{0}", Symbol, CashBook.AccountCurrency));
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new security
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Following the obsoletion of Security.Subscriptions,
        /// both overloads will be merged removing <see cref="SubscriptionDataConfig"/> arguments</remarks>
        public Security CreateSecurity(Symbol symbol,
                                       List <SubscriptionDataConfig> subscriptionDataConfigList,
                                       decimal leverage      = 0,
                                       bool addToSymbolCache = true)
            var configList = new SubscriptionDataConfigList(symbol);


            var exchangeHours = _marketHoursDatabase.GetEntry(symbol.ID.Market, symbol, symbol.ID.SecurityType).ExchangeHours;

            var defaultQuoteCurrency = _cashBook.AccountCurrency;

            if (symbol.ID.SecurityType == SecurityType.Forex || symbol.ID.SecurityType == SecurityType.Crypto)
                defaultQuoteCurrency = symbol.Value.Substring(3);

            var symbolProperties = _symbolPropertiesDatabase.GetSymbolProperties(symbol.ID.Market, symbol, symbol.ID.SecurityType, defaultQuoteCurrency);

            // add the symbol to our cache
            if (addToSymbolCache)
                SymbolCache.Set(symbol.Value, symbol);

            // verify the cash book is in a ready state
            var quoteCurrency = symbolProperties.QuoteCurrency;

            if (!_cashBook.ContainsKey(quoteCurrency))
                // since we have none it's safe to say the conversion is zero
                _cashBook.Add(quoteCurrency, 0, 0);
            if (symbol.ID.SecurityType == SecurityType.Forex || symbol.ID.SecurityType == SecurityType.Crypto)
                // decompose the symbol into each currency pair
                string baseCurrency;
                Forex.Forex.DecomposeCurrencyPair(symbol.Value, out baseCurrency, out quoteCurrency);

                if (!_cashBook.ContainsKey(baseCurrency))
                    // since we have none it's safe to say the conversion is zero
                    _cashBook.Add(baseCurrency, 0, 0);
                if (!_cashBook.ContainsKey(quoteCurrency))
                    // since we have none it's safe to say the conversion is zero
                    _cashBook.Add(quoteCurrency, 0, 0);

            var quoteCash = _cashBook[symbolProperties.QuoteCurrency];

            Security security;

            switch (symbol.ID.SecurityType)
            case SecurityType.Equity:
                security = new Equity.Equity(symbol, exchangeHours, quoteCash, symbolProperties, _cashBook);

            case SecurityType.Option:
                if (addToSymbolCache)
                    SymbolCache.Set(symbol.Underlying.Value, symbol.Underlying);
                security = new Option.Option(symbol, exchangeHours, _cashBook[_cashBook.AccountCurrency], new Option.OptionSymbolProperties(symbolProperties), _cashBook);

            case SecurityType.Future:
                security = new Future.Future(symbol, exchangeHours, _cashBook[_cashBook.AccountCurrency], symbolProperties, _cashBook);

            case SecurityType.Forex:
                security = new Forex.Forex(symbol, exchangeHours, quoteCash, symbolProperties, _cashBook);

            case SecurityType.Cfd:
                security = new Cfd.Cfd(symbol, exchangeHours, quoteCash, symbolProperties, _cashBook);

            case SecurityType.Crypto:
                security = new Crypto.Crypto(symbol, exchangeHours, quoteCash, symbolProperties, _cashBook);

            case SecurityType.Base:
                security = new Security(symbol, exchangeHours, quoteCash, symbolProperties, _cashBook);

            // if we're just creating this security and it only has an internal
            // feed, mark it as non-tradable since the user didn't request this data
            if (!configList.IsInternalFeed)
                security.IsTradable = true;


            // invoke the security initializer

            // if leverage was specified then apply to security after the initializer has run, parameters of this
            // method take precedence over the intializer
            if (leverage > 0)

            // In live mode, equity assumes specific price variation model
            if (_isLiveMode && security.Type == SecurityType.Equity)
                security.PriceVariationModel = new EquityPriceVariationModel();
