Exemplo n.º 1
        public override Color3 colorNormal(Color3 existing, Ray r, Hit h, Shape s, Light bulb)
            switch (shader)
            case ProcShading.Circle:
               return mapCircle(h);

            case ProcShading.Texture:
               return mapTexture(h);

               return mapSquare(h);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static Color3 fireRay(Ray incomingRay, int depth, Shape fromShape)
            double closest = Constants.FAR_AWAY;
             Color3 retColor = Constants.BGCOLOR;
             int whichObject = 0, hitObject = 0;
             Hit finalHit = new Hit();

             foreach (Shape s in layout.Shapes)
            Hit rayHit = s.intersect(incomingRay);

            if (rayHit.intersect.z == Constants.FAR_AWAY)

            double dist = Point3.distance(layout.Cam.Eye, rayHit.intersect);

            if (dist < closest && !s.Equals(fromShape))
               closest = dist;
               hitObject = whichObject;
               finalHit = rayHit;

             if (hitObject <= 0)
            return Constants.BGCOLOR;

             Shape hitShape = layout.Shapes[hitObject - 1];
             retColor = Color3.ambient(hitShape);

             // phongphongphongphongphongphongphongphongphongphongphongphongphongphongphongphongphongphongphongphongphongphongphong
             Color3 diffuseColor = Color3.Black, specularColor = Color3.Black;
             foreach (Light bulb in layout.Lights)
            if (spawnShadow(bulb, finalHit, hitShape, fromShape))
               retColor = hitShape.colorShadow(retColor, finalHit, layout.Lights.Count * 3);
               if (hitShape is Plane)
                  retColor = hitShape.colorNormal(retColor, incomingRay, finalHit, hitShape, bulb);
                  diffuseColor += Color3.diffuse(finalHit, hitShape, bulb);
                  specularColor += Color3.specular(incomingRay, finalHit, hitShape, bulb);

             if (hitShape is Sphere)
            retColor += diffuseColor * hitShape.Material.Kd;
            retColor += specularColor * hitShape.Material.Ks;

             if (depth < Constants.MAX_DEPTH)
            Color3 reflectColor = Color3.Black;

            if (hitShape.Material.Kr > 0)
               Ray reflectRay = new Ray();
               reflectRay.start = finalHit.intersect;

               Vector3 normalVec = hitShape.calcNormal(finalHit);

               double c = -Vector3.DotProduct(normalVec, incomingRay.direction);
               reflectRay.direction = -(incomingRay.direction + (2 * normalVec * c));
               reflectColor = fireRay(reflectRay, depth + 1, hitShape);

               retColor += reflectColor * hitShape.Material.Kr;

            if (hitShape.Material.Kt > 0)
               Ray transRay = new Ray();
               double indexRefract;
               Vector3 normalVec = Vector3.FaceForward(hitShape.calcNormal(finalHit), -incomingRay.direction);

               if (Vector3.DotProduct(-incomingRay.direction, hitShape.calcNormal(finalHit)) < 0)
                  indexRefract = Constants.REFRACTION_INDEX_SPHERE / Constants.REFRACTION_INDEX_AIR;
                  indexRefract = Constants.REFRACTION_INDEX_AIR / Constants.REFRACTION_INDEX_SPHERE;

               double discrim = 1 + (Math.Pow(indexRefract, 2) * (Math.Pow(Vector3.DotProduct(-incomingRay.direction, normalVec), 2) - 1));

               // Total internal reflection!
               if (discrim < 0)
                  retColor += reflectColor * hitShape.Material.Kt;
                  discrim = indexRefract * Vector3.DotProduct(-incomingRay.direction, normalVec) - Math.Sqrt(discrim);

                  transRay.direction = (indexRefract * incomingRay.direction) + (discrim * normalVec);
                  transRay.start = finalHit.intersect;

                  Color3 transColor = fireRay(transRay, depth + 1, hitShape);
                  retColor += transColor * hitShape.Material.Kt;

             return retColor;
Exemplo n.º 3
        // spawn a shadow ray from the intersection point to the light source.
        private static bool spawnShadow(Light bulb, Hit finalHit, Shape hitShape, Shape fromShape)
            Ray shadowRay = new Ray();
             shadowRay.start = finalHit.intersect;
             shadowRay.direction = Point3.vectorize(shadowRay.start, bulb.Location);
             double shadowDist = Point3.distance(shadowRay.start, bulb.Location);

             foreach (Shape s in layout.Shapes)
            // If this is the object we're checking from, ignore. Duh.
            if (s.Equals(hitShape) || s.Equals(fromShape) || s.Material.Kt > 0)

            Hit shadowHit = s.intersect(shadowRay);

            if (shadowHit.intersect.z == Constants.FAR_AWAY)

            // We need to check if hitShape object is in FRONT OF the current one. if it is, we need to ignore this current shape.
            Vector3 frontTest = Point3.vectorize(shadowHit.intersect, finalHit.intersect);

            if (frontTest.X > 0 && frontTest.Y > 0 && frontTest.Z > 0)

            // something has to come between the light and the current shape.
            double shapeDist = Point3.distance(shadowRay.start, shadowHit.intersect);
            if (shapeDist < shadowDist)
               return true;

             return false;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public override Color3 colorNormal(Color3 existing, Ray r, Hit h, Shape s, Light bulb)
     return Color3.Black;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public abstract Color3 colorNormal(Color3 existing, Ray r, Hit h, Shape s, Light bulb);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static Color3 specular(Ray r, Hit h, Shape s, Light bulb)
            Color3 specular = Black;
             Vector3 normal = s.calcNormal(h);

             Vector3 lightDir = Point3.vectorize(bulb.Location, h.intersect);
             Vector3 refDir = lightDir - (2 * (Vector3.DotProduct(lightDir, normal) / Math.Pow(normal.Abs(), 2)) * normal);
             double specularDot = Vector3.DotProduct(r.direction, refDir);

             if (specularDot >= 0)
            specular = (bulb.Color * s.Material.Specular) * Math.Pow(specularDot, s.Material.Ke);

             return specular;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static Color3 diffuse(Hit h, Shape s, Light bulb)
            Color3 diffuse = Black;
             Vector3 normal = s.calcNormal(h);
             Vector3 lightDir = Point3.vectorize(bulb.Location, h.intersect);
             double diffuseDot = Vector3.DotProduct(lightDir, normal);

             if (diffuseDot >= 0)
            diffuse = (bulb.Color * s.Material.Diffuse) * diffuseDot;

             return diffuse;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static Color3 ambient(Shape s)
            Color3 ambient = Black;
             Material m = s.Material;

             // ambient
             ambient.R = ((Constants.AMBIENT.R / MAX) * (m.Ambient.R / MAX)) * m.Ka;
             ambient.G = ((Constants.AMBIENT.G / MAX) * (m.Ambient.G / MAX)) * m.Ka;
             ambient.B = ((Constants.AMBIENT.B / MAX) * (m.Ambient.B / MAX)) * m.Ka;

             return ambient;