public void calculate()

            var model = new FiniteDifferenceModel <CrankNicolson <TridiagonalOperator> >(finiteDifferenceOperator_, BCs_);

            prices_ = (SampledCurve)intrinsicValues_.Clone();

            // this is a workaround for pointers to avoid unsafe code
            // in the grid calculation Vector temp goes through many operations
            object temp = prices_.values();

            model.rollback(ref temp, getResidualTime(), 0, timeSteps_);

            results_.value = prices_.valueAtCenter();
   = prices_.firstDerivativeAtCenter();
            results_.gamma = prices_.secondDerivativeAtCenter();
            results_.theta = Utils.blackScholesTheta(process_,
            results_.additionalResults.Add("priceCurve", prices_);
        public override void calculate()
            DayCounter rfdc   = process_.riskFreeRate().link.dayCounter();
            DayCounter divdc  = process_.dividendYield().link.dayCounter();
            DayCounter voldc  = process_.blackVolatility().link.dayCounter();
            Calendar   volcal = process_.blackVolatility().link.calendar();

            double s0 = process_.stateVariable().link.value();

            if (!(s0 > 0.0))
                throw new ApplicationException("negative or null underlying given");
            double v             = process_.blackVolatility().link.blackVol(arguments_.exercise.lastDate(), s0);
            Date   maturityDate  = arguments_.exercise.lastDate();
            double r             = process_.riskFreeRate().link.zeroRate(maturityDate, rfdc, Compounding.Continuous, Frequency.NoFrequency).rate();
            double q             = process_.dividendYield().link.zeroRate(maturityDate, divdc, Compounding.Continuous, Frequency.NoFrequency).rate();
            Date   referenceDate = process_.riskFreeRate().link.referenceDate();

            // binomial trees with constant coefficient
            var flatRiskFree  = new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(new FlatForward(referenceDate, r, rfdc));
            var flatDividends = new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(new FlatForward(referenceDate, q, divdc));
            var flatVol       = new Handle <BlackVolTermStructure>(new BlackConstantVol(referenceDate, volcal, v, voldc));

            PlainVanillaPayoff payoff = arguments_.payoff as PlainVanillaPayoff;

            if (payoff == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("non-plain payoff given");

            double maturity = rfdc.yearFraction(referenceDate, maturityDate);

            StochasticProcess1D bs =
                new GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess(process_.stateVariable(), flatDividends, flatRiskFree, flatVol);

            TimeGrid grid = new TimeGrid(maturity, timeSteps_);

            T tree = new T().factory(bs, maturity, timeSteps_, payoff.strike());

            BlackScholesLattice <T> lattice = new BlackScholesLattice <T>(tree, r, maturity, timeSteps_);

            DiscretizedVanillaOption option = new DiscretizedVanillaOption(arguments_, process_, grid);

            option.initialize(lattice, maturity);

            // Partial derivatives calculated from various points in the
            // binomial tree (Odegaard)

            // Rollback to third-last step, and get underlying price (s2) &
            // option values (p2) at this point
            Vector va2 = new Vector(option.values());

            if (!(va2.size() == 3))
                throw new ApplicationException("Expect 3 nodes in grid at second step");
            double p2h = va2[2];                   // high-price
            double s2  = lattice.underlying(2, 2); // high price

            // Rollback to second-last step, and get option value (p1) at
            // this point
            Vector va = new Vector(option.values());

            if (!(va.size() == 2))
                throw new ApplicationException("Expect 2 nodes in grid at first step");
            double p1 = va[1];

            // Finally, rollback to t=0
            double p0 = option.presentValue();
            double s1 = lattice.underlying(1, 1);

            // Calculate partial derivatives
            double delta0 = (p1 - p0) / (s1 - s0);   // dp/ds
            double delta1 = (p2h - p1) / (s2 - s1);  // dp/ds

            // Store results
            results_.value = p0;
   = delta0;
            results_.gamma = 2.0 * (delta1 - delta0) / (s2 - s0);    //d(delta)/ds
            results_.theta = Utils.blackScholesTheta(process_,
        public override void calculate()
            /* this engine cannot really check for the averageType==Geometric
             * since it can be used as control variate for the Arithmetic version
             * QL_REQUIRE(arguments_.averageType == Average::Geometric,"not a geometric average option")
            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(arguments_.exercise.type() == Exercise.Type.European, () => "not an European Option");

            double runningLog;
            int    pastFixings;

            if (arguments_.averageType == Average.Type.Geometric)
                Utils.QL_REQUIRE(arguments_.runningAccumulator > 0.0, () =>
                                 "positive running product required: " + arguments_.runningAccumulator + " not allowed");

                runningLog  = Math.Log(arguments_.runningAccumulator.GetValueOrDefault());
                pastFixings = arguments_.pastFixings.GetValueOrDefault();
            { // it is being used as control variate
                runningLog  = 1.0;
                pastFixings = 0;

            PlainVanillaPayoff payoff = arguments_.payoff as PlainVanillaPayoff;

            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(payoff != null, () => "non-plain payoff given");

            Date          referenceDate = process_.riskFreeRate().link.referenceDate();
            DayCounter    rfdc          = process_.riskFreeRate().link.dayCounter();
            DayCounter    divdc         = process_.dividendYield().link.dayCounter();
            DayCounter    voldc         = process_.blackVolatility().link.dayCounter();
            List <double> fixingTimes   = new List <double>();
            int           i;

            for (i = 0; i < arguments_.fixingDates.Count; i++)
                if (arguments_.fixingDates[i] >= referenceDate)
                    double t = voldc.yearFraction(referenceDate, arguments_.fixingDates[i]);

            int    remainingFixings = fixingTimes.Count;
            int    numberOfFixings  = pastFixings + remainingFixings;
            double N = numberOfFixings;

            double pastWeight   = pastFixings / N;
            double futureWeight = 1.0 - pastWeight;

            double timeSum = 0;

            fixingTimes.ForEach((ii, vv) => timeSum += fixingTimes[ii]);

            double vola = process_.blackVolatility().link.blackVol(arguments_.exercise.lastDate(), payoff.strike());
            double temp = 0.0;

            for (i = pastFixings + 1; i < numberOfFixings; i++)
                temp += fixingTimes[i - pastFixings - 1] * (N - i);
            double variance   = vola * vola / N / N * (timeSum + 2.0 * temp);
            double dsigG_dsig = Math.Sqrt((timeSum + 2.0 * temp)) / N;
            double sigG       = vola * dsigG_dsig;
            double dmuG_dsig  = -(vola * timeSum) / N;

            Date   exDate       = arguments_.exercise.lastDate();
            double dividendRate = process_.dividendYield().link.
                                  zeroRate(exDate, divdc, Compounding.Continuous, Frequency.NoFrequency).rate();
            double riskFreeRate = process_.riskFreeRate().link.
                                  zeroRate(exDate, rfdc, Compounding.Continuous, Frequency.NoFrequency).rate();
            double nu = riskFreeRate - dividendRate - 0.5 * vola * vola;

            double s = process_.stateVariable().link.value();

            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(s > 0.0, () => "positive underlying value required");

            int    M            = (pastFixings == 0 ? 1 : pastFixings);
            double muG          = pastWeight * runningLog / M + futureWeight * Math.Log(s) + nu * timeSum / N;
            double forwardPrice = Math.Exp(muG + variance / 2.0);

            double riskFreeDiscount = process_.riskFreeRate();

            BlackCalculator black = new BlackCalculator(payoff, forwardPrice, Math.Sqrt(variance), riskFreeDiscount);

            results_.value = black.value();
   = futureWeight * * forwardPrice / s;
            results_.gamma = forwardPrice * futureWeight / (s * s)
                             * (black.gamma(forwardPrice) * futureWeight * forwardPrice
                                - pastWeight *;

            double Nx_1, nx_1;
            CumulativeNormalDistribution CND = new CumulativeNormalDistribution();
            NormalDistribution           ND  = new NormalDistribution();

            if (sigG > Const.QL_EPSILON)
                double x_1 = (muG - Math.Log(payoff.strike()) + variance) / sigG;
                Nx_1 = CND.value(x_1);
                nx_1 = ND.value(x_1);
                Nx_1 = (muG > Math.Log(payoff.strike()) ? 1.0 : 0.0);
                nx_1 = 0.0;
            results_.vega = forwardPrice * riskFreeDiscount *
                            ((dmuG_dsig + sigG * dsigG_dsig) * Nx_1 + nx_1 * dsigG_dsig);

            if (payoff.optionType() == Option.Type.Put)
                results_.vega -= riskFreeDiscount * forwardPrice *
                                 (dmuG_dsig + sigG * dsigG_dsig);

            double tRho = rfdc.yearFraction(process_.riskFreeRate().link.referenceDate(),

            results_.rho = black.rho(tRho) * timeSum / (N * tRho)
                           - (tRho - timeSum / N) * results_.value;

            double tDiv = divdc.yearFraction(

            results_.dividendRho = black.dividendRho(tDiv) * timeSum / (N * tDiv);

            results_.strikeSensitivity = black.strikeSensitivity();

            results_.theta = Utils.blackScholesTheta(process_,