Exemplo n.º 1
        // Handle<YieldTermStructure> discountCurve = Handle<YieldTermStructure>());
        public ForwardRateAgreement(Date valueDate, Date maturityDate, Position.Type type, double strikeForwardRate,
                                    double notionalAmount, IborIndex index, Handle <YieldTermStructure> discountCurve)
            : base(index.dayCounter(), index.fixingCalendar(), index.businessDayConvention(), index.fixingDays(), new Payoff(),
                   valueDate, maturityDate, discountCurve)
            fraType_        = type;
            notionalAmount_ = notionalAmount;
            index_          = index;

            if (notionalAmount <= 0.0)
                throw new ApplicationException("notional Amount must be positive");

            // do I adjust this ?
            // valueDate_ = calendar_.adjust(valueDate_,businessDayConvention_);
            Date fixingDate = calendar_.advance(valueDate_, -settlementDays_, TimeUnit.Days);

            forwardRate_       = new InterestRate(index.fixing(fixingDate), index.dayCounter(), Compounding.Simple, Frequency.Once);
            strikeForwardRate_ = new InterestRate(strikeForwardRate, index.dayCounter(), Compounding.Simple, Frequency.Once);
            double strike = notionalAmount_ * strikeForwardRate_.compoundFactor(valueDate_, maturityDate_);

            payoff_ = new ForwardTypePayoff(fraType_, strike);
            // incomeDiscountCurve_ is irrelevant to an FRA
            incomeDiscountCurve_ = discountCurve_;
            // income is irrelevant to FRA - set it to zero
            underlyingIncome_ = 0.0;

Exemplo n.º 2
 //! RateHelper interface
 public override double impliedQuote()
     if (termStructure_ == null)
         throw new ArgumentException("term structure not set");
     return(iborIndex_.fixing(fixingDate_, true));
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected override void performCalculations()
            Date fixingDate = calendar_.advance(valueDate_, -settlementDays_, TimeUnit.Days);

            forwardRate_ = new InterestRate(index_.fixing(fixingDate), index_.dayCounter(),
                                            Compounding.Simple, Frequency.Once);
            underlyingSpotValue_ = spotValue();
            underlyingIncome_    = 0.0;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public override void initialize(FloatingRateCoupon coupon)
            coupon_ = coupon as RangeAccrualFloatersCoupon;
            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(coupon_ != null, () => "range-accrual coupon required");
            gearing_ = coupon_.gearing();
            spread_  = coupon_.spread();

            Date paymentDate = coupon_.date();

            IborIndex index = coupon_.index() as IborIndex;

            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(index != null, () => "invalid index");
            Handle <YieldTermStructure> rateCurve = index.forwardingTermStructure();

            discount_       = rateCurve.link.discount(paymentDate);
            accrualFactor_  = coupon_.accrualPeriod();
            spreadLegValue_ = spread_ * accrualFactor_ * discount_;

            startTime_        = coupon_.startTime();
            endTime_          = coupon_.endTime();
            observationTimes_ = coupon_.observationTimes();
            lowerTrigger_     = coupon_.lowerTrigger();
            upperTrigger_     = coupon_.upperTrigger();
            observationsNo_   = coupon_.observationsNo();

            List <Date> observationDates = coupon_.observationsSchedule().dates();

            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(observationDates.Count == observationsNo_ + 2, () => "incompatible size of initialValues vector");
            initialValues_ = new InitializedList <double>(observationDates.Count, 0.0);

            Calendar calendar = index.fixingCalendar();

            for (int i = 0; i < observationDates.Count; i++)
                initialValues_[i] = index.fixing(
                    calendar.advance(observationDates[i], -coupon_.fixingDays, TimeUnit.Days));
Exemplo n.º 5
        // Handle<YieldTermStructure> discountCurve = Handle<YieldTermStructure>());
        public ForwardRateAgreement(Date valueDate, Date maturityDate, Position.Type type, double strikeForwardRate,
                                  double notionalAmount, IborIndex index, Handle<YieldTermStructure> discountCurve)
            : base(index.dayCounter(), index.fixingCalendar(), index.businessDayConvention(), index.fixingDays(), new Payoff(),
                 valueDate, maturityDate, discountCurve)
            fraType_ = type;
             notionalAmount_ = notionalAmount;
             index_ = index;

             if (notionalAmount <= 0.0)
            throw new ApplicationException("notional Amount must be positive");

             // do I adjust this ?
             // valueDate_ = calendar_.adjust(valueDate_,businessDayConvention_);
             Date fixingDate = calendar_.advance(valueDate_, -settlementDays_, TimeUnit.Days);
             forwardRate_ = new InterestRate(index.fixing(fixingDate), index.dayCounter(), Compounding.Simple, Frequency.Once);
             strikeForwardRate_ = new InterestRate(strikeForwardRate, index.dayCounter(), Compounding.Simple, Frequency.Once);
             double strike = notionalAmount_ * strikeForwardRate_.compoundFactor(valueDate_, maturityDate_);
             payoff_ = new ForwardTypePayoff(fraType_, strike);
             // incomeDiscountCurve_ is irrelevant to an FRA
             incomeDiscountCurve_ = discountCurve_;
             // income is irrelevant to FRA - set it to zero
             underlyingIncome_ = 0.0;
