Exemplo n.º 1
        public FloatingRateCoupon lastFloatingRateCoupon()
            CashFlow           lastCF             = floatingLeg_.Last();
            FloatingRateCoupon lastFloatingCoupon = lastCF as FloatingRateCoupon;

Exemplo n.º 2
        protected override void initializeDates()
            // dummy ibor index with curve/swap arguments
            IborIndex clonedIborIndex = iborIndex_.clone(termStructureHandle_);

            // do not pass the spread here, as it might be a Quote i.e. it can dinamically change
            swap_ = new MakeVanillaSwap(tenor_, clonedIborIndex, 0.0, fwdStart_)
                    .withFixedLegTenor(new Period(fixedFrequency_))

            earliestDate_ = swap_.startDate();

            // Usually...
            latestDate_ = swap_.maturityDate();
            // ...but due to adjustments, the last floating coupon might
            // need a later date for fixing
            #if QL_USE_INDEXED_COUPON
            FloatingRateCoupon lastFloating = (FloatingRateCoupon)swap_.floatingLeg()[swap_.floatingLeg().Count - 1];
            Date fixingValueDate            = iborIndex_.valueDate(lastFloating.fixingDate());
            Date endValueDate = iborIndex_.maturityDate(fixingValueDate);
            latestDate_ = Date.Max(latestDate_, endValueDate);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override void initialize(FloatingRateCoupon coupon)
            gearing_       = coupon.gearing();
            spread_        = coupon.spread();
            accrualPeriod_ = coupon.accrualPeriod();
            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(accrualPeriod_.IsNotEqual(0.0), () => "null accrual period");

            index_ = coupon.index() as IborIndex;
            if (index_ == null)
                // check if the coupon was right
                IborCoupon c = coupon as IborCoupon;
                Utils.QL_REQUIRE(c != null, () => "IborCoupon required");
                // coupon was right, index is not
                Utils.QL_FAIL("IborIndex required");

            Handle <YieldTermStructure> rateCurve = index_.forwardingTermStructure();
            Date paymentDate = coupon.date();

            if (paymentDate > rateCurve.link.referenceDate())
                discount_ = rateCurve.link.discount(paymentDate);
                discount_ = 1.0;

            spreadLegValue_ = spread_ * accrualPeriod_ * discount_;

            coupon_ = coupon;
 public override void initialize(FloatingRateCoupon coupon)
     coupon_ = coupon as OvernightIndexedCoupon;
     if (coupon_ == null)
         throw new ApplicationException("wrong coupon type");
Exemplo n.º 5
 public override void initialize(FloatingRateCoupon coupon)
     coupon_ = coupon as AverageBMACoupon;
     if (coupon_ == null)
         throw new Exception("wrong coupon type");
Exemplo n.º 6
        //                              BlackIborCouponPricer                        //
        public override void initialize(FloatingRateCoupon coupon)
            coupon_ = coupon as IborCoupon;
            if (coupon_ == null) throw new ApplicationException("Libor coupon required");
            gearing_ = coupon_.gearing();
            spread_ = coupon_.spread();
            Date paymentDate = coupon_.date();
            IborIndex index = coupon_.index() as IborIndex;
            Handle<YieldTermStructure> rateCurve = index.forwardingTermStructure();

            if (paymentDate > rateCurve.link.referenceDate())
                discount_ = rateCurve.link.discount(paymentDate);
                discount_ = 1.0;

            spreadLegValue_ = spread_ * coupon_.accrualPeriod() * discount_;
Exemplo n.º 7
        // other
        public override void setupArguments(IPricingEngineArguments args)

            AssetSwap.Arguments arguments = args as AssetSwap.Arguments;

            if (arguments == null) // it's a swap engine...

            List <CashFlow> fixedCoupons = bondLeg();

            arguments.fixedResetDates = arguments.fixedPayDates = new List <Date>(fixedCoupons.Count);
            arguments.fixedCoupons    = new List <double>(fixedCoupons.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < fixedCoupons.Count; ++i)
                FixedRateCoupon coupon = fixedCoupons[i] as FixedRateCoupon;

                arguments.fixedPayDates[i]   = coupon.date();
                arguments.fixedResetDates[i] = coupon.accrualStartDate();
                arguments.fixedCoupons[i]    = coupon.amount();

            List <CashFlow> floatingCoupons = floatingLeg();

            arguments.floatingResetDates      = arguments.floatingPayDates =
                arguments.floatingFixingDates = new List <Date>(floatingCoupons.Count);
            arguments.floatingAccrualTimes    = new List <double>(floatingCoupons.Count);
            arguments.floatingSpreads         = new List <double>(floatingCoupons.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < floatingCoupons.Count; ++i)
                FloatingRateCoupon coupon = floatingCoupons[i] as FloatingRateCoupon;

                arguments.floatingResetDates[i]   = coupon.accrualStartDate();
                arguments.floatingPayDates[i]     = coupon.date();
                arguments.floatingFixingDates[i]  = coupon.fixingDate();
                arguments.floatingAccrualTimes[i] = coupon.accrualPeriod();
                arguments.floatingSpreads[i]      = coupon.spread();
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void testAccessViolation()
            // Testing dynamic cast of coupon in Black pricer...

            SavedSettings backup = new SavedSettings();

            Date todaysDate = new Date(7, Month.April, 2010);
            Date settlementDate = new Date(9, Month.April, 2010);
            Calendar calendar = new TARGET();

            Handle<YieldTermStructure> rhTermStructure = new Handle<YieldTermStructure>(
                Utilities.flatRate(settlementDate, 0.04875825, new Actual365Fixed()));

            double volatility = 0.10;
            Handle<OptionletVolatilityStructure> vol= new Handle<OptionletVolatilityStructure>(
                new ConstantOptionletVolatility(2,
                                                       new Actual365Fixed()));

            IborIndex index3m =new USDLibor(new Period(3,TimeUnit.Months), rhTermStructure);

            Date payDate = new Date(20, Month.December, 2013);
            Date startDate = new Date(20, Month.September, 2013);
            Date endDate = new Date(20, Month.December, 2013);
            double spread = 0.0115;
            IborCouponPricer pricer = new BlackIborCouponPricer(vol);
            FloatingRateCoupon coupon = new FloatingRateCoupon(100,payDate, startDate, endDate, 2,
                                                index3m, 1.0 , spread / 100);

                // this caused an access violation in version 1.0
            catch (Exception )
                // ok; proper exception thrown
        public CappedFlooredCoupon(FloatingRateCoupon underlying, double?cap = null, double?floor = null)
            : base(underlying.nominal(), underlying.date(), underlying.accrualStartDate(), underlying.accrualEndDate(), underlying.fixingDays, underlying.index(), underlying.gearing(), underlying.spread(), underlying.refPeriodStart, underlying.refPeriodEnd, underlying.dayCounter(), underlying.isInArrears())
            underlying_ = underlying;
            isCapped_   = false;
            isFloored_  = false;

            if (gearing_ > 0)
                if (cap != null)
                    isCapped_ = true;
                    cap_      = cap;
                if (floor != null)
                    floor_     = floor;
                    isFloored_ = true;
                if (cap != null)
                    floor_     = cap;
                    isFloored_ = true;
                if (floor != null)
                    isCapped_ = true;
                    cap_      = floor;
            if (isCapped_ && isFloored_)
                if (!(cap >= floor))
                    throw new ApplicationException("cap level (" + cap + ") less than floor level (" + floor + ")");
Exemplo n.º 10
      public CappedFlooredCoupon(FloatingRateCoupon underlying, double? cap = null, double? floor = null)
         : base(underlying.nominal(), underlying.date(), underlying.accrualStartDate(), underlying.accrualEndDate(), underlying.fixingDays, underlying.index(), underlying.gearing(), underlying.spread(), underlying.refPeriodStart, underlying.refPeriodEnd, underlying.dayCounter(), underlying.isInArrears())
         underlying_ = underlying;
         isCapped_ = false;
         isFloored_ = false;

         if (gearing_ > 0)
            if (cap != null)
               isCapped_ = true;
               cap_ = cap;
            if (floor != null)
               floor_ = floor;
               isFloored_ = true;
            if (cap != null)
               floor_ = cap;
               isFloored_ = true;
            if (floor != null)
               isCapped_ = true;
               cap_ = floor;
         if (isCapped_ && isFloored_)
            if (!(cap >= floor))
               throw new ApplicationException("cap level (" + cap + ") less than floor level (" + floor + ")");
Exemplo n.º 11
        public override void initialize(FloatingRateCoupon coupon)
            coupon_ = coupon as RangeAccrualFloatersCoupon;
            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(coupon_ != null, () => "range-accrual coupon required");
            gearing_ = coupon_.gearing();
            spread_  = coupon_.spread();

            Date paymentDate = coupon_.date();

            IborIndex index = coupon_.index() as IborIndex;

            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(index != null, () => "invalid index");
            Handle <YieldTermStructure> rateCurve = index.forwardingTermStructure();

            discount_       = rateCurve.link.discount(paymentDate);
            accrualFactor_  = coupon_.accrualPeriod();
            spreadLegValue_ = spread_ * accrualFactor_ * discount_;

            startTime_        = coupon_.startTime();
            endTime_          = coupon_.endTime();
            observationTimes_ = coupon_.observationTimes();
            lowerTrigger_     = coupon_.lowerTrigger();
            upperTrigger_     = coupon_.upperTrigger();
            observationsNo_   = coupon_.observationsNo();

            List <Date> observationDates = coupon_.observationsSchedule().dates();

            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(observationDates.Count == observationsNo_ + 2, () => "incompatible size of initialValues vector");
            initialValues_ = new InitializedList <double>(observationDates.Count, 0.0);

            Calendar calendar = index.fixingCalendar();

            for (int i = 0; i < observationDates.Count; i++)
                initialValues_[i] = index.fixing(
                    calendar.advance(observationDates[i], -coupon_.fixingDays, TimeUnit.Days));
Exemplo n.º 12
        //                              BlackIborCouponPricer                        //

        public override void initialize(FloatingRateCoupon coupon)
            coupon_ = coupon as IborCoupon;
            if (coupon_ == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Libor coupon required");
            gearing_ = coupon_.gearing();
            spread_  = coupon_.spread();
            Date      paymentDate = coupon_.date();
            IborIndex index       = coupon_.index() as IborIndex;
            Handle <YieldTermStructure> rateCurve = index.forwardingTermStructure();

            if (paymentDate > rateCurve.link.referenceDate())
                discount_ = rateCurve.link.discount(paymentDate);
                discount_ = 1.0;

            spreadLegValue_ = spread_ * coupon_.accrualPeriod() * discount_;
Exemplo n.º 13
        public override void setupArguments(IPricingEngineArguments args)
            CapFloor.Arguments arguments = args as CapFloor.Arguments;

            if (arguments == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("wrong argument type");

            int n = floatingLeg_.Count;

            arguments.startDates   = new InitializedList <Date>(n);
            arguments.fixingDates  = new InitializedList <Date>(n);
            arguments.endDates     = new InitializedList <Date>(n);
            arguments.accrualTimes = new InitializedList <double>(n);
            arguments.forwards     = new InitializedList <double?>(n);
            arguments.nominals     = new InitializedList <double>(n);
            arguments.gearings     = new InitializedList <double>(n);
            arguments.capRates     = new InitializedList <double?>(n);
            arguments.floorRates   = new InitializedList <double?>(n);
            arguments.spreads      = new InitializedList <double>(n);

            arguments.type = type_;

            Date today = Settings.evaluationDate();

            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                FloatingRateCoupon coupon = floatingLeg_[i] as FloatingRateCoupon;

                if (coupon == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("non-FloatingRateCoupon given");

                arguments.startDates[i]  = coupon.accrualStartDate();
                arguments.fixingDates[i] = coupon.fixingDate();
                arguments.endDates[i]    = coupon.date();

                // this is passed explicitly for precision
                arguments.accrualTimes[i] = coupon.accrualPeriod();

                // this is passed explicitly for precision...
                if (arguments.endDates[i] >= today)
                    // ...but only if needed
                    arguments.forwards[i] = coupon.adjustedFixing;
                    arguments.forwards[i] = null;

                arguments.nominals[i] = coupon.nominal();
                double spread  = coupon.spread();
                double gearing = coupon.gearing();
                arguments.gearings[i] = gearing;
                arguments.spreads[i]  = spread;

                if (type_ == CapFloorType.Cap || type_ == CapFloorType.Collar)
                    arguments.capRates[i] = (capRates_[i] - spread) / gearing;
                    arguments.capRates[i] = null;

                if (type_ == CapFloorType.Floor || type_ == CapFloorType.Collar)
                    arguments.floorRates[i] = (floorRates_[i] - spread) / gearing;
                    arguments.floorRates[i] = null;
Exemplo n.º 14
        //! \name LazyObject interface
        protected override void performCalculations()
            // update dates
            Date                referenceDate = termVolSurface_.referenceDate();
            DayCounter          dc            = termVolSurface_.dayCounter();
            BlackCapFloorEngine dummy         = new BlackCapFloorEngine( // discounting does not matter here
                iborIndex_.forwardingTermStructure(), 0.20, dc);

            for (int i = 0; i < nOptionletTenors_; ++i)
                CapFloor temp = new MakeCapFloor(CapFloorType.Cap,
                                                 0.04, // dummy strike
                                                 new Period(0, TimeUnit.Days))
                FloatingRateCoupon lFRC = temp.lastFloatingRateCoupon();
                optionletDates_[i]          = lFRC.fixingDate();
                optionletPaymentDates_[i]   = lFRC.date();
                optionletAccrualPeriods_[i] = lFRC.accrualPeriod();
                optionletTimes_[i]          = dc.yearFraction(referenceDate,
                atmOptionletRate_[i] = lFRC.indexFixing();

            if (floatingSwitchStrike_ && capFlooMatrixNotInitialized_)
                double averageAtmOptionletRate = 0.0;
                for (int i = 0; i < nOptionletTenors_; ++i)
                    averageAtmOptionletRate += atmOptionletRate_[i];
                switchStrike_ = averageAtmOptionletRate / nOptionletTenors_;

            Handle <YieldTermStructure> discountCurve = discount_.empty()
            ? iborIndex_.forwardingTermStructure()
            : discount_;

            List <double> strikes = new List <double>(termVolSurface_.strikes());

            // initialize CapFloorMatrix
            if (capFlooMatrixNotInitialized_)
                for (int i = 0; i < nOptionletTenors_; ++i)
                    capFloors_[i] = new List <CapFloor>(nStrikes_);
                // construction might go here
                for (int j = 0; j < nStrikes_; ++j)
                    // using out-of-the-money options
                    CapFloorType capFloorType = strikes[j] < switchStrike_
                  ? CapFloorType.Floor
                  : CapFloorType.Cap;
                    for (int i = 0; i < nOptionletTenors_; ++i)
                        //volQuotes_[i][j] = new SimpleQuote();
                        if (volatilityType_ == VolatilityType.ShiftedLognormal)
                            BlackCapFloorEngine engine = new BlackCapFloorEngine(discountCurve,
                                                                                 new Handle <Quote>(volQuotes_[i][j]), dc, displacement_);
                            capFloors_[i].Add(new MakeCapFloor(capFloorType, capFloorLengths_[i], iborIndex_, strikes[j],
                                                               new Period(0, TimeUnit.Days)).withPricingEngine(engine));
                        else if (volatilityType_ == VolatilityType.Normal)
                            BachelierCapFloorEngine engine = new BachelierCapFloorEngine(discountCurve,
                                                                                         new Handle <Quote>(volQuotes_[i][j]), dc);
                            capFloors_[i].Add(new MakeCapFloor(capFloorType, capFloorLengths_[i], iborIndex_, strikes[j],
                                                               new Period(0, TimeUnit.Days)).withPricingEngine(engine));
                            Utils.QL_FAIL("unknown volatility type: " + volatilityType_);
                capFlooMatrixNotInitialized_ = false;

            for (int j = 0; j < nStrikes_; ++j)
                Option.Type optionletType = strikes[j] < switchStrike_ ? Option.Type.Put : Option.Type.Call;

                double previousCapFloorPrice = 0.0;
                for (int i = 0; i < nOptionletTenors_; ++i)
                    capFloorVols_[i, j] = termVolSurface_.volatility(capFloorLengths_[i], strikes[j], true);
                    volQuotes_[i][j].setValue(capFloorVols_[i, j]);

                    capFloorPrices_[i, j]  = capFloors_[i][j].NPV();
                    optionletPrices_[i, j] = capFloorPrices_[i, j] - previousCapFloorPrice;
                    previousCapFloorPrice  = capFloorPrices_[i, j];
                    double d = discountCurve.link.discount(optionletPaymentDates_[i]);
                    double optionletAnnuity = optionletAccrualPeriods_[i] * d;
                        if (volatilityType_ == VolatilityType.ShiftedLognormal)
                            optionletStDevs_[i, j] = Utils.blackFormulaImpliedStdDev(optionletType, strikes[j], atmOptionletRate_[i],
                                                                                     optionletPrices_[i, j], optionletAnnuity, displacement_, optionletStDevs_[i, j], accuracy_,
                        else if (volatilityType_ == VolatilityType.Normal)
                            optionletStDevs_[i, j] = Math.Sqrt(optionletTimes_[i]) *
                                optionletType, strikes[j], atmOptionletRate_[i],
                                optionletTimes_[i], optionletPrices_[i, j],
                            Utils.QL_FAIL("Unknown volatility type: " + volatilityType_);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        if (dontThrow_)
                            optionletStDevs_[i, j] = 0.0;
                            Utils.QL_FAIL("could not bootstrap optionlet:" +
                                          "\n type:    " + optionletType +
                                          "\n strike:  " + (strikes[j]) +
                                          "\n atm:     " + (atmOptionletRate_[i]) +
                                          "\n price:   " + optionletPrices_[i, j] +
                                          "\n annuity: " + optionletAnnuity +
                                          "\n expiry:  " + optionletDates_[i] +
                                          "\n error:   " + e.Message);
                    optionletVolatilities_[i][j] = optionletStDevs_[i, j] / Math.Sqrt(optionletTimes_[i]);
Exemplo n.º 15
        //! \name Constructors
        //! general constructor
        public DigitalCoupon(FloatingRateCoupon underlying, 
            double? callStrike = null,
            Position.Type callPosition = Position.Type.Long,
            bool isCallATMIncluded = false,
            double? callDigitalPayoff = null,
            double? putStrike = null,
            Position.Type putPosition = Position.Type.Long,
            bool isPutATMIncluded = false,
            double? putDigitalPayoff = null,
            DigitalReplication replication = null)
            : base(underlying.nominal(), underlying.Date, underlying.accrualStartDate(), underlying.accrualEndDate(), underlying.fixingDays, underlying.index(), underlying.gearing(), underlying.spread(), underlying.refPeriodStart, underlying.refPeriodEnd, underlying.dayCounter(), underlying.isInArrears())
            if (replication == null) replication = new DigitalReplication();

             underlying_ = underlying;
             callCsi_ = 0.0;
             putCsi_ = 0.0;
             isCallATMIncluded_ = isCallATMIncluded;
             isPutATMIncluded_ = isPutATMIncluded;
             isCallCashOrNothing_ = false;
             isPutCashOrNothing_ = false;
             callLeftEps_ = replication.gap() / 2.0;
             callRightEps_ = replication.gap() / 2.0;
             putLeftEps_ = replication.gap() / 2.0;
             putRightEps_ = replication.gap() / 2.0;
             hasPutStrike_ = false;
             hasCallStrike_ = false;
             replicationType_ = replication.replicationType();

             if (!(replication.gap() > 0.0))
            throw new ApplicationException("Non positive epsilon not allowed");

             if (putStrike == null)
            if (!(putDigitalPayoff == null))
               throw new ApplicationException("Put Cash rate non allowed if put strike is null");

             if (callStrike == null)
            if (!(callDigitalPayoff == null))
               throw new ApplicationException("Call Cash rate non allowed if call strike is null");
             if (callStrike != null)
            if (!(callStrike >= 0.0))
               throw new ApplicationException("negative call strike not allowed");

            hasCallStrike_ = true;
            callStrike_ = callStrike.GetValueOrDefault();
            if (!(callStrike_ >= replication.gap() / 2.0))
               throw new ApplicationException("call strike < eps/2");

            switch (callPosition)
               case Position.Type.Long:
                  callCsi_ = 1.0;
               case Position.Type.Short:
                  callCsi_ = -1.0;
                  throw new ApplicationException("unsupported position type");
            if (callDigitalPayoff != null)
               callDigitalPayoff_ = callDigitalPayoff.GetValueOrDefault();
               isCallCashOrNothing_ = true;
             if (putStrike != null)
            if (!(putStrike >= 0.0))
               throw new ApplicationException("negative put strike not allowed");

            hasPutStrike_ = true;
            putStrike_ = putStrike.GetValueOrDefault();
            switch (putPosition)
               case Position.Type.Long:
                  putCsi_ = 1.0;
               case Position.Type.Short:
                  putCsi_ = -1.0;
                  throw new ApplicationException("unsupported position type");
            if (putDigitalPayoff != null)
               putDigitalPayoff_ = putDigitalPayoff.GetValueOrDefault();
               isPutCashOrNothing_ = true;

             switch (replicationType_)
            case Replication.Type.Central:
               // do nothing
            case Replication.Type.Sub:
               if (hasCallStrike_)
                  switch (callPosition)
                     case Position.Type.Long:
                        callLeftEps_ = 0.0;
                        callRightEps_ = replication.gap();
                     case Position.Type.Short:
                        callLeftEps_ = replication.gap();
                        callRightEps_ = 0.0;
                        throw new ApplicationException("unsupported position type");
               if (hasPutStrike_)
                  switch (putPosition)
                     case Position.Type.Long:
                        putLeftEps_ = replication.gap();
                        putRightEps_ = 0.0;
                     case Position.Type.Short:
                        putLeftEps_ = 0.0;
                        putRightEps_ = replication.gap();
                        throw new ApplicationException("unsupported position type");
            case Replication.Type.Super:
               if (hasCallStrike_)
                  switch (callPosition)
                     case Position.Type.Long:
                        callLeftEps_ = replication.gap();
                        callRightEps_ = 0.0;
                     case Position.Type.Short:
                        callLeftEps_ = 0.0;
                        callRightEps_ = replication.gap();
                        throw new ApplicationException("unsupported position type");
               if (hasPutStrike_)
                  switch (putPosition)
                     case Position.Type.Long:
                        putLeftEps_ = 0.0;
                        putRightEps_ = replication.gap();
                     case Position.Type.Short:
                        putLeftEps_ = replication.gap();
                        putRightEps_ = 0.0;
                        throw new ApplicationException("unsupported position type");
               throw new ApplicationException("unsupported position type");

Exemplo n.º 16
 public override void initialize(FloatingRateCoupon coupon) {
     coupon_ = coupon as AverageBMACoupon;
     if (coupon_ == null)
         throw new ApplicationException("wrong coupon type");
Exemplo n.º 17
        // other
        public override void setupArguments(IPricingEngineArguments args)

            Arguments arguments = args as Arguments;

            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(arguments != null, () => "argument type does not match");

            arguments.type     = type_;
            arguments.nominal1 = nominal1_;
            arguments.nominal2 = nominal2_;
            arguments.index1   = index1_;
            arguments.index2   = index2_;

            List <CashFlow> leg1Coupons = leg1();
            List <CashFlow> leg2Coupons = leg2();

            arguments.leg1ResetDates      = arguments.leg1PayDates =
                arguments.leg1FixingDates = new InitializedList <Date>(leg1Coupons.Count);
            arguments.leg2ResetDates      = arguments.leg2PayDates =
                arguments.leg2FixingDates = new InitializedList <Date>(leg2Coupons.Count);

            arguments.leg1Spreads      = arguments.leg1AccrualTimes =
                arguments.leg1Gearings = new InitializedList <double>(leg1Coupons.Count);
            arguments.leg2Spreads      = arguments.leg2AccrualTimes =
                arguments.leg2Gearings = new InitializedList <double>(leg2Coupons.Count);

            arguments.leg1Coupons = new InitializedList <double?>(leg1Coupons.Count, null);
            arguments.leg2Coupons = new InitializedList <double?>(leg2Coupons.Count, null);

            arguments.leg1IsRedemptionFlow = new InitializedList <bool>(leg1Coupons.Count, false);
            arguments.leg2IsRedemptionFlow = new InitializedList <bool>(leg2Coupons.Count, false);

            arguments.leg1CappedRates = arguments.leg1FlooredRates =
                new InitializedList <double?>(leg1Coupons.Count, null);
            arguments.leg2CappedRates = arguments.leg2FlooredRates =
                new InitializedList <double?>(leg2Coupons.Count, null);

            for (int i = 0; i < leg1Coupons.Count; ++i)
                FloatingRateCoupon coupon = leg1Coupons[i] as FloatingRateCoupon;
                if (coupon != null)
                    arguments.leg1AccrualTimes[i] = coupon.accrualPeriod();
                    arguments.leg1PayDates[i]     = coupon.date();
                    arguments.leg1ResetDates[i]   = coupon.accrualStartDate();
                    arguments.leg1FixingDates[i]  = coupon.fixingDate();
                    arguments.leg1Spreads[i]      = coupon.spread();
                    arguments.leg1Gearings[i]     = coupon.gearing();
                        arguments.leg1Coupons[i] = coupon.amount();
                    catch (Exception)
                        arguments.leg1Coupons[i] = null;
                    CappedFlooredCoupon cfcoupon = leg1Coupons[i] as CappedFlooredCoupon;
                    if (cfcoupon != null)
                        arguments.leg1CappedRates[i]  = cfcoupon.cap();
                        arguments.leg1FlooredRates[i] = cfcoupon.floor();
                    CashFlow cashflow = leg1Coupons[i] as CashFlow;
                    int      j        = arguments.leg1PayDates.FindIndex(x => x == cashflow.date());
                    Utils.QL_REQUIRE(j != -1, () =>
                                     "nominal redemption on " + cashflow.date() + "has no corresponding coupon");
                    int jIdx = j; // Size jIdx = j - arguments->leg1PayDates.begin();
                    arguments.leg1IsRedemptionFlow[i] = true;
                    arguments.leg1Coupons[i]          = cashflow.amount();
                    arguments.leg1ResetDates[i]       = arguments.leg1ResetDates[jIdx];
                    arguments.leg1FixingDates[i]      = arguments.leg1FixingDates[jIdx];
                    arguments.leg1AccrualTimes[i]     = 0.0;
                    arguments.leg1Spreads[i]          = 0.0;
                    arguments.leg1Gearings[i]         = 1.0;
                    arguments.leg1PayDates[i]         = cashflow.date();

            for (int i = 0; i < leg2Coupons.Count; ++i)
                FloatingRateCoupon coupon = leg2Coupons[i] as FloatingRateCoupon;
                if (coupon != null)
                    arguments.leg2AccrualTimes[i] = coupon.accrualPeriod();
                    arguments.leg2PayDates[i]     = coupon.date();
                    arguments.leg2ResetDates[i]   = coupon.accrualStartDate();
                    arguments.leg2FixingDates[i]  = coupon.fixingDate();
                    arguments.leg2Spreads[i]      = coupon.spread();
                    arguments.leg2Gearings[i]     = coupon.gearing();
                        arguments.leg2Coupons[i] = coupon.amount();
                    catch (Exception)
                        arguments.leg2Coupons[i] = null;
                    CappedFlooredCoupon cfcoupon = leg2Coupons[i] as CappedFlooredCoupon;
                    if (cfcoupon != null)
                        arguments.leg2CappedRates[i]  = cfcoupon.cap();
                        arguments.leg2FlooredRates[i] = cfcoupon.floor();
                    CashFlow cashflow = leg2Coupons[i] as CashFlow;
                    int      j        = arguments.leg2PayDates.FindIndex(x => x == cashflow.date());
                    Utils.QL_REQUIRE(j != -1, () =>
                                     "nominal redemption on " + cashflow.date() + "has no corresponding coupon");
                    int jIdx = j; // j - arguments->leg2PayDates.begin();
                    arguments.leg2IsRedemptionFlow[i] = true;
                    arguments.leg2Coupons[i]          = cashflow.amount();
                    arguments.leg2ResetDates[i]       = arguments.leg2ResetDates[jIdx];
                    arguments.leg2FixingDates[i]      =
                    arguments.leg2AccrualTimes[i] = 0.0;
                    arguments.leg2Spreads[i]      = 0.0;
                    arguments.leg2Gearings[i]     = 1.0;
                    arguments.leg2PayDates[i]     = cashflow.date();
Exemplo n.º 18
 // Factory - for Leg generators
 public virtual CashFlow factory(FloatingRateCoupon underlying, double? callStrike, Position.Type callPosition, bool isCallATMIncluded, double? callDigitalPayoff, double? putStrike, Position.Type putPosition, bool isPutATMIncluded, double? putDigitalPayoff, DigitalReplication replication)
     return new DigitalCoupon(underlying, callStrike, callPosition, isCallATMIncluded, callDigitalPayoff, putStrike, putPosition, isPutATMIncluded, putDigitalPayoff, replication);
Exemplo n.º 19
 public abstract void initialize(FloatingRateCoupon coupon);
Exemplo n.º 20
 public override void initialize(FloatingRateCoupon coupon)
    coupon_ = coupon as OvernightIndexedCoupon;
    if (coupon_ == null)
       throw new ApplicationException("wrong coupon type");
Exemplo n.º 21
 public override void initialize(FloatingRateCoupon coupon)
     coupon_ = coupon as OvernightIndexedCoupon;
     Utils.QL_REQUIRE(coupon_ != null, () => "wrong coupon type");
Exemplo n.º 22
 public override void initialize(FloatingRateCoupon coupon)
     coupon_ = coupon as AverageBMACoupon;
     Utils.QL_REQUIRE(coupon_ != null, () => "wrong coupon type");
Exemplo n.º 23
 // Factory - for Leg generators
 public virtual CashFlow factory(FloatingRateCoupon underlying, double?callStrike, Position.Type callPosition, bool isCallATMIncluded, double?callDigitalPayoff, double?putStrike, Position.Type putPosition, bool isPutATMIncluded, double?putDigitalPayoff, DigitalReplication replication)
     return(new DigitalCoupon(underlying, callStrike, callPosition, isCallATMIncluded, callDigitalPayoff, putStrike, putPosition, isPutATMIncluded, putDigitalPayoff, replication));
Exemplo n.º 24
        //! \name Constructors
        //! general constructor
        public DigitalCoupon(FloatingRateCoupon underlying,
                             double?callStrike              = null,
                             Position.Type callPosition     = Position.Type.Long,
                             bool isCallATMIncluded         = false,
                             double?callDigitalPayoff       = null,
                             double?putStrike               = null,
                             Position.Type putPosition      = Position.Type.Long,
                             bool isPutATMIncluded          = false,
                             double?putDigitalPayoff        = null,
                             DigitalReplication replication = null)
            : base(underlying.nominal(), underlying.date(), underlying.accrualStartDate(), underlying.accrualEndDate(), underlying.fixingDays, underlying.index(), underlying.gearing(), underlying.spread(), underlying.refPeriodStart, underlying.refPeriodEnd, underlying.dayCounter(), underlying.isInArrears())
            if (replication == null)
                replication = new DigitalReplication();

            underlying_          = underlying;
            callCsi_             = 0.0;
            putCsi_              = 0.0;
            isCallATMIncluded_   = isCallATMIncluded;
            isPutATMIncluded_    = isPutATMIncluded;
            isCallCashOrNothing_ = false;
            isPutCashOrNothing_  = false;
            callLeftEps_         = replication.gap() / 2.0;
            callRightEps_        = replication.gap() / 2.0;
            putLeftEps_          = replication.gap() / 2.0;
            putRightEps_         = replication.gap() / 2.0;
            hasPutStrike_        = false;
            hasCallStrike_       = false;
            replicationType_     = replication.replicationType();

            if (!(replication.gap() > 0.0))
                throw new ApplicationException("Non positive epsilon not allowed");

            if (putStrike == null)
                if (!(putDigitalPayoff == null))
                    throw new ApplicationException("Put Cash rate non allowed if put strike is null");

            if (callStrike == null)
                if (!(callDigitalPayoff == null))
                    throw new ApplicationException("Call Cash rate non allowed if call strike is null");
            if (callStrike != null)
                if (!(callStrike >= 0.0))
                    throw new ApplicationException("negative call strike not allowed");

                hasCallStrike_ = true;
                callStrike_    = callStrike.GetValueOrDefault();
                if (!(callStrike_ >= replication.gap() / 2.0))
                    throw new ApplicationException("call strike < eps/2");

                switch (callPosition)
                case Position.Type.Long:
                    callCsi_ = 1.0;

                case Position.Type.Short:
                    callCsi_ = -1.0;

                    throw new ApplicationException("unsupported position type");
                if (callDigitalPayoff != null)
                    callDigitalPayoff_   = callDigitalPayoff.GetValueOrDefault();
                    isCallCashOrNothing_ = true;
            if (putStrike != null)
                if (!(putStrike >= 0.0))
                    throw new ApplicationException("negative put strike not allowed");

                hasPutStrike_ = true;
                putStrike_    = putStrike.GetValueOrDefault();
                switch (putPosition)
                case Position.Type.Long:
                    putCsi_ = 1.0;

                case Position.Type.Short:
                    putCsi_ = -1.0;

                    throw new ApplicationException("unsupported position type");
                if (putDigitalPayoff != null)
                    putDigitalPayoff_   = putDigitalPayoff.GetValueOrDefault();
                    isPutCashOrNothing_ = true;

            switch (replicationType_)
            case Replication.Type.Central:
                // do nothing

            case Replication.Type.Sub:
                if (hasCallStrike_)
                    switch (callPosition)
                    case Position.Type.Long:
                        callLeftEps_  = 0.0;
                        callRightEps_ = replication.gap();

                    case Position.Type.Short:
                        callLeftEps_  = replication.gap();
                        callRightEps_ = 0.0;

                        throw new ApplicationException("unsupported position type");
                if (hasPutStrike_)
                    switch (putPosition)
                    case Position.Type.Long:
                        putLeftEps_  = replication.gap();
                        putRightEps_ = 0.0;

                    case Position.Type.Short:
                        putLeftEps_  = 0.0;
                        putRightEps_ = replication.gap();

                        throw new ApplicationException("unsupported position type");

            case Replication.Type.Super:
                if (hasCallStrike_)
                    switch (callPosition)
                    case Position.Type.Long:
                        callLeftEps_  = replication.gap();
                        callRightEps_ = 0.0;

                    case Position.Type.Short:
                        callLeftEps_  = 0.0;
                        callRightEps_ = replication.gap();

                        throw new ApplicationException("unsupported position type");
                if (hasPutStrike_)
                    switch (putPosition)
                    case Position.Type.Long:
                        putLeftEps_  = 0.0;
                        putRightEps_ = replication.gap();

                    case Position.Type.Short:
                        putLeftEps_  = replication.gap();
                        putRightEps_ = 0.0;

                        throw new ApplicationException("unsupported position type");

                throw new ApplicationException("unsupported position type");

Exemplo n.º 25
        public override void initialize(FloatingRateCoupon coupon)
            coupon_ = coupon as CmsCoupon;
            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(coupon_ != null, () => "CMS coupon needed");
            gearing_ = coupon_.gearing();
            spread_  = coupon_.spread();

            fixingDate_  = coupon_.fixingDate();
            paymentDate_ = coupon_.date();
            swapIndex_   = coupon_.swapIndex();

            forwardCurve_ = swapIndex_.forwardingTermStructure();
            if (swapIndex_.exogenousDiscount())
                discountCurve_ = swapIndex_.discountingTermStructure();
                discountCurve_ = forwardCurve_;

            // if no coupon discount curve is given just use the discounting curve
            // from the swap index. for rate calculation this curve cancels out in
            // the computation, so e.g. the discounting swap engine will produce
            // correct results, even if the couponDiscountCurve is not set here.
            // only the price member function in this class will be dependent on the
            // coupon discount curve.

            today_ = QLNet.Settings.evaluationDate();

            if (paymentDate_ > today_ && !couponDiscountCurve_.empty())
                couponDiscountRatio_ = couponDiscountCurve_.link.discount(paymentDate_) /
                couponDiscountRatio_ = 1.0;

            spreadLegValue_ = spread_ * coupon_.accrualPeriod() *
                              discountCurve_.link.discount(paymentDate_) *

            if (fixingDate_ > today_)
                swapTenor_ = swapIndex_.tenor();
                swap_      = swapIndex_.underlyingSwap(fixingDate_);

                swapRateValue_ = swap_.fairRate();
                annuity_       = 1.0E4 * Math.Abs(swap_.fixedLegBPS());

                SmileSection sectionTmp = swaptionVolatility().link.smileSection(fixingDate_, swapTenor_);

                // adjust bounds by section's shift
                shiftedLowerBound_ = settings_.lowerRateBound_ - sectionTmp.shift();
                shiftedUpperBound_ = settings_.upperRateBound_ - sectionTmp.shift();

                // if the section does not provide an atm level, we enhance it to
                // have one, no need to exit with an exception ...

                if (sectionTmp.atmLevel() == null)
                    smileSection_ = new AtmSmileSection(sectionTmp, swapRateValue_);
                    smileSection_ = sectionTmp;

                // compute linear model's parameters

                double gx = 0.0, gy = 0.0;
                for (int i = 0; i < swap_.fixedLeg().Count; i++)
                    Coupon c  = swap_.fixedLeg()[i] as Coupon;
                    double yf = c.accrualPeriod();
                    Date   d  = c.date();
                    double pv = yf * discountCurve_.link.discount(d);
                    gx += pv * GsrG(d);
                    gy += pv;

                double gamma = gx / gy;
                Date   lastd = swap_.fixedLeg().Last().date();

                a_ = discountCurve_.link.discount(paymentDate_) *
                     (gamma - GsrG(paymentDate_)) /
                     (discountCurve_.link.discount(lastd) * GsrG(lastd) +
                      swapRateValue_ * gy * gamma);

                b_ = discountCurve_.link.discount(paymentDate_) / gy -
                     a_ * swapRateValue_;
Exemplo n.º 26
        public override void initialize(FloatingRateCoupon coupon) {
            coupon_ = coupon as CmsCoupon;
            Utils.QL_REQUIRE( coupon_ != null, () => "CMS coupon needed" );
            gearing_ = coupon_.gearing();
            spread_ = coupon_.spread();

            fixingDate_ = coupon_.fixingDate();
            paymentDate_ = coupon_.date();
            SwapIndex swapIndex = coupon_.swapIndex();
            rateCurve_ = swapIndex.forwardingTermStructure().link;

            Date today = Settings.evaluationDate();

            if (paymentDate_ > today)
                discount_ = rateCurve_.discount(paymentDate_);
                discount_ = 1.0;

            spreadLegValue_ = spread_ * coupon_.accrualPeriod() * discount_;

            if (fixingDate_ > today) {
                swapTenor_ = swapIndex.tenor();
                VanillaSwap swap = swapIndex.underlyingSwap(fixingDate_);

                swapRateValue_ = swap.fairRate();

                double bp = 1.0e-4;
                annuity_ = (swap.floatingLegBPS() / bp);

                int q = (int)swapIndex.fixedLegTenor().frequency();
                Schedule schedule = swap.fixedSchedule();
                DayCounter dc = swapIndex.dayCounter();
                //DayCounter dc = coupon.dayCounter();
                double startTime = dc.yearFraction(rateCurve_.referenceDate(), swap.startDate());
                double swapFirstPaymentTime = dc.yearFraction(rateCurve_.referenceDate(), schedule.date(1));
                double paymentTime = dc.yearFraction(rateCurve_.referenceDate(), paymentDate_);
                double delta = (paymentTime - startTime) / (swapFirstPaymentTime - startTime);

                switch (modelOfYieldCurve_) {
                    case GFunctionFactory.YieldCurveModel.Standard:
                        gFunction_ = GFunctionFactory.newGFunctionStandard(q, delta, swapTenor_.length());
                    case GFunctionFactory.YieldCurveModel.ExactYield:
                        gFunction_ = GFunctionFactory.newGFunctionExactYield(coupon_);
                    case GFunctionFactory.YieldCurveModel.ParallelShifts: {
                            Handle<Quote> nullMeanReversionQuote = new Handle<Quote>(new SimpleQuote(0.0));
                            gFunction_ = GFunctionFactory.newGFunctionWithShifts(coupon_, nullMeanReversionQuote);
                    case GFunctionFactory.YieldCurveModel.NonParallelShifts:
                        gFunction_ = GFunctionFactory.newGFunctionWithShifts(coupon_, meanReversion_);
                        throw new ApplicationException("unknown/illegal gFunction type");
                vanillaOptionPricer_ = new BlackVanillaOptionPricer(swapRateValue_, fixingDate_, swapTenor_, swaptionVolatility().link);
Exemplo n.º 27
        public override void initialize(FloatingRateCoupon coupon)
            coupon_ = coupon as CmsCoupon;
            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(coupon_ != null, () => "CMS coupon needed");
            gearing_ = coupon_.gearing();
            spread_  = coupon_.spread();

            fixingDate_  = coupon_.fixingDate();
            paymentDate_ = coupon_.date();
            SwapIndex swapIndex = coupon_.swapIndex();

            rateCurve_ = swapIndex.forwardingTermStructure().link;

            Date today = Settings.evaluationDate();

            if (paymentDate_ > today)
                discount_ = rateCurve_.discount(paymentDate_);
                discount_ = 1.0;

            spreadLegValue_ = spread_ * coupon_.accrualPeriod() * discount_;

            if (fixingDate_ > today)
                swapTenor_ = swapIndex.tenor();
                VanillaSwap swap = swapIndex.underlyingSwap(fixingDate_);

                swapRateValue_ = swap.fairRate();

                double bp = 1.0e-4;
                annuity_ = (swap.floatingLegBPS() / bp);

                int        q        = (int)swapIndex.fixedLegTenor().frequency();
                Schedule   schedule = swap.fixedSchedule();
                DayCounter dc       = swapIndex.dayCounter();
                //DayCounter dc = coupon.dayCounter();
                double startTime            = dc.yearFraction(rateCurve_.referenceDate(), swap.startDate());
                double swapFirstPaymentTime = dc.yearFraction(rateCurve_.referenceDate(), schedule.date(1));
                double paymentTime          = dc.yearFraction(rateCurve_.referenceDate(), paymentDate_);
                double delta = (paymentTime - startTime) / (swapFirstPaymentTime - startTime);

                switch (modelOfYieldCurve_)
                case GFunctionFactory.YieldCurveModel.Standard:
                    gFunction_ = GFunctionFactory.newGFunctionStandard(q, delta, swapTenor_.length());

                case GFunctionFactory.YieldCurveModel.ExactYield:
                    gFunction_ = GFunctionFactory.newGFunctionExactYield(coupon_);

                case GFunctionFactory.YieldCurveModel.ParallelShifts: {
                    Handle <Quote> nullMeanReversionQuote = new Handle <Quote>(new SimpleQuote(0.0));
                    gFunction_ = GFunctionFactory.newGFunctionWithShifts(coupon_, nullMeanReversionQuote);

                case GFunctionFactory.YieldCurveModel.NonParallelShifts:
                    gFunction_ = GFunctionFactory.newGFunctionWithShifts(coupon_, meanReversion_);

                    throw new ApplicationException("unknown/illegal gFunction type");
                vanillaOptionPricer_ = new BlackVanillaOptionPricer(swapRateValue_, fixingDate_, swapTenor_, swaptionVolatility().link);
Exemplo n.º 28
 public abstract void initialize(FloatingRateCoupon coupon);
Exemplo n.º 29
 public void visit(FloatingRateCoupon c)