Exemplo n.º 1
 public Game(SpaceState state, SpaceState winstate, int w, int h)
     this.w       = w;
     this.h       = h;
     currentState = state;
     winningState = winstate;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public SpaceState(string blocks, SpaceState parent, string moved, string direction)
     this.blocks    = blocks;
     this.parent    = parent;
     this.moved     = moved;
     this.direction = direction;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public void Undo()
     if (stateHistory.Count > 0)
         currentState = stateHistory.Pop();
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void solveToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (game == null)


            SolverWindow sw = new SolverWindow();
            SpaceState   sp = sw.SolveGame(game);

            if (sp != null)
                while (sp.parent != null)
                    moves.Add(new Tuple <string, int>(sp.moved, int.Parse(sp.direction)));
                    sp = sp.parent;


                try { ml.Close(); }
                catch (Exception ex) { }

                ml = new MovesList();
Exemplo n.º 5
 public Game(SpaceState state, SpaceState stage, int w, int h, char goalBlock)
     this.w         = w;
     this.h         = h;
     this.state     = state;
     this.stage     = stage;
     this.goalBlock = goalBlock;
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void SolveMethod()
            isRunning   = true;
            returnState = ps.Solve();
            isRunning   = false;


            message = "Solution found\nStates Checked: " + ps.count;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public bool IsWin(SpaceState state)
            for (int i = 0; i < game.stage.blocks.Count(); i++)
                if ((game.stage.blocks[i] == '0' || game.stage.blocks[i] == '-') && state.blocks[i] == game.goalBlock)

Exemplo n.º 8
        public bool IsWin(SpaceState currentState)
            for (int i = 0; i < winningState.blocks.Count(); i++)
                if (winningState.blocks[i] != '0' && winningState.blocks[i] != currentState.blocks[i])

Exemplo n.º 9
        // Overloaded constructor.
        public PuzzleSolver(Game game)
            // Test if a game is playing.
            if (game == null)

            // Set width and height of the puzzle.
            w = game.w;
            h = game.h;

            // Set the starting state of the puzzle.
            startState   = game.currentState;
            winningState = game.winningState;

            // Analyze the blocks present in the puzzle.
Exemplo n.º 10
        // Method for searching breadth fisrt for solution.
        public SpaceState Solve()
            // Reset count.
            count = 0;

            // Add first state in open list.

            // Adding fist state in lookup list.
            lookup.Add(Simplify(ref game.state.blocks));

            List <char> moveBlocks = new List <char>();

            moveBlocks.Remove(' ');

            // While loop to search for solution.
            while (open.Count > 0)
                // Test first element on open stack.
                SpaceState test = open.First();
                // Remove element from stack.

                // Test for winning condition.
                if (IsWin(test))

                // Increment count.

                for (int i = 0; i < moveBlocks.Count; i++)
                    List <int> oldIndexes = new List <int>();
                    for (int oi = 0; oi < test.blocks.Length; oi++)
                        if (test.blocks[oi] == moveBlocks[i])

                    int diff = 0;
                    for (int iteration = 0; iteration < 4; iteration++)
                        #region Move

                        // Set diff for movement.
                        if (iteration == 0)
                            diff = -game.w;
                        else if (iteration == 1)
                            diff = +game.w;
                        else if (iteration == 2)
                            diff = -1;
                        else if (iteration == 3)
                            diff = +1;

                        bool valid = true;

                        // Create new indexes.
                        List <int> newIndexes = new List <int>();
                        for (int oi = 0; oi < oldIndexes.Count; oi++)
                            newIndexes.Add(oldIndexes[oi] + diff);

                        // Test against stage.
                        for (int ni = 0; valid && ni < newIndexes.Count; ni++)
                            if (game.stage.blocks[newIndexes[ni]] == '#')
                                valid = false;
                            else if (game.stage.blocks[newIndexes[ni]] == '-' && moveBlocks[i] != game.goalBlock)
                                valid = false;

                        // Test new indexes.
                        for (int ni = 0; valid && ni < newIndexes.Count; ni++)
                            char mb = moveBlocks[i];
                            char tb = test.blocks[newIndexes[ni]];

                            if (!(test.blocks[newIndexes[ni]] == ' ' || test.blocks[newIndexes[ni]] == moveBlocks[i]))
                                valid = false;

                        // Apply move and add to list.
                        if (valid)
                            string newBlocks = String.Copy(test.blocks);
                            for (int oi = 0; oi < oldIndexes.Count; oi++)
                                newBlocks = newBlocks.Remove(oldIndexes[oi], 1);
                                newBlocks = newBlocks.Insert(oldIndexes[oi], " ");
                            for (int ni = 0; ni < newIndexes.Count; ni++)
                                newBlocks = newBlocks.Remove(newIndexes[ni], 1);
                                newBlocks = newBlocks.Insert(newIndexes[ni], moveBlocks[i].ToString());

                            SpaceState sp = new SpaceState(newBlocks, test, moveBlocks[i].ToString(), iteration.ToString());

                            if (!(lookup.Contains(Simplify(ref newBlocks))))
                                lookup.Add(Simplify(ref newBlocks));


Exemplo n.º 11
 public void NewState(SpaceState state)
     currentState = state;
Exemplo n.º 12
        private void MoveBlocks(int direction)
            if (game == null)

            List <int> oldIndexes = new List <int>();

            for (int oi = 0; oi < game.currentState.blocks.Length; oi++)
                if (game.currentState.blocks[oi] == game.selectedBlock)

            bool valid = true;

            // Test old indexes.
            for (int oi = 0; oi < oldIndexes.Count; oi++)
                if (direction == 0 && !(oldIndexes[oi] / game.w > 0))
                    valid = false; break;
                if (direction == 1 && !(oldIndexes[oi] / game.w < game.h - 1))
                    valid = false; break;
                if (direction == 2 && !(oldIndexes[oi] % game.w > 0))
                    valid = false; break;
                if (direction == 3 && !(oldIndexes[oi] % game.w < game.w - 1))
                    valid = false; break;

            // Set diff for movement.
            int diff = 1;

            if (direction == 0)
                diff = -game.w;
            else if (direction == 1)
                diff = +game.w;
            else if (direction == 2)
                diff = -1;
            else if (direction == 3)
                diff = +1;

            // Create new indexes.
            List <int> newIndexes = new List <int>();

            for (int oi = 0; oi < oldIndexes.Count; oi++)
                newIndexes.Add(oldIndexes[oi] + diff);

            // Test new  indexes.
            for (int ni = 0; valid && ni < newIndexes.Count; ni++)
                if (!(game.currentState.blocks[newIndexes[ni]] == '0' || game.currentState.blocks[newIndexes[ni]] == game.selectedBlock))
                    valid = false;

            // Apply move and add to list.
            if (valid)
                string newBlocks = String.Copy(game.currentState.blocks);
                for (int oi = 0; oi < oldIndexes.Count; oi++)
                    newBlocks = newBlocks.Remove(oldIndexes[oi], 1);
                    newBlocks = newBlocks.Insert(oldIndexes[oi], "0");
                for (int ni = 0; ni < newIndexes.Count; ni++)
                    newBlocks = newBlocks.Remove(newIndexes[ni], 1);
                    newBlocks = newBlocks.Insert(newIndexes[ni], game.selectedBlock.ToString());

                SpaceState sp = new SpaceState(newBlocks, null, "", "");

                if (game.IsWin())
                    MessageBox.Show("You have won the game. It took you " + game.stateHistory.Count + " moves.");

                try { ml.MoveMade(new Tuple <string, int>(game.selectedBlock.ToString(), direction)); }
                catch (Exception e) { }
Exemplo n.º 13
        // Method for searching breadth fisrt for solution.
        public SpaceState Solve()
            // Reset count.
            count = 0;

            // Populate lookup lists.
            for (int i = 0; i < 1048575; i++)
                lookup.Add(new List <string>());

            // Add first state in open list.

            // Index of lookup list to store string.
            int aIndex = int.Parse(Simplify(ref startState.blocks).Substring(0, 5), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);

            // Adding fist state in lookup list.
            lookup[aIndex].Add(Simplify(ref startState.blocks).Substring(5));

            // While loop to search for solution.
            while (open.Count > 0)
                // Test first element on open stack.
                SpaceState test = open.First();
                // Remove element from stack.

                // Test for winning condition.
                if (IsWin(test))

                // Increment count.

                List <int>  zeroBlocks = new List <int>();
                List <char> moveBlocks = new List <char>();

                for (int i = 0; i < test.blocks.Length; i++)
                    if (test.blocks[i] == '0')
                        if (i / w > 0 && !moveBlocks.Contains(test.blocks[i - w]))
                            moveBlocks.Add(test.blocks[i - w]);
                        if (i / w < h - 1 && !moveBlocks.Contains(test.blocks[i + w]))
                            moveBlocks.Add(test.blocks[i + w]);
                        if (i % w > 0 && !moveBlocks.Contains(test.blocks[i - 1]))
                            moveBlocks.Add(test.blocks[i - 1]);
                        if (i % w < w - 1 && !moveBlocks.Contains(test.blocks[i + 1]))
                            moveBlocks.Add(test.blocks[i + 1]);


                for (int i = 0; i < moveBlocks.Count; i++)
                    List <int> oldIndexes = new List <int>();
                    for (int oi = 0; oi < test.blocks.Length; oi++)
                        if (test.blocks[oi] == moveBlocks[i])

                    int diff = 0;
                    for (int iteration = 0; iteration < 4; iteration++)
                        #region Move

                        bool valid = true;
                        // Test old indexes.
                        for (int oi = 0; oi < oldIndexes.Count; oi++)
                            if (iteration == 0 && !(oldIndexes[oi] / w > 0))
                                valid = false; break;
                            if (iteration == 1 && !(oldIndexes[oi] / w < h - 1))
                                valid = false; break;
                            if (iteration == 2 && !(oldIndexes[oi] % w > 0))
                                valid = false; break;
                            if (iteration == 3 && !(oldIndexes[oi] % w < w - 1))
                                valid = false; break;

                        // Set diff for movement.
                        if (iteration == 0)
                            diff = -w;
                        else if (iteration == 1)
                            diff = +w;
                        else if (iteration == 2)
                            diff = -1;
                        else if (iteration == 3)
                            diff = +1;

                        // Create new indexes.
                        List <int> newIndexes = new List <int>();
                        for (int oi = 0; oi < oldIndexes.Count; oi++)
                            newIndexes.Add(oldIndexes[oi] + diff);

                        // Test new  indexes.
                        for (int ni = 0; valid && ni < newIndexes.Count; ni++)
                            if (!(test.blocks[newIndexes[ni]] == '0' || test.blocks[newIndexes[ni]] == moveBlocks[i]))
                                valid = false;

                        // Apply move and add to list.
                        if (valid)
                            string newBlocks = String.Copy(test.blocks);
                            for (int oi = 0; oi < oldIndexes.Count; oi++)
                                newBlocks = newBlocks.Remove(oldIndexes[oi], 1);
                                newBlocks = newBlocks.Insert(oldIndexes[oi], "0");
                            for (int ni = 0; ni < newIndexes.Count; ni++)
                                newBlocks = newBlocks.Remove(newIndexes[ni], 1);
                                newBlocks = newBlocks.Insert(newIndexes[ni], moveBlocks[i].ToString());

                            int        cIndex2 = int.Parse(Simplify(ref newBlocks).Substring(0, 5), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                            SpaceState sp      = new SpaceState(newBlocks, test, moveBlocks[i].ToString(), iteration.ToString());

                            if (!(lookup[cIndex2].Contains(Simplify(ref newBlocks).Substring(5))))
                                lookup[cIndex2].Add(Simplify(ref newBlocks).Substring(5));


Exemplo n.º 14
 public void NewState(SpaceState state)
     this.state = state;