Finish() private method

private Finish ( ) : void
return void
Exemplo n.º 1
        // Create the normal view onto a score course
        private static CourseView CreateScoreCourseView(EventDB eventDB, CourseDesignator courseDesignator)
            Course course = eventDB.GetCourse(courseDesignator.CourseId);
            CourseView courseView = new CourseView(eventDB, courseDesignator);
            Id<CourseControl> courseControlId;

            courseView.courseName =;
            courseView.scoreColumn = course.scoreColumn;

            courseControlId = course.firstCourseControl;

            while (courseControlId.IsNotNone) {
                ControlView controlView = new ControlView();
                CourseControl courseControl = eventDB.GetCourseControl(courseControlId);

                controlView.courseControlIds = new[] { courseControlId };
                controlView.controlId = courseControl.control;

                // Ordinals assigned after sorting.
                controlView.ordinal = -1;

                controlView.joinIndex = -1;

                // Move to the next control.
                courseControlId = courseControl.nextCourseControl;

            // Sort the control views: first by kind, then by score, then by code.
            courseView.controlViews.Sort(delegate(ControlView view1, ControlView view2) {
                ControlPoint control1 = eventDB.GetControl(view1.controlId);
                ControlPoint control2 = eventDB.GetControl(view2.controlId);
                CourseControl courseControl1 = eventDB.GetCourseControl(view1.courseControlIds[0]);
                CourseControl courseControl2 = eventDB.GetCourseControl(view2.courseControlIds[0]);

                if (control1.kind < control2.kind)
                    return -1;
                else if (control1.kind > control2.kind)
                    return 1;

                if (courseControl1.points != courseControl2.points)
                    return courseControl1.points.CompareTo(courseControl2.points);
                int result = Util.CompareCodes(control1.code, control2.code);
                if (result != 0)
                    return result;


            // Assign ordinals, if applicable. If scores in column A, then no ordinals will be assigned.
            if (courseView.scoreColumn != 0) {
                int ordinal = course.firstControlOrdinal;
                foreach (ControlView control in courseView.controlViews) {
                    if (eventDB.GetControl(control.controlId).kind == ControlPointKind.Normal)
                        control.ordinal = ordinal++;

            return courseView;
Exemplo n.º 2
        // Create an filtered All Controls view -- show controls from the control collection, but only includes some.
        // excludedCourses contains an array of course ids to excluded from the contgrols.
        // kindFilter, if non-null, limits the controls to this kind of controls.
        public static CourseView CreateFilteredAllControlsView(EventDB eventDB, CourseDesignator[] excludedCourses, ControlPointKind kindFilter, bool addSpecials, bool addDescription)
            CourseView courseView = new CourseView(eventDB, CourseDesignator.AllControls);

            courseView.courseName = MiscText.AllControls;
            courseView.scoreColumn = -1;

            // Add every control to the course view, subject to the filters.
            foreach (Id<ControlPoint> controlId in eventDB.AllControlPointIds) {
                ControlPoint control = eventDB.GetControl(controlId);

                // Check if the control is filtered out.

                if (excludedCourses != null) {
                    // Filter excluded courses.
                    foreach (CourseDesignator excludedCourseDesignator in excludedCourses) {
                        if (QueryEvent.CourseUsesControl(eventDB, excludedCourseDesignator, controlId))
                            goto SKIP;

                if (kindFilter != ControlPointKind.None) {
                    // Filter on control type.
                    if (control.kind != kindFilter)
                        goto SKIP;

                // We are going to include this control in the collection.

                ControlView controlView = new ControlView();

                controlView.courseControlIds = new[] { Id<CourseControl>.None };
                controlView.controlId = controlId;

                // All controls doesn't have ordinals.
                controlView.ordinal = -1;

                controlView.joinIndex = -1;


               SKIP:        ;

            // Sort the control views: first by kind, then by code.
            courseView.controlViews.Sort((view1, view2) => QueryEvent.CompareControlIds(eventDB, view1.controlId, view2.controlId));


            if (addSpecials) {
                // Add every special, regardless of courses it is on, except for descriptions. Descriptions are added to all
                // controls only if they appear in all courses (or specifically for the all controls view), and if "addDescription" is true
                foreach (Id<Special> specialId in eventDB.AllSpecialIds) {
                    Special special = eventDB.GetSpecial(specialId);
                    if (special.kind == SpecialKind.Descriptions) {
                        if (addDescription && QueryEvent.CourseContainsSpecial(eventDB, CourseDesignator.AllControls, specialId))
                            courseView.descriptionViews.Add(new DescriptionView(specialId, CourseDesignator.AllControls));

            return courseView;
Exemplo n.º 3
        // Create the view of all variations of a course with variations. Cannot be a single part of a multi-part course.
        // Does not contain ordinals.
        private static CourseView CreateAllVariationsCourseView(EventDB eventDB, CourseDesignator courseDesignator)
            Course course = eventDB.GetCourse(courseDesignator.CourseId);

            if (!courseDesignator.AllParts)
                throw new ApplicationException("Cannot create all variations of a single part");

            CourseView courseView = new CourseView(eventDB, courseDesignator);

            courseView.courseName =;
            courseView.scoreColumn = -1;

            // To get the ordinals correct, we get the course control ids for all parts.
            List<Id<CourseControl>> courseControls = QueryEvent.EnumCourseControlIds(eventDB, courseDesignator).ToList();

            for (int index = 0; index < courseControls.Count; ++index) {
                Id<CourseControl> courseControlId = courseControls[index];
                CourseControl courseControl = eventDB.GetCourseControl(courseControlId);

                // We add each split control only once, even though it has multiple variations. Check to see if we have already
                // handled it.
                bool alreadyHandled = false;
                if (courseControl.split) {
                    foreach (ControlView cv in courseView.controlViews) {
                        if (cv.courseControlIds.Contains(courseControlId))
                            alreadyHandled = true;

                if (!alreadyHandled) {
                    ControlView controlView = new ControlView();

                    controlView.controlId = courseControl.control;

                    // Set the ordinal number. All variations does not include an ordinal.
                    controlView.ordinal = -1;

                    // Set all course control ids associated with split control, or a single one for a non-split control.
                    // Set the legTo array with the next courseControlID(s). This is later updated
                    // to the indices.
                    if (courseControl.split) {
                        controlView.courseControlIds = QueryEvent.AllVariationsOfCourseControl(eventDB, courseControlId).ToArray();
                        if (courseControl.nextCourseControl.IsNotNone) {
                            controlView.legTo = new int[controlView.courseControlIds.Length];
                            for (int i = 0; i < controlView.legTo.Length; ++i) {
                                controlView.legTo[i] = eventDB.GetCourseControl(controlView.courseControlIds[i]);
                        if (courseControl.loop)
                            controlView.joinIndex =;
                            controlView.joinIndex =;
                    else {
                        controlView.courseControlIds = new[] { courseControlId };
                        if (courseControl.nextCourseControl.IsNotNone)
                            controlView.legTo = new int[1] { };   // legTo initially holds course control ids, later changed.
                        controlView.joinIndex = -1;

                    // Add the controlview.

            return courseView;
Exemplo n.º 4
        // Create the standard view onto a regular course, or a single variation of a variation course.
        private static CourseView CreateStandardCourseView(EventDB eventDB, CourseDesignator courseDesignator)
            Course course = eventDB.GetCourse(courseDesignator.CourseId);

            if (QueryEvent.HasVariations(eventDB, courseDesignator.CourseId) && courseDesignator.VariationInfo == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Cannot create course view without specifying which variation");

            // Get sub-part of the course. firstCourseControls is the first control to process, lastCourseControl is the last one to
            // process, or None if process to the end of the course.
            Id<CourseControl> firstCourseControl, lastCourseControl;
            if (courseDesignator.AllParts) {
                firstCourseControl = course.firstCourseControl;
                lastCourseControl = Id<CourseControl>.None;
            else {
                QueryEvent.GetCoursePartBounds(eventDB, courseDesignator, out firstCourseControl, out lastCourseControl);

            CourseView courseView = new CourseView(eventDB, courseDesignator);
            int ordinal;

            courseView.courseName =;
            courseView.scoreColumn = -1;

            ordinal = 1;
            ordinal = course.firstControlOrdinal;

            // To get the ordinals correct, we get the course control ids for all parts.
            List<Id<CourseControl>> courseControls = QueryEvent.EnumCourseControlIds(eventDB, courseDesignator.WithAllParts()).ToList();
            int index = 0;

            // Increase the ordinal value for each normal control before the first one we're considering.
            while (index < courseControls.Count && courseControls[index] != firstCourseControl) {
                CourseControl courseControl = eventDB.GetCourseControl(courseControls[index]);
                ControlPoint control = eventDB.GetControl(courseControl.control);
                if (control.kind == ControlPointKind.Normal)

            for (; index < courseControls.Count; ++index) {
                Id<CourseControl> courseControlId = courseControls[index];

                ControlView controlView = new ControlView();
                CourseControl courseControl = eventDB.GetCourseControl(courseControlId);
                ControlPoint control = eventDB.GetControl(courseControl.control);

                controlView.courseControlIds = new[] { courseControlId };
                controlView.controlId = courseControl.control;

                // Set the ordinal number.
                if (control.kind == ControlPointKind.Normal)
                    controlView.ordinal = ordinal++;
                else if (control.kind == ControlPointKind.Start || control.kind == ControlPointKind.MapExchange)
                    controlView.ordinal = 0;
                    controlView.ordinal = -1;

                controlView.joinIndex = -1;

                // Don't show the map exchange for the next part at the end of this part.
                if (courseControlId == lastCourseControl && !courseDesignator.AllParts && control.kind == ControlPointKind.MapExchange) {
                    controlView.hiddenControl = true;

                // Set the legTo array with the next courseControlID. This is later updated
                // to the indices.
                if (index < courseControls.Count - 1 && courseControlId != lastCourseControl) {
                    Id<CourseControl> nextCourseControl = courseControls[index + 1];
                    controlView.legTo = new int[1] { };   // legTo initially holds course control ids, later changed.
                // Add the controlview.

                if (courseControlId == lastCourseControl)

            // If this is a part that should also have the finish on it, and it isn't the last part, then
            // add the finish.
            if (courseDesignator.IsNotAllControls && !courseDesignator.AllParts &&
                courseDesignator.Part != QueryEvent.CountCourseParts(eventDB, courseDesignator.CourseId) - 1 &&
                QueryEvent.GetPartOptions(eventDB, courseDesignator).ShowFinish)
                if (QueryEvent.HasFinishControl(eventDB, courseDesignator.CourseId))
                    courseView.extraCourseControls.Add(QueryEvent.LastCourseControl(eventDB, courseDesignator.CourseId, false));

            return courseView;