Exemplo n.º 1
        internal static void key_derive(byte[] shared, byte[] salt, byte[] secretKey, byte[] pubkey)
            var longKeyHash  = new byte[64];
            var shortKeyHash = new byte[32];

            // Array.Reverse(secretKey);

            // compute  Sha3(512) hash of secret key (as in prepareForScalarMultiply)
            var digestSha3 = new Sha3Digest(512);

            digestSha3.BlockUpdate(secretKey, 0, 32);
            digestSha3.DoFinal(longKeyHash, 0);

            longKeyHash[0]  &= 248;
            longKeyHash[31] &= 127;
            longKeyHash[31] |= 64;

            Array.Copy(longKeyHash, 0, shortKeyHash, 0, 32);

            ScalarOperations.sc_clamp(shortKeyHash, 0);

            var p = new[] { new long[16], new long[16], new long[16], new long[16] };
            var q = new[] { new long[16], new long[16], new long[16], new long[16] };

            TweetNaCl.Unpackneg(q, pubkey); // returning -1 invalid signature
            TweetNaCl.Scalarmult(p, q, shortKeyHash, 0);
            TweetNaCl.Pack(shared, p);

            // for some reason the most significant bit of the last byte needs to be flipped.
            // doesnt seem to be any corrosponding action in nano/nem.core, so this may be an issue in one of the above 3 functions. i have no idea.
            shared[31] ^= 1 << 7;

            // salt
            for (var i = 0; i < salt.Length; i++)
                shared[i] ^= salt[i];

            // hash salted shared key
            var digestSha3Two = new Sha3Digest(256);

            digestSha3Two.BlockUpdate(shared, 0, 32);
            digestSha3Two.DoFinal(shared, 0);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void crypto_sign2(
            byte[] sig, int sigoffset,
            byte[] m, int moffset, int mlen,
            byte[] sk, int skoffset)
            byte[]         az   = new byte[64];
            byte[]         r    = new byte[64];
            byte[]         hram = new byte[64];
            GroupElementP3 R;

            var hasher2 = new Sha3Digest(512);
                hasher2.BlockUpdate(sk, 0, 32);
                hasher2.DoFinal(az, 0);
                ScalarOperations.sc_clamp(az, 0);

                hasher2.BlockUpdate(az, 32, 32);
                hasher2.BlockUpdate(m, moffset, mlen);
                hasher2.DoFinal(r, 0);

                GroupOperations.ge_scalarmult_base(out R, r, 0);
                GroupOperations.ge_p3_tobytes(sig, sigoffset, ref R);

                hasher2.BlockUpdate(sig, sigoffset, 32);
                hasher2.BlockUpdate(sk, skoffset + 32, 32);
                hasher2.BlockUpdate(m, moffset, mlen);
                hasher2.DoFinal(hram, 0);

                var s = new byte[32];
                Array.Copy(sig, sigoffset + 32, s, 0, 32);
                ScalarOperations.sc_muladd(s, hram, az, r);
                Array.Copy(s, 0, sig, sigoffset + 32, 32);

Exemplo n.º 3
        internal static void crypto_sign_keypair(byte[] pk, int pkoffset, byte[] sk, int skoffset, byte[] seed,
                                                 int seedoffset)
            GroupElementP3 A;
            int            i;

            Array.Copy(seed, seedoffset, sk, skoffset, 32);
            var digest = new Sha3Digest(512);     //new  // tried and failed -> new Sha3Digest(512);
            var h      = new byte[64];            // byte[] ha = Sha512.Hash(sk, skoffset, 32);//ToDo: REMOVE alloc

            digest.BlockUpdate(sk, skoffset, 32); // new
            digest.DoFinal(h, 0);                 // new

            ScalarOperations.sc_clamp(h, 0);
            GroupOperations.ge_scalarmult_base(out A, h, 0);
            GroupOperations.ge_p3_tobytes(pk, pkoffset, ref A);

            for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
                sk[skoffset + 32 + i] = pk[pkoffset + i];
        internal static void scalarmult(
            out FieldElement q,
            byte[] n, int noffset,
            ref FieldElement p)
            byte[]       e = new byte[32];      //ToDo: remove allocation
            UInt32       i;
            FieldElement x1;
            FieldElement x2;
            FieldElement z2;
            FieldElement x3;
            FieldElement z3;
            FieldElement tmp0;
            FieldElement tmp1;
            int          pos;
            UInt32       swap;
            UInt32       b;

            for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
                e[i] = n[noffset + i];
            ScalarOperations.sc_clamp(e, 0);
            x1 = p;
            FieldOperations.fe_1(out x2);
            FieldOperations.fe_0(out z2);
            x3 = x1;
            FieldOperations.fe_1(out z3);

            swap = 0;
            for (pos = 254; pos >= 0; --pos)
                b     = (uint)(e[pos / 8] >> (pos & 7));
                b    &= 1;
                swap ^= b;
                FieldOperations.fe_cswap(ref x2, ref x3, swap);
                FieldOperations.fe_cswap(ref z2, ref z3, swap);
                swap = b;
                /* qhasm: fe X2 */

                /* qhasm: fe Z2 */

                /* qhasm: fe X3 */

                /* qhasm: fe Z3 */

                /* qhasm: fe X4 */

                /* qhasm: fe Z4 */

                /* qhasm: fe X5 */

                /* qhasm: fe Z5 */

                /* qhasm: fe A */

                /* qhasm: fe B */

                /* qhasm: fe C */

                /* qhasm: fe D */

                /* qhasm: fe E */

                /* qhasm: fe AA */

                /* qhasm: fe BB */

                /* qhasm: fe DA */

                /* qhasm: fe CB */

                /* qhasm: fe t0 */

                /* qhasm: fe t1 */

                /* qhasm: fe t2 */

                /* qhasm: fe t3 */

                /* qhasm: fe t4 */

                /* qhasm: enter ladder */

                /* qhasm: D = X3-Z3 */
                /* asm 1: fe_sub(>D=fe#5,<X3=fe#3,<Z3=fe#4); */
                /* asm 2: fe_sub(>D=tmp0,<X3=x3,<Z3=z3); */
                FieldOperations.fe_sub(out tmp0, ref x3, ref z3);

                /* qhasm: B = X2-Z2 */
                /* asm 1: fe_sub(>B=fe#6,<X2=fe#1,<Z2=fe#2); */
                /* asm 2: fe_sub(>B=tmp1,<X2=x2,<Z2=z2); */
                FieldOperations.fe_sub(out tmp1, ref x2, ref z2);

                /* qhasm: A = X2+Z2 */
                /* asm 1: fe_add(>A=fe#1,<X2=fe#1,<Z2=fe#2); */
                /* asm 2: fe_add(>A=x2,<X2=x2,<Z2=z2); */
                FieldOperations.fe_add(out x2, ref x2, ref z2);

                /* qhasm: C = X3+Z3 */
                /* asm 1: fe_add(>C=fe#2,<X3=fe#3,<Z3=fe#4); */
                /* asm 2: fe_add(>C=z2,<X3=x3,<Z3=z3); */
                FieldOperations.fe_add(out z2, ref x3, ref z3);

                /* qhasm: DA = D*A */
                /* asm 1: fe_mul(>DA=fe#4,<D=fe#5,<A=fe#1); */
                /* asm 2: fe_mul(>DA=z3,<D=tmp0,<A=x2); */
                FieldOperations.fe_mul(out z3, ref tmp0, ref x2);

                /* qhasm: CB = C*B */
                /* asm 1: fe_mul(>CB=fe#2,<C=fe#2,<B=fe#6); */
                /* asm 2: fe_mul(>CB=z2,<C=z2,<B=tmp1); */
                FieldOperations.fe_mul(out z2, ref z2, ref tmp1);

                /* qhasm: BB = B^2 */
                /* asm 1: fe_sq(>BB=fe#5,<B=fe#6); */
                /* asm 2: fe_sq(>BB=tmp0,<B=tmp1); */
                FieldOperations.fe_sq(out tmp0, ref tmp1);

                /* qhasm: AA = A^2 */
                /* asm 1: fe_sq(>AA=fe#6,<A=fe#1); */
                /* asm 2: fe_sq(>AA=tmp1,<A=x2); */
                FieldOperations.fe_sq(out tmp1, ref x2);

                /* qhasm: t0 = DA+CB */
                /* asm 1: fe_add(>t0=fe#3,<DA=fe#4,<CB=fe#2); */
                /* asm 2: fe_add(>t0=x3,<DA=z3,<CB=z2); */
                FieldOperations.fe_add(out x3, ref z3, ref z2);

                /* qhasm: assign x3 to t0 */

                /* qhasm: t1 = DA-CB */
                /* asm 1: fe_sub(>t1=fe#2,<DA=fe#4,<CB=fe#2); */
                /* asm 2: fe_sub(>t1=z2,<DA=z3,<CB=z2); */
                FieldOperations.fe_sub(out z2, ref z3, ref z2);

                /* qhasm: X4 = AA*BB */
                /* asm 1: fe_mul(>X4=fe#1,<AA=fe#6,<BB=fe#5); */
                /* asm 2: fe_mul(>X4=x2,<AA=tmp1,<BB=tmp0); */
                FieldOperations.fe_mul(out x2, ref tmp1, ref tmp0);

                /* qhasm: E = AA-BB */
                /* asm 1: fe_sub(>E=fe#6,<AA=fe#6,<BB=fe#5); */
                /* asm 2: fe_sub(>E=tmp1,<AA=tmp1,<BB=tmp0); */
                FieldOperations.fe_sub(out tmp1, ref tmp1, ref tmp0);

                /* qhasm: t2 = t1^2 */
                /* asm 1: fe_sq(>t2=fe#2,<t1=fe#2); */
                /* asm 2: fe_sq(>t2=z2,<t1=z2); */
                FieldOperations.fe_sq(out z2, ref z2);

                /* qhasm: t3 = a24*E */
                /* asm 1: fe_mul121666(>t3=fe#4,<E=fe#6); */
                /* asm 2: fe_mul121666(>t3=z3,<E=tmp1); */
                FieldOperations.fe_mul121666(out z3, ref tmp1);

                /* qhasm: X5 = t0^2 */
                /* asm 1: fe_sq(>X5=fe#3,<t0=fe#3); */
                /* asm 2: fe_sq(>X5=x3,<t0=x3); */
                FieldOperations.fe_sq(out x3, ref x3);

                /* qhasm: t4 = BB+t3 */
                /* asm 1: fe_add(>t4=fe#5,<BB=fe#5,<t3=fe#4); */
                /* asm 2: fe_add(>t4=tmp0,<BB=tmp0,<t3=z3); */
                FieldOperations.fe_add(out tmp0, ref tmp0, ref z3);

                /* qhasm: Z5 = X1*t2 */
                /* asm 1: fe_mul(>Z5=fe#4,x1,<t2=fe#2); */
                /* asm 2: fe_mul(>Z5=z3,x1,<t2=z2); */
                FieldOperations.fe_mul(out z3, ref x1, ref z2);

                /* qhasm: Z4 = E*t4 */
                /* asm 1: fe_mul(>Z4=fe#2,<E=fe#6,<t4=fe#5); */
                /* asm 2: fe_mul(>Z4=z2,<E=tmp1,<t4=tmp0); */
                FieldOperations.fe_mul(out z2, ref tmp1, ref tmp0);

                /* qhasm: return */
            FieldOperations.fe_cswap(ref x2, ref x3, swap);
            FieldOperations.fe_cswap(ref z2, ref z3, swap);

            FieldOperations.fe_invert(out z2, ref z2);
            FieldOperations.fe_mul(out x2, ref x2, ref z2);
            q = x2;