Exemplo n.º 1
 // temp
 //private bool isDbReadOnly;
 //public  bool IsDbReadOnly { get { return isDbReadOnly; } }
 public DbAccess(DbLogin dbLogin)
     if (dbLogin == null)
     database = "C:\\PROJECTS\\DATA\\PROLOGDATA.FDB";
     userID   = "SYSDBA";
     password = "******";
     database = dbLogin.Dbc;
     userID   = dbLogin.Uid;
     password = dbLogin.Pwd;
       OpenDbConnection (database, userID, password);
Exemplo n.º 2
    private enum PredEnum { session, table, execproc, selproc } // table and view are treated identically

#if persistent
    public void SetPersistent (Term t)
      Term pred       = null;
      Term db_info    = null;  // table( <name>) or procedure( <name>, <executable/selectable>)
      bool isTable    = false;
      bool isExec     = false; // executable stored procedure (as opposed to selectable)
      Term dbEntity   = null;
      DbLogin dbLogin = null;
      ArrayList args  = null;
      PredEnum predType;

      t.IsPacked = false;
      if (t != null) args = t.ArgumentsToArrayList (false);
      //for (int i = 0; i < args.Count; i++) Console.WriteLine ("args [{0}] = {1}", i, args [i]);

      bool OK =
        t != null &&
        (args.Count == 2 || args.Count == 5) &&
        (pred = (Term)args [0]).Arity == 2 &&
        pred.Functor == SLASH &&
        pred.Arg (0).IsAtom &&
        pred.Arg (1).IsInteger;

      if (!OK)
        IO.Error ("Bad first argument '{0}' for persistent( <predicate>/<arity>, ...)", t.Arg (0));

      OK =
        (db_info = (Term)args [1]) != null &&
        ( (isTable = (db_info.Functor == "table" || db_info.Functor == "view")) ||
          db_info.Functor == "procedure" ||
          db_info.Functor == "proc") &&
          db_info.Arity > 0 &&
        ( (dbEntity = db_info.Arg (0)).IsAtom || dbEntity.IsString );

      if (!OK)
        IO.Error ("Bad second argument '{0}' for persistent( ..., table/view/procedure(...))", db_info);

      if (isTable)
        if (db_info.Arity != 1)
          IO.Error ("Bad second argument '{0}' for persistent( ..., table/view( <db_entity_name>))", db_info);

        predType = PredEnum.table;
        string invocation;

        OK = (db_info.Arity == 2) &&  // procedure( <name>, <executable/selectable>)
             ( (isExec = ((invocation = db_info.Arg (1).Functor) == "executable" || invocation == "exec")) ||
               invocation == "selectable" || invocation == "select" );

        if (!OK)
          IO.Error ("Bad second argument '{0}' for persistent( ..., procedure( <db_entity_name>, [selectable|executable]))", t.Arg (1));

        predType = isExec ? PredEnum.execproc : PredEnum.selproc;

      string functor = pred.Arg (0).Functor;
      int    arity   = Convert.ToInt32 (pred.Arg (1).Functor);
      string index   = Term.Key (functor, arity);

      if (predefineds [index] != null)
        IO.Error ("Predefined predicate '{0}/{1}' cannot be declared as persistent", functor, arity);

      if (args.Count == 5)
        for (int i = 2; i <= 4; i++)
          if (!(((Term)args [i]).IsAtom || ((Term)args [i]).IsString))
            IO.Error ("Argument '{0}' not an atom or string", (Term)args [i]);

        dbLogin = new DbLogin (((Term)args [2]).Functor, ((Term)args [3]).Functor, ((Term)args [4]).Functor);

      PredicateDescr pd = this [index];

      if (pd != null) // apparently already defined
        string definingFile = (pd.DefiningFile == Globals.ConsultFileName) ? "this file" : pd.DefiningFile;

        if (!(pd is PersistentPredDescr))
          IO.Error ("Predicate '{0}/{1}' cannot be declared as persistent (predicate defined in {2})", functor, arity, definingFile);

      pd = SetClauseList (predType, functor, arity, null);

      ((PersistentPredDescr)pd).DbEntity = dbEntity.Functor;
      ((PersistentPredDescr)pd).DbLogin  = dbLogin;