Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// fixHeap - this method fixed the heap so it retains the max heap structure
        /// </summary>
        public void fixHeap(int i)
            int smallest = i;                                            //current smallest int found
            int l        = 2 * i;                                        //get index of the left child
            int r        = 2 * i + 1;                                    //get index of the right child

            if (l <= size && (h[l].currentNum < h[smallest].currentNum)) //checks to see if the left child is larger than the parent
                smallest = l;

            if (r <= size && (h[r].currentNum < h[smallest].currentNum)) //checks to see if the right child is larger than the parent
                smallest = r;

            if (smallest != i)         //if a new largest is found we need to swap them
                MergeFile swap = h[i]; //string to hold for swapping two strings
                h[i]        = h[smallest];
                h[smallest] = swap;

                fixHeap(smallest); // call the method again
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Insert - inserts an item into the heap and keeps the max heap format
        /// </summary>
        public void Insert(MergeFile item)
            h[size + 1] = item;
            size++; //insert the item and increase the size by 1

            int fixsize = size;

                if (size == 1)
                    break;                                                //if the size is 1, then we dont have to execute this loop
                int currentNode = fixsize;                                //index of the current node we are at
                int parentNode  = fixsize / 2;                            //index of the current node's parent node
                fixsize /= 2;
                MergeFile temp;                                           //temp variable for holding a node to swap with another

                if (h[parentNode].currentNum > h[currentNode].currentNum) //place the new string in the correct spot
                    temp           = h[parentNode];
                    h[parentNode]  = h[currentNode];
                    h[currentNode] = temp;//swap
            } while (fixsize != 1);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// extract - this method takes the root node and swaps it with the last node, decreasing the size
        /// </summary>
        public MergeFile Extract()
            if (size == 0)
                throw new Exception("The heap is empty."); // if the heap is empty throw an exception

            MergeFile output;      //variable to hold the output node to send back to the handler
            MergeFile lastItem;    //variable to hold the last item in the array
            MergeFile root = h[1]; //the main root node string

            output = root;         //make the output node the root node to send back to the hander.

            lastItem = h[size];    //string of the last item in the heap
            h[1]     = lastItem;

            h[size] = root; //remove the first item and place in the last spot


            fixHeap(1);     //we need to fix the heap starting with the root node

            return(output); //return the extracted node