Exemplo n.º 1
        protected virtual async Task CreateProjectAuditGroupAsync(CreateOrUpdateProjectAuditGroupInput input)
            var projectAuditGroup = new ProjectAuditGroup()
                Name        = input.Name,
                Description = input.Description
                              //Sort_id = input.Sort_id
            var groupId = await _projectAuditGroupRepository.InsertAndGetIdAsync(projectAuditGroup);

            input.Users.ForEach(r =>
                var entity      = new ProjectAuditGroupUser();
                entity.Id       = Guid.NewGuid();
                entity.GroupId  = groupId;
                entity.UserId   = r.UserId;
                entity.UserRole = r.UserRole;

            var adduserid = input.Users.First(x => x.UserRole == 1).UserId;

            await UpdateRole(adduserid, 1, groupId);

            await CurrentUnitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync(); //It's done to get Id of the edition.
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected virtual async Task UpdateProjectAuditGroupAsync(CreateOrUpdateProjectAuditGroupInput input)
            Debug.Assert(input.Id != null, "input Id should be set.");

            var projectAuditGroup = await _projectAuditGroupRepository.GetAsync(input.Id.Value);

            projectAuditGroup.Name        = input.Name;
            projectAuditGroup.Description = input.Description;
            var list = await _projectAuditGroupUserRepository.GetAll().Where(r => r.GroupId == input.Id.Value).ToListAsync();

            var userid    = list.First(x => x.UserRole == 1).UserId;
            var adduserid = input.Users.First(x => x.UserRole == 1).UserId;

            list.ForEach(r => _projectAuditGroupUserRepository.DeleteAsync(r));
            input.Users.ForEach(r =>
                var entity      = new ProjectAuditGroupUser();
                entity.Id       = Guid.NewGuid(); entity.GroupId = input.Id.Value;
                entity.UserId   = r.UserId;
                entity.UserRole = r.UserRole;
            await _projectAuditGroupRepository.UpdateAsync(projectAuditGroup);

            if (userid != adduserid)
                await UpdateRole(userid, 0, input.Id.Value);
                await UpdateRole(adduserid, 1, input.Id.Value);
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected virtual async Task <Guid> CreateProjectAuditGroup(CreateOrUpdateProjectAuditGroupInput input)
            var projectAuditGroup = new ProjectAuditGroup()
                Name        = input.Name,
                Description = input.Description,
            var retid = await _projectAuditGroupRepository.InsertAndGetIdAsync(projectAuditGroup);

            input.Users.ForEach(r =>
                var entity      = new ProjectAuditGroupUser();
                entity.Id       = Guid.NewGuid(); entity.GroupId = retid;
                entity.UserId   = r.UserId;
                entity.UserRole = r.UserRole;
            await CurrentUnitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync();
