Exemplo n.º 1
 public Order(TaxService taxSvc, string orderNumber)
     TaxSrvc     = taxSvc;
     OrderNunber = orderNumber;
Exemplo n.º 2
        static void Main(string[] args)

            //string currancy = args[0]; // pass in local currancy
            string  currancyCode  = "USD";
            decimal salesTaxRate  = .10m;
            decimal importTaxRate = .05m;

            // tax calculation
            TaxCalculatorRoundUpFiveHundths TaxCalc = new TaxCalculatorRoundUpFiveHundths(currancyCode);
            TaxApplicableSalesTax           salesTaxApplicableCheck  = new TaxApplicableSalesTax();
            TaxApplicableImportDuty         importTaxApplicableCheck = new TaxApplicableImportDuty();
            List <TaxMethod> TaxMethods = new List <TaxMethod>();
            TaxMethod        SalesTax   = new TaxMethod("Sales Tax", salesTaxRate, salesTaxApplicableCheck);
            TaxMethod        ImportTax  = new TaxMethod("Import Duty Tax", importTaxRate, importTaxApplicableCheck);

            TaxService TaxSvc = new TaxService(TaxCalc, currancyCode, TaxMethods);

            // product categories
            ProductCategory Book    = new ProductCategory("Book", false);
            ProductCategory Food    = new ProductCategory("Food", false);
            ProductCategory Medical = new ProductCategory("Medical", false);
            ProductCategory General = new ProductCategory("General", true);

            // inventory
            Product prod1 = new Product("book", new Money(12.49, currancyCode), Book, ProductOrigin.LOCAL);
            Product prod2 = new Product("music CD", new Money(14.99, currancyCode), General, ProductOrigin.LOCAL);
            Product prod3 = new Product("chocolate bar", new Money(0.85, currancyCode), Food, ProductOrigin.LOCAL);

            Product prod4 = new Product("imported box of chocolates", new Money(10.00, currancyCode), Food, ProductOrigin.IMPORT);
            Product prod5 = new Product("imported bottle of perfume", new Money(47.50, currancyCode), General, ProductOrigin.IMPORT);

            Product prod6 = new Product("imported bottle of perfume", new Money(27.99, currancyCode), General, ProductOrigin.IMPORT);
            Product prod7 = new Product("bottle of perfume", new Money(18.99, currancyCode), General, ProductOrigin.LOCAL);
            Product prod8 = new Product("packet of headache pills", new Money(9.75, currancyCode), Medical, ProductOrigin.LOCAL);
            Product prod9 = new Product("imported box of chocolates", new Money(11.25, currancyCode), Food, ProductOrigin.IMPORT);

            Order order1 = new Order(TaxSvc, "1");

            order1.addItem(prod1, 1);
            order1.addItem(prod2, 1);
            order1.addItem(prod3, 1);

            Order order2 = new Order(TaxSvc, "2");

            order2.addItem(prod4, 1);
            order2.addItem(prod5, 1);

            Order order3 = new Order(TaxSvc, "3");

            order3.addItem(prod6, 1);
            order3.addItem(prod7, 1);
            order3.addItem(prod8, 1);
            order3.addItem(prod9, 1);

