void InitializeTectonicPlates()
            // TODO ensure plate can't be chosen twice
            for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfPlates; i++)
                int randomX = random.Next(Width);
                int randomY = random.Next(Height);
                mapData.Tiles[randomX, randomY].PlateId       = i;
                mapData.Tiles[randomX, randomY].IsPlateCenter = true;

            List <Tile> plateEdgeTiles     = mapData.Tiles.AsList().Where(t => t.PlateId.HasValue).ToList();
            List <Tile> nextPlateEdgeTiles = new List <Tile>();

            while (plateEdgeTiles.Count > 0)
                foreach (Tile plateEdgeTile in plateEdgeTiles)
                    if (plateEdgeTile.PlateId.HasValue)
                        //int floodAmount = random.Next(1, random.Next(2, 5));
                        //int floodAmount = 1;
                        int floodAmount = random.Next(2) + 1;

                        List <Tile> nextLocalEdgeTiles = new List <Tile>();
                        List <Tile> localEdgeTiles     = new List <Tile> {

                        for (int i = 0; i < floodAmount; i++)
                            foreach (Tile localEdgeTile in localEdgeTiles)
                                List <Tile> neighbors = TileHelpers.GetNeighbors(mapData.Tiles, Width, Height, localEdgeTile);
                                //List<Tile> neighbors = TileHelpers.GetSurrounding(mapData.Tiles, Width, Height, localEdgeTile);
                                foreach (Tile neighbor in neighbors.Where(x => !x.PlateId.HasValue))
                                    if (!neighbor.PlateId.HasValue)
                                        neighbor.PlateId = localEdgeTile.PlateId.Value;
            // DEBUG TEST, should be 0
            Console.WriteLine(mapData.Tiles.AsList().Count(x => !x.PlateId.HasValue));

            // Assign border tiles
            // TODO smartly combine this with above so we don't have to iterate full list again?
            foreach (Tile tile in mapData.Tiles.AsList())
                List <Tile> neighbors = TileHelpers.GetNeighbors(mapData.Tiles, Width, Height, tile);

                if (neighbors.Any(n => n.PlateId != tile.PlateId))
                    tile.IsPlateBorder = true;
        void EvaluateTectonics()
            // TEST EXAMPLES
            // PUSHING
            //mapData.Tiles = new Tile[1, 2]
            //    {
            //        new Tile { X = 0, Y = 0, PlateId = 0, GlobalDriftDirection = Vector2.Left, GlobalDriftStrength = 0.25f, PlateRotationDirection = Vector2.Down, PlateRotationStrength = 1.0f, IsPlateBorder = true},
            //        new Tile { X = 0, Y = 1, PlateId = 1, GlobalDriftDirection = Vector2.Left, GlobalDriftStrength = 0.25f, PlateRotationDirection = Vector2.Up, PlateRotationStrength = 1.0f, IsPlateBorder = true}
            //    },
            // SEPARATING
            //mapData.Tiles = new Tile[1, 2]
            //    {
            //        new Tile { X = 0, Y = 0, PlateId = 0, GlobalDriftDirection = Vector2.Left, GlobalDriftStrength = 0.25f, PlateRotationDirection = Vector2.Up, PlateRotationStrength = 1.0f, IsPlateBorder = true},
            //        new Tile { X = 0, Y = 1, PlateId = 1, GlobalDriftDirection = Vector2.Left, GlobalDriftStrength = 0.25f, PlateRotationDirection = Vector2.Down, PlateRotationStrength = 1.0f, IsPlateBorder = true}
            //    },
            // SHEARING
            //mapData.Tiles = new Tile[1, 2]
            //    {
            //        new Tile { X = 0, Y = 0, PlateId = 0, GlobalDriftDirection = Vector2.Left, GlobalDriftStrength = 0.25f, PlateRotationDirection = Vector2.Left, PlateRotationStrength = 1.0f, IsPlateBorder = true},
            //        new Tile { X = 0, Y = 1, PlateId = 1, GlobalDriftDirection = Vector2.Left, GlobalDriftStrength = 0.25f, PlateRotationDirection = Vector2.Right, PlateRotationStrength = 1.0f, IsPlateBorder = true}
            //    },

            // Calculate Pressure
            List <Tile> boundaryTiles = mapData.Tiles.AsList().Where(x => x.IsPlateBorder).ToList();

            foreach (Tile boundaryTile in boundaryTiles)
                var neighbors = TileHelpers.GetNeighbors(mapData.Tiles, Width, Height, boundaryTile).Where(t => t.PlateId != boundaryTile.PlateId);

                foreach (Tile neighbor in neighbors)
                    // if boundary relative movement plus neighbor relative movement is less than boundary's original, then they're acting on eachother..
                    // otherwise they're moving the same direction.. can't compare magnitude since that doesn't take direction into account
                    Vector2 added = boundaryTile.RelativeMovement.UnitVector + neighbor.RelativeMovement.UnitVector;
                    if (added.X < boundaryTile.RelativeMovement.UnitVector.X || added.Y < boundaryTile.RelativeMovement.UnitVector.Y)
                        Vector2 unitToNeighbor = (new Point(boundaryTile.X, boundaryTile.Y) - new Point(neighbor.X, neighbor.Y)).UnitVector;

                        // if vector to neighbor aligns with pressure vector, they're pushing against eachother, otherwise separating
                        float directionalMagnitude = (unitToNeighbor + boundaryTile.RelativeMovement).Magnitude;

                        if (directionalMagnitude > 1)
                            boundaryTile.Pressure += (boundaryTile.RelativeMovement + neighbor.RelativeMovement).Magnitude;
                            boundaryTile.Pressure -= (boundaryTile.RelativeMovement + neighbor.RelativeMovement).Magnitude;
                // Capping effect
                if (boundaryTile.Pressure > 10)
                    boundaryTile.Pressure = 10;
                if (boundaryTile.Pressure < -10)
                    boundaryTile.Pressure = -10;

                // TEMPORARY FOR OUTPUT..  normalize pressure to height values
                boundaryTile.HeightValue = ((boundaryTile.Pressure + 10) / 20);
                boundaryTile.HeightValue = (((boundaryTile.Pressure + 10) / 10) - 0.5f);

            //List<float> pressures = boundaryTiles.Select(x => x.Pressure).ToList();
            //List<float> sortedPressures = pressures.OrderBy(x => x).ToList();

            //List<float> bottomHalf = sortedPressures.GetRange(0, sortedPressures.Count / 2);
            //List<float> topHalf = sortedPressures.GetRange(sortedPressures.Count / 2, sortedPressures.Count - 1 - (sortedPressures.Count / 2));

            //List<float> First = bottomHalf.GetRange(0, bottomHalf.Count / 2);
            //List<float> Second = bottomHalf.GetRange(bottomHalf.Count / 2, bottomHalf.Count - 1 - (bottomHalf.Count / 2));
            //List<float> Third = topHalf.GetRange(0, topHalf.Count / 2);
            //List<float> Fourth = topHalf.GetRange(topHalf.Count / 2, topHalf.Count - 1 - (topHalf.Count / 2));

            //float maxPressure = pressures.Max();
            //float minPressure = pressures.Min();
            //float averagePressure = pressures.Average();