protected override bool Initialize()
            if (MilitaryOverlaySchema == null)
                MilitaryOverlaySchema = new MilitaryOverlayDataModel();

        protected override bool Initialize()
            if (MilitaryOverlaySchema == null)
                MilitaryOverlaySchema = new MilitaryOverlayDataModel();

            //Add project opened listener
            ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.Events.ProjectOpenedEvent.Subscribe(async (args) =>
                Task<bool> isEnabledMethod = MilitaryOverlaySchema.ShouldAddInBeEnabledAsync();
                bool enabled = await isEnabledMethod;

            return base.Initialize();
        // Method commented out until we figure out if we can open Pro Projects outside of Pro
        // [TestMethod]
        public async Task Test_Task()
            // NOT WORKING:
            // We thought we might be able to test SDK code with Pro Project dependencies
            // with this code, but the call throws exceptions in other threads and never returns
            await QueuedTask.Run(async () =>
                string aprx = @"C:\Projects\MySymbolEditorTest\MySymbolEditorTest.aprx";

                string version;
                ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.Project.CanOpen(aprx, out version);

                await ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.Project.OpenAsync(aprx);

            // Never gets here:

            // Now project is loaded, we can test VM objects with Pro dependencies
            MilitaryOverlayDataModel modm = new MilitaryOverlayDataModel();
            Task<bool> isEnabledMethod = modm.ShouldAddInBeEnabledAsync();
            bool enabled = await isEnabledMethod;
