Exemplo n.º 1
        async Task updateList(Connection cnx, List <JobCell> JOBCELLS)
            this.BarBackgroundColor         = Color.FromHex("#B80000");
            settingsButton.BackgroundColor  = Color.FromHex("#B80000");
            materialsButton.BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#B80000");
            contactButton.BackgroundColor   = Color.FromHex("#B80000");
            passwordButton.BackgroundColor  = Color.FromHex("#B80000");

            List <Job>     Jobs  = new List <Job>();;
            List <JobCell> Cells = new List <JobCell>();

            if (JOBCELLS == null)
                JobAmounts jobamounts = await GetAmounts(cnx);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jobamounts.jobs))
                    int endNumber = Int32.Parse(jobamounts.jobs);
                    Jobs = await GetContent(0, endNumber, cnx);

                    if (Jobs == null)
                        await DisplayAlert("Error", "There has been an issue retreiving your jobs. Please try again.\n\nIf this keeps happening please restart the app.", "Ok");

                    await DisplayAlert("Error", "There has been an issue retreiving your job count. Please try again.\n\nIf this keeps happening please restart the app.", "Ok");

                foreach (Job job in Jobs)
                    JobCell cell = new JobCell
                        JobNumber   = job.job.ToString(),
                        Add1        = job.add1,
                        JobColor    = StatusSorter.JobNumberColor(job),
                        Status      = StatusSorter.StatusText(job),
                        StatusColor = StatusSorter.StatusColor(job),
                        CellColor   = StatusSorter.CellColor(job),
                        job         = job

                    _Cells = Cells;
                Cells = JOBCELLS;

            Label jobHeader = new Label
                Text                    = Maincnx.Name,
                TextColor               = Color.Black,
                FontSize                = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Large, typeof(Label)),
                FontAttributes          = FontAttributes.Bold,
                HorizontalOptions       = LayoutOptions.Center,
                HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center

            searchbar = new SearchBar()
                Placeholder       = "Search:",
                Text              = searchBarText,
                CancelButtonColor = Color.Red

            searchbar.SearchButtonPressed += SearchBarButtonPressedChanged;
            searchbar.TextChanged         += Searchbar_TextChanged;

            listView = new ListView()
                HasUnevenRows   = true,
                BackgroundColor = Color.White,
                ItemsSource     = Cells,

                ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate(() =>
                    //create views with bindings for displaying each property.
                    Label JobNumber = new Label()
                        FontSize       = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Medium, typeof(Label)),
                        FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold
                    JobNumber.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "JobNumber");
                    JobNumber.SetBinding(Label.TextColorProperty, "JobColor");

                    Label JobAddress = new Label()
                        FontSize       = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Small, typeof(Label)),
                        FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Italic
                    JobAddress.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "Add1");
                    JobAddress.TextColor = Color.Black;

                    Label Status = new Label();
                    Status.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "Status");
                    Status.SetBinding(Label.TextColorProperty, "StatusColor");

                    return(new ViewCell
                        View = new StackLayout
                            Padding = new Thickness(0, 5),
                            Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                            Children =
                                //stick in an image here for whatever you want.
                                new StackLayout
                                    VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
                                    Spacing = 0,
                                    Children =

            listView.ItemSelected += ListView_ItemSelected;

            this.Padding = new Thickness(10, 20, 10, 5);

            Tab1.Content = new StackLayout
                Children =
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async void ListView_ItemSelected(object sender, SelectedItemChangedEventArgs e)
            var cnx = Maincnx;

            var item = e.SelectedItem as JobCell;

            Job _item = new Job();

            _item = item.job;

            string jobKey = String.Format("/api/api/5?id=id$~{0}~cmd$~getjobdetails~{1}", cnx.ID, item.JobNumber);

            //List<MegaParser.groupitem> groupitems = MegaParser.ParseJobs(await GetJob(jobKey, cnx.Token));

            string rawJson = await GetJob(jobKey, cnx.Token);

            if (connected == false)

            if (rawJson == "no jobs" || string.IsNullOrEmpty(rawJson))
                await DisplayAlert("No Info", "No Further Information", "ok");

                Console.WriteLine("RETURNED: no jobs");
                updateList(Maincnx, null);
            else if (rawJson[0] != '[')
                await DisplayAlert("No Info", "No Further Information", "ok");

                Console.WriteLine("RETURNED: Improper Format");
                updateList(Maincnx, null);
                var x = JobsFromJson.FromJson(rawJson);

                List <SubJob> _subJobs = new List <SubJob>();

                foreach (Dictionary <string, string> i in x)
                    SubJob sj = new SubJob();

                    if (i["subjob"] == "")
                        sj.Subjob = 0;
                        sj.Subjob = Convert.ToInt32(i["subjob"]);

                    if (i["esent"] == "")
                        sj.Sent = 0;
                        sj.Sent = Convert.ToInt32(i["esent"]);

                    sj.Status      = i["status"];
                    sj.Created     = i["created"];
                    sj.Description = i["description"];
                    sj.GrossValue  = i["grossValue"];
                    sj.NetValue    = i["netValue"];
                    sj.VatValue    = i["vatValue"];
                    sj.Notes       = i["notes"];


                List <Job> subjobs = new List <Job>();

                foreach (SubJob _sj in _subJobs)
                    Job job = new Job();
                    if (_sj.Description == "none")
                        _sj.Description = "";

                    if (_sj.GrossValue == null || _sj.GrossValue == "")
                        if (_item.grossValue == null || _item.grossValue == 0)
                            _sj.GrossValue = "0.00";
                            job.grossValue = Convert.ToDouble(_sj.GrossValue);
                        else if (_sj.Subjob == 0)
                            job.grossValue = _item.grossValue;
                        job.grossValue = Convert.ToDouble(_sj.GrossValue);

                    if (_sj.NetValue == null || _sj.NetValue == "")
                        if (_item.netValue == null || _item.netValue == 0)
                            _sj.NetValue = "0.00";
                            job.netValue = Convert.ToDouble(_sj.NetValue);
                        else if (_sj.Subjob == 0)
                            job.netValue = _item.netValue;
                        job.netValue = Convert.ToDouble(_sj.NetValue);

                    if (_sj.VatValue == null || _sj.VatValue == "")
                        if (_item.vatValue == null || _item.vatValue == 0)
                            _sj.VatValue = "0.00";
                            job.vatValue = Convert.ToDouble(_sj.VatValue);
                        else if (_sj.Subjob == 0)
                            job.vatValue = _item.vatValue;
                        job.vatValue = Convert.ToDouble(_sj.VatValue);

                    job.job         = _item.job;
                    job.subjob      = _sj.Subjob;
                    job.status      = _sj.Status;
                    job.created     = Convert.ToDateTime(_sj.Created, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-GB"));
                    job.add1        = _item.add1;
                    job.add2        = _item.add2;
                    job.add3        = _item.add3;
                    job.add4        = _item.add4;
                    job.addpc       = _item.addpc;
                    job.awarded     = _item.awarded;
                    job.buildername = _item.buildername;
                    job.description = _sj.Description;
                    job.sentcount   = _sj.Sent;
                    job.Notes       = _sj.Notes;


                if (subjobs.Count == 1)
                    JobCell _job = new JobCell
                        JobColor    = StatusSorter.JobNumberColor(subjobs[0]),
                        Status      = StatusSorter.StatusText(subjobs[0]),
                        StatusColor = StatusSorter.StatusColor(subjobs[0]),
                        CellColor   = StatusSorter.CellColor(subjobs[0]),
                        Add1        = subjobs[0].add1,
                        Add2        = subjobs[0].add2,
                        Add3        = subjobs[0].add3,
                        Add4        = subjobs[0].add4,
                        AddPC       = subjobs[0].addpc,
                        Awarded     = subjobs[0].awarded,
                        Builder     = subjobs[0].buildername,
                        Created     = subjobs[0].created,
                        Description = subjobs[0].description,
                        JobNumber   = subjobs[0].job.ToString(),
                        SentCount   = subjobs[0].sentcount,
                        GrossValue  = subjobs[0].grossValue,
                        NetValue    = subjobs[0].netValue,
                        VatValue    = subjobs[0].vatValue,
                        Notes       = subjobs[0].Notes,
                        noSubs      = true,

                        job = _item

                    await Navigation.PushAsync(new JobSpecific(cnx, _job, false));
                    await Navigation.PushAsync(new Subjobs_List(cnx, subjobs, _item));
Exemplo n.º 3
        void updateList(Connection cnx, List <Job> subjobs, Job item)
            Job JR = item;

            List <JobCell> Cells = new List <JobCell>();

            foreach (Job job in subjobs)
                JobCell cell = new JobCell();

                cell.Add1      = JR.add1;
                cell.Add2      = JR.add2;
                cell.Add3      = JR.add3;
                cell.Add4      = JR.add4;
                cell.AddPC     = JR.addpc;
                cell.Builder   = JR.buildername;
                cell.JobNumber = JR.job.ToString();
                cell.Awarded   = JR.awarded;

                cell.subjob = job;

                cell.Notes        = job.Notes;
                cell.SubJobNumber = job.subjob.ToString();
                cell.Created      = job.created;
                cell.Description  = job.description;
                cell.SentCount    = job.sentcount;
                cell.GrossValue   = job.grossValue;
                cell.NetValue     = job.netValue;
                cell.VatValue     = job.vatValue;
                cell.JobColor     = StatusSorter.JobNumberColor(subjobs[0]);
                cell.Status       = StatusSorter.StatusText(subjobs[0]);
                cell.StatusColor  = StatusSorter.StatusColor(subjobs[0]);
                cell.CellColor    = StatusSorter.CellColor(subjobs[0]);

                //switch (job.status)
                //    case "S20":
                //        cell.JobColor = Color.Green;
                //        cell.StatusColor = Color.Green;
                //        cell.Status = "Sent";
                //        break;
                //    case "S00":
                //        cell.Status = "Awaiting Appraisal";
                //        break;
                //    case "S02":
                //        cell.CellColor = Color.LightPink;
                //        cell.JobColor = Color.Red;
                //        cell.StatusColor = Color.Red;
                //        cell.Status = "Awaiting Documentation";
                //        break;
                //    case "S03":
                //        cell.Status = "Adjudication Issue";
                //        cell.StatusColor = Color.Purple;
                //        break;
                //    case "S99":
                //        cell.Status = "Cancelled";
                //        cell.CellColor = Color.LightGray;
                //        break;
                //    default:
                //        cell.Status = job.status;
                //        break;

                cell.job = JR;

            Label jobHeader = new Label
                Text              = Cells[0].Add1,
                FontSize          = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Large, typeof(Label)),
                TextColor         = Color.Black,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center

            ListView listView = new ListView()
                BackgroundColor = Color.White,
                HasUnevenRows   = true,
                ItemsSource     = Cells,
                ItemTemplate    = new DataTemplate(() =>
                    //create views with bindings for displaying each property.
                    Label JobNumber = new Label()
                        FontSize = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Small, typeof(Label))
                    JobNumber.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "JobNumber");
                    JobNumber.SetBinding(Label.TextColorProperty, "JobColor");

                    Label SubJob = new Label()
                        FontSize = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Small, typeof(Label)),
                    SubJob.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "SubJobNumber");

                    Label JobDiscription = new Label()
                        FontSize       = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Small, typeof(Label)),
                        FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold
                    JobDiscription.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "Description");

                    Label JobAddress = new Label()
                        FontSize       = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Small, typeof(Label)),
                        FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Italic
                    JobAddress.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "Add1");

                    Label Status = new Label();
                    Status.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "Status");
                    Status.SetBinding(Label.TextColorProperty, "StatusColor");

                    return(new ViewCell
                        View = new StackLayout
                            Padding = new Thickness(0, 5),
                            Children =
                                new StackLayout
                                    Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                                    Children =
                                        new StackLayout
                                            Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                                            HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand,
                                            Children =

                                        new StackLayout
                                            Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                                            Children =
                                new StackLayout
                                    Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                                    Children =
                                        new StackLayout
                                            Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                                            HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand,
                                            Children =

                                        new StackLayout
                                            Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                                            Children =

            listView.ItemSelected += ListView_ItemSelected;

            this.Padding = new Thickness(10, 20, 10, 5);

            this.Content = new StackLayout
                Children =