Exemplo n.º 1
        public decimal CalculatePriceInCurrency(decimal price, string fromCurrency, string toCurrency)
            if (price == 0)

            if (price < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid price");

            if (fromCurrency == toCurrency)

            var currencyValidator = new CurrencyValidator();

            if (!currencyValidator.IsValidCurrency(fromCurrency) || !currencyValidator.IsValidCurrency(toCurrency))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid currency.");

            var rate = rates.FirstOrDefault(r => r.From == fromCurrency && r.To == toCurrency);

            if (rate == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Rate conversion not possible from {fromCurrency} to {toCurrency}.");

            return(price * rate.RateValue);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public decimal CalculateOrderTotalPrice(Guid orderNumber, List <OrderItem> items, Client client, string OutputCurrencyCode)
            if (items == null)

            if (items.Count == 0)

            var currencyValidator = new CurrencyValidator();

            if (!currencyValidator.IsValidCurrency(OutputCurrencyCode))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid currency.");

            decimal totalPrice = 0;

            // Calculate the total price of order
            foreach (var item in items)
                totalPrice += item.Price;

            // Apply discount for premium members
            if (client.IsPremiumMebmer == true)
                var exchangeRateCalculator = new ExchangeRateCalculator();
                var orderCurrency          = items[0].CurrencyCode;

                var totalPriceInPln = exchangeRateCalculator.CalculatePriceInCurrency(totalPrice, orderCurrency, OutputCurrencyCode);

                // Check if discount should be applied
                if (totalPriceInPln > 1500)
                    Debug.WriteLine($"Applying premium member discount. Order {orderNumber}, Client {client.ClientId}");
                    totalPrice = totalPrice * 0.95m; // discount 5%

            // additional discount for birthday
            if (DateTime.Now.Date == client.BirthDate.Date)
                Debug.WriteLine($"Applying member birthday discount. Order {orderNumber}, Client {client.ClientId}");
                totalPrice = totalPrice * 0.98m; // discount 2%
