A control that animates (or spins). It can be used to let the user know that the system is working when they are required to wait
Inheritance: PixelControl
        public NotificationButton(ProgressOperationsManager manager)
            this.manager = manager;

            launcher = Add(new Button());
            launcher.Shortcut = new KeyboardShortcut(ConsoleKey.N, ConsoleModifiers.Alt);
            launcher.Pressed.SubscribeForLifetime(NotificationButton_Activated, LifetimeManager);
            launcherFg = launcher.Foreground;
            spinner = Add(new Spinner() { IsVisible = false, IsSpinning = false, CanFocus = false, X = 1, Foreground = ConsoleColor.Cyan });
            manager.ProgressOperationsChanged += Manager_ProgressOperationsChanged;
            this.AddedToVisualTree.SubscribeForLifetime(OnAddedToVisualTree, this.LifetimeManager);
        public ProgressOperationControl(ProgressOperationsManager manager, ProgressOperation operation)
            this.Tag = operation;
            this.Operation = operation;
            this.manager = manager;
            this.Height = 2;
            messageAndOperationsPanel = Add(new StackPanel() { Orientation = Orientation.Vertical }).Fill();

            messageLabel = messageAndOperationsPanel.Add(new Label() { Mode = LabelRenderMode.ManualSizing }).FillHoriontally();
            messageLabel.CanFocus = true;

            messageLabel.KeyInputReceived.SubscribeForLifetime((k) =>
                if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.Enter)
                    var msg = operation.Message;
                    if (operation.Details != null)
                        msg += "\n" + operation.Details;
                else if(k.Key == ConsoleKey.Delete)
                    var app = Application;
            }, this.LifetimeManager);

            actionPanel = messageAndOperationsPanel.Add(new StackPanel() { Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal, Height = 1, Margin = 2 }).FillHoriontally(messageAndOperationsPanel);
            spinner = actionPanel.Add(new Spinner() { CanFocus=false});
            timeLabel = actionPanel.Add(new Label() { Mode = LabelRenderMode.SingleLineAutoSize, Text = operation.StartTime.ToFriendlyPastTimeStamp().ToConsoleString() });

            spinner.IsSpinning = operation.State == OperationState.InProgress;

            foreach (var action in operation.Actions)

            AddedToVisualTree.SubscribeForLifetime(OnAddedToVisualTree, this.LifetimeManager);