public static void QueueBackgroundWorkItemPf(Func<CancellationToken, Task> workItem)
            BackgroundWorkSchedulerPf scheduler = Volatile.Read(ref _backgroundWorkScheduler);

            // If the scheduler doesn't exist, lazily create it, but only allow one instance to ever be published to the backing field
            if (scheduler == null)
                BackgroundWorkSchedulerPf newlyCreatedScheduler = new BackgroundWorkSchedulerPf(HostingEnvironment.UnregisterObject);
                scheduler = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _backgroundWorkScheduler, newlyCreatedScheduler, null) ?? newlyCreatedScheduler;
                if (scheduler == newlyCreatedScheduler)
                    HostingEnvironment.RegisterObject(scheduler); // Only call RegisterObject if we just created the "winning" one

        public static void QueueBackgroundWorkItemPf(Func <CancellationToken, Task> workItem)
            BackgroundWorkSchedulerPf scheduler = Volatile.Read(ref _backgroundWorkScheduler);

            // If the scheduler doesn't exist, lazily create it, but only allow one instance to ever be published to the backing field
            if (scheduler == null)
                BackgroundWorkSchedulerPf newlyCreatedScheduler = new BackgroundWorkSchedulerPf(HostingEnvironment.UnregisterObject);
                scheduler = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _backgroundWorkScheduler, newlyCreatedScheduler, null) ?? newlyCreatedScheduler;
                if (scheduler == newlyCreatedScheduler)
                    HostingEnvironment.RegisterObject(scheduler); // Only call RegisterObject if we just created the "winning" one
