Exemplo n.º 1
        public static List<GameObject> getAllObstacle(GameObject observer, Fish[] fishes, int fishAmount, BaseEnemy[] enemies, 
            int enemyAmount, HydroBot bot, List<GameObject> exclude)
            List<GameObject> obstacles = new List<GameObject>();
            if (observer != bot) {
            for (int i = 0; i < enemyAmount; i++) {
                if (observer != enemies[i]) {
            for (int i = 0; i < fishAmount; i++) {
                if (observer != fishes[i]) {

            for (int i = 0; i < obstacles.Count; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < exclude.Count; j++) {
                    if (obstacles[i] == exclude[j]) {

            return obstacles;
Exemplo n.º 2
 //Knock out any enemy that you crash into
 public static void KnockOutEnemies(BoundingSphere boundingSphere, Vector3 Position, int MaxRangeX, int MaxRangeZ, BaseEnemy[] enemies, ref int enemiesAmount, SwimmingObject[] fishes, int fishAmount, AudioLibrary audio, GameMode gameMode)
     for (int i = 0; i < enemiesAmount; i++)
         if (boundingSphere.Intersects(enemies[i].BoundingSphere))
             float healthiness = HydroBot.currentEnergy / GameConstants.PlayerStartingEnergy;
             if (healthiness > 1) healthiness = 1.0f;
             Vector3 oldPosition = enemies[i].Position;
             Vector3 pushVector = enemies[i].Position - Position;
             //can't stun a submarine
             if (!(enemies[i] is Submarine))
                 enemies[i].stunned = true;
                 enemies[i].stunnedStartTime = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                 if (HydroBot.sonicHipnotiseMode)
             enemies[i].Position += (pushVector * GameConstants.ThorPushFactor);
             enemies[i].Position.X = MathHelper.Clamp(enemies[i].Position.X, -MaxRangeX, MaxRangeX);
             enemies[i].Position.Z = MathHelper.Clamp(enemies[i].Position.Z, -MaxRangeZ, MaxRangeZ);
             enemies[i].BoundingSphere.Center = enemies[i].Position;
             if (Collision.isBarrierVsBarrierCollision(enemies[i], enemies[i].BoundingSphere, fishes, fishAmount)
                 || Collision.isBarrierVsBarrierCollision(enemies[i], enemies[i].BoundingSphere, enemies, enemiesAmount))
                 enemies[i].Position = oldPosition;
                 enemies[i].BoundingSphere.Center = oldPosition;
             int healthloss = (int)(GameConstants.HermesDamage * healthiness * HydroBot.speed * HydroBot.speedUp * HydroBot.sandalPower);
             enemies[i].health -= healthloss;
             //if (enemies[i].health <= 0)
             //    if (enemies[i].isBigBoss == true) PlayGameScene.isBossKilled = true;
             //    for (int k = i + 1; k < enemiesAmount; k++)
             //    {
             //        enemies[k - 1] = enemies[k];
             //    }
             //    enemies[--enemiesAmount] = null;
             //    i--;
             Point point = new Point();
             String point_string = "-" + healthloss.ToString() + "HP";
             point.LoadContent(PoseidonGame.contentManager, point_string, enemies[i].Position, Color.DarkRed);
             if (gameMode == GameMode.ShipWreck)
             else if (gameMode == GameMode.MainGame)
             else if (gameMode == GameMode.SurvivalMode)
Exemplo n.º 3
 public void initialize(Vector3 position, Vector3 headingDirection, float speed, 
     int damage, GameObject target, BaseEnemy shooter)
     base.initialize(position, headingDirection, speed, damage, shooter);
         this.target = target;
         this.unitDirection = target.Position - position;
         stopChasing = false;
         stopChasingTime = GameConstants.StopBulletChasing;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static Vector3 calculatePlacingPosition(float radius, HydroBot bot, BaseEnemy[] enemies, int enemiesAmount, Fish[] fish, int fishAmount)
            Random random = new Random();
            BoundingSphere newSphere = new BoundingSphere(new Vector3(), radius);
            float X, Y = bot.Position.Y, Z;
            do {
                X = (float)random.NextDouble() * (2 * bot.Position.X + 50) - bot.Position.X - 25f;
                //X = bot.Position.X + (float)random.NextDouble() * 50f;
                Z = (float)random.NextDouble() * (2 * bot.Position.Z + 50) - bot.Position.Z - 25f;
                newSphere.Center = new Vector3(X, Y, Z);
            } while (IsSurfaceOccupied(newSphere, enemiesAmount, fishAmount, enemies, fish) || newSphere.Intersects(bot.BoundingSphere));

            return new Vector3(X, Y, Z);
Exemplo n.º 5
        // Helper
        public static bool IsSurfaceOccupied(BoundingSphere prospectiveBoundingSphere, int enemiesAmount, int fishAmount, BaseEnemy[] enemies, Fish[] fish)
            //int optimalDistance;
            for (int i = 0; i < enemiesAmount; i++)
                ////give more space for big guys
                //if (enemies[i] is MutantShark) optimalDistance = 70;
                //else optimalDistance = 30;
                //if (((int)(MathHelper.Distance(
                //    xValue, enemies[i].Position.X)) < optimalDistance) &&
                //    ((int)(MathHelper.Distance(
                //    zValue, enemies[i].Position.Z)) < optimalDistance))
                //    return true;

                if (prospectiveBoundingSphere.Intersects(enemies[i].BoundingSphere)) return true;

            for (int i = 0; i < fishAmount; i++)
                //if (fish[i].isBigBoss) optimalDistance = 70;
                //else optimalDistance = 30;
                //if (((int)(MathHelper.Distance(
                //    xValue, fish[i].Position.X)) < optimalDistance) &&
                //    ((int)(MathHelper.Distance(
                //    zValue, fish[i].Position.Z)) < optimalDistance))
                //    return true;
                if (prospectiveBoundingSphere.Intersects(fish[i].BoundingSphere)) return true;

            if (HydroBot.gameMode == GameMode.ShipWreck)
                bool objInsideShip = false;

                foreach (BoundingBox bbox in ShipWreckScene.levelContainBoxes[ShipWreckScene.shipSceneType[PoseidonGame.currentShipWreckID]])
                    if (bbox.Contains(prospectiveBoundingSphere) == ContainmentType.Contains)
                        objInsideShip = true;
                return !objInsideShip;
            return false;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void initialize(Vector3 position, Vector3 headingDirection, float speed,
            int damage, GameObject target, BaseEnemy shooter, GameMode gameMode)
            base.initialize(position, headingDirection, speed, damage, shooter);
            this.unitDirection = headingDirection; //target.Position - position;
            this.forwardDir = shooter.ForwardDirection;
            this.gameMode = gameMode;
            if (gameMode == GameMode.MainGame)
                this.particleManager = PlayGameScene.particleManager;
            else if (gameMode == GameMode.ShipWreck)
                this.particleManager = ShipWreckScene.particleManager;
            else if (gameMode == GameMode.SurvivalMode)
                this.particleManager = SurvivalGameScene.particleManager;

            // Use the particle emitter helper to output our trail particles.
            trailEmitter = new ParticleEmitter(particleManager.projectileTrailParticles,
                                               GameConstants.trailParticlesPerSecond, position);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static void updateProjectileHitBot(HydroBot hydroBot, List<DamageBullet> enemyBullets, GameMode gameMode, BaseEnemy[] enemies, int enemiesAmount, ParticleSystem explosionParticles, Camera gameCamera, Fish[] fishes, int fishAmount)
            for (int i = 0; i < enemyBullets.Count; ) {
                if (enemyBullets[i].BoundingSphere.Intersects(hydroBot.BoundingSphere)) {
                    if (!HydroBot.invincibleMode)
                        HydroBot.currentHitPoint -= enemyBullets[i].damage;
                        if (gameMode == GameMode.MainGame || gameMode == GameMode.ShipWreck)
                            PlayGameScene.healthLost += enemyBullets[i].damage;


                        Point point = new Point();
                        String point_string = "-" + enemyBullets[i].damage.ToString() + "HP";
                        point.LoadContent(PoseidonGame.contentManager, point_string, hydroBot.Position, Color.Red);
                        if (gameMode == GameMode.ShipWreck)
                        else if (gameMode == GameMode.MainGame)
                        else if (gameMode == GameMode.SurvivalMode)
                    //when auto hipnotize mode is on
                    //whoever hits the bot will be hipnotized
                    if (HydroBot.autoHipnotizeMode)
                        if (enemyBullets[i].shooter != null && !enemyBullets[i].shooter.isHypnotise)
                    if (HydroBot.autoExplodeMode)
                        gameCamera.Shake(12.5f, .2f);
                        CastSkill.UseThorHammer(hydroBot.Position, hydroBot.MaxRangeX, hydroBot.MaxRangeZ, enemies, ref enemiesAmount, fishes, fishAmount, HydroBot.gameMode, true);

                    // add particle effect when certain kind of bullet hits
                    if (enemyBullets[i] is Torpedo || enemyBullets[i] is ChasingBullet)
                        if (explosionParticles != null)
                            for (int k = 0; k < GameConstants.numExplosionParticles; k++)
                                explosionParticles.AddParticle(enemyBullets[i].Position, Vector3.Zero);


                else { i++;  }
Exemplo n.º 8
        // End----------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /* scene --> 1-playgamescene, 2-shipwreckscene */
        /* switch to use GameMode instead, look at the beginning of PoseidonGame for more details */
        public static void updateDamageBulletVsBarriersCollision(List<DamageBullet> bullets, SwimmingObject[] barriers, ref int size, BoundingFrustum cameraFrustum, GameMode gameMode, GameTime gameTime, HydroBot hydroBot, BaseEnemy[] enemies, int enemiesAmount, Fish[] fishes, int fishAmount, Camera gameCamera, ParticleSystem explosionParticles)
            BoundingSphere sphere;
            for (int i = 0; i < bullets.Count; i++) {
                //special handling for the skill combo FlyingHammer
                if (bullets[i] is FlyingHammer)
                    if (PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds - ((FlyingHammer)bullets[i]).timeShot > 1.25)
                        ((FlyingHammer)bullets[i]).explodeNow = true;
                        gameCamera.Shake(25f, .4f);
                        CastSkill.UseThorHammer(bullets[i].Position, hydroBot.MaxRangeX, hydroBot.MaxRangeZ, enemies, ref enemiesAmount, fishes, fishAmount, HydroBot.gameMode, false);
                if (bullets[i] is FlyingHammer)
                    if (((FlyingHammer)bullets[i]).explodeNow)
                for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
                    sphere = barriers[j].BoundingSphere;
                    sphere.Radius *= GameConstants.EasyHitScale;
                    //because Mutant Shark's easy hit sphere is too large
                    if (barriers[j] is MutantShark) sphere.Radius *= 0.7f;

                    if (bullets[i].BoundingSphere.Intersects(sphere))
                        if (barriers[j] is Fish && barriers[j].BoundingSphere.Intersects(cameraFrustum))
                        if (barriers[j] is BaseEnemy)
                            //if (((BaseEnemy)barriers[j]).isHypnotise)
                            if (bullets[i].shooter == barriers[j])
                            else {
                                if (bullets[i].shooter == null && !((BaseEnemy)barriers[j]).isHypnotise)
                                    ((BaseEnemy)barriers[j]).justBeingShot = true;
                                    ((BaseEnemy)barriers[j]).startChasingTime = PoseidonGame.playTime;
                            //special handling for the skill combo FlyingHammer
                            if (bullets[i] is FlyingHammer)
                                Vector3 oldPosition = barriers[j].Position;
                                Vector3 pushVector = barriers[j].Position - bullets[i].Position;
                                ((BaseEnemy)barriers[j]).stunned = true;
                                ((BaseEnemy)barriers[j]).stunnedStartTime = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                                ((BaseEnemy)barriers[j]).Position += (pushVector * GameConstants.ThorPushFactor);
                                barriers[j].Position.X = MathHelper.Clamp(barriers[j].Position.X, -hydroBot.MaxRangeX, hydroBot.MaxRangeX);
                                barriers[j].Position.Z = MathHelper.Clamp(barriers[j].Position.Z, -hydroBot.MaxRangeZ, hydroBot.MaxRangeZ);
                                barriers[j].BoundingSphere.Center = barriers[j].Position;
                                if (Collision.isBarrierVsBarrierCollision(barriers[j], barriers[j].BoundingSphere, fishes, fishAmount)
                                    || Collision.isBarrierVsBarrierCollision(barriers[j], barriers[j].BoundingSphere, enemies, enemiesAmount))
                                    barriers[j].Position = oldPosition;
                                    barriers[j].BoundingSphere.Center = oldPosition;
                        // add particle effect when certain kind of bullet hits
                        if (bullets[i] is Torpedo || bullets[i] is ChasingBullet)
                            if (explosionParticles != null)
                                for (int k = 0; k < GameConstants.numExplosionParticles; k++)
                                    explosionParticles.AddParticle(bullets[i].Position, Vector3.Zero);

                        //whether or not to reduce health of the hit object
                        bool reduceHealth = true;
                        if (bullets[i] is HerculesBullet)
                            if (!((HerculesBullet)bullets[i]).piercingArrow)
                                reduceHealth = true;
                                bool enemyHitBefore = false;
                                foreach (BaseEnemy hitEnemy in ((HerculesBullet)bullets[i]).hitEnemies)
                                    if (hitEnemy == (BaseEnemy)barriers[j])
                                        enemyHitBefore = true;
                                if (!enemyHitBefore)
                                    reduceHealth = true;
                                else reduceHealth = false;
                        else reduceHealth = true;

                        if (reduceHealth)
                            barriers[j].health -= bullets[i].damage;

                            if (barriers[j].BoundingSphere.Intersects(cameraFrustum))
                                Point point = new Point();
                                String point_string = "-" + bullets[i].damage.ToString() + "HP";
                                point.LoadContent(PoseidonGame.contentManager, point_string, barriers[j].Position, Color.DarkRed);
                                if (gameMode == GameMode.ShipWreck)
                                else if (gameMode == GameMode.MainGame)
                                else if (gameMode == GameMode.SurvivalMode)

                        //remove the bullet that hits something
                        if (bullets[i] is FlyingHammer)
                            //if (((FlyingHammer)bullets[i]).explodeNow) bullets.RemoveAt(i--);
                        //special handling for the skill combo Piercing arrow
                        //pierce through enemies
                        else if (bullets[i] is HerculesBullet)
                            if (!((HerculesBullet)bullets[i]).piercingArrow)
                        else bullets.RemoveAt(i--);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public static void placeMinion(ContentManager Content, int type, BaseEnemy[] enemies, int enemiesAmount, Fish[] fish, ref int fishAmount, HydroBot bot)
     Fish newFish;
     if (type == 0)
         newFish = new SeaCow();
         newFish.Name = "Steller's Sea Cow";
         newFish.LoadContent(Content, "Models/SeaAnimalModels/stellarSeaCow");
         newFish.Load(1, 24, 24);
         newFish.happy_talk = "I am much larger than manetee or dugong.";
         newFish.sad_talk = "I was too slow to escape the hunters.";
     else if (type == 1)
         newFish = new SeaTurtle();
         newFish.Name = "Meiolania";
         newFish.LoadContent(Content, "Models/SeaAnimalModels/MeiolaniaWithAnim");
         newFish.Load(1, 24, 24);
         newFish.happy_talk = "Huge, hard shell, armored head and spiked tail ... anything else about me?";
         newFish.sad_talk = "I actually ... have never swum before ^^!";
     else {
         newFish = new SeaDolphin();
         newFish.Name = "Maui's Dolphin";
         newFish.LoadContent(Content, "Models/SeaAnimalModels/mauiDolphin");
         newFish.Load(1, 24, 24);
         newFish.happy_talk = "I am the world's rarest and smallest known species of dolphin!";
         newFish.sad_talk = "If only human did not fish us.";
     newFish.Position = newFish.BoundingSphere.Center = calculatePlacingPosition(newFish.BoundingSphere.Radius, bot, enemies, enemiesAmount, fish, fishAmount);
     fish[fishAmount] = newFish;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public static void placeFish(ref int fishAmount, Fish[] fish, ContentManager Content, Random random, int enemiesAmount, BaseEnemy[] enemies, List<ShipWreck> shipWrecks, int minX, int maxX, int minZ, int maxZ, int currentLevel, GameMode gameMode, float floatHeight)
            loadContentFish(ref fishAmount, fish, Content, currentLevel, gameMode);

            //int min = GameConstants.MinDistance;
            //int max = GameConstants.MaxDistance;
            //Vector3 tempCenter;

            //place fish
            for (int i = 0; i < fishAmount; i++)
                //in survival mode, try to place the ancient fish near you
                if (gameMode == GameMode.SurvivalMode)
                    fish[i].Position = GenerateSurfaceRandomPosition(50, 80, 50, 80, floatHeight, fish[i].BoundingSphere.Radius, random, enemiesAmount, fishAmount, enemies, fish, shipWrecks);
                else fish[i].Position = GenerateSurfaceRandomPosition(minX, maxX, minZ, maxZ, floatHeight, fish[i].BoundingSphere.Radius, random, enemiesAmount, fishAmount, enemies, fish, shipWrecks);
                fish[i].Position.Y = floatHeight;
                //tempCenter = fish[i].BoundingSphere.Center;
                //tempCenter.X = fish[i].Position.X;
                //tempCenter.Y = floatHeight;
                //tempCenter.Z = fish[i].Position.Z;
                fish[i].BoundingSphere =
                    new BoundingSphere(fish[i].Position, fish[i].BoundingSphere.Radius);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static void UseSkill(bool mouseOnLivingObject, Vector3 pointIntersect, Cursor cursor, Camera gameCamera, GameMode gameMode, HydroBot hydroBot, GameScene gameScene, ContentManager Content, SpriteBatch spriteBatch,
            GameTime gameTime, List<DamageBullet> myBullet, BaseEnemy[] enemies, ref int enemiesAmount, Fish[] fish, ref int fishAmount, ref bool isCastingSkill)
            if (isCastingSkill)
                if (!hydroBot.clipPlayer.inRange(75, 95))
                    hydroBot.clipPlayer.switchRange(75, 95);
                //animation done playing, cast the skill now
                if (hydroBot.clipPlayer.donePlayingAnimation)
                    int healthToLose = 0;
                    isCastingSkill = false;
                    if (shootHammer)
                        ShootHammer(hydroBot, Content, myBullet, gameMode);
                        HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[0] = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                        HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[1] = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                        HydroBot.firstUse[0] = false;
                        HydroBot.firstUse[1] = false;
                        shootHammer = false;
                    if (shootPiercingArrow)
                        ShootPiercingArrow(hydroBot, Content, spriteBatch, myBullet, gameMode);
                        HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[0] = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                        HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[3] = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                        HydroBot.firstUse[0] = false;
                        HydroBot.firstUse[3] = false;
                        shootPiercingArrow = false;
                    if (shootHerculesArrow)
                        HydroBot.firstUse[0] = false;
                        HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[0] = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                        CastSkill.UseHerculesBow(hydroBot, Content, spriteBatch, myBullet, gameMode);
                        shootHerculesArrow = false;
                    if (useThorHammer)
                        HydroBot.firstUse[1] = false;
                        HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[1] = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                        gameCamera.Shake(25f, .4f);
                        CastSkill.UseThorHammer(hydroBot.Position, hydroBot.MaxRangeX, hydroBot.MaxRangeZ, enemies, ref enemiesAmount, fish, fishAmount, HydroBot.gameMode, false);
                        useThorHammer = false;
                    if (castInvincible)
                        HydroBot.firstUse[2] = false;
                        HydroBot.invincibleMode = true;
                        HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[2] = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                        castInvincible = false;
                    if (castAutoExplode)
                        HydroBot.invincibleMode = true;
                        HydroBot.autoExplodeMode = true;
                        HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[2] = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                        HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[1] = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                        HydroBot.firstUse[2] = false;
                        HydroBot.firstUse[1] = false;
                        castAutoExplode = false;
                    if (castAutoHipno)
                        HydroBot.invincibleMode = true;
                        HydroBot.autoHipnotizeMode = true;
                        HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[2] = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                        HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[4] = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                        HydroBot.firstUse[2] = false;
                        HydroBot.firstUse[4] = false;
                        castAutoHipno = false;
                    if (castSonic)
                        HydroBot.firstUse[3] = false;
                        HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[3] = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                        HydroBot.supersonicMode = true;
                        castSonic = false;
                    if (castSonicHipno)
                        HydroBot.sonicHipnotiseMode = true;
                        HydroBot.supersonicMode = true;
                        HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[4] = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                        HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[3] = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                        HydroBot.firstUse[4] = false;
                        HydroBot.firstUse[3] = false;
                        castSonicHipno = false;
                    if (castHipno)
                        HydroBot.firstUse[4] = false;
                        HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[4] = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                        castHipno = false;
                        enemyToHipNo = null;

                    //lose health after using skill
                    if (HydroBot.skillComboActivated && HydroBot.secondSkillID != -1 && HydroBot.secondSkillID != HydroBot.activeSkillID)
                        healthToLose = (int)(2 * GameConstants.EnergyLostPerSkill);//GameConstants.skillHealthLoss;
                    else healthToLose = (int)(GameConstants.EnergyLostPerSkill);
                    //display HP loss
                    //HydroBot.currentHitPoint -= healthToLose;
                    //we now lose energy instead of health
                    int energyLost = healthToLose;
                    HydroBot.currentEnergy -= energyLost;
                    Point point = new Point();
                    String point_string = "-" + energyLost.ToString() + "Energy";
                    point.LoadContent(PoseidonGame.contentManager, point_string, hydroBot.Position, Color.Red);
                    if (gameMode == GameMode.ShipWreck)
                    else if (gameMode == GameMode.MainGame)
                    else if (gameMode == GameMode.SurvivalMode)

                    if (!hydroBot.clipPlayer.inRange(50, 74))
                        hydroBot.clipPlayer.switchRange(50, 74);
            else //skill casting may have been aborted
                shootHammer = shootPiercingArrow = shootHerculesArrow = useThorHammer = castInvincible = castAutoExplode = castAutoHipno = castSonic = castSonicHipno = castHipno = false;
            bool skillUsed = false;
            int floatHeight;
            if (gameMode == GameMode.ShipWreck) floatHeight = GameConstants.ShipWreckFloatHeight;
            else floatHeight = GameConstants.MainGameFloatHeight;
            pointIntersect = CursorManager.IntersectPointWithPlane(cursor, gameCamera, floatHeight);
            hydroBot.ForwardDirection = CursorManager.CalculateAngle(pointIntersect, hydroBot.Position);
            // Hercules' Bow!!!
            if (HydroBot.activeSkillID == 0)// && mouseOnLivingObject)
                //use skill combo if activated
                //cooldowns for both skills must be cleared
                if ((HydroBot.skillComboActivated && HydroBot.secondSkillID == 1) &&
                    //cooldowns check
                    ((HydroBot.firstUse[0] == true && HydroBot.firstUse[1] == true)||
                     (PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds - HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[0] > GameConstants.coolDownForHerculesBow &&
                      PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds - HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[1] > GameConstants.coolDownForThorHammer)))
                    //ShootHammer(hydroBot, Content, myBullet, gameMode);
                    //HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[0] = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                    //HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[1] = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                    //HydroBot.firstUse[0] = false;
                    //HydroBot.firstUse[1] = false;
                    shootHammer = true;
                    skillUsed = true;
                else if ((HydroBot.skillComboActivated && HydroBot.secondSkillID == 3) &&
                    ((HydroBot.firstUse[3] == true && HydroBot.firstUse[0] == true) ||
                    (PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds - HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[0] > GameConstants.coolDownForHerculesBow &&
                    PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds - HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[3] > GameConstants.coolDownForHermesSandal)))
                    //ShootPiercingArrow(hydroBot, Content, spriteBatch, myBullet, gameMode);
                    //HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[0] = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                    //HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[3] = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                    //HydroBot.firstUse[0] = false;
                    //HydroBot.firstUse[3] = false;
                    shootPiercingArrow = true;
                    skillUsed = true;
                //or else use single skill
                //if the skill has cooled down
                //or this is the 1st time the user uses it
                else if ((PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds - HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[0] > GameConstants.coolDownForHerculesBow) || HydroBot.firstUse[0] == true)
                    //HydroBot.firstUse[0] = false;
                    //HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[0] = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                    //CastSkill.UseHerculesBow(hydroBot, Content, spriteBatch, myBullet, gameMode);
                    shootHerculesArrow = true;
                    skillUsed = true;

            //Thor's Hammer!!!
            if (HydroBot.activeSkillID == 1)
                if ((PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds - HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[1] > GameConstants.coolDownForThorHammer) || HydroBot.firstUse[1] == true)
                    //HydroBot.firstUse[1] = false;
                    //HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[1] = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                    //gameCamera.Shake(25f, .4f);
                    //CastSkill.UseThorHammer(hydroBot.Position, hydroBot.MaxRangeX, hydroBot.MaxRangeZ, enemies, ref enemiesAmount, fish, fishAmount, HydroBot.gameMode, false);
                    useThorHammer = true;
                    skillUsed = true;
            // Achilles' Armor!!!
            if (HydroBot.activeSkillID == 2)
                if ((HydroBot.skillComboActivated && HydroBot.secondSkillID == 4) &&
                    //cooldowns check
                    ((HydroBot.firstUse[2] == true && HydroBot.firstUse[4] == true) ||
                     (PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds - HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[2] > GameConstants.coolDownForArchillesArmor &&
                      PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds - HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[4] > GameConstants.coolDownForHypnotise)))
                    //HydroBot.invincibleMode = true;
                    //HydroBot.autoHipnotizeMode = true;
                    //HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[2] = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                    //HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[4] = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                    //HydroBot.firstUse[2] = false;
                    //HydroBot.firstUse[4] = false;
                    castAutoHipno = true;
                    skillUsed = true;
                else if ((HydroBot.skillComboActivated && HydroBot.secondSkillID == 1) &&
                    //cooldowns check
                ((HydroBot.firstUse[2] == true && HydroBot.firstUse[1] == true) ||
                 (PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds - HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[2] > GameConstants.coolDownForArchillesArmor &&
                  PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds - HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[1] > GameConstants.coolDownForThorHammer)))
                    //HydroBot.invincibleMode = true;
                    //HydroBot.autoExplodeMode = true;
                    //HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[2] = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                    //HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[1] = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                    //HydroBot.firstUse[2] = false;
                    //HydroBot.firstUse[1] = false;
                    castAutoExplode = true;
                    skillUsed = true;
                else if ((PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds - HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[2] > GameConstants.coolDownForArchillesArmor) || HydroBot.firstUse[2] == true)
                    //HydroBot.firstUse[2] = false;
                    //HydroBot.invincibleMode = true;
                    //HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[2] = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                    castInvincible = true;
                    skillUsed = true;
                //if (skillUsed) PoseidonGame.audio.armorSound.Play();

            //Hermes' Winged Sandal!!!
            if (HydroBot.activeSkillID == 3)
                 if ((HydroBot.skillComboActivated && HydroBot.secondSkillID == 4) &&
                    ((HydroBot.firstUse[3] == true && HydroBot.firstUse[4] == true) ||
                    (PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds - HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[4] > GameConstants.coolDownForHypnotise &&
                    PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds - HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[3] > GameConstants.coolDownForHermesSandal)))
                    //HydroBot.sonicHipnotiseMode = true;
                    //HydroBot.supersonicMode = true;
                    //HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[4] = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                    //HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[3] = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                    //HydroBot.firstUse[4] = false;
                    //HydroBot.firstUse[3] = false;
                    castSonicHipno = true;
                    skillUsed = true;
                else if ((PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds - HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[3] > GameConstants.coolDownForHermesSandal) || HydroBot.firstUse[3] == true)
                    //HydroBot.firstUse[3] = false;
                    //HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[3] = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                    //HydroBot.supersonicMode = true;
                    castSonic = true;
                    skillUsed = true;
                //if (skillUsed) PoseidonGame.audio.hermesSound.Play();

            // Hypnotise skill
            if (HydroBot.activeSkillID == 4)
                BaseEnemy enemy = CursorManager.MouseOnWhichEnemy(cursor, gameCamera, enemies, enemiesAmount);
                //can't hipnotize a submarine
                if (enemy != null && !(enemy is Submarine) && (HydroBot.firstUse[4] == true || PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds - HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[4] > GameConstants.coolDownForHypnotise))
                    //HydroBot.firstUse[4] = false;
                    //HydroBot.skillPrevUsed[4] = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                    castHipno = true;
                    skillUsed = true;
                    enemyToHipNo = enemy;

            if (skillUsed)
                isCastingSkill = true;
            //stop moving whether or not the skill has been casted
            hydroBot.reachDestination = true;
            pointIntersect = Vector3.Zero;
Exemplo n.º 12
 public static BaseEnemy MouseOnWhichEnemy(Cursor cursor, Camera gameCamera, BaseEnemy[] enemies, int enemiesAmount)
     if (enemies == null) return null;
     Ray cursorRay = cursor.CalculateCursorRay(gameCamera.ProjectionMatrix, gameCamera.ViewMatrix);
     BoundingSphere sphere;
     for (int i = 0; i < enemiesAmount; i++)
         //making it easier to aim
         sphere = enemies[i].BoundingSphere;
         sphere.Radius *= GameConstants.EasyAimScale;
         if (RayIntersectsBoundingSphere(cursorRay, sphere))
             return enemies[i];
     return null;
Exemplo n.º 13
        public bool PlaceHunter(SwimmingObject newHunter, HydroBot hydroBot, BaseEnemy[] enemies, int enemyAmount, Fish[] fishes, int fishAmount, bool releaseOnRightSide)
            Random random = new Random();
            Vector3 movement = Vector3.Zero;
            movement.Z = 1;
            Matrix orientationMatrix = Matrix.CreateRotationY(ForwardDirection);
            Vector3 shootingDirection = Vector3.Transform(movement, orientationMatrix);
            Vector3 hunterPos;
            if (releaseOnRightSide)
                hunterPos = this.Position + AddingObjects.PerpendicularVector(shootingDirection) * 25;
                hunterPos = this.Position - AddingObjects.PerpendicularVector(shootingDirection) * 25;

            if (!(AddingObjects.IsSurfaceOccupied(new BoundingSphere(hunterPos, newHunter.BoundingSphere.Radius), enemyAmount, fishAmount, enemies, fishes)))
                newHunter.Position = hunterPos;
                newHunter.ForwardDirection = this.ForwardDirection;
                ((BaseEnemy)newHunter).currentHuntingTarget = hydroBot;
                ((BaseEnemy)newHunter).startChasingTime = PoseidonGame.playTime;
                ((BaseEnemy)newHunter).giveupTime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 3);
                newHunter.BoundingSphere =
                    new BoundingSphere(newHunter.Position, newHunter.BoundingSphere.Radius);
                return true;
            else return false;
Exemplo n.º 14
        // Helper
        public static Vector3 GenerateSurfaceRandomPosition(int minX, int maxX, int minZ, int maxZ, float floatHeight, float boundingSphereRadius, Random random, int enemiesAmount, int fishAmount, BaseEnemy[] enemies, Fish[] fish, List<ShipWreck> shipWrecks)
            int xValue, zValue;
            int numTries = 0;
                xValue = random.Next(minX, maxX);
                zValue = random.Next(minZ, maxZ);
                if (random.Next(100) % 2 == 0)
                    xValue *= -1;
                if (random.Next(100) % 2 == 0)
                    zValue *= -1;
            } while (IsSurfaceOccupied(new BoundingSphere(new Vector3(xValue, floatHeight, zValue), boundingSphereRadius + 10), enemiesAmount, fishAmount, enemies, fish) && numTries < GameConstants.MaxNumTries);

            return new Vector3(xValue, 0, zValue);
Exemplo n.º 15
        public static void ReviveDeadEnemy(BaseEnemy[] enemies, int enemyAmount, Fish[] fishes, int fishAmount, HydroBot hydroBot)
            //we can't afford trying forever
            int numTries = 0;
            Random random = new Random();
            for (int i = 0; i < enemyAmount; i++)
                //we do not revive enemy release by submarine cuz the sub will get revived
                if (enemies[i].health <= 0 && !enemies[i].releasedFromSubmarine)
                    int xValue, zValue;
                    //    xValue = random.Next(0, hydroBot.MaxRangeX);
                    //    zValue = random.Next(0, hydroBot.MaxRangeZ);
                    //    numTries++;
                    //} while (numTries < 20 && (IsSurfaceOccupied(xValue, zValue, enemyAmount, fishAmount, enemies, fishes) ||
                    //     (((int)(MathHelper.Distance(xValue, hydroBot.Position.X)) < 200) &&
                    //     ((int)(MathHelper.Distance(zValue, hydroBot.Position.Z)) < 200))));
                    for (numTries = 0; numTries < GameConstants.MaxNumTries; numTries++)
                        xValue = random.Next(0, hydroBot.MaxRangeX);
                        zValue = random.Next(0, hydroBot.MaxRangeZ);
                        if (random.Next(100) % 2 == 0)
                            xValue *= -1;
                        if (random.Next(100) % 2 == 0)
                            zValue *= -1;
                        if (!(IsSurfaceOccupied(new BoundingSphere(new Vector3(xValue, hydroBot.floatHeight, zValue), enemies[i].BoundingSphere.Radius), enemyAmount, fishAmount, enemies, fishes) ||
                         (((int)(MathHelper.Distance(xValue, hydroBot.Position.X)) < 200) &&
                         ((int)(MathHelper.Distance(zValue, hydroBot.Position.Z)) < 200))))
                            enemies[i].health = enemies[i].maxHealth;
                            enemies[i].stunned = false;
                            enemies[i].isHypnotise = false;
                            enemies[i].gaveExp = false;

                            enemies[i].Position.X = xValue;
                            enemies[i].Position.Z = zValue;
                            enemies[i].Position.Y = hydroBot.floatHeight;
                            enemies[i].BoundingSphere =
                                new BoundingSphere(enemies[i].Position, enemies[i].BoundingSphere.Radius);
                            //if we can not find a spare space to put the revived enemy
                            //temporarily put it somewhere far
                            enemies[i].Position.X = -50000;
                            enemies[i].Position.Z = -50000;
                            enemies[i].BoundingSphere.Center = enemies[i].Position;
Exemplo n.º 16
 public void initialize(Vector3 position, Vector3 headingDirection, float speed, int damage, BaseEnemy shooter)
     base.initialize(position, headingDirection, speed);
     this.damage = damage;
     this.shooter = shooter;
     if (HydroBot.gameMode == GameMode.MainGame)
         this.graphicDevice = PlayGameScene.GraphicDevice;
         this.gameCamera = PlayGameScene.gameCamera;
         this.spriteBatch = PoseidonGame.spriteBatch;
     else if (HydroBot.gameMode == GameMode.ShipWreck)
         this.graphicDevice = ShipWreckScene.GraphicDevice;
         this.gameCamera = ShipWreckScene.gameCamera;
         this.spriteBatch = PoseidonGame.spriteBatch;
     else if (HydroBot.gameMode == GameMode.SurvivalMode)
         this.graphicDevice = SurvivalGameScene.GraphicDevice;
         this.gameCamera = SurvivalGameScene.gameCamera;
         this.spriteBatch = PoseidonGame.spriteBatch;
     if (shooter is Terminator) laserBeamTexture = IngamePresentation.terminatorBullet;
Exemplo n.º 17
 // push enemy away
 public static void PushEnemy(Vector3 Position, int MaxRangeX, int MaxRangeZ, BaseEnemy enemy, SwimmingObject[] enemies, int enemiesAmount, SwimmingObject[] fishes, int fishAmount )
     Vector3 oldPosition = enemy.Position;
     Vector3 pushVector = enemy.Position - Position;
     enemy.Position += (pushVector * GameConstants.ThorPushFactor);
     enemy.Position.X = MathHelper.Clamp(enemy.Position.X, -MaxRangeX, MaxRangeX);
     enemy.Position.Z = MathHelper.Clamp(enemy.Position.Z, -MaxRangeZ, MaxRangeZ);
     enemy.BoundingSphere.Center = enemy.Position;
     if (Collision.isBarrierVsBarrierCollision(enemy, enemy.BoundingSphere, fishes, fishAmount)
         || Collision.isBarrierVsBarrierCollision(enemy, enemy.BoundingSphere, enemies, enemiesAmount))
         enemy.Position = oldPosition;
         enemy.BoundingSphere.Center = oldPosition;
Exemplo n.º 18
        public static void UseThorHammer(Vector3 Position, int MaxRangeX, int MaxRangeZ, BaseEnemy[] enemies, ref int enemiesAmount, SwimmingObject[] fishes, int fishAmount, GameMode gameMode, bool halfStrength)
            HydroBot.distortingScreen = true;
            HydroBot.distortionStart = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;

            for (int i = 0; i < enemiesAmount; i++)
                if (InThorRange(Position, enemies[i].Position)){
                    float healthiness = HydroBot.currentEnergy / GameConstants.PlayerStartingEnergy;
                    if (healthiness > 1) healthiness = 1.0f;
                    //you can't stun a submarine
                    if (!(enemies[i] is Submarine))
                        enemies[i].stunned = true;
                        enemies[i].stunnedStartTime = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds;
                    float healthloss = (GameConstants.ThorDamage * healthiness * HydroBot.strength * HydroBot.strengthUp * HydroBot.hammerPower);
                    if (halfStrength) healthloss /= 2;
                    enemies[i].health -= healthloss;
                    PushEnemy(Position, MaxRangeX, MaxRangeZ, enemies[i], enemies, enemiesAmount, fishes, fishAmount);
                    //if (enemies[i].health <= 0)
                    //    if (enemies[i].isBigBoss == true) PlayGameScene.isBossKilled = true;
                    //    for (int k = i + 1; k < enemiesAmount; k++) {
                    //        enemies[k - 1] = enemies[k];
                    //    }
                    //    enemies[--enemiesAmount] = null;
                    //    i--;

                    Point point = new Point();
                    String point_string = "-" + ((int)healthloss).ToString() + "HP";
                    point.LoadContent(PoseidonGame.contentManager, point_string, enemies[i].Position, Color.DarkRed);
                    if (gameMode == GameMode.ShipWreck)
                    else if (gameMode == GameMode.MainGame)
                    else if (gameMode == GameMode.SurvivalMode)
Exemplo n.º 19
 public static bool MouseOnEnemy(Cursor cursor, Camera gameCamera, BaseEnemy[] enemies, int enemiesAmount)
     Ray cursorRay = cursor.CalculateCursorRay(gameCamera.ProjectionMatrix, gameCamera.ViewMatrix);
     BoundingSphere sphere;
     for (int i = 0; i < enemiesAmount; i++)
         //making it easier to aim
         sphere = enemies[i].BoundingSphere;
         //boss is already big
         if (!enemies[i].isBigBoss)
             sphere.Radius *= GameConstants.EasyAimScale;
         if (RayIntersectsBoundingSphere(cursorRay, sphere))
             return true;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 20
        public static void loadContentEnemies(ref int enemiesAmount, BaseEnemy[] enemies, ContentManager Content, int currentLevel, GameMode gameMode)
            if (gameMode == GameMode.SurvivalMode)
                enemiesAmount = GameConstants.SurvivalModeMaxShootingEnemy + GameConstants.SurvivalModeMaxCombatEnemy + GameConstants.SurvivalModeMaxGhostPirate
                + GameConstants.SurvivalModeMaxMutantShark + GameConstants.SurvivalModeMaxTerminator + GameConstants.SurvivalModeMaxSubmarine;
            else if (gameMode == GameMode.MainGame)
                enemiesAmount = GameConstants.NumberShootingEnemies[currentLevel] + GameConstants.NumberCombatEnemies[currentLevel] + GameConstants.NumberGhostPirate[currentLevel]
                    + GameConstants.NumberMutantShark[currentLevel] + GameConstants.NumberTerminator[currentLevel] + GameConstants.NumberSubmarine[currentLevel];
            else if (gameMode == GameMode.ShipWreck)
                enemiesAmount = GameConstants.ShipNumberGhostPirate[PlayGameScene.currentLevel];
            int numShootingEnemies = 0;
            int numCombatEnemies = 0;
            int numGhostPirates = 0;
            int numMutantShark = 0;
            int numTerminator = 0;
            int numSubmarine = 0;

            if (gameMode == GameMode.SurvivalMode)
                numShootingEnemies = GameConstants.SurvivalModeMaxShootingEnemy;
                numCombatEnemies = GameConstants.SurvivalModeMaxCombatEnemy;
                numGhostPirates = GameConstants.SurvivalModeMaxGhostPirate;
                numMutantShark = GameConstants.SurvivalModeMaxMutantShark;
                numTerminator = GameConstants.SurvivalModeMaxTerminator;
                numSubmarine = GameConstants.SurvivalModeMaxSubmarine;
            else if (gameMode == GameMode.MainGame)
                numShootingEnemies = GameConstants.NumberShootingEnemies[currentLevel];
                numCombatEnemies = GameConstants.NumberCombatEnemies[currentLevel];
                numGhostPirates = GameConstants.NumberGhostPirate[currentLevel];
                numMutantShark = GameConstants.NumberMutantShark[currentLevel];
                numTerminator = GameConstants.NumberTerminator[currentLevel];
                numSubmarine = GameConstants.NumberSubmarine[currentLevel];
            else if (gameMode == GameMode.ShipWreck)
                numGhostPirates = GameConstants.ShipNumberGhostPirate[PlayGameScene.currentLevel];
            Random rnd = new Random();
            for (int i = 0; i < enemiesAmount; i++) {
                if (i < numShootingEnemies)
                    enemies[i] = new ShootingEnemy();
                    enemies[i].Name = "Shooting Enemy";
                    enemies[i].LoadContent(Content, "Models/EnemyModels/diver_green_ly");
                    enemies[i].Load(1, 25, 24);
                else if (i < numShootingEnemies + numCombatEnemies){
                    enemies[i] = new CombatEnemy();
                    enemies[i].Name = "Combat Enemy";
                    enemies[i].LoadContent(Content, "Models/EnemyModels/diver_knife_orange_yellow");
                    enemies[i].Load(1, 30, 24);// 31 60 for attack
                else if (i < numShootingEnemies + numCombatEnemies + numGhostPirates)
                    enemies[i] = new GhostPirate();
                    enemies[i].Name = "Ghost Pirate";
                    enemies[i].LoadContent(Content, "Models/EnemyModels/skeletonrigged");
                    enemies[i].Load(10, 40, 24);
                else if (i < numShootingEnemies + numCombatEnemies + numGhostPirates + numMutantShark)
                    MutantShark mutantShark = new MutantShark();
                    mutantShark.LoadContent(Content, "Models/EnemyModels/mutantSharkVer2");
                    mutantShark.Name = "mutant shark";
                    enemies[i] = mutantShark;
                else if (i < numShootingEnemies + numCombatEnemies + numGhostPirates + numMutantShark + numTerminator)
                    Terminator terminator = new Terminator(gameMode);
                    terminator.LoadContent(Content, "Models/EnemyModels/terminator");
                    if (currentLevel == 4 && gameMode == GameMode.MainGame) terminator.Name = "???";
                    else terminator.Name = "terminator";
                    terminator.Load(31, 60, 24);
                    enemies[i] = terminator;
                else if (i < numShootingEnemies + numCombatEnemies + numGhostPirates + numMutantShark + numTerminator + numSubmarine)
                    Submarine submarine = new Submarine(gameMode);
                    submarine.LoadContent(Content, "Models/EnemyModels/submarine");
                    submarine.Name = "Shark Submarine";
                    submarine.Load(21, 30, 24);
                    enemies[i] = submarine;
Exemplo n.º 21
        public static void placeEnemies(ref int enemiesAmount, BaseEnemy[] enemies, ContentManager Content, Random random, int fishAmount, Fish[] fish, List<ShipWreck> shipWrecks, int minX, int maxX, int minZ, int maxZ, int currentLevel, GameMode gameMode, float floatHeight)
            loadContentEnemies(ref enemiesAmount, enemies, Content, currentLevel, gameMode);

            //int min = GameConstants.MinDistance;
            //int max = GameConstants.MaxDistance;
            //Vector3 tempCenter;

            //place enemies
            for (int i = 0; i < enemiesAmount; i++)
                enemies[i].Position = GenerateSurfaceRandomPosition(minX, maxX, minZ, maxZ, floatHeight, enemies[i].BoundingSphere.Radius, random, enemiesAmount, fishAmount, enemies, fish, shipWrecks);
                enemies[i].Position.Y = floatHeight;
                //tempCenter = enemies[i].BoundingSphere.Center;
                //tempCenter.X = enemies[i].Position.X;
                //tempCenter.Y = floatHeight;
                //tempCenter.Z = enemies[i].Position.Z;
                enemies[i].BoundingSphere =
                    new BoundingSphere(enemies[i].Position, enemies[i].BoundingSphere.Radius);
Exemplo n.º 22
 public static void useHypnotise(BaseEnemy enemy)