Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Update(Keyboard keyboard)
            if (player == Player.Player1)
                if (keyboard.IsKeyPress(Keys.W))
                    position.Y = position.Y - SPEED;
                    Boundary   = new Rectangle((int)position.X, (int)position.Y, 10, 50);
            if (player == Player.Player1)
                if (keyboard.IsKeyPress(Keys.S))
                    position.Y = position.Y + SPEED;
                    Boundary   = new Rectangle((int)position.X, (int)position.Y, 10, 50);
            if (Boundary.Top <= 0)
                position.Y = 0;
            if (Boundary.Bottom >= Game1.vWindowSize.Y)
                position.Y = Game1.vWindowSize.Y - HEIGHT;

            if (player == Player.Player2)
                if (keyboard.IsKeyPress(Keys.Up))
                    position.Y = position.Y - SPEED;
                    Boundary   = new Rectangle((int)position.X, (int)position.Y, 10, 50);
            if (player == Player.Player2)
                if (keyboard.IsKeyPress(Keys.Down))
                    position.Y = position.Y + SPEED;
                    Boundary   = new Rectangle((int)position.X, (int)position.Y, 10, 50);

                    if (Boundary.Top <= 0)
                        position.Y = 0;
                    if (Boundary.Bottom >= Game1.vWindowSize.Y)
                        position.Y = Game1.vWindowSize.Y - HEIGHT;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world,
        /// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param>
        protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            // Allows the game to exit
            //if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed)
            //    this.Exit();

            // TODO: Add your update logic here
            Random random = new Random();

            x = random.Next(0, 255);
            y = random.Next(0, 255);
            z = random.Next(0, 255);

            if (change == 1)
                a = random.Next(0, 200);
                b = random.Next(0, 200);
                c = random.Next(0, 200);

            if (gameState == GameState.Menu)
                fromMenu = true;
                player1  = new Paddle(vPaddle, Paddle.Player.Player1);
                player2  = new Paddle(vPaddle2, Paddle.Player.Player2);
                ball     = new Ball();
                //check if enter present to set to play game
                if (myKeyboard.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.Enter))
                    gameState = GameState.Play;
                else if (myKeyboard.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.I))
                    gameState = GameState.Instructions;
                //menu to settings
                else if (myKeyboard.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.S))
                    gameState = GameState.Settings;
                else if (myKeyboard.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.Escape))
                    gameState = GameState.Exit;
                //initalize the ball and the player paddles
            if (gameState == GameState.Instructions)
                //instructions to main menu
                if (myKeyboard.IsKeyPress(Keys.M))
                    gameState = GameState.Menu;
            //setting buttons
            if (gameState == GameState.Settings)
                //settings to main menu
                if (myKeyboard.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.M))
                    gameState = GameState.Menu;
                if (myKeyboard.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.E))
                    difficulty = Difficulty.Easy;
                if (myKeyboard.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.H))
                    difficulty = Difficulty.Hard;
                if (myKeyboard.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.G))
                    theme = Theme.Green;
                if (myKeyboard.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.B))
                    theme = Theme.Black;
                if (myKeyboard.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.P))
                    theme = Theme.Pink;
                if (myKeyboard.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.R))
                    theme = Theme.Rave;
                if (myKeyboard.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.C))
                    theme = Theme.Changing;
            //in game buttons
            if (gameState == GameState.Play)
                fromMenu = false;
                //pause game
                if (myKeyboard.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.P))
                    gameState = GameState.Pause;

                //exit game
                if (myKeyboard.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.Escape))
                    gameState = GameState.Exit;

            //pause buttons
            if (gameState == GameState.Pause)
                //pause to resume
                if (myKeyboard.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.Enter))
                    gameState = GameState.Play;

                //pause to escape
                if (myKeyboard.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.Escape))
                    gameState = GameState.Exit;

                //pause to main menu
                if (myKeyboard.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.M))
                    gameState = GameState.Menu;
                if (myKeyboard.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.R))
                    gameState    = GameState.Play;
                    ball.points1 = 0;
                    ball.points2 = 0;
                    player1      = new Paddle(vPaddle, Paddle.Player.Player1);
                    player2      = new Paddle(vPaddle2, Paddle.Player.Player2);

            //exit buttons
            if (gameState == GameState.Exit)
                if (myKeyboard.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.Y))

                if (myKeyboard.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.N))
                    if (fromMenu == false)
                        gameState = GameState.Play;
                        gameState = GameState.Menu;

            if (gameState == GameState.Play)

            if (ball.Boundary.Intersects(player1.Boundary))
                if (ball.speed < 12)
                    ball.velocity.X *= -1.1f;
                    ball.speed       = (float)ball.velocity.Length();
                    ball.velocity.X *= -1;
            if (ball.Boundary.Intersects(player2.Boundary))
                if (ball.speed < 12)
                    ball.velocity.X *= -1.1f;
                    ball.speed       = (float)ball.velocity.Length();
                    ball.velocity.X *= -1;

            if (ball.points1 == 10 || ball.points2 == 10)
                gameState = GameState.GameOver;

            if (gameState == GameState.GameOver)
                if (myKeyboard.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.R))
                    gameState    = GameState.Play;
                    ball.points1 = 0;
                    ball.points2 = 0;
                    player1      = new Paddle(vPaddle, Paddle.Player.Player1);
                    player2      = new Paddle(vPaddle2, Paddle.Player.Player2);
                if (myKeyboard.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.M))
                    gameState = GameState.Menu;
                if (myKeyboard.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.Escape))
