Exemplo n.º 1
 private void breakTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
     studyTimeLabel.Text           = ("0:00");
     sessionsRemainingTextBox.Text = Convert.ToString(numSessions);                                                                                //displays number of sessions remaining after current
     if (timeLeft > 0)                                                                                                                             //if there is no time remaining
         timeLeft            = timeLeft - 1;                                                                                                       //decrement time remaining by a second
         breakTimeLabel.Text = Convert.ToString(timeLeft / 60) + ":" + ((timeLeft % 60) >= 10 ? (timeLeft % 60).ToString() : "0" + timeLeft % 60); //displays time remaining
     else if (numSessions == 0)                                                                                                                    //if there are no sessions remaining
         this.Close();                                                                                                                             //closes current window
         studyNow = true;                                  //activates study timer
         numSessions--;                                    //decrements number of sessions remaining
         breakTimer.Stop();                                //stops break timer
         var switchWindow = new Switch_Window();           //displays window notifying user to switch timers
         if (switchWindow.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) //if user wants to continue
             timeLeft = workingMin * 60;                   //sets time remaining to study minutes
             studyTimer.Start();                           //starts study timer
             Application.Exit(); //if user doesn't want to continue, closes application
Exemplo n.º 2
        //This code is in thanks to Microsoft Documentation and Nomad101 on Stack overflow.
        //These guides can be found at:

        private void studyTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            breakTimeLabel.Text           = ("0:00");
            sessionsRemainingTextBox.Text = Convert.ToString(numSessions);                                                                                //displays number of sessions remaining after current
            if (timeLeft > 0)                                                                                                                             //if there is no time remaining
                timeLeft            = timeLeft - 1;                                                                                                       //decrements time remaining by 1 second
                studyTimeLabel.Text = Convert.ToString(timeLeft / 60) + ":" + ((timeLeft % 60) >= 10 ? (timeLeft % 60).ToString() : "0" + timeLeft % 60); //displays time remaining in minutes
                studyNow = false;                                 //deactivates study timer
                studyTimer.Stop();                                //stops study timer
                var switchWindow = new Switch_Window();           //displays window notifying user of switch
                if (switchWindow.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) //if user wants to continue
                    timeLeft = breakMin * 60;                     //sets time remaining in minutes
                    breakTimer.Start();                           //starts break timer
                    Application.Exit(); //if user wants to quit it closes entire application